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A major challenge for traditional cancer therapy, including surgical resection, chemoradiotherapy, and immunotherapy, is how to induce tumor cell death and leverage the host immune system at the same time. Here, a myeloid‐derived suppressor cell (MDSC) membrane‐coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticle (MNP@MDSC) to overcome this conundrum for cancer therapy is developed. In this study, MNP@MDSC demonstrates its superior performance in immune evasion, active tumor‐targeting, magnetic resonance imaging, and photothermal therapy (PTT)‐induced tumor killing. Compared with red blood cell membrane‐coated nanoparticles (MNPs@RBC) or naked MNPs, MNP@MDSCs are much more effective in active tumor‐targeting, a beneficial property afforded by coating MNP with membranes from naturally occurring MDSC, thus converting the MNP into “smart” agents that like to accumulate in tumors as the source MDSCs. Once targeted to the tumor microenvironment, MNPs@MDSC can act as a PTT agents for enhanced antitumor response by inducing immunogenic cell death, reprogramming the tumor infiltrating macrophages, and reducing the tumor's metabolic activity. These benefits, in combination with the excellent biocompatibility and pharmacological kinetics characteristics, make MNP@MDSC a promising, multimodal agent for cancer theranostics.  相似文献   

Cell membrane–based nanosystems with desirable characteristics have been studied extensively for many therapeutic applications. However, current research has focused on single cell membrane, and multifunctional fused membrane materials from different membrane types are still rare. Herein, a platelet–cancer stem cell (CSC) hybrid membrane‐coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticle (MN) {[CSC‐P]MN} is presented for the first time for the enhanced photothermal therapy of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Inherited from the original source cells, the platelet membrane shows immune evading ability due to the surface marker comprising a number of “don't eat me” signals, and the CSC membrane has homotypic targeting capabilities due to the specific surface adhesion molecules. The [CSC‐P]MNs possess superior characteristics for immune evasion, active cancer targeting, magnetic resonance imaging, and photothermal therapy. Compared with single cell membrane–coated MNs, [CSC‐P]MNs exhibit prolonged circulation times and enhanced targeting abilities. Moreover, the [CSC‐P]MNs exhibit a superior photothermal ability that provides excellent HNSCC tumor growth inhibition, particularly in an immunocompetent Tgfbr1/Pten conditional double knockout HNSCC mouse model that contains a more complex tumor microenvironment that is similar to the human HNSCC microenvironment. Collectively, this biomimetic multimembrane‐coated nanoplatform may provide enhanced antitumor efficacy in the complex tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   

The efficient and specific delivery of nanoparticles (NPs) to brain tumors is crucial for successful glioma treatment. Heparin‐based polymers decorated with two peptides self‐assemble into multi‐functional NPs that specifically target glioma cells. These NPs re‐self‐assemble to a smaller size in blood, which is beneficial for in‐vivo brain drug delivery. The hydrodynamic size of one type of these NPs is 63 ± 11 nm under blood‐mimic conditions (10% fetal bovine serum), but it is 164 ± 16 nm in water. Additionally their zeta potential is more neutral in the blood‐mimic conditions. Transmission electron microscopy reveals the morphology of the spherical NPs. In vitro experiments demonstrate that the NPs exhibit a high cellular uptake and the ability to efficiently discourage proliferation, endothelial‐lined vessels, and vasculogenic mimicry. In vivo studies demonstrate that the NPs can by‐pass the normal blood–brain and blood–(brain tumor) barriers and specifically accumulate in glioma tissues; moreover, they present an excellent anti‐glioma effect in subcutaneous/intracranial glioma‐bearing mice. Their superiority is due to their appropriate size in blood and the synergic effect arising from their targeting of two different receptors. The data suggests that these NPs are ideal for anti‐glioma therapy.  相似文献   

Cell‐based drug delivery systems are a promising platform for tumor‐targeted therapy due to their high drug‐loading capacities and inherent tumor‐homing abilities. However, the real‐time tracking of these carrier cells and controlled release of the encapsulated drugs are still challenging. Here, ultrasound‐activatable cell bombs are developed by encapsulating doxorubicin (DOX) and phase transformable perfluoropentane (PFP) into hollow mesoporous organosilica nanoparticles (HMONs) to prepare DOX/PFP‐loaded HMONs (DPH), followed by internalization into macrophages (RAW 264.7 cells). The resulting cell bombs (DPH‐RAWs) can maintain viability and actively home to the tumor. Especially, their migration can be tracked in real time using ultrasound due to the vaporization of a small portion of PFP during cell incubation at 37 °C. After accumulation at the tumor site, the further vaporization of remaining PFP can be triggered by a short‐pulsed high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) sonication, resulting in the generation of several large microbubbles, which destroys DPH‐RAWs and allows drug release out of these cells. The DPH‐RAWs combined with short‐pulsed HIFU sonication significantly inhibit tumor growth and prolong survival of tumor‐bearing mice. In conclusion, this study provides a new approach to cell‐based drug delivery systems for real‐time tracking of their migration and targeted cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The cell membrane is the most important protective barrier in living cells and cell membrane targeted therapy may be a high‐performance therapeutic modality for tumor treatment. Here, a novel charge reversible self‐delivery chimeric peptide C16–PRP–DMA is developed for long‐term cell membrane targeted photodynamic therapy (PDT). The self‐assembled C16–PRP–DMA nanoparticles can effectively target to tumor by enhanced permeability and retention effect without additional carriers. After undergoing charge reverse in acidic tumor microenvironment, C16–PRP–DMA inserts into the tumor cell membrane with a long retention time of more than 14 h, which is very helpful for in vivo applications. It is found that under light irradiation, the reactive oxygen species generated by the inserted C16–PRP–DMA would directly disrupt cell membrane and rapidly induce cell necrosis, which remarkably increases the PDT effect in vitro and in vivo. This novel self‐delivery chimeric peptide with a long‐term cell membrane targeting property provides a new prospect for effective PDT of cancer.  相似文献   

Optimal nanosized drug delivery systems (NDDS) require long blood circulation and controlled drug release at target lesions for efficient anticancer therapy. Red blood cell (RBC) membrane‐camouflaged nanoparticles (NPs) can integrate flexibility of synergetic materials and highly functionality of RBC membrane, endowed with many unique advantages for drug delivery. Here, new near‐infrared (NIR)‐responsive RBC membrane‐mimetic NPs with NIR‐activated cellular uptake and controlled drug release for treating metastatic breast cancer are reported. An NIR dye is inserted in RBC membrane shells, and the thermoresponsive lipid is employed to the paclitaxel (PTX)‐loaded polymeric cores to fabricate the RBC‐inspired NPs. The fluorescence of dye in the NPs can be used for in vivo tumor imaging with an elongated circulating halftime that is 12.3‐folder higher than that of the free dye. Under the NIR laser stimuli, the tumor cellular uptake of NPs is significantly enhanced to 2.1‐fold higher than that without irradiation. The structure of the RBC‐mimetic NPs can be destroyed by the light‐induced hyperthermia, triggered rapid PTX release (45% in 30 min). These RBC‐mimetic NPs provide a synergetic chemophotothermal therapy, completely inhibited the growth of the primary tumor, and suppress over 98% of lung metastasis in vivo, suggesting it to be an ideal NDDS to fight against metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   

Nanodrug‐based cancer therapy has been actively developed in the past decades. The main challenges faced by nanodrugs include poor drug loading capacity, rapid clearance from blood circulation, and low antitumor efficiency with high risk of recurrence. In this work, red blood cell (RBC) membrane camouflaged hollow mesoporous Prussian blue nanoparticles (HMPB@RBC NPs) are fabricated for combination therapy of cancer. The stability, immune evading capacity, and blood retention time of HMPB@RBC NPs are significantly enhanced compared with those of bare HMPB NPs. Doxorubicin (DOX), as a model drug is encapsulated within HMPB@RBC NPs with loading capacity up to 130% in weight. In addition, DOX loaded HMPB@RBC NPs show pH‐/photoresponsive release. The in vivo studies demonstrate the outstanding performance of DOX@HMPB@RBC NPs in synergistic photothermal‐/chemotherapy of cancer.  相似文献   

Photothermal therapy (PTT) is of particular importance as a highly potent therapeutic modality in cancer therapy. However, a critical challenge still remains in the exploration of highly effective strategy to maximize the PTT efficiency due to tumor thermoresistance and thus frequent tumor recurrence. Here, a rational fabrication of the micelles that can achieve mutual synergy of PTT and molecularly targeted therapy (MTT) for tumor ablation is reported. The micelles generate both distinct photothermal effect from Cypate through enhanced photothermal conversion efficiency and pH‐dependent drug release. The micelles further exhibit effective cytoplasmic translocation of 17‐allylamino‐17‐demethoxygeldanamycin (17AAG) through reactive oxygen species mediated lysosomal disruption caused by Cypate under irradiation. Translocated 17AAG specifically bind with heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), thereby inhibiting antiapoptotic p‐ERK1/2 proteins for producing preferable MTT efficiency through early apoptosis. Meanwhile, translocated 17AAG molecules further block stressfully overexpressed HSP90 under irradiation and thus inhibit the overexpression of p‐Akt for achieving the reduced thermoresistance of tumor cells, thus promoting the PTT efficiency through boosting both early and late apoptosis of Cypate. Moreover, the micelles possess enhanced resistance to photobleaching, preferable cellular uptake, and effective tumor accumulation, thus facilitating mutually synergistic PTT/MTT treatments with tumor ablation. These findings represent a general approach for potent cancer therapy.  相似文献   

A programmed drug‐delivery system that can transport different anticancer therapeutics to their distinct targets holds vast promise for cancer treatment. Herein, a core–shell‐based “nanodepot” consisting of a liposomal core and a crosslinked‐gel shell (designated Gelipo) is developed for the sequential and site‐specific delivery (SSSD) of tumor necrosis factor‐related apoptosis‐inducing ligand (TRAIL) and doxorubicin (Dox). As a small‐molecule drug intercalating the nuclear DNA, Dox is loaded in the aqueous core of the liposome, while TRAIL, acting on the death receptor (DR) on the plasma membrane, is encapsulated in the outer shell made of crosslinked hyaluronic acid (HA). The degradation of the HA shell by HAase that is concentrated in the tumor environment results in the rapid extracellular release of TRAIL and subsequent internalization of the liposomes. The parallel activity of TRAIL and Dox show synergistic anticancer efficacy. The half‐maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of TRAIL and Dox co‐loaded Gelipo (TRAIL/Dox‐Gelipo) toward human breast cancer (MDA‐MB‐231) cells is 83 ng mL–1 (Dox concentration), which presents a 5.9‐fold increase in the cytotoxicity compared to 569 ng mL–1 of Dox‐loaded Gelipo (Dox‐Gelipo). Moreover, with the programmed choreography, Gelipo significantly improves the inhibition of the tumor growth in the MDA‐MB‐231 xenograft tumor animal model.  相似文献   

Multifunctional mesoporous silica nanoparticles are developed in order to deliver anticancer drugs to specific cancer cells in a targeted and controlled manner. The nanoparticle surface is functionalized with amino‐β‐cyclodextrin rings bridged by cleavable disulfide bonds, blocking drugs inside the mesopores of the nanoparticles. Poly(ethylene glycol) polymers, functionalized with an adamantane unit at one end and a folate unit at the other end, are immobilized onto the nanoparticle surface through strong β‐cyclodextrin/adamantane complexation. The non‐cytotoxic nanoparticles containing the folate targeting units are efficiently trapped by folate‐receptor‐rich HeLa cancer cells through receptormmediated endocytosis, while folate‐receptor‐poor human embryonic kidney 293 normal cells show much lower endocytosis towards nanoparticles under the same conditions. The nanoparticles endocytosed by the cancer cells can release loaded doxorubicin into the cells triggered by acidic endosomal pH. After the nanoparticles escape from the endosome and enter into the cytoplasm of cancer cells, the high concentration of glutathione in the cytoplasm can lead to the removal of the β‐cyclodextrin capping rings by cleaving the pre‐installed disulfide bonds, further promoting the release of doxorubicin from the drug carriers. The high drug‐delivery efficacy of the multifunctional nanoparticles is attributed to the co‐operative effects of folate‐mediated targeting and stimuli‐triggered drug release. The present delivery system capable of delivering drugs in a targeted and controlled manner provides a novel platform for the next generation of therapeutics.  相似文献   

The use of solvent‐free microfluidics to fine‐tune the physical and chemical properties of chitosan nanoparticles for drug delivery is demonstrated. Nanoparticle self‐assembly is driven by pH changes in a water environment, which increases biocompatibility by avoiding organic solvent contamination common with traditional techniques. Controlling the time of mixing (2.5–75 ms) during nanoparticle self‐assembly enables us to adjust nanoparticle size and surface potential in order to maximize cellular uptake, which in turn dramatically increases drug effectiveness. The compact nanostructure of these nanoparticles preserves drug potency better than previous nanoparticles, and is more stable during long‐term circulation at physiological pH. However, when the nanoparticles encounter a tumor cell and the associated drop in pH, the drug contents are released. Moreover, the loading efficiency of hydrophobic drugs into the nanoparticles increases significantly from previous work to over 95%. The microfluidic techniques used here have applications not just for drug‐carrying nanoparticle fabrication, but also for the better control of virtually any self‐assembly process.  相似文献   

The inadequate oxygen supply in solid tumor causes hypoxia, which leads to drug resistance and poor chemotherapy outcomes. To solve this problem, a cancer cell membrane camouflaged nanocarrier is developed with a polymeric core encapsulating hemoglobin (Hb) and doxorubicin (DOX) for efficient chemotherapy. The designed nanoparticles (DHCNPs) retain the cancer cell adhesion molecules on the surface of nanoparticles for homologous targeting and possess the oxygen‐carrying capacity of Hb for O2‐interfered chemotherapy. The results show that DHCNPs not only achieve higher tumor specificity and lower toxicity by homologous targeting but also significantly reduce the exocytosis of DOX via suppressing the expressions of hypoxia‐inducible factor‐1α, multidrug resistance gene 1, and P‐glycoprotein, thus resulting in safe and high‐efficient chemotherapy. This work presents a new paradigm for targeted oxygen interference therapy by conquering hypoxia‐involved therapeutic resistance and achieves effective treatment of solid tumors.  相似文献   

The development of cancer combination therapies, many of which rely on nanoscale theranostic agents, has received increasing attention in recent years. In this work, polyethylene glycol (PEG) modified mesoporous silica (MS) coated single‐walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are fabricated and utilized as a multifunctional platform for imaging guided combination therapy of cancer. A model chemotherapy drug, doxorubicin (DOX), could be loaded into the mesoporous structure of the obtained SWNT@MS‐PEG nano‐carriers with high efficiency. Upon stimulation under near‐infrared (NIR) light, photothermally triggered drug release from DOX loaded SWNT@MS‐PEG is observed inside cells, resulting in a synergistic cancer cell killing effect. As revealed by both photoacoustic (PA) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, we further uncover efficient tumor accumulation of SWNT@MS‐PEG/DOX after intravenous injection into mice. In vivo combination therapy using this agent is further demonstrated in a mouse tumor model, achieving a remarkable synergistic anti‐tumor effect superior to that obtained by mono‐therapy. Our work presents a new type of theranostic nano‐platform, which could load therapeutic molecules with high efficiency, be responsive to external NIR stimulation, and at the same time serve as a diagnostic imaging agent.  相似文献   

Cancer prognosis will benefit from a scoring system that could grade malignant traits of patient‐derived cells by assessing their growth and metastasis in a living system. Specific tracking of patient‐derived cells requires labeling by contrast agents with good signal‐to‐noise ratio and no specific stain of host tissues. Towards this aim, aggregation‐induced emission (AIE) dots are developed for in vivo cancer tracking with emphasis on reproducible optimized formulation and specific fluorescent labeling of cells that enable enhanced spatial temporal resolution in vivo. The importance of energy‐dependent AIE dots uptake for patient‐derived cell labeling is emphasized to reveal their specific uptake by viable cancer cells. Using optically transparent zebrafish embryo, the ability is demonstrated to follow the engraftment of transplanted AIE dot labeled cells in zebrafish brains over one week. Cells detected outside the brain after 7 d are quantified as metastatic cells. Results from seven clinical samples demonstrate the utility of this methodology to differentiate low engraftment level of benign neoplasms from higher engraftment level and metastasis detected in malignant ovarian cancer specimens. Achieving clinically validated results supports the use of AIE dot labeled patient derived cells in zebrafish xenografts for future cancer prognosis.  相似文献   

Clinical translation of therapeutic peptides, particularly those targeting intracellular protein–protein interactions (PPIs), has been hampered by their inefficacious cellular internalization in diseased tissue. Therapeutic peptides engineered into nanostructures with stable spatial architectures and smart disease targeting ability may provide a viable strategy to overcome the pharmaceutical obstacles of peptides. This study describes a strategy to assemble therapeutic peptides into a stable peptide–Au nanohybrid, followed by further self‐assembling into higher‐order nanoclusters with responsiveness to tumor microenvironment. As a proof of concept, an anticancer peptide termed β‐catenin/Bcl9 inhibitors is copolymerized with gold ion and assembled into a cluster of nanohybrids (pCluster). Through a battery of in vitro and in vivo tests, it is demonstrated that pClusters potently inhibit tumor growth and metastasis in several animal models through the impairment of the Wnt/β‐catenin pathway, while maintaining a highly favorable biosafety profile. In addition, it is also found that pClusters synergize with the PD1/PD‐L1 checkpoint blockade immunotherapy. This new strategy of peptide delivery will likely have a broad impact on the development of peptide‐derived therapeutic nanomedicine and reinvigorate efforts to discover peptide drugs that target intracellular PPIs in a great variety of human diseases, including cancer.  相似文献   

Single wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) based thermo‐sensitive hydrogel (SWNT‐GEL) is reported, which provides an injectable drug delivery system as well as a medium for photothermal transduction. SWNT‐hydrogel alone appears to be nontoxic on gastric cancer cells (BGC‐823 cell line) but leads to cell death with NIR radiation through a hyperthermia proapoptosis mechanism. By incorporating hyperthermia therapy and controlled in situ doxorubicin (DOX) release, DOX‐loaded SWNT‐hydrogel with NIR radiation proves higher tumor suppression rate on mice xenograft gastric tumor models compared to free DOX without detectable organ toxicity. The developed system demonstrates improved efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs which overcomes systemic adverse reactions and presents immense potential for gastric cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Exploiting exogenous and endogenous stimulus‐responsive degradable nanoparticles as drug carriers can improve drug delivery systems (DDSs). The use of hollow nanoparticles may facilitate degradation, and combination of DDS with photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT) may enhance the anticancer effects of treatments. Here, a one‐pot synthetic method is presented for an anticancer drug (doxorubicin [DOX]) and photosensitizer‐containing hollow hybrid nanoparticles (HNPs) with a disulfide and siloxane framework formed in response to exogenous (light) and endogenous (intracellular glutathione [GSH]) stimuli. The hollow HNPs emit fluorescence within the near‐infrared window and allow for the detection of tumors in vivo by fluorescence imaging. Furthermore, the disulfides within the HNP framework are cleaved by intracellular GSH, deforming the HNPs. Light irradiation facilitates penetration of GSH into the HNP framework and leads to the collapse of the HNPs. As a result, DOX is released from the hollow HNPs. Additionally, the hollow HNPs generate singlet oxygen (1O2) and heat in response to light; thus, fluorescence imaging of tumors combined with trimodal therapy consisting of DDS, PDT, and PTT is feasible, resulting in superior therapeutic efficacy. Thus, this method may have several applications in imaging and therapeutics in the future.  相似文献   

To integrate treatments of photothermal therapy, photodynamic therapy (PDT), and chemotherapy, this study reports on a multifunctional nanocomposite based on mesoporous silica‐coated gold nanorod for high‐performance oncotherapy. Gold nanorod core is used as the hyperthermal agent and mesoporous silica shell is used as the reservoir of photosensitizer (Al(III) phthalocyanine chloride tetrasulfonic acid, AlPcS4). The mesoporous silica shell is modified with β‐cyclodextrin (β‐CD) gatekeeper via redox‐cleavable Pt(IV) complex for controlled drug release. Furthermore, tumor targeting ligand (lactobionic acid, LA) and long‐circulating poly(ethylene glycol) chain are introduced via host–guest interaction. It is found that the nanocomposite can specifically target to hepatoma cells by virtue of the LA targeting moiety. Due to the abundant existence of reducing agents within tumor cells, β‐CD can be removed by reducing the Pt(IV) complex to active cisplatin drug for chemotherapy, along with the releasing of entrapped AlPcS4 for effective PDT. As confirmed by in vitro and in vivo studies, the nanocomposite exhibits an obvious near‐infrared induced thermal effect, which significantly improves the PDT and chemotherapy efficiency, resulting in a superadditive therapeutic effect. This collaborative strategy paves the way toward high‐performance nanotherapeutics with a superior antitumor efficacy and much reduced side effects.  相似文献   

The inability of the heart to recover from an ischemic insult leads to the formation of fibrotic scar tissue and heart failure. From the therapeutic strategies under investigation, cardiac regeneration holds the promise of restoring the full functionality of a damaged heart. Taking into consideration the presence of vast numbers of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in the injured heart, direct fibroblast reprogramming into cardiomyocytes using small drug molecules is an attractive therapeutic option to replenish the lost cardiomyocytes. Here, a spermine‐acetalated dextran‐based functional nanoparticle is developed for pH‐triggered drug delivery of two poorly water soluble small molecules, CHIR99021 and SB431542, both capable of increasing the efficiency of direct reprogramming of fibroblast into cardiomyocytes. Upon functionalization with polyethylene glycol and atrial natriuretic peptide, the biocompatibility of the nanosystem is improved, and the cellular interactions with the cardiac nonmyocytes are specifically augmented. The dual delivery of the compounds is verified in vitro, and the compounds exerted concomitantly anticipate biological effects by stabilizing β‐catenin (CHIR99021) and by preventing translocation of Smad3 to the nucleus of (myo)fibroblasts (SB431542). These observations highlight the potential of this nanoparticle‐based system toward improved drug delivery and efficient direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte‐like cells, and thus, potential cardiac regeneration therapy.  相似文献   

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