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改革开放40年来,中国电力工业走出了一条从"从小到大、从弱到强"、从"供不应求"到"供应充足"的发展之路,经历了国家独家经营、集资办电、政企分开、电力市场化改革和新一轮电力市场化改革5个发展阶段。通过改革开放,中国电力工业取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,实现了电力供给规模世界第一、电网运行安全可靠、电源结构清洁发展、电力科技飞跃发展、国际合作稳步推进等成就,有力地保障了中国经济40年高速增长。新时代对中国电力工业提出高质量发展的新要求,为此要深化电力供给侧结构性改革、持续推进清洁电力发展、科学化解煤电产业过剩风险、改善电力工业经营环境、深化电力市场化改革,推动电力工业高质量发展。  相似文献   

新加坡电力市场化改革始于1995年,实现了"发电侧有竞争、用户侧有选择,市场决定价格,有效配置资源"的改革目标,改革成效显著,很多经验值得我国借鉴。本文介绍了新加坡电力市场的改革历程、批发市场运行机制、零售市场概况、未来改革方向,总结了其市场化改革的成效,提出对我国新一轮电力体制改革的建议:市场化改革需逐步有序推进;尽快核定输配电价,为售电市场放开奠定基础;培育竞争性的售电市场;建立市场与调控相结合的机制;确保市场信息公开、透明。  相似文献   

近年我国可再生能源发电面临的限电问题日趋严重,未来要实现2020年15%非化石能源比重目标面临的挑战巨大,必须加快全面推进电力改革创新。建议在近期(2017年前)加强电力系统运行调度创新,统筹规划建设配套电网,释放电源灵活调节能力、启动电力市场综合改革试点等;中长期全面推进电力市场化改革、健全综合管理和专业监管体系。  相似文献   

结合西南电网高水电占比特征,基于"增量收益、不扣优先、省内优先"的理念,构建了中国首个非强制分摊市场化、具有西南特色的电力调峰辅助服务市场.首先,论证了西南电力调峰辅助服务市场建设的必要性;其次,以促进水电减弃增发和火电调节灵活性为目标,给出了西南电力调峰辅助服务市场价格、省内与省间市场协调、火电优先计划保障等核心机制...  相似文献   

本世纪以来,我国天然气行业加速发展,天然气消费规模、供应能力显著提升,深化油气体制改革取得明显进展。在“双碳”目标新形势下,天然气作为最清洁低碳的化石能源,在发挥基础能源重要作用的同时,将支撑和推动新能源长期发展,因此完善天然气行业市场化机制具有重要意义。本文通过回顾我国天然气市场化发展的进程,对比欧、美、日、韩天然气市场特点得到市场化改革的启示和借鉴,分析国内天然气市场化进程中存在的问题及原因,提出新形势下有利于天然气行业高质量发展的政策建议:持续深化体制机制改革,实现基础设施高水平公平开放;加强行业监管,打造全链条立体化的监管体系;坚持先进理念引领,加强技术和商业模式创新;健全天然气产供储销体系。  相似文献   

<正>中共中央、国务院《关于推进价格机制改革的若干意见》和《关于进一步深化电力体制改革的若干意见》明确提出,要按照"管住中间,放开两头"的体制架构,推进电价市场化改革,有序放开竞争环节电价,建立主要由市场决定价格的机制,这为深化电价市场化改革指明了方向。燃煤发电是保障我国电力供应的主力电源,平稳有序放开燃煤发电上网电价,是电价市场化改革的重点任务,也是深化电力市场化改革的关键。2004年,经国务院批准,国家发展和改革委员会建立了  相似文献   

本文介绍了"十三五"期间我国可再生能源的发展前景,分析了现阶段可再生能源发展存在的主要问题和问题产生的原因,提出了强化规划指导、优化开发模式和布局、推动清洁电能替代实现就近消纳、切实提高电力消纳保障能力、促进电力市场化改革等实现可再生能源可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

结合新一轮电力体制改革对电网公司在市场化环境的经营管理要求,通过挖掘业务驱动关系,建立了指标间的因果关系,梳理了电网公司经营目标的优化逻辑,以系统动力学为基础,通过VENSIM工具构建了电网公司输配电固定资产投资的多目标优化仿真模型。实例应用结果表明,该模型考虑了企业经营的动态复杂性,实现了动态的闭环反馈测算,为管理决策提供了有效的分析工具,提高了资源配置测算的准确性和效率。  相似文献   

武旭 《中国能源》2013,35(6):5-11
推动充分有效的市场竞争是我国能源领域市场化改革的重要组成部分。本文在回顾我国能源市场竞争改革路径的基础上,指出了目前政策存在的问题,并且通过对改革必要性和目标的系统性论证,提出了未来改革一系列的政策建议,主要包括在竞争性领域打破严格的准入限制;分阶段逐步分离具有自然垄断性质的基础网络环节,并加强政府监管;深化能源国有企业改革;注重能源领域间及与关联领域的改革协调性;提高能源管理层级,建立规范的能源监管体系。  相似文献   

正近期,为深入贯彻落实党的十八届五中全会、中央财经领导小组第六次会议和国家"十三五"规划纲要精神,践行"创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享"发展理念,推动实施能源"四个革命、一个合作"的战略思想,充分发挥能源技术创新的引领作用,推进电力行业高效清洁、绿色低碳发展,加强电力(含火电、电网、系统储能项目,下同)行业发展新形势下的示范项目管理,国家能源局特制定《国家电力示范项目管理办法》(国能电力[2016]304号,以下简称《办法》)。《办法》所称示范项目是指应用原始创新、集成创新并  相似文献   

王静  任焦娟 《能源研究与信息》2019,35(3):146-150,155
为理顺恶性价格竞争的形成机理,以广东省售电企业为研究对象,将售电企业分为有发电资产的第一类售电企业与无发电资产的第二类售电企业,通过建立Bertrand模型研究新电改背景下恶性价格竞争机理,并对售电企业进入或退出售电市场曲线进行了分析。结果表明:引入市场竞争后的售电侧有形成恶性价格竞争的可能性,相关部门应加以防范。  相似文献   

The Electric Vehicle (EV) as a clean alternative to Classic Vehicle that use fossil fuels is promoted as an immediate solution to improve the quality parameters of the environment related to the transport sector. The transition to clean electrified mobility must be considered from the sustainability spectrum, and the planning of a strategy related to the implementation of electric vehicles implies, from the beginning, providing clean energy conditions to go toward a green-to-green paradigm. It should be noted that the successful implementation of the “green electro mobility” concept depends heavily on the green energy supply solutions of green electric vehicle, so Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EV-CS) should be powered by electricity generation systems based on green resources. This research article has as main objective the environmental impact assessment from the perspective of CO2 emissions embedded in green stand-alone energy systems and the estimation of the environmental benefits of their implementation in the power supply of EV-CS from the perspective of avoided CO2 emissions compared to the classic electricity supply grid. The results indicate that the green energy systems represent feasible solutions for the independent energy support of electric vehicle charging stations, being able to supply electricity based on on-site available 100% alternative energy sources. Related to 1 kWh of electricity, the CO2 emissions embedded in these systems represent on average 11.40% of the CO2 emissions of the electricity supplied through the grid at European level and on average 7.10% of the CO2 emissions of the electricity supplied through the grid worldwide. Results also show that the average price of 1kWh of electricity generated by the analyzed systems is 4.3 times higher than the average unit price of the European Union grid energy, but this indicator must be correlated with the kgCO2/kWh cost savings compared to the electricity production from classic power plants.  相似文献   

中国CO2排放量巨大,其中电力企业的CO2排放量占全国总排放量的50%以上。在碳交易市场背景下,电力企业需要在拍卖购买碳配额进行减排与自主更新进行减排中作出抉择。基于成本效益法对发电企业的低碳成本进行了综合分析,将通过优化后所减少的CO2排放量作为收益,在碳排放交易市场的背景下将碳减排的经济效益进行量化,并通过与碳排放权交易市场的碳价格进行比较,从而得出火电企业所应作出的最佳决策。如结果所示,在一定条件下,如果企业进行技术更新后可以减排10%、20%、30%的电力生产CO2排放量,则火电企业所作出的碳减排决策分界点的拍卖比例分别为54%、27%与18%。  相似文献   

加速煤炭价格机制市场化改革的基本思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潘伟尔 《中国能源》2005,27(1):19-23
加速煤炭价格机制市场化改革应该排除目前存在的五个障碍,即电力垄断与煤炭竞争的矛盾,煤炭价格制度改革设计上的缺陷,煤炭运输能力不足,行政行为的煤电价格联动,宏观管理不顺等。改革的基本思路是:加快电力体制改革和提高煤炭集中度的步伐,促进煤电联合,不搞行政行为的煤电价格联动,改革管理体制等,这样可为煤炭电力行业创造公平的市场竞争环境。  相似文献   

The Indian power sector is presently going through a process of reform and restructuring, Independent regulatory commissions are being set up, and vertically integrated utilities are being unbundled into corporate entities. Efforts are also being made to facilitate competition wherever feasible, and the choice of an appropriate power market model assumes significance in this context. The recent reforms in the Indian power sector have exemplified changes in the players' role for providing policy directions, regulating, and running the sector for over 50 years. New institutional entities are being established in the power sector, and a healthy relationship between these institutions is presumed crucial to ensure a sustained development of the sector and to realize the reform goals. A three-phase, nine-step action plan for reform encourages an integrated national grid; tariff setting, DSM options, energy conservation, and T&D loss reduction as possible strategies to overcome the problem of power deficit.  相似文献   

随着新一轮电力体制改革,电网盈利模式发生变化。电网可行性研究中的经济评价既要有利于电网企业判定项目的盈利性,又需要向监管方充分论证项目的必要性和经济可行性。本文针对深圳电网特点,提出了主网项目可研经济评价方法及指标,详细探讨了合理分摊单个项目收益的方法,从项目对输配电价的影响和项目经济效益两个视角对项目进行评价,算例证明该方法具有较好的操作性。  相似文献   

An expedient phase-out of carbon emissions in the electricity sector could be facilitated by imposing carbon fees and applying the revenue exclusively to subsidize new, low-carbon generation sources. Since there would initially be no “new sources,” fees would be substantially zero at the outset of the program. Nevertheless, the program would immediately create high price incentives for low-carbon capacity expansion. Fees would increase as new, low-carbon sources gain market share, but price competition from a growing, subsidized clean-energy industry would help maintain moderate retail electricity prices. Subsidies would automatically phase out as emitting sources become obsolete.  相似文献   

With the proposal of carbon neutral goals in various countries, the deepening of global action on climate change and the acceleration of green economy recovery in the post epidemic era, building a low-carbon and clean hydrogen supply system has gradually become a global consensus. In order to promote the development of clean hydrogen market, the standards of green hydrogen have been discussed at global level. The quantitative definition of different hydrogen production methods based on the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission of life cycle assessment (LCA) methods is gradually recognised by the industry. China issued the “Standard and evaluation of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen and renewable hydrogen” in December 2020. This is the first formal green hydrogen standard worldwide, which provides calculation methods for GHG of different hydrogen production paths. This chapter discusses the major green hydrogen standards initiative in the world, analyses the key factors of the global green hydrogen standard, and introduces how to establish the quantitative standards and evaluation system of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen, and renewable hydrogen by using the method in China.  相似文献   

陈梦  王梦 《上海节能》2020,(4):279-284
电网企业配售电业务随着改革发展形势的变化,面临更强的市场竞争,用户对更加多元化、便捷化的能源电力服务的需求也愈加迫切,增值服务对于电网企业具有重要意义。以电网企业发展节能改造服务为例,通过构建相应指标体系及量化评估模型,实现对电网企业节能改造服务效益的综合评价,为电网企业评估节能改造服务的效益潜力提供决策支撑。  相似文献   

当前中国能源管理体制存在的问题主要是能源法律体系建设滞后,市场机制建设进展缓慢,市场监督机制不健全。新一轮能源管理体制改革的目标应是"四个形成":即形成比较完整的能源法体系,形成良性的市场竞争秩序,形成综合与分类相结合的能源监管体制,形成以市场为基础的能源定价新机制。能源管理体制改革的思路是以法治建设作为能源管理体制改革的基础,以系统思维和顶层设计的思路确定改革方式,将价格机制改革作为能源管理体制改革的突破口。改革的重点是理顺煤电价格,推进电价改革;改善原油成品油定价机制,尽早推出天然气价格机制,完善市场准入制度,打破企业市场垄断,尽快完善电力监管体系,健全煤炭、石油天然气行业的监管体制,及早应对国际能源格局新变化,积极参与全球能源治理。  相似文献   

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