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Online opinions are one of the most important sources of information on which users base their purchasing decisions. Unfortunately, the large quantity of opinions makes it difficult for an individual to consume in a reasonable amount of time. Unlike standard information retrieval problems, the task here is to retrieve entities whose relevance is dependent upon other people’s opinions regarding the entities and how well those sentiments match the user’s own preferences. We propose novel techniques that incorporate aspect subjectivity measures into weighting the relevance of opinions of entities based on a user’s query keywords. We calculate these weights using sentiment polarity of terms found proximity close to keywords in opinion text. We have implemented our techniques, and we show that these improve the overall effectiveness of the baseline retrieval task. Our results indicate that on entities with long opinions our techniques can perform as good as state-of-the-art query expansion approaches.  相似文献   

随着大规模知识图谱的出现以及企业高效管理领域知识图谱的需求,知识图谱中的自组织实体检索成为研究热点。给定知识图谱以及用户查询,实体检索的目标在于从给定的知识图谱中返回实体的排序列表。从匹配的角度来看,传统的实体检索模型大都将用户查询和实体统一映射到词的特征空间。这样做具有明显的缺点,例如,将同属于一个实体的两个词视为独立的。为此,该文提出将用户查询和实体同时映射到实体与词两个特征空间方法,称为双特征空间的排序学习。首先将实体抽象成若干个域。之后从词空间和实体空间两个维度分别抽取排序特征,最终应用于排序学习算法中。实验结果表明,在标准数据集上,双特征空间的实体排序学习模型性能显著优于当前先进的实体检索模型。  相似文献   

Most entity ranking research aims to retrieve a ranked list of entities from a Web corpus given a user query. The rank order of entities is determined by the relevance between the query and contexts of entities. However, entities can be ranked directly based on their relative importance in a document collection, independent of any queries. In this paper, we introduce an entity ranking algorithm named NERank+. Given a document collection, NERank+ first constructs a graph model called Topical Tripartite Graph, consisting of document, topic and entity nodes. We design separate ranking functions to compute the prior ranks of entities and topics, respectively. A meta-path constrained random walk algorithm is proposed to propagate prior entity and topic ranks based on the graph model.We evaluate NERank+ over real-life datasets and compare it with baselines. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

Keyword query processing over graph structured data is beneficial across various real world applications. The basic unit, of search and retrieval, in keyword search over graph, is a structure (interconnection of nodes) that connects all the query keywords. This new answering paradigm, in contrast to single web page results given by search engines, brings forth new challenges for ranking. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective Fuzzy set theory based Ranking measure, called FRank. Fuzzy sets acknowledge the contribution of each individual query keyword, discretely, to enumerate node relevance. A novel aggregation operator is defined, to combine the content relevance based fuzzy sets and, compute query dependent edge weights. The final rank, of an answer, is computed by non-monotonic addition of edge weights, as per their relevance to keyword query. FRank evaluates each answer based on the distribution of query keywords and structural connectivity between those keywords. An extensive empirical analysis shows superior performance by our proposed ranking measure as compared to the ranking measures adopted by current approaches in the literature.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2005,30(7):543-563
One of the main problems in the (web) information retrieval is the ambiguity of users’ queries, since they tend to post very short queries which do not express their information need clearly. This seems to be valid for the ontology-based information retrieval in which the domain ontology is used as the backbone of the searching process. In this paper, we present a novel approach for determining possible refinements of an ontology-based query. The approach is based on measuring the ambiguity of a query with respect to the original user's information need. We defined several types of the ambiguities concerning the structure of the underlying ontology and the content of the information repository. These ambiguities are interpreted regarding the user's information need, which we infer from the user's behaviour in searching process. Finally, the ranked list of the potentially useful refinements of her query is provided to the user. We present a small evaluation study that shows the advantages of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The massive acceptance and usage of the blog communities by a significant portion of the Web users has rendered knowledge extraction from blogs a particularly important research field. One of the most interesting related problems is the issue of the opinionated retrieval, that is, the retrieval of blog entries which contain opinions about a topic. There has been a remarkable amount of work towards the improvement of the effectiveness of the opinion retrieval systems. The primary objective of these systems is to retrieve blog posts which are both relevant to a given query and contain opinions, and generate a ranked list of the retrieved documents according to the relevance and opinion scores. Although a wide variety of effective opinion retrieval methods have been proposed, to the best of our knowledge, none of them takes into consideration the issue of the importance of the retrieved opinions. In this work we introduce a ranking model which combines the existing retrieval strategies with query-independent information to enhance the ranking of the opinionated documents. More specifically, our model accounts for the influence of the blogger who authored an opinion, the reputation of the blog site which published a specific blog post, and the impact of the post itself. Furthermore, we expand the current proximity-based opinion scoring strategies by considering the physical locations of the query and opinion terms within a document. We conduct extensive experiments with the TREC Blogs08 dataset which demonstrate that the application of our methods enhances retrieval precision by a significant margin.  相似文献   

政务信息资源检索是政务信息资源共享系统的重要功能。以《政务信息资源目录体系》国家标准中的XML元数据规范为依据,提出了一种支持关键词搜索的政务信息资源检索算法。该算法使用政务信息资源XML元数据的TF*IDF和关键词依赖度对检索结果集进行语义相关度排序,通过改进关键词倒排索引来提高检索效率。实验表明该算法在检索结果排序精确度和时间效率上均有较大的改善,可有效提高政务信息资源利用的数据共享服务能力。  相似文献   

为了更加有效地检索到符合用户复杂语义需求的图像,提出一种基于文本描述与语义相关性分析的图像检索算法。该方法将图像检索分为两步:基于文本语义相关性分析的图像检索和基于SIFT特征的相似图像扩展检索。根据自然语言处理技术分析得到用户文本需求中的关键词及其语义关联,在选定图像库中通过语义相关性分析得到“种子”图像;接下来在图像扩展检索中,采用基于SIFT特征的相似图像检索,利用之前得到的“种子”图像作为查询条件,在网络图像库中进行扩展检索,并在结果集上根据两次检索的图像相似度进行排序输出,最终得到更加丰富有效的图像检索结果。为了证明算法的有效性,在标准数据集Corel5K和网络数据集Deriantart8K上完成了多组实验,实验结果证明该方法能够得到较为精确地符合用户语义要求的图像检索结果,并且通过扩展算法可以得到更加丰富的检索结果。  相似文献   

As many databases have been brought online, data retrieval??finding relevant data from large databases??has become a nontrivial task. A feedback-based data retrieval system was proposed to provide user with an intuitive way for expressing their preferences in queries. The system iteratively receives a partial ordering on a sample of data from the user, learns a ranking function, and returns highly ranked results according to the function. An important issue in such retrieval systems is minimizing the number of iterations or the amount of feedback to learn an accurate ranking function. This paper proposes selective sampling (or active learning) techniques for RankSVM that can be used in the retrieval systems. The proposed techniques minimizes the amount of user interaction to learn an accurate ranking function thus facilitates users formulating a preference query in the data retrieval system.  相似文献   

Keyword search is the most popular technique for querying large tree-structured datasets, often of unknown structure, in the web. Recent keyword search approaches return lowest common ancestors (LCAs) of the keyword matches ranked with respect to their relevance to the keyword query. A major challenge of a ranking approach is the efficiency of its algorithms as the number of keywords and the size and complexity of the data increase. To face this challenge most of the known approaches restrict their ranking to a subset of the LCAs (e.g., SLCAs, ELCAs), missing relevant results.In this work, we design novel top-k-size stack-based algorithms on tree-structured data. Our algorithms implement ranking semantics for keyword queries which is based on the concept of LCA size. Similar to metric selection in information retrieval, LCA size reflects the proximity of keyword matches in the data tree. This semantics does not rank a predefined subset of LCAs and through a layered presentation of results, it demonstrates improved effectiveness compared to previous relevant approaches. To address performance challenges our algorithms exploit a lattice of the partitions of the keyword set, which empowers a linear time performance. This result is obtained without the support of auxiliary precomputed data structures. An extensive experimental study on various and large datasets confirms the theoretical analysis. The results show that, in contrast to other approaches, our algorithms scale smoothly when the size of the dataset and the number of keywords increase.  相似文献   

何亨  夏薇  张继  金瑜  李鹏 《计算机科学》2017,44(5):146-152
越来越多的企业和个人用户将大量的数据存储在云服务器。为了保障数据隐私,重要数据以密文形式存储在云端,但却给数据检索操作带来严峻挑战。传统的基于明文的检索方案不再适用,已有的基于密文的检索方案存在不支持模糊检索或多关键词检索、效率较低、空间开销较大、不支持检索结果排序等问题。因此,研究安全高效的密文检索方法具有重要意义。提出了一种新的云环境中密文数据的模糊多关键词检索方案,该方案能够从云服务器上检索出包含有指定多个关键词的密文,支持模糊关键词检索,并且不会向云服务器和其他攻击者泄露与数据和检索相关的任何明文信息;使用计数型布隆过滤器和MinHash算法构建索引向量和查询向量,使得索引构建和查询过程更加高效,且排序结果更加准确。安全性分析和性能评估表明该方案具有高安全性、可靠性、检索效率和准确率。  相似文献   

基于用户查询日志的命名实体挖掘,目标是从用户查询日志中挖掘具有指定类别的命名实体。已有研究工作提出一种基于种子实体的挖掘方法,利用实体类别与候选实体之间的模板分布相似性来对候选实体进行排序。然而该挖掘方法忽略了命名实体具有歧义性、查询模板具有多义性和未标注实体信息,因而不能够有效的对候选实体进行排序。该文采用半监督话题模型,利用查询模板之间的关系来学习实体类别的模板分布,进而改善候选实体的排序效果。实验结果表明了该文提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Structured knowledge bases are an increasingly important way for storing and retrieving information. Within such knowledge bases, an important search task is finding similar entities based on one or more example entities. We present QBEES, a novel framework for defining entity similarity based on structural features, so-called aspects and maximal aspects of the entities, that naturally model potential interest profiles of a user submitting an ambiguous query. Our approach based on maximal aspects provides natural diversity awareness and includes query-dependent and query-independent entity ranking components. We present evaluation results with a number of existing entity list completion benchmarks, comparing to several state-of-the-art baselines.  相似文献   

Searching XML data using keyword queries has attracted much attention because it enables Web users to easily access XML data without having to learn a structured query language or study possibly complex data schemas. Most of the current approaches identify the meaningful results of a given keyword query based on the semantics of lowest common ancestor (LCA) and its variants. However, given the fact that LCA candidates are usually numerous and of low relevance to the users?? information need, how to effectively and efficiently identify the most relevant results from a large number of LCA candidates is still a challenging and unresolved issue. In this article, we introduce a novel semantics of relevant results based on mutual information between the query keywords. Then, we introduce a novel approach for identifying the relevant answers of a given query by adopting skyline semantics. We also recommend three different ranking criteria for selecting the top-k relevant results of the query. Efficient algorithms are proposed which rely on some provable properties of the dominance relationship between result candidates to rapidly identify the top-k dominant results. Extensive experiments were conducted to evaluate our approach and the results show that the proposed approach has a good performance compared with other existing approaches in different data sets and evaluation metrics  相似文献   

现有汉越跨语言新闻事件检索方法较少使用新闻领域内的事件实体知识,在候选文档中存在多个事件的情况下,与查询句无关的事件会干扰查询句与候选文档间的匹配精度,影响检索性能。提出一种融入事件实体知识的汉越跨语言新闻事件检索模型。通过查询翻译方法将汉语事件查询句翻译为越南语事件查询句,把跨语言新闻事件检索问题转化为单语新闻事件检索问题。考虑到查询句中只有单个事件,候选文档中多个事件共存会影响查询句和文档的精准匹配,利用事件触发词划分候选文档事件范围,减小文档中与查询无关事件的干扰。在此基础上,利用知识图谱和事件触发词得到事件实体丰富的知识表示,通过查询句与文档事件范围间的交互,提取到事件实体知识表示与词以及事件实体知识表示之间的排序特征。在汉越双语新闻数据集上的实验结果表明,与BM25、Conv-KNRM、ATER等基线模型相比,该模型能够取得较好的跨语言新闻事件检索效果,NDCG和MAP指标最高可提升0.712 2和0.587 2。  相似文献   

Human-computer interaction is a decisive factor in effective content-based access to large image repositories. In current image retrieval systems the user refines his query by selecting example images from a relevance ranking. Since the top ranked images are all similar, user feedback often results in rearrangement of the presented images only.For better incorporation of user interaction in the retrieval process, we have developed the Filter Image Browsing method. It also uses feedback through image selection. However, it is based on differences between images rather than similarities. Filter Image Browsing presents overviews of relevant parts of the database to users. Through interaction users then zoom in on parts of the image collection. By repeatedly limiting the information space, the user quickly ends up with a small amount of relevant images. The method can easily be extended for the retrieval of multimedia objects.For evaluation of the Filter Image Browsing retrieval concept, a user simulation is applied to a pictorial database containing 10,000 images acquired from the World Wide Web by a search robot. The simulation incorporates uncertainty in the definition of the information need by users. Results show Filter Image Browsing outperforms plain interactive similarity ranking in required effort from the user. Also, the method produces predictable results for retrieval sessions, so that the user quickly knows if a successful session is possible at all. Furthermore, the simulations show the overview techniques are suited for applications such as hand-held devices where screen space is limited.  相似文献   

Content based image retrieval via a transductive model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Content based image retrieval plays an important role in the management of a large image database. However, the results of state-of-the-art image retrieval approaches are not so satisfactory for the well-known gap between visual features and semantic concepts. Therefore, a novel transductive learning scheme named random walk with restart based method (RWRM) is proposed, consisting of three major components: pre-filtering processing, relevance score calculation, and candidate ranking refinement. Firstly, to deal with the problem of large computation cost involved in a large image database, a pre-filtering processing is utilized to filter out the most irrelevant images while keeping the most relevant images according to the results of a manifold ranking algorithm. Secondly, the relevance between a query image and the remaining images are obtained with respect to the probability density estimation. Finally, a transductive learning model, namely a random walk with restart model, is utilized to refine the ranking taking into account both the pairwise information of unlabeled images and the relevance scores between query image and unlabeled images. Experiments conducted on a typical Corel dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

李勇  相中启 《计算机应用》2019,39(1):245-250
针对云计算环境下已有的密文检索方案不支持检索关键词语义扩展、精确度不够、检索结果不支持排序的问题,提出一种支持检索关键词语义扩展的可排序密文检索方案。首先,使用词频逆文档频率(TF-IDF)方法计算文档中关键词与文档之间的相关度评分,并对文档不同域中的关键词设置不同的位置权重,使用域加权评分方法计算位置权重评分,将相关度评分与位置权重评分的乘积设置为关键词在文档索引向量上相应位置的取值;其次,根据WordNet语义网对授权用户输入的检索关键词进行语义扩展,得到语义扩展检索关键词集合,使用编辑距离公式计算语义扩展检索关键词集合中关键词之间的相似度,并将相似度值设置为检索关键词在文档检索向量上相应位置的取值;最后,加密产生安全索引和文档检索陷门,在向量空间模型(VSM)下进行内积运算,以内积运算的结果为密文检索文档的排序依据。理论分析和实验仿真表明,所提方案在已知密文模型和已知背景知识模型下是安全的,且具备对检索结果的排序能力;与多关键字密文检索结果排序(MRSE)方案相比,所提方案支持关键词语义扩展,查询准确率比MRSE方案更加准确可靠,而检索时间则与MRSE方案相差不大。  相似文献   

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