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对含波纹褶皱缺陷的玻璃纤维单向复合材料进行压缩试验,结合声发射(Acoustic Emission,简称"AE")和数字图像相关(Digital Image Correlation,简称"DIC")互补技术,研究复合材料波纹褶皱区域的损伤变形与演化规律。在复合材料试件压缩加载的过程中,采集波纹褶皱区域损伤变形场、应变场信息和实时声发射监测信号,分析复合材料压缩力学响应行为与缺陷区域变形场、应变场以及声发射信号特征之间的对应关系。结果表明:波纹褶皱会严重影响复合材料的力学性能,通过分析声发射信号,发现随着波纹褶皱宽高比减小,复合材料的力学性能呈现降低的趋势;当波纹褶皱宽高比一定时,随着波纹褶皱高度不断增加,复合材料的力学性能呈现降低的趋势。通过DIC测得的应变场与位移场信息,发现对于相同的载荷增量,最大应变呈增加趋势,且波纹褶皱宽高比越大应变增幅越大;越趋近于褶皱中部,水平位移越大,加载方向位移与试件失稳破坏位置有关,接近破坏区域的加载方向位移大。损伤区域位移场和应变场清晰地反映了玻璃纤维复合材料的损伤变形特征。  相似文献   

Deformation tests combined with modern in situ acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) techniques were applied to monitor low strain rate compressive behavior of illite-based ceramics with controlled porosity (P). A strong effect of porosity on the mechanical performance was observed: Young's modulus decreased linearly from 29.4 ± 1.1 GPa (P = 14 vol%) to 3.0 ± 0.5 GPa (P = 55 vol%) and compressive strength decreased from 307 ± 13.6 MPa (P = 14 vol%) to 27.7 ± 1.0 MPa (P = 55 vol%). The AE and DIC techniques revealed a transition from brittle fracture to gradual localized crushing with increasing porosity. The AE signals possessed high-energy burst-like characteristics typical of brittle fracture and (micro)cracking. The AE data showed continuous activity from the beginning of loading, suggesting that true elasticity does not occur in this material. The combination of mechanical tests with in situ techniques, therefore, proved to be particularly effective in providing additional information on the deformation dynamics in ceramics.  相似文献   

采用声发射和数字图像相关互补技术,结合破坏断口微结构特征,研究碳纤维编织复合材料的损伤变形与失效机理。在复合材料试件拉伸加载的同时,实时获取变形特征和损伤声发射信号,分析复合材料力学响应与位移场、声发射特征的关系。结果表明,复合材料试件实时拉伸位移场、损伤破坏过程的声发射相对能量、撞击累积数及幅度等特征参数反映了复合材料表面变形与内部损伤演化过程。复合材料试件断裂时出现较多高持续时间、高幅度、高相对能量的声发射信号,宏观断口平齐,表现为脆性断裂。  相似文献   

为研究初始缝高比对钢纤维混凝土断裂性能的影响,对三种不同初始缝高比(0.1、0.2、0.3)的钢纤维混凝土开展断裂韧性试验,计算相关的断裂参数,并借助声发射(AE)和数字图像法(DIC)分析了裂缝发展过程中AE能量和全场应变的变化规律。结果表明,钢纤维混凝土的断裂韧性随初始缝高比的增大呈减小趋势,当初始缝高比为0.3时钢纤维混凝土的断裂性能大幅下降。钢纤维混凝土的断裂过程可根据AE能量划分为弹塑性阶段、裂纹稳定扩展阶段和断裂阶段,随初始缝高比增加,弹塑性阶段持续时间减少。DIC分析结果表明,在整个加载过程中,预制裂缝尖端会产生较大的应力集中,裂缝的横向应变较大。研究结果揭示了钢纤维混凝土裂缝发展机理,可为其工程应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

GLARE laminates have emerged as a favored option for the construction of fuselage and wing skins in large airliners, owing to their exceptional mechanical characteristics. Nevertheless, the incorporation of open-hole designs poses a challenge as it disrupts the continuity of the laminates, resulting in stress concentration and subsequent damage. To investigate the impact of various layup orientations and hole sizes on the tensile properties of open-hole GLARE laminates, this study conducted axial tensile tests. Additionally, the tensile damage process was monitored using DIC and AE techniques, enabling the identification of damage patterns and the analysis of their evolution. The results demonstrate a noteworthy decline in the ultimate strength and failure strain as the size of the opening increases. Moreover, the retention rate of failure strain displays a marked sensitivity to the layup orientation. In conjunction with observations made through DIC and SEM, the k-means++ algorithm successfully clustered peak frequencies, thereby revealing distinct damage patterns and their corresponding frequency ranges as aluminum alloy damage [0–90 kHz], matrix cracking [104–174 kHz], fiber/matrix debonding [175–224 kHz], interlaminar delamination [234–300 kHz], and fiber fracture [304–469 kHz]. AE cumulative counts were utilized to evaluate the progression of individual damage modes. The results emphasize that matrix cracking demonstrates the most substantial cumulative counts, whereas damage to the fibers and aluminum alloy noticeably affects the load-carrying capability of the laminate. Furthermore, the fibers/matrix debonding and interlaminar delamination, exhibit heightened susceptibility to layup orientation and hole size.  相似文献   

通过对碳纤维编织复合材料的拉伸实验,利用声发射技术(Acoustic Emission,简称"AE")和数字图像相关(Digital Image Correlation,简称"DIC")方法研究碳纤维复合材料的损伤演化规律。通过采集试件在拉伸过程中的声发射信号、损伤变形与应变场信息,分析碳纤维编织复合材料的力学加载、变形场和声发射特征参数的关系。结果表明复合材料的位移场、应变场信息以及AE信号特征参数能良好地描述复合材料在拉伸状态下的损伤累积和破坏过程。在加载前期,以40~60 dB低幅度信号为主;随着载荷增加,撞击累计数急剧升高,高幅度、高持续时间信号增多。通过DIC测得的位移场和应变场信息,发现对于相同的载荷增量,加载方向的位移和最大拉应变呈先增加后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

The influences of microporous aggregates and spinel powder on the properties and fracture behavior of magnesia-based refractories were investigated by the three-point bending test and wedge splitting test with the digital image correlation method. With microporous aggregates instead of dense ones, lower thermal conductivity, higher cold modulus of rupture and compressive strength were observed for lightweight magnesia-based refractories. Besides, the results indicate that the strengthened interlocking interface between microporous aggregates and matrix in lightweight magnesia refractories decreased the proportion of crack propagation along the aggregate/matrix interface (PAM). This reduced the tortuosity of crack propagation as well as increased the brittleness. With the addition of spinel powder in the matrix, the pregenerated microcracks by thermal mismatch increased the PAM, which increased the tortuosity of crack propagation, improved fracture energy and reduced the brittleness. Lightweight magnesia spinel refractories merely showed a slightly higher brittleness than dense ones.  相似文献   

Adhesives play a key role in the structural integrity of the Wind Turbine Blades as they are one of the main load carrying materials. A deep knowledge of the adhesives' mechanical behaviour in terms of failure mechanisms and damage processes enhances the attempt to optimize the blade design. Therefore, a comprehensive experimental programme was performed in order to determine the static mechanical properties of the adhesives. Ultimate tensile strength, ultimate compression strength, ultimate shear strength and the elastic properties of the adhesive specimens were determined through tensile and compression tests on dogbone specimens and single-lap bonded joints. The Acoustic Emission (AE) technique was used to relate the acoustic activity in the specimens to their damage state. More specifically, a frequency-based methodology, analysing the AE data, was used for the identification of the different damage mechanisms into the material during the loading. In addition, Digital Image Correlation technique, as a full-field technique, was used to measure displacements and deformations.  相似文献   

复合材料胶接结构损伤变形和演化行为的实时表征对其服役的安全性和可靠性评估具有重要的意义。结合数字图像相关(Digital Image Correlation,简称"DIC")和声发射(Acoustic Emission,简称"AE")技术,研究循环拉伸加载条件下复合材料单搭接界面的损伤变形与破坏行为。依据单向拉伸失效载荷均值,取准静态破坏载荷的70%和80%分别进行循环拉伸加载实验。通过不同阶段复合材料胶接界面的损伤变形场、应变场信息及演化过程中获取的AE信号,分析循环加载下复合材料单搭接界面损伤破坏的力学机制与实时变形和AE特征信号的对应关系。结果表明,复合材料单搭接试件损伤破坏的实时微位移场特征和AE相对能量、撞击累积数及幅度谱等反映了胶接界面微裂纹的萌生及扩展行为。随应力水平的升高,复合材料单搭接试件破坏前的循环次数呈递减趋势。  相似文献   

In this work, the tensile failure of magnesia, rebound magnesia-chrome and chrome-containing magnesia-spinel refractories under the Brazilian test were investigated. The digital image correlation and acoustic emission were applied simultaneously for ensuring the validity of Brazilian test and studying the fracture process. The brittle refractories fail abruptly while reaching their load peaks because of the unstable crack propagation. However, the chrome-containing magnesia-spinel refractory shows a reduced brittleness due to the pre-existing microcracks, which promotes quasi-stable crack propagation evidenced by the nonlinearity in the pre-peak region and the softening in the post-peak region. Besides, the thickness-to-diameter ratio has a great influence on the fracture behaviour, which also shows brittleness dependence. The fracture behaviour of rebound magnesia-chrome refractory varies from brittle to less brittle while the thickness increasing from 10 mm to 50 mm. The quasi-stable crack propagation favors the central crack initiation and ensures the tensile failure under the Brazilian test.  相似文献   

In this study, the fracture behaviour of magnesia, magnesia chrome and magnesia spinel (MgAl2O4 and FeAl2O4) refractories under wedge splitting test are qualitatively and quantitatively investigated with the acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC). First of all, the concepts of characteristic widths are proposed for estimating the brittleness of refractory materials according to the shape of load-displacement curve and validated by their good correlation with the characteristic length. Besides, the AE data are analyzed with AE parameter-based approaches and offer new insight into the fracture behaviour of refractory materials, including the classification of the cracking events in grains and in matrix, the distinction between the tensile mode and shear mode damage, and the visualization of the fracture process zone development. It confirms that the pre-existing micro-crack networks in refractories are favourable for the brittleness reduction, which enhance their nonlinear fracture behaviour and thermal shock resistance.  相似文献   

In this paper, the creep behavior of triaxial warp-knitted composites (TWKC) was investigated. The TWKC specimens were prepared by applying vacuum-assisted resin infusion (VARI), and the three-point bending creep experiments at different temperatures were carried out. The shift factor was calculated based on the activation energy method, and the creep curve at 25°C within 105s was obtained according to the time–temperature equivalence principle, the time–temperature equivalent model was established, and the model was verified by measuring the long-term creep data with self-made instrument. There is approximately agreement between the prediction result and experimental one, which is less than 10% within 105s. The results show that the model could be used to predict the creep behavior of TWKC. The viscoelastic properties of the specimen were analyzed based on dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and the creep behavior of TWKC was further analyzed by acoustic emission and digital image correlation damage analysis.  相似文献   

For an extruded electrode graphite, grain orientation increases and porosity decreases with increasing radial distance from the centre of the log. Radial variation in grain orientation is produced during the extrusion stage of manufacture. The radial porosity gradient may be influenced partly by orientation of grains and also by the impregnation and baking stages of manufacture. Dynamic elastic modulus, flexural strength and critical stress intensity factor increase with distance from the centre of the log; these trends are related to the radial porosity gradient. Fracture toughness and the total number of acoustic emissions at fracture, σAE, are insensitive to graphite microstructure. Fracture of the graphite is non-linear and deviations from linear elastic fracture mechanics increase with distance from the centre of the log, a trend which is related to the radial porosity gradient. An empirical correlation between a non-ideal fracture parameter and σAE is demonstrated for the electrode graphite and three nuclear graphites.  相似文献   

Acoustic emission (AE) technique was applied to continuously monitor property degradation during standard thermal shock fatique testing of three distinct types of refractories. AE results were correlated with respective strength losses of analyzed materials after a defined number of heating and cooling cycles. The complex nature of the AE signals was revealed by AE amplitude and duration analysis indicating that not all of the signals that were registered during thermal shock tests could be correlated with strength changes. On this basis, it was postulated that simple counting of a number of AE events should not be used as a measure of the degree of damage in refractories under thermal shock.  相似文献   

研究了陶瓷材料在断裂过程中断裂源所激发的特征声发射信号,并将陶瓷材料断裂过程中所激发射与扫描电镜形貌观察结合起来,建立了断裂源,断裂形貌与特征声发射信号之间的对应关系,发现陶瓷材料的断裂源不同,其相应的特征声发射图谱也具有不同的特征,从而使声发成为陶恣材料结构缺陷评估的新方法。  相似文献   

Six specimens of fused cast AZS 33#material were taken as samples,and their chemical compositions and physical properties( initial separating temperature o glass phase,corrosion amount in 24 h,glass phase seepage,and bulk density) were tested; low powered backscattered electron images of the samples( three for each sample) were taken by a scanning electronic microscope with a reinforced backscattering probe. Then,firstly,the images were processed,and the phase compositions(relative contents of pores,matrix,alumina- zirconia eutectoid and primary baddeleyite) of the samples were obtained by counting. Secondly,the correlation coefficients of all parameters were calculated; indistinctive coefficients and unimportant variables were eliminated by F- test. Thirdly,the roadmap of the parameters was established and explained according to professiona knowledge.  相似文献   

UHMWPE/LDPE复合材料拉伸破坏的声发射特性研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文试验研究了UHMWPE/LDPE复合材料拉伸破坏的声发射特性。利用声发射仪结合参数分析得出了增强纤维和基体在拉伸破坏过程中声发射参数特征。对后续研究UHMWPE/LDPE复合材料声发射特性和拉伸破坏机理具有参考价值。  相似文献   

High power fiber laser was proved to be feasible to cut carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminate with high efficiency, while the machined quality on mechanical performance was not fully understood. This paper studied the effect of high temperature up to 220°C on tensile strength degradation and strain distribution of unidirectional CFRP laminate with open hole machined with fiber laser. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was firstly employed to determine the glass transition temperature (Tg) of polymer-matrix composite. Digital image correlation technique was applied to evaluate whole-field strain distribution and crack propagation/evolution of CFRP laminate featured with open hole under tensile loading. Results showed that the tensile strength of laser machined CFRP laminate degraded significantly during working in high temperature above 100°C. The value of strains distributed around center hole was highly related to the elevated temperature and applied load levels. Splitting was the prevalent failure mode of CFRP laminate under elevated temperature up to 180°C. Finally, semi-empirical model was developed for evaluating tensile performance of laser machined CFRP laminate at elevated temperature based on regression analysis.  相似文献   

Here, we unveil a methodology for a novel assessment of the fracture mechanics of SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites enabled by in situ stereoscopic digital image correlation to quantify in-process flexural strain and crack opening displacement measurements. This technique isolates individual cracks on the composite surface as discontinuities in the spatial displacement field and correlates key fracture characteristics with the flexural strain of composite specimens during coupled four-point bend / hermeticity testing. Fracture was observed along the specimen length, originating at the tensile underside and propagating around the circumference of the tubular specimens with generally uniform spacing. Multiple specimens were also tested after heat treatments to 1200°C in open air, in vacuum, and in helium for 48 h to evaluate the environmental effects on the fracture mechanisms of SiC/SiC composites, which revealed degradation of flexural properties after treatment in open air resulting in brittle failure. Indentation-based fracture toughness measurements were performed, which confirmed a 25% reduction in toughness after open air heat treatment relative to the other heat treatments. This assessment indicated that significant oxidation may occur within the composites from these heat treatments and suggested that further protection of the composites may be necessary for high-temperature applications.  相似文献   

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