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基于小波变换的图像增强算法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对图像对比度低、成像质量差的问题,提出一种基于小波变换的直方图均衡算法,用于图像对比度增强.首先对图像作直方图均衡,然后通过对小波变换的一级或二级近似系数的非线性增强处理.实验结果证明,处理后的图像细节清晰可辨,边界信息也得到了保留,由此认为小波变换对改善图像的质量是有效的.  相似文献   

Histogram equalization is an effective technique to boost image quality and contrast enhancement. However, in some cases the increase in image contrast by traditional histogram equalization exceeds the desired amount Which damages the image properties and wanes its natural look. Histogram division and performing a separate equalization for each sub-histogram is one of the presented solutions. The dividing method and determining the number of sub-histograms are the main problems directly affecting the output image quality. In this study, a method is introduced for automatic determination of the number of sub-histograms and density based histogram division leading to appropriate output with no need for parameter setting. Each main peak is in a separate section. Image contrast is increased with no loss of image specifications through determining the number of sub-histograms based on the number of main peaks. The introduced histogram equalization approach consists of three stages. The first stage, using histogram analysis, produces an automated estimate of number of clusters for image brightness levels. The second, clusters the image brightness levels, and using the provided transfer function, the final stage includes contrast enhancement for each individual cluster separately. The results of the proposed approach demonstrate not only clearer details along with a boost in contrast, but also noticeably more natural appearance in the images.  相似文献   

Automatic exposure controls in commercially available cameras often encounter difficulties in capturing scenes with backlight luminance which dominates the entire image. An Adaptive Height-Modified Histogram Equalization (AHMHE) algorithm is proposed as a compensation technique for backlight images. It simultaneously enhances contrast in both the dark and the bright areas without creating regions of degraded local contrast. Moreover AHMHE is an adaptive algorithm: thus it requires minimal user input, and its reduced computational requirement makes it suitable for real-time application. In addition to AHMHE, a chroma correction technique was applied to chroma components in the YCbCr color space to produce more vivid color images. A series of subjective and index evaluations were conducted to measure the resultant image quality improvements by the AHMHE and the chroma correction algorithms.  相似文献   

Histogram equalization (HE) method proved to be a simple and most effective technique for contrast enhancement of digital images. However it does not preserve the brightness and natural appearance of the images, which is a major drawback. To overcome this limitation, several Bi- and Multi-HE methods have been proposed. Although the Bi-HE methods significantly enhance the contrast and may preserve the brightness, the natural appearance of the images is not preserved as these methods suffer with the problem of intensity saturation. While Multi-HE methods are proposed to further maintain the brightness and natural appearance of images, but at the cost of contrast enhancement. In this paper, two novel Multi-HE methods for contrast enhancement of natural images, while preserving the brightness and natural appearance of the images, have been proposed. The technique involves decomposing the histogram of an input image into multiple segments based on mean or median values as thresholds. The narrow range segments are identified and are allocated full dynamic range before applying HE to each segment independently. Finally the combined equalized histogram is normalized to avoid the saturation of intensities and un-even distribution of bins. Simulation results show that, for the variety of test images (120 images) the proposed method enhances contrast while preserving brightness and natural appearance and outperforms contemporary methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. The statistical consistency of results has also been verified through ANOVA statistical tool.  相似文献   

The current major theme in contrast enhancement is to partition the input histogram into multiple sub-histograms before final equalization of each sub-histogram is performed. This paper presents a novel contrast enhancement method based on Gaussian mixture modeling of image histograms, which provides a sound theoretical underpinning of the partitioning process. Our method comprises five major steps. First, the number of Gaussian functions to be used in the model is determined using a cost function of input histogram partitioning. Then the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model are estimated to find the best fit to the input histogram under a threshold. A binary search strategy is then applied to find the intersection points between the Gaussian functions. The intersection points thus found are used to partition the input histogram into a new set of sub-histograms, on which the classical histogram equalization (HE) is performed. Finally, a brightness preservation operation is performed to adjust the histogram produced in the previous step into a final one. Based on three representative test images, the experimental results demonstrate the contrast enhancement advantage of the proposed method when compared to twelve state-of-the-art methods in the literature.  相似文献   

传统的图像增强算法在增强图像的同时也增强了图像的噪声信号,导致信息熵下降.结合小波变换多尺度、多分辨率的特点和直方图均衡的优势,提出一种基于小波分频和二次均衡的高亮度图像增强算法.首先利用小波变换将图像分解为低频分量和高频分量,然后仅对低频分量作直方图均衡处理,再由均衡后的低频分量与各高频分量进行小波重构,最后对重构的图像再次进行直方图均衡处理.实验结果表明,该算法对于亮度较高的灰度图像有较好的增强效果.  相似文献   

一种直接直方图修正方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了的方法通过将直方图均衡作为直方图规定的特例考虑,既可实现直方图均衡又可实现直方图规定,从而实现了这2种方法的统一,而且直方图规定的结果好于文献「1」方法。  相似文献   

 Image enhancement is a field that is being used in various areas and disciplines. Advances in computers, microcontrollers and DSP boards have opened new horizons to digital image processing, and have opened many avenues to the design and implementation of new innovative techniques. This paper compares image enhancement via the modification of the probability density function of the gray levels with the new techniques that involves the use of knowledge-base (fuzzy expert) systems that are capable of mimicking the behavior of a human expert. A fuzzy expert system based software for image enhancement, called SmartPhotoLab has been introduced for the above purpose. Present address: A. El-Osery Dept. of Electrical Engineering, New Mexico Tech, Workman Center Rm. 247 801 Leroy place, Socorro, NM 87801 e-mail: elosery@ee.nmt.edu. This work was supported in parts by NASA grants no. NAG2–1196 and 2-1480.  相似文献   

一种夜视图象处理的新算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
增强是夜视图象处理的一种重要方法,而直方图均衡是最经典的图象信息增强算法之一,但将它直接应用于夜视图象处理有如下缺点:(1)丢失原始图象的亮度信息;(2)处理过程中有简井现象发生,该文结合夜视图象的特点,提出了一种保持亮度和克服简并的算法,即采用不同灰度区间分别均衡,并且采用设定最小灰度间职和最大拉伸系数的均衡函数的方法,从一定程度上克服了上述缺点。  相似文献   

基于MSR的雾天图像清晰化算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究雾天图像清晰化的问题,需提高图像增强的均匀性。针对雾天情况下,由于雾气的遮挡使得拍摄图像对比度降低,图像局部细节处不清晰,传统的直方图均衡化的雾天图像清晰化方法虽然能够增强图像对比度,但是图像局部细节增强不足,造成图像增强均匀性不高的问题。提出一种MSR的雾天图像清晰化算法,通过Sigmoid函数对图像作映射,拉伸图像的对比度,然后利用MSR算法,将图像小波分解为高频分量和低频分量,对高频分量取绝对值最大运算,低频分量加权平均,并避免了对图像进行全局直方图均衡化造成的图像增强不均匀,局部细节增强不足的问题。实验证明,提出的算法能够将雾天图像均匀增强,得到高清晰的图像,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel mean-shift based histogram equalization method called the MSHE method. The key insight of the proposed MSHE method is that the basis of histogram equalization could be based on textured regions in an image, while impact of smoother regions should be suppressed. Using a mean-shift based approach, the sets of textured regions in an image are determined by finding regions which have a high density of edge concentration. In addition, a new cost function is presented to balance the image quality and contrast enhancement effect for search termination in the proposed algorithm. Based on three typical test images, experimental results show that our proposed MSHE method is quite competitive with the previous eleven methods, such as the HE, BBHE, DSIHE, POHE, RSWHE, DHE, BPDHE, SRHE, GHE, FHE, and THShap.  相似文献   

The shifting of image mean brightness and the domination of high-frequency bins during histogram equalization (HE) often result in the deteriorating quality of enhanced images and a considerable amount of information loss. This study proposes a novel approach based on bi-histogram equalization to improve its abilities in preserving information entropy and mean brightness. The proposed technique, named Bi-histogram Equalization using Modified Histogram Bins (BHEMHB), segments the input histogram based on the median brightness of an image and alters the histogram bins before HE is applied. Histogram segmentation enables mean brightness preservation, whereas the modification of histogram bins restricts the enhancement rate, thus minimizing the domination effects of high-frequency histogram bins. Simulation results show that BHEMHB significantly outperforms its peers in preserving the details and mean brightness of an image. The output image is visually pleasant with a natural appearance.  相似文献   

图像增强算法与评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙蕾  温有奎  李丙春 《计算机工程》2007,33(8):168-169,172
研究了适应于乳腺钼靶X线图像特点的图像增强算法,探索量化评价增强算法效果的指标和体系。应用边界、标准偏差、熵以及4阶矩定义灰度均匀度,提出了增强放大因子来调节对比度增强程度的策略,同时给出了基于均匀度实现图像增强的算法,提出了4个增强效果量化评价指标。并与已实现的数学形态学增强算法和直方图均衡化算法进行了量化对比分析。综合分析指标表明,该算法优于数学形态学和直方图均衡化算法,但需要大量的实验和对比分析,研究了DSM、TBCs、TBCe和综合指标之间的相关性,从而找到了更适合于乳腺钼靶X线图像的对比度增强算法,探索出了更加科学的评价体系和指标。  相似文献   

直方图均衡化是图像增强的一种有效方法,其基本思想是调整图像的灰度分布。线性拉伸的方法对图像进行增强处理,提高了图像的解译能力。本文从合成图像直方图均衡化和线性增强的优点入手,给出了一种直方图均衡化和线性增强相结合的改进算法,通过对算法中调节参数的选择来获取更好的图像增强效果,该算法避免了图像过亮等现象,改善了图像质量,实验验证了该算法更为有效。  相似文献   

图像增强技术的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
张娜 《计算机仿真》2007,24(1):192-195
如何有效地增强图像是图像分析中的一个难点,通常,图像的目标背景对比度低,噪声大.平滑处理后图像的边缘轮廓更加模糊不清.常用的拉普拉斯锐化方法在突出图像边缘的同时,也提升了平滑图像中的残留噪声.针对这种问题,提出了用直方图规定化方法增强平滑后的图像,该方法克服了拉普拉斯锐化的缺点,且明显地增强了图像的细节部分.理论分析和仿真结果均表明,该算法能够提高图像成分的清晰度,提供更准确、更满意的图像.  相似文献   

直方图均衡是进行图像处理最基本的处理方法,该文提出一种用改进的子块直方图均衡的方法,在将图像分成子块处理的基础上再根据子块内的灰度分布决定其展开范围,而不是机械地在全部灰度级展开,通过对一幅肺部CT图像进行处理表明,该方法较之传统的方法更能够提高细节的对比度,能有效地应用于边缘检测以及医学图像处理等领域。  相似文献   

基于Retinex理论的新型遥感图像增强算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对遥感图像视觉存在对比度差,分辨率低的缺点,以及传统的Retinex算法在对图像增强时往往会出现色彩恢复不协调,呈现泛白发灰现象,提出了一种多尺度Retinex算法与直方图均衡化相结合的新型遥感图像增强算法。首先对多尺度Retinex算法进行非线性全局改进,用于增强HSV色彩空间中的V分量,然后用直方图均衡化方法对RGB空间中三分量做同步增强处理。实验结果表明:与多尺度Retinex算法相比,算法增强后图像的均值可达到127,信息熵可提高29.5%,而且算法有效地解决了图像色彩恢复不协调和泛白发灰现象。  相似文献   

赵通  王国胤  肖斌 《计算机科学》2014,41(12):245-250
直方图均衡化作为一种特殊的直方图规定化方法,能有效地增强图像的对比度,但其对直方图活动范围的拉伸通常会造成图像过度增强。一种基于高斯函数的直方图规定化算法可提高控制对比度活动范围的能力,然而该算法处理的图像缺乏层次感。基于此,提出一种基于多峰高斯函数的直方图规定化算法,该算法首先用直方图求导方法估算出原直方图的局部峰值和方差,从而得到原直方图的多峰高斯函数,然后采用扩展后的多峰高斯函数作为目的直方图进行规定化。此算法的主要特点是改变局部峰的参数,有选择地对某局部灰度范围进行对比度增强,从而拉伸整个图像对比度的活动范围。对于彩色图像增强,该算法在对彩色图像R,G,B3个分量子图直方图规定化处理的基础上,根据人类视觉习惯,引入彩色恢复因子将规定化的R,G,B分量进行有效合并。实验结果和原理分析表明,该算法能有效增强图像的视觉效果,使其细节明晰,层次丰富。  相似文献   

一种新的结合模糊变换和retinex理论静脉图像增强方法,可以解决近红外静脉图像所存在的低对比度,动态范围狭窄和强度分布不对称问题。最优模糊变换用于加强全局对比度,引入的Retinex方法可以增强图像细节信息,弥补最优模糊变换的细节缺失。由于图像从空间域向模糊域转换时使用一个参数优化隶属函数,处理的图像不具有最佳性,文中提出一种双参数的隶属函数的优化方法,同时提出一种自适应的选择控制参数方法。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效提高静脉图像与背景的对比度,与其他方法的实验结果相比较,可以看出该办法具有更好的图像增强性能。  相似文献   

从图象采集设备上所获得的原始真彩色因图象包含许多降低图象质量的因素,因此在显示前必须对图象进行质量提高的处理。基于这种想法,我们设计了一个用于改善图象质量的模型,该模型除了利用经典的对比度增强和边缘增经,还采用一种依赖边缘点灰度特征的对比度增强技术。本文将详细分析这些技术。  相似文献   

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