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ICT applications that include functionality for knowledge sharing are routinely used by IT service providers even though their implementation is known to be problematic and the reasons for such problems not well understood. To shed light on the issue, we collected data at two organisations where managers had provided IT service support workers with IT service management (ITSM) tools incorporating functionality for knowledge sharing. Using critical discourse analysis and rhetorical analysis techniques, we contrasted primary data representative of IT service support practice with other primary and publicly available secondary data reflecting the prevailing discourse of IT service managers. Through this analysis, we identify an apparent dissonance between ITSM managerial and worker discourses that reflect opposing epistemologies. Managers are optimistic about the benefits of ICT‐based knowledge sharing, whereas the practice of workers is revealed to privilege self‐reliance and interpersonal knowledge sharing. By taking a dual, management–worker, perspective, we provide fresh insight into why ICT‐based knowledge sharing is problematic. As a theoretical contribution, we propose that dysfunctional intra‐organisational conflict can arise where incompatible management and worker practices become institutionalised through the simultaneous diffusion of conflicting discourses. 相似文献
Zhen-Jiao Chen Robert M. Davison Ji-Ye Mao Zhao-Hua Wang 《Information & Management》2018,55(7):840-849
In this study of tacit knowledge-sharing intentions in China, we examine the roles of authoritarian leadership and fairness with respect to the way managers make decisions and treat their subordinates. In particular, we examine the role of leader renqing orientation, i.e., the way leaders distribute favors and emotional concern to their subordinates, as a moderating factor. We draw on the research literature in the domains of knowledge management and cross-cultural Psychology to identify constructs that we then test with a survey of 309 Chinese employees. Our findings are counter-intuitive and are discussed in detail before we conclude with implications for research and practice. 相似文献
Studies of communication patterns in technical teams have confirmed the importance of three roles (critic, erudite and idea generator) identified in earlier Russian work. Interpersonal needs and innovation-adaptation style preferences were also examined. The results demonstrate that the roles are taken up by team members with differing interpersonal needs and innovation-adaptation biases. The authors suggest that greater attention to such factors will assist in the design and management of more effective scientific teams, and describe an easy-to-apply survey-feedback method for facilitating team learning and development. 相似文献
为提高知识团队成员共享知识的意愿,通过运用演化博弈论,对知识团队知识共享的内在机理与动态演化过程进行了分析.结果表明,影响知识团队知识共享的因素有知识员工的知识拥有量差距、风险系数、知识共享度、互补性知识比例、激励系数、协同性影响程度等,通过调整这些参数的大小,可以有效提高知识团队成员选择知识共享策略的概率. 相似文献
知识管理与eLearning技术能有效提升企业竞争力。首先改进了SECI知识管理模型;然后提出了基于eLearning的企业知识管理模型;最后给出了基于该模型的应用案例。通过对该案例的分析,可以更好地理解eLearning与知识管理在企业中的实际关系。 相似文献
《Behaviour & Information Technology》2012,31(10):1024-1040
Shared mental model (SMM), a concept from psychology, is defined as a common thinking style developed when individuals perform similar tasks in a cohesive manner. In this article, we investigate the relationship between the three dimensions of social capital and SMM. We also examine whether SMM mediates the impact of social capital on knowledge sharing (KS) behaviour in information system development (ISD) teams. Social capital is defined as the resource of social relationships owned by individuals. It is useful for explaining human behaviour in social networks. The data collected represent 492 ISD professionals in 118 teams from 18 middle-sized enterprises. The results of this study indicate that social capital theory is useful for explaining the antecedents of SMM, and SMM is positively related to KS and team performance. This research also emphasises the importance of developing SMM in a team. 相似文献
《Behaviour & Information Technology》2012,31(11):1117-1131
Knowledge sharing visibility (KSV) is a critical environmental factor which can reduce social loafing in knowledge sharing (KS). This is especially true in ICT-based KS in learning organisations. As such, it is imperative that we better understand how to design technology enabled knowledge management systems (KMS) to support high KSV. This article examines the impact of knowledge management technology functions (e.g. tracking, knowledge storing) on KSV through qualitative analysis of 16 semi-structured interviews with participants in a Chinese company. Impact and implications of use for their existing KMS are examined. This article also examined the effects of department characteristics (i.e. group size and task characteristics) and individual roles (i.e. employee positions) on the IT–KSV relationship. Results encourage applied statistical, tracking, knowledge distribution and knowledge storing functions for monitoring explicit KS, and suggest integration of visualised knowledge maps with communication tools (e.g. Instant Messenger (IM)) to support visibility for implicit KS. Findings also suggest that KM technologies are more salient on improving KSV in large department with routine tasks, and that low-level employees may have more positive attitude on accepting communication tools on sharing knowledge. Extension to use of Web 2.0 technologies (e.g. weblogs) in KMS is also explored. 相似文献
Tacit knowledge is an important factor for enterprises and institutions to enhance their knowledge innovation and value-added capabilities, and it is also a basic link to enhance organizational learning capabilities. With the development of technology, the dissemination of tacit knowledge has increasingly shown complex and dynamic trends. In order to make the tacit knowledge in the enterprise better circulate and generate greater economic value, therefore, this paper proposes a study on the diffusion map of tacit knowledge based on multivariate statistics and 3D visualization analysis. First of all, this paper analyzes the internal relationship between organizational learning and organizational tacit knowledge integration and organizational tacit knowledge innovation, and combines multiple statistical methods to propose an organizational tacit knowledge integration method based on tacit knowledge management. Secondly, we combine 3D visualization and generative confrontation network methods to analyze the data of tacit knowledge dissemination, and visualize the distribution of knowledge dissemination in three dimensions. In the simulation experiment test, this paper reveals that the spreading efficiency of tacit knowledge in the network is affected by related factors. Through this model, we hope to explore the behavioral laws of different types of nodes in the network and propose effective countermeasures to improve the efficiency of knowledge dissemination. 相似文献
随着知识管理的发展,隐性知识逐渐成为知识管理的核心.为了实现对隐性知识统一、有效地管理,在对隐性知识管理的现状及问题的分析基础之上,提出了较为完备的隐性知识管理的功能模型,并对其实现的关键技术进行分析.该模型将使得隐性知识管理从分散的理论研究落实到具体可实施的技术层面上,在一定程度弥补了当前对隐性知识管理应用研究的不足. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe current study proposes a new framework for knowledge sharing (KS) analytics among information technology (IT) workers, based on an electronic source of collaborative software used by IT developers. It attempts to formulate a new objective way to measure actual KS. The findings confirm previous reports of differences in KS motivation between internal and external IT workers. The metrics of electronic source footprints proposed in this study have confirmed that the KS level of external IT workers is significantly lower than that of internal IT workers. Several practical implications for better knowledge management (KM) are discussed, including the measuring of KS levels on an ongoing basis, and practices that should be considered when employing external IT workers, in order to motivate collaborative behaviors and team work in IT departments. 相似文献
重路由匿名通信系统中基于秘密共享的重路由算法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
重路由匿名通信系统主要采用重路由机制来提供匿名保护.已有的下一跳重路由方式具有抗攻击能力弱且通信延时大等缺陷.提出基于秘密共享的重路由算法,用于在下一跳路由中实现端到端的加密,从而有效增大恶意成员的攻击难度.理论分析表明,抗攻击能力达到与源路由方式同等水平.并且,由于发送者能有效控制路由长度,因而能保证良好的通信性能. 相似文献
Knowledge is currently considered an asset for organisations. In this new paradigm, Knowledge Management (KM) is emerging as an unavoidable activity for organisations. Information and communications technologies, together with business policies, become a tool par excellence for supporting the creation of KM platforms that provide access to organisation knowledge resources such as workers, technical reports, software applications, and business documents. In spite of the benefits provided by current KM platforms, most of them were designed to manage a single type of knowledge (tacit or explicit) without considering either the form in which organisational areas need knowledge to be provided (reactive or proactive) or the integration with business processes. This work presents a process-aware approach to develop KM platforms linked to business processes with semantic capability to manage knowledge objects with natural language content as well as to support social interactions and ad hoc working groups. To this aim, a comprehensive analysis of influencing-KM factors to be addressed by technological solutions is considered by a set of technological requirements. Based on these requirements, a model that provides the main components to be addressed by KM approaches is specified and implemented by a technological platform. This platform goes after a balance between technological and social aspects that support and promote collaboration and communication among organisation members. 相似文献
Design knowledge reuse is widely accepted as an effective strategy for designers to develop robust artifacts with less time and lower cost. However, there has been very little research on how to help designers capture detailed design knowledge for reuse. As a result, most detailed design knowledge still has to remain in designers’ memories as tacit knowledge, which can easily get lost due to oblivion or the mobility of designers. Therefore, this paper attempts to develop a part affordance-based approach for externalizing and capturing detailed design knowledge for effective reuse. It first introduces a part model for representing the detailed design-related information. Based on the relational theory for design, the concept, part affordance, is then employed to help designers externalize and capture various lifecycle factors that are implicit in a detailed design. Based on the affordance constraint axiom, a systematic approach is then proposed for deriving tacit design knowledge from captured part affordances through the analysis of extreme working situations. The proposed approach has been implemented as the Design Knowledge-Capturing System (DKCS). A fixture design case has been employed to illustrate the proposed approach. 相似文献
A fault-tolerant progressive image transmission method is proposed. The advantages include the following: (1) Unlike most progressive methods, the image is divided into n parts with equal importance to avoid worrying about which part is lost or transmitted first. (2) If the image is a secret image, then the transmission can use n distinct channels (one shared result per channel), and intercepting up to r1-1 channels by the enemy (r1rkn are all pre-set constants) will not reveal any secret. Meanwhile, the disconnection up to n-rk channels will not affect the lossless recovery of the secret image. 相似文献
Satinder P. Gill 《AI & Society》1999,13(3):218-234
In man-machine communication, there is a relationship between what may be described as tacit (human) and explicit (machine) knowledge. The tacit lies in practice and the explicit in the formulation of the processes and content of this practice. However, when a human communicates with another human face to face, we may describe them as communicating aspects of the tacit and explicit dimension of their knowledge, i.e. the expression and its background of meaning for the particular situation. When this is unsuccessful in being communicated, some mediator (not necessarily a third person) is needed to provide the bridge for the particular discrepant aspects of the tacit and explicit dimensions to meet. This is achieved by making the tacit nature of the discrepancy in the communication explicit to both participants such that they both understand the background to their discrepancy. Once they become aware, it is possible for them to begin to resolve it.In considering what has been termed here the cultural interface, i.e. communication across cultures, the paper will explore the nature of discrepancies in communication and the means by which we can accommodate to each other's differences, either via third party help or between ourselves. The interaction of each person's tacit (background of practices) and their interpretation, set against this background, of the explicit (the utterance, silence, gesture) needs to find some mutual ground, involving their cultural self. The operation of mediation and negotiation will be considered in this context. 相似文献
一种基于矢量共享方案的DCT域上数字水印分存算法 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
数字水印分存是将秘密共享的思想用于数字水印,将原始水印信息分解成n份分存水印信息,获得其中部分分存水印信息就能恢复出原始水印信息.该文提出一种基于矢量共享方案的DCT域上的数字水印分存算法.它将矢量共享的思想用于数字水印.原始载体图像分块后,在DCT变换的低频域上加载分存后的水印数据.水印信息隐藏前,对原始水印和分块水印都进行扰乱处理,同时分存也具有加密作用.算法具有很高的安全性和较好的稳健性.实验表明,算法还具有较好的隐藏效果和很好的抗剪切、抗压缩等功能. 相似文献