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Disease resistance in plants is often controlled by a gene-for-gene mechanism in which avirulence (avr) gene products encoded by pathogens are specifically recognized, either directly or indirectly, by plant disease resistance (R) gene products. Members of the NBS-LRR class of R genes encode proteins containing a putative nucleotide binding site (NBS) and carboxyl-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Generally, NBS-LRR proteins do not contain predicted transmembrane segments or signal peptides, suggesting they are soluble cytoplasmic proteins. RPM1 is an NBS-LRR protein from Arabidopsis thaliana that confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae expressing either avrRpm1 or avrB. RPM1 protein was localized by using an epitope tag. In contrast to previous suggestions, RPM1 is a peripheral membrane protein that likely resides on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, RPM1 is degraded coincident with the onset of the hypersensitive response, suggesting a negative feedback loop controlling the extent of cell death and overall resistance response at the site of infection.  相似文献   

Batten disease (juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) is a recessive neurodegenerative disorder of childhood. The gene, CLN3, was recently identified and found to encode a novel 438 amino acid protein of unknown function. In order to gain insight into the function of the Batten disease protein (CLN3p), we investigated its subcellular localization. Protein constructs incorporating CLN3p fused to the green fluorescence protein or an eight amino acid peptide tag were transiently expressed in fibroblasts, HeLa and COS-7 cells. A juxtanuclear, asymmetric localization pattern was observed that correlated with the Golgi apparatus in all three cell types. However, a proportion of transiently transfected cells exhibited a punctate vesicular distribution throughout the cytoplasm in addition to or without the Golgi localization. In order to account for localization patterns arising from intracellular protein transport disruption due to exaggerated overexpression in transiently transfected cells, we isolated a stably transfected cell line expressing only one copy of the CLN3 -GFP DNA construct. Fluorescence and biochemical analyses using this cell line demonstrated that CLN3p is an integral membrane protein that localizes primarily in the Golgi apparatus. The functional implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

An antibody made against the herpes simplex virus 1 US5 gene predicted to encode glycoprotein J was found to react strongly with two proteins, one with an apparent Mr of 23,000 and mapping in the S component and one with a herpes simplex virus protein with an apparent Mr of 43,000. The antibody also reacted with herpes simplex virus type 2 proteins forming several bands with apparent Mrs ranging from 43,000 to 50,000. Mapping studies based on intertypic recombinants, analyses of deletion mutants, and ultimately, reaction of the antibody with a chimeric protein expressed by in-frame fusion of the glutathione S-transferase gene to an open reading frame antisense to the gene encoding glycoprotein B led to the definitive identification of the new open reading frame, designated UL27.5. Sequence analyses indicate the conservation of a short amino acid sequence common to US5 and UL27.5. The coding sequence of the herpes simplex virus UL27.5 open reading frame is strongly homologous to the sequence encoding the carboxyl terminus of the herpes simplex virus 2 UL27.5 sequence. However, both open reading frames could encode proteins predicted to be significantly larger than the mature UL27.5 proteins accumulating in the infected cells, indicating that these are either processed posttranslationally or synthesized from alternate, nonmethionine-initiating codons. The UL27.5 gene expression is blocked by phosphonoacetate, indicating that it is a gamma2 gene. The product accumulated predominantly in the cytoplasm. UL27.5 is the third open reading frame found to map totally antisense to another gene and suggests that additional genes mapping antisense to known genes may exist.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein has been shown to be extensively modified by N-linked glycosylation; however, the presence of O-linked carbohydrates on the glycoprotein has not been firmly established. We have found that enzymatic deglycosylation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein with neuraminidase and O-glycosidase results in a decrease in the apparent molecular weight of the envelope glycoprotein. This result was observed in both vaccinia virus recombinant-derived envelope glycoproteins and glycoproteins derived from the IIIB, SG3, and HXB2, strains of HIV-1. The decrease in molecular weight was also observed when the envelope glycoprotein had been deglycosylated with N-glycanase F after treatment with neuraminidase and O-glycosidase, indicating that the decrease in apparent molecular weight was not attributable to the removal of N-linked carbohydrate. Treatment with neuraminidase, O-glycosidase, and N-glycanase F was found to be necessary to remove all radiolabel from [3H]glucosamine-labelled envelope glycoprotein, a result seen for both recombinant and HIV-1-derived envelope glycoprotein. [3H]glucosamine-labelled carbohydrates liberated by O-glycosidase treatment were separated by paper chromatography and were found to be of a size consistent with O-linked oligosaccharides. We, therefore, conclude that the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein is modified by the addition of O-linked carbohydrates.  相似文献   

The MEN1 gene, mutations in which are responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), encodes a 610-amino acid protein, denoted menin. The amino acid sequence of this putative tumor suppressor offers no clue to the function or subcellular location of the protein. We report herein, based on immunofluorescence, Western blotting of subcellular fractions, and epitope tagging with enhanced green fluorescent protein, that menin is located primarily in the nucleus. Enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged menin deletion constructs identify at least two independent nuclear localization signals (NLS), both located in the C-terminal fourth of the protein. Among the 68 known independent disease-associated mutations, none of the 22 missense and 3 in-frame deletions affect either of the putative NLS sequences. However, if expressed, none of the truncated menin proteins resulting from the 43 known frameshift/nonsense mutations would retain both the NLSs. The precise role(s) of menin in the nucleus remain to be understood.  相似文献   

An overview of efforts to induce neutralizing antibodies in order to develop an effective vaccine against AIDS is presented. The principal Neutralizing Determinant (PND) on the HIV-1 envelope is described. PND variability and the induction of neutralizing antibodies by synthetic peptides representing PND are discussed. The use of a cocktail of different peptides representing the PND sequences of the majority of HIV-1 isolates, as well as the construction of hybrid immunogens containing PND of several viral isolates, could overcome the problems related to PND variability. A different approach based on the possibility of inducing a type of intracellular immunity is also discussed: a cellular clone (F12) obtained in our laboratory from Hut-78 cells infected with supernatant of cultured lymphocytes from an HIV-infected patient, does not release viral particles despite the presence of a full-length HIV-1 provirus. Moreover, F12 cells are fully resistant against superinfection with any HIV-1 or HIV-2 isolates. We are now attempting to reproduce the homologous viral interference by transferring the F12/HIV genome of the clone into HIV-susceptible cells in order to render these cells resistant to HIV infection.  相似文献   

Individuals infected with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) develop a robust immune response to the surface envelope glycoprotein gp46 that is partially protective. The relative contribution of antibodies to conformation-dependent epitopes, including those mediating virus neutralization as part of the humoral immune response, is not well defined. We assess in this report the relationship between defined linear and conformational epitopes and the antibodies elicited to these domains. First, five monoclonal antibodies to linear epitopes within gp46 were evaluated for their ability to abrogate binding of three human monoclonal antibodies that inhibit HTLV-1-mediated syncytia formation and recognize conformational epitopes. Binding of antibodies to conformational epitopes was unaffected by antibodies to linear epitopes throughout the carboxy-terminal half and central domain of HTLV-1 gp46. Second, an enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay was developed and used to measure serum antibodies to native and denatured gp46 from HTLV-1-infected individuals. In sera from infected individuals, reactivity to denatured gp46 had an average of 15% of the reactivity observed to native gp46. Third, serum antibodies from 24 of 25 of HTLV-1-infected individuals inhibited binding of a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody, PRH-7A, to a conformational epitope on gp46 that is common to HTLV-1 and -2. Thus, antibodies to conformational epitopes comprise the majority of the immune response to HTLV-1 gp46, and the epitopes recognized by these antibodies do not appear to involve sequences in previously described immunodominant linear epitopes.  相似文献   

We comparatively analyzed the replication kinetics of wild-type (wt) and nef mutant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in several CD4-positive cell lines, in order to clarify the molecular function of Nef protein. The delayed growth of nef mutant virus was observed at the initial stage of replication in all cell lines examined. This phenomenon was greatly amplified in the absence of vpu gene. In order to determine the infection stage in viral replication cycle which is specifically affected on virus replication rate in the presence of the Nef protein, we first examined the difference between wt and nef mutant viruses in the virus production rate from transfected cells, and found that the both viruses were produced with equal efficiency. This result showed that Nef protein could be dispensable for virion production. Therefore, early infection stages were focused by single-round infection assay, and the nef mutant virus was found to be much less infectious than wt virus. This indicated that the effect of Nef protein was exhibited in the early phase of a virus replication cycle, during viral adsorption to integration. By entry assay using wt and nef mutant virions, it was revealed that the Nef protein was required for efficient viral entry. These data suggest that the Nef protein might play a role in efficient incorporation of the Env protein into the virions, leading to enhanced viral infectivity.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL25 gene contains a 580-amino-acid open reading frame that codes for an essential protein. Previous studies have shown that the UL25 gene product is a virion component (M. A. Ali et al., Virology 216:278-283, 1996) involved in virus penetration and capsid assembly (C. Addison et al., Virology 138:246-259, 1984). In this study, we describe the isolation of a UL25 mutant (KUL25NS) that was constructed by insertion of an in-frame stop codon in the UL25 open reading frame and propagated on a complementing cell line. Although the mutant was capable of synthesis of viral DNA, it did not form plaques or produce infectious virus in noncomplementing cells. Antibodies specific for the UL25 protein were used to demonstrate that KUL25NS-infected Vero cells did not express the UL25 protein. Western immunoblotting showed that the UL25 protein was associated with purified, wild-type HSV A, B, and C capsids. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that the nucleus of Vero cells infected with KUL25NS contained large numbers of both A and B capsids but no C capsids. Analysis of infected cells by sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis confirmed that the ratio of A to B capsids was elevated in KUL25NS-infected Vero cells. Following restriction enzyme digestion, specific terminal fragments were observed in DNA isolated from KUL25NS-infected Vero cells, indicating that the UL25 gene was not required for cleavage of replicated viral DNA. The latter result was confirmed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), which showed the presence of genome-size viral DNA in KUL25NS-infected Vero cells. DNase I treatment prior to PFGE demonstrated that monomeric HSV DNA was not packaged in the absence of the UL25 protein. Our results indicate that the product of the UL25 gene is required for packaging but not cleavage of replicated viral DNA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Efforts to reduce costs in health care may raise concerns about underuse of medical procedures. This study prospectively assessed underuse of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in a cohort of patients in whom we have recently published data on overuse of endoscopy. METHODS: Underuse was identified by formal necessity criteria for endoscopy, obtained by an explicit panel process. Outpatients were consecutively included in two clinical settings. Setting A consisted of 20 primary care physicians and 7215 patient visits that occurred within 1 month. Setting B consisted of 920 visits that occurred during 3 weeks at an outpatient clinic. RESULTS: During these 8135 visits, 611 patients complained of upper digestive symptoms; 63 of them underwent endoscopy. Underuse was identified in 72 patients (11.8%). The two clinical situations mainly responsible for underuse of endoscopy were uninvestigated peptic symptoms resistant to treatment and dysphagia. At first follow-up, 29 of the patients with initial underuse still fulfilled criteria of necessity (underuse rate, 4.7%). One-year follow-up showed underuse of endoscopy in 5 patients. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective evidence shows that underuse of a medical procedure exists. The estimated overuse and underuse of endoscopy in this cohort were approximately equal (5%). Improving quality of care will require reductions of both overuse and underuse of medical procedures.  相似文献   

Finger millet (Eleusine coracana), an allotetraploid cereal, is widely cultivated in the arid and semiarid regions of the world. Three DNA marker techniques, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and inter simple sequence repeat amplification (ISSR), were employed to analyze 22 accessions belonging to 5 species of Eleusine. An 8 probe--3 enzyme RFLP combination, 18 RAPD primers, and 6 ISSR primers, respectively, revealed 14, 10, and 26% polymorphism in 17 accessions of E. coracana from Africa and Asia. These results indicated a very low level of DNA sequence variability in the finger millets but did allow each line to be distinguished. The different Eleusine species could be easily identified by DNA marker technology and the 16% intraspecific polymorphism exhibited by the two analyzed accessions of E. floccifolia suggested a much higher level of diversity in this species than in E. coracana. Between species, E. coracana and E. indica shared the most markers, while E. indica and E. tristachya shared a considerable number of markers, indicating that these three species form a close genetic assemblage within the Eleusine. Eleusine floccifolia and E. compressa were found to be the most divergent among the species examined. Comparison of RFLP, RAPD, and ISSR technologies, in terms of the quantity and quality of data output, indicated that ISSRs are particularly promising for the analysis of plant genome diversity.  相似文献   

Chlamydia psittaci produces a collection of proteins, termed IncA, IncB, and IncC, that are localized to the chlamydial inclusion membrane. In this report we demonstrate that IncA is also produced by Chlamydia trachomatis. C. trachomatis IncA is structurally similar to C. psittaci IncA and is also localized to the inclusion membrane. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that sera from C. trachomatis-infected patients and from experimentally infected monkeys both recognized C. trachomatis IncA.  相似文献   

The gene product of XRCC4 has been implicated in both V(D)J recombination and the more general process of double strand break repair (DSBR). To date its role in these processes is unknown. Here, we describe biochemical characteristics of the murine XRCC4 protein. XRCC4 expressed in insect cells exists primarily as a disulfide-linked homodimer, although it can also form large multimers. Recombinant XRCC4 is phosphorylated during expression in insect cells. XRCC4 phosphorylation in Sf9 cells occurs on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues. We also investigated whether XRCC4 interacts with the other factor known to be requisite for both V(D)J recombination and DSBR, the DNA-dependent protein kinase. We report that XRCC4 is an efficient in vitro substrate of DNA-PK and another unidentified serine/ threonine protein kinase(s). Both DNA-PK dependent and independent phosphorylation of XRCC4 in vitro occurs only on serine and threonine residues within the COOH-terminal 130 amino acids, a region of the molecule that is not absolutely required for XRCC4's DSBR function. Finally, recombinant XRCC4 facilitates Ku binding to DNA, promoting assembly of DNA-PK and complexing with DNA-PK bound to DNA. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that XRCC4 functions as an alignment factor in the DNA-PK complex.  相似文献   

We have examined the capacity of peripheral blood T cells from RA patients to be polarized in vitro towards a type 1 (T1) or a type 2 (T2) phenotype. Peripheral blood T cells from RA patients and from healthy donors were primed by 1 week of culture with soluble OKT3 in the presence of polarizing cytokines. The recovered T cells were restimulated and their cytokine secretion profile determined. Priming of T cells from RA patients in the presence of recombinant (r)IL-2 plus rIL-12 induced a shift towards a TI pattern, characterized by increased production of interferon-gamma, that was more pronounced than in the case of healthy donors. Conversely, priming of T cells from RA patients in the presence of IL-4 failed to induce a shift towards a T2 profile after 1 week, whereas it induced T cells from healthy donors to acquire such a profile characterized by heightened production of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. However, a T2 polarization profile emerged in T cells from RA patients that were primed in the presence of rIL-4 and subsequently maintained in culture in rIL-2 alone for 1 or 2 additional weeks. We conclude that in vitro differentiation of peripheral T cells towards a type 2 phenotype is impaired in RA. Nevertheless, conditions required to drive peripheral T cells towards a type 2 phenotype were established. Administration of autologous polyclonal T cells expressing a type 2 cytokine secretion profile is proposed as a therapeutic strategy in RA.  相似文献   

In vivo, retroviral integration is mediated by a large nucleoprotein complex, termed the preintegration complex (PIC). PICs isolated from infected cells display in vitro integration activity. Here, we analyze the roles of different host cell factors in the structure and function of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) PICs. PICs purified by size exclusion after treatment with high salt lost their integration activity, and adding back an extract from uninfected cells restored this activity. In parallel, the native protein-DNA intasome structure detected at the ends of HIV-1 by Mu-mediated PCR footprinting was abolished by high salt and restored by the crude cell extract. Various purified proteins previously implicated in retroviral PIC function then were analyzed for their effects on the structure and function of salt-treated HIV-1 PICs. Whereas relatively low amounts (5-20 nM) of human barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) protein restored integration activity, substantially more (5-10 microM) human host factor HMG I(Y) was required. Similarly high levels (3-8 microM) of bovine RNase A, a DNA-binding protein used as a nonspecific control, also restored activity. Mu-mediated PCR footprinting revealed that of these three purified proteins, only BAF restored the native structure of the HIV-1 protein-DNA intasome. We suggest that BAF is a natural host cofactor for HIV-1 integration.  相似文献   

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