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Walleye (Sander vitreus) is an economically and culturally important species in Lake Erie that has experienced large interannual variability in recruitment. We examined the importance of prey biomass during the larval period to walleye recruitment while also considering the importance of temperature. Using nine years of field data over a 22-year period (1994–2016) for larval walleye and zooplankton, we found that strong recruitment events occurred in years when the biomass (dry µg L-1) of copepods (e.g., calanoids, cyclopoids) was greater during the spring larval period. Conversely, the biomass of cladocerans and mean spring water temperatures were poor predictors of walleye recruitment. Our results highlight the need to consider zooplankton availability during the larval period when seeking to understand the recruitment dynamics of freshwater fish populations such as Lake Erie walleye.  相似文献   

Lake Erie walleye Sander vitreus exhibits significant interannual variability in year-class strength. Recent research revealed the importance of larval growth and survival rates in determining walleye year-class strength in western Lake Erie, indicating that spatial and temporal overlap of larvae with good habitat conditions (e.g., abundant prey, warm waters) promoted walleye growth and survival. To assess the spatial overlap between walleye larvae and habitat parameters (water depth, temperature, water clarity, prey density) in western Lake Erie, we evaluated the spatial distribution of walleye larvae and these habitat parameters with intensive sampling at 30 to 36 sites during spring 1994–1999. We analyzed spatial relationships among pelagic walleye larvae and various habitat attributes using a geographic information system and principal components analysis. Larval walleye density was consistently highest at nearshore sites during all years and showed a high degree of spatial overlap with high ichthyoplankton density, and warm water temperatures. Larval walleye density was negatively associated with water depth and water clarity. Two principal components represented 79.6% of the total variability in site attributes. Principle components analysis supported our spatial analysis by graphically separating sites into distinct groups based on larval walleye density and habitat attributes. These analyses indicated that similar relationships between larval distribution and habitat attributes occur each year, emphasizing the importance of nearshore coastal zones as nursery areas for walleye.  相似文献   

The early life environment experienced by most larval fish is largely dependent on a combination of hatch site and water currents. Until larvae are able to swim fast enough to overcome currents, they are largely passively transported and have limited control over ambient environmental conditions, including temperature and prey availability. These factors strongly influence growth and survival of larvae, with direct consequences for subsequent recruitment. Early life survival of Saginaw Bay walleye was formerly limited by alewife predation on larvae; but following the collapse of Lake Huron alewives, the walleye population has rebounded and recruitment success may now be influenced by other factors including spawning habitat. We sought to assess the implications of successful hatching at multiple locations in Saginaw Bay, using a hydrodynamics model, particle transport model, and an individual-based bioenergetics model in series. Model results were compared to locations of young larvae collected in Saginaw Bay during 2009–2010. Results suggest that larval growth is strongly influenced by hatch date, driven by seasonal variation in temperature between sites. Larvae hatched at any location could be transported extensively within inner Saginaw Bay before reaching a sufficient size to swim independently of currents, and retention within the productive inner bay varied among years and sites. Our results indicate multiple larval walleye origins in the field, augmenting the continued production from the Saginaw River system. Successful hatching at more locations would serve to buffer walleye recruitment variation through portfolio effects, supporting arguments for more emphasis on diverse spawning habitat management and restoration.  相似文献   

Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) within the waters of Green Bay, Lake Michigan have recently shown a substantial increase in abundance. Furthermore, after over 100 years of extirpation, adult lake whitefish are found spawning within major Wisconsin tributaries to Green Bay. Many knowledge gaps still exist with respect to the chronology of adult river migrations, including the physical characteristics of upstream habitats selected for reproduction and the extent of larval production by these riverine ecotypes. Here, we use hydroacoustic imaging along with egg and larval surveys to evaluate this novel riverine spawning in 2017 and 2018. Highest abundance of adults was observed in the month of November as temperatures declined below 8 °C. Spawning areas consisted of cobble substrates, and site-specific fish densities were primarily correlated with river flows between 0.3 and 1.0 m/s, with specific values varying by tributary and year. Locations of egg deposition mirrored areas of high observed fish densities. Larval production was documented on each tributary using active trawl ichthyoplankton sampling, and larvae were observed outmigrating to open water environments. We estimated tributaries produced 452,000 larvae in 2017 and 721,000 larvae in 2018. To our knowledge, this represents the first documentation of successful lake whitefish larval production from Green Bay tributaries and suggests tributary spawning populations contribute to the greater abundance of lake whitefish observed in recent years.  相似文献   

Most lake whitefish populations within Lake Michigan are experiencing widespread population declines due to low levels of recruitment. However, the stock within Green Bay is flourishing, and various assessment tools suggest consistent recruitment to the juvenile stage each year. The distribution of offshore and drifting lake whitefish larvae were last described in the 1970s, prior to the resurgence of the southern Green Bay stock and prior to increasing knowledge of adult spawning behavior. We conducted a Green Bay wide survey of lake whitefish larvae over three years to provide an update of larval abundance and distribution and to discern influential biotic and abiotic factors that correlate to larval densities. In contrast with historical studies, our sampling illustrated high densities of larvae in both offshore and nearshore environments. Offshore expansion may be a factor in the population increase, but long term survival effects are still unknown. This study also provides the first documentation of larvae within the southern end of the bay below Chambers Island, WI and near re-colonized rivers. Average overall densities were relatively consistent each year, ranging between 29.5 and 49.6 per 1000 m3. Lake whitefish larvae were patchy in distribution and were associated with warmer and more productive waters at small spatial scales. Larval lake whitefish appear to be distributed widely throughout the entirety of Green Bay during the drift life stage, and we discuss our results in light of re-established river spawning and the overall increase in abundance.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations were determined for mature male and mature female walleyes (Sander vitreus) sampled from the Saginaw Bay population during 2007. PBDE concentrations in prey fish caught in the Saginaw River, the primary tributary to Saginaw Bay, and in Saginaw Bay during 2005 and 2007 also were determined. Mature male and mature female walleyes averaged 70.3 ng/g and 24.8 ng/g, respectively, in ΣPBDE, which was equal to the sum of concentrations of six PBDE congeners (BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153, and BDE-154). This sex difference was likely due to males spending more time in the Saginaw River system than females. Prey fish captured in the Saginaw River were roughly ten times higher in ΣPBDE than those caught in Saginaw Bay. BDE-47 was the predominant congener in both walleyes and prey fish, and this congener contributed about 50%, on average, to ΣPBDE. Congener profiles differed significantly between the two sexes of walleyes. In contrast, congener profiles of the prey fish did not differ significantly between the river-caught fish and the bay-caught fish. One plausible explanation for these congener profile results was that net trophic transfer efficiencies of PBDEs to walleyes from their prey were similar for all congeners except BDE-28, and that diet composition differed between the two sexes of walleyes.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions among walleye Sander vitreus, lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis, and yellow perch Perca flavescens in Green Bay could influence the population status of each species, but potential trophic interactions are poorly understood. Our objectives were to determine if diet assemblages for each species and diet overlap among species varied spatially and temporally within Green Bay. Adult walleye (≥381 mm total length (TL); N = 981), lake whitefish (≥432 mm TL; N = 1507), and yellow perch (≥150 mm TL; N = 1174) were collected during May-October of 2018 and 2019 from multiple locations in southern and northern Green Bay. Diet assemblages of each species varied between northern and southern Green Bay, but walleye diets were more temporally variable (among months within zones and between years) than diets of lake whitefish or yellow perch. Lake whitefish represented a seasonally important prey item for walleye in southern Green Bay, composing 10 % and 41 % of walleye diets by weight in May and June, respectively. Yellow perch generally composed <15 % of walleye diets by weight but were consumed at a broader spatiotemporal scale than lake whitefish. Diet overlap between walleye and both lake whitefish and yellow perch was generally weak or moderate, whereas diet overlap between whitefish and perch was generally strong. Our assessment of adult trophic interactions suggests that changes in the population status of one species could influence fisheries for all three, and we identify additional research questions to address potential population-level effects of these trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Walleye (Sander vitreus) is an important sport fish in the Great Lakes that is experiencing low reproductive success after severe population declines starting in the late 1940s. In the Muskegon River, Michigan, natural reproduction of walleyes remains low and is largely supplemented by stocking. To determine factors influencing walleye reproductive success in the Muskegon River, we estimated walleye egg survival using insitu egg incubators covered with nitex screening (2003–2004) and estimated density and survival of fertilized eggs caught on furnace filter traps across different substrate types (2005–2006). We compared physical habitat suitability for walleye eggs under high and low flow scenarios. Density of walleye eggs was highest in regions of gravel/cobble substrates. Egg survival was higher in egg incubators (24–49.5%) than on furnace filter traps (2.0%), suggesting predation is an important source of walleye egg mortality in the Muskegon River. Cold water temperatures that extended developmental stage durations may also be an important source of egg mortality. The dynamic habitat suitability model predicted low suitability for eggs due to poor temperature and velocity conditions. Despite low egg survival rates, 40 million to 1 billion eggs were estimated to hatch. The low natural reproduction of walleyes in the Muskegon River is likely due to a combination of low walleye egg survival and failure of walleye larvae to reach their nursery grounds in Muskegon Lake.  相似文献   

The lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) is one of the native Lake Ontario fishes that declined severely over the past century. Recent evidence of larval lake whitefish production in a historic spawning area (Chaumont Bay) might signal a recovery of this species in New York waters. We surveyed coastal and open water areas to evaluate densities and estimate total abundance of larval lake whitefish in Chaumont Bay. Other historic spawning areas and embayments with appropriate spawning and nursery habitat were also surveyed, but only a few larvae were found outside of Chaumont Bay. Lake whitefish larvae were found in every embayment sampled within Chaumont Bay, with larval densities of nearly 600/1000 m2 in some samples. Greatest abundances occurred in the northern sectors and near the mouth of the bay. Open water densities were generally less than half that of nearshore sites. The total bay-wide estimate for 2005 was approximately 644,000 lake whitefish larvae, but dropped to 230,000–400,000 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Mean larval growth rates (0.36 mm/day) did not differ by year, but were consistently higher in early May than in late April. Lake whitefish production in Chaumont Bay is encouraging for this species, but the cause and persistence of the decline after 2005 can be determined only by continued monitoring. Other possible bottlenecks of survival may exist at juvenile and adult stages and could significantly affect recruitment dynamics. This species is sensitive to normal climatic fluctuations and increased variability associated with global climatic change could make winter nursery conditions unfavorable for this species.  相似文献   

River diversions can have unexpected biological consequences. In the mid-20th century, the upper Ogoki River in northern Ontario was diverted from its original Hudson Bay drainage to flow into the Great Lakes. Although walleye were present in both systems prior to the diversion, the Hudson Bay and Great Lakes watersheds had previously been separated since the early Holocene (7500–8500 years ago). We assessed the effects that this inter-basin diversion has had on the genetic structure of two formerly allopatric populations. We assessed the genetic structure and diversity of walleye in the Ogoki and Little Jackfish river systems and Lake Nipigon (number, distribution, and divergence of identified genetic groups) and quantified the contribution of fish from the historical population (Hudson Bay drainage Ogoki River) and Lake Nipigon to walleye in the Ogoki and Little Jackfish Rivers. Walleye from Ogoki Lake, the Ogoki River diversion through the Little Jackfish River, Lake Nipigon and Nipigon Bay were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Significant genetic differences were detected among sampling locations: walleye from Ogoki Lake, presumably representing fish originally from the historical Ogoki River gene pool, were genetically similar to but statistically distinct from walleye within the diversion. Walleye from sample sites within the diversion and Ombabika Bay appear to form a single genetic group that is largely derived from the Ogoki watershed and differs significantly from walleye in Lake Nipigon and Nipigon Bay. Our findings confirm that the historical river diversion has had long-term effects on the genetic composition of contemporary walleye populations.  相似文献   

The Saginaw Bay walleye population (Sander vitreus) has not fully recovered from a collapse that began in the 1940s and has been dependent on stocking with only limited natural reproduction. Beginning in 2003, and through at least 2005, reproductive success of walleye surged to unprecedented levels. The increase was concurrent with ecological changes in Lake Huron and we sought to quantitatively model which factors most influenced this new dynamic. We developed Ricker stock-recruitment models for both wild and stock fish and evaluated them with second-order Akaike's information criterion to find the best model. Independent variables included adult alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) abundance, spring water temperatures, chlorophyll a levels and total phosphorus levels. In all, 14 models were evaluated for production of wild age-0 walleyes and eight models for stocked age-0 walleyes. For wild walleyes, adult alewife abundance was the dominant factor, accounting for 58% of the variability in age-0 abundance. Production of wild age-0 fish increased when adult alewives were scarce. The only other plausible factor was spring water temperature. Predictably, alewife abundance was not important to stocked fish; instead temperature and adult walleye abundance were more significant variables. The surge in reproductive success for walleyes during 2003–2005 was most likely due to large declines in adult alewives in Lake Huron. While relatively strong year classes (age-1 and up) have been produced as a result of increased age-0 production during 2003–2005, the overall magnitude has not been as great as the initial age-0 abundance originally suggested. It appears that over-winter mortality is higher than in the past and may stem from higher predation or slower growth (lower condition for enduring winter thermal stress). From this it appears that low alewife abundance does not assure strong walleye year classes in Saginaw Bay but may be a prerequisite for them.  相似文献   

Floodplain waterbodies are reputed to enhance recruitment of riverine fish populations via provision of spawning and nursery habitat, refuge from floods, and increased availability of planktonic food resources compared with main river channels. Notwithstanding, there have been few parallel studies of fishes and their food resources at both main river and floodplain sites. Thus, this study investigated the 0+ fishes, zooplankton and phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) at four main river and four (man‐made) floodplain sites on the lower River Trent, England, between May 1999 and October 2004 inclusive. All sites shared the same key fish species, and there were no consistent differences in the densities, growth or condition of 0+ fishes from main river and floodplain sites. Similarly, all sites shared the same key zooplankton taxa. However, zooplankton densities, notably of large‐bodied cladocerans, and chlorophyll a concentrations, were significantly higher at floodplain sites than at main river sites. Thus, connection of man‐made waterbodies has the potential to enhance recruitment of riverine fish populations via provision of important spawning and nursery habitat, and superior feeding opportunities for 0+ fishes compared with main river channels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in composited samples of walleyes Sander vitreus and their prey during 2005–2007 from Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. There was a linear relationship between fish length and PCB concentrations in walleyes between 356 and 608 mm, but fish 680 mm had lesser concentrations than 608-mm fish. When fish 222–550 mm from 1990 were compared with those from 2007, there was a decrease of 1315 ng PCBs/g wet wt (ww). Concentrations of PCBs in gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum (190 ng PCBs/g ww) were three-fold less than fish collected in 1990 (516 ng PCBs/g ww). Round gobies Neogobius melanostomus collected from the Saginaw River had the greatest concentrations of PCBs (range: 200–350 ng PCBs/g ww) compared with other prey fishes (45–190 ng PCBs/g ww). Concentrations of PCBs in Saginaw River round gobies were three-fold greater than those from Saginaw Bay. Zooplankton from 1990 and 2008 contained 8.0 and 32 ng PCBs/g ww, respectively, while zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha from 2008 contained 351 ng PCBs/g ww. Principal components analysis showed that PCB congeners differed between the largest walleyes and other fish. There are several possible explanations for lesser concentrations of PCBs observed in 2007. These include effects of dredging, changes in the food web related to round gobies, loss of alewife Alosa pseudoharengus, which was a major walleye prey item in 1990, and replacement by yellow perch Perca flavescens, or decreases in release of PCBs from sediments due to weathering, burial, or diffusion.  相似文献   

Energy and resource fluxes between terrestrial and aquatic habitats of river flood plains can have reciprocal influences on food webs. Floodplain spring brooks may contain high densities (>1 m−2) of juvenile fish even when aquatic food resources appear to be low. A likely explanation is the allochthonous energy subsidy from riparian vegetation (e.g. leaves, invertebrates). To quantify this relationship in a rich salmon river ecosystem, we measured the temporal and spatial flux of terrestrial invertebrate and aquatic food resources in relation to diets of the two most abundant salmonid species in two spring brooks within early (<20 years) and late (>50 years) successional riparia on an expansive coastal flood plain of the Kol River, Kamchatka. Standing crops of benthic invertebrates and density of drifting invertebrates (dry mass) were fairly low (<4 g m−2 and <1 mg m−3, respectively) at both sites, but annual average terrestrial invertebrate input among sites was 22.2 ± 0.1 mg m−2 day−1. On average 68% of the coho salmon diet was of terrestrial origin, contrasting with 13% for Dolly Varden char at both sites, thus showing resource partitioning. Diet varied temporally and spatially with prey availability. Specifically, larvae of a weevil (Curculionidae) feeding on willow catkins were a dominant diet item for coho in the spring but only at the early successional site; Dolly Varden also ate these weevils but aquatic invertebrates continued to dominate their diets, further demonstrating behavioural segregation. The results show the importance of channel‐floodplain connectivity to management and conservation of salmon rivers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fish larvae require high densities of appropriately sized prey items for their survival and recruitment. It has been widely assumed that inundated floodplains are the major source of high densities of prey in floodplain rivers. This study examined the density and distribution of both pelagic and epibenthic meiofauna in a range of potential larval fish nursery habitats within the main channel of an Australian floodplain river. Although sufficient densities of meiofauna were found in the main channel environment to sustain fish larvae, the prey source was predominantly in the epibenthic zone, where the density of meiofauna was on average 100 times greater than in the pelagic zone. There was no apparent relationship between the density of meiofauna, both epibenthic and/or pelagic, and the preferred nursery habitats of fish larvae. This study suggests that an abundant prey resource for developing fish larvae may exist in main channel environments without inputs from the inundated floodplain. However, further studies are required to determine the relative contributions and importance of prey resources on inundated floodplains compared to the main channel environment for larval survival and cohort strength between successive years. Additionally, this study highlights the importance of sampling the epibenthos, and suggests that the significance of epibenthic meiofauna has been severely underestimated in many previous studies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The abundance and spatial distribution of zooplankton at monthly intervals were studied in polluted Golden Horn Estuary (Istanbul, Turkey), from July 2006 to December 2007. Selected water quality parameters also were measured. The zooplankton community was characterized by the presence of freshwater, estuarine and marine species, with a total of 59 taxa. Rotifers were the most important fraction of the total zooplankton, comprising 36.52% of all the samples. The zooplankton exhibited seasonal patterns, with the highest abundance occurring in the summer (979 ind. L?1) and the lowest in the spring (856 ind. L?1). Rotifera was the most abundant group in the upper and middle estuary, whereas Copepoda usually reaches the maximum densities in the higher salinity waters in the lower estuary. The study results indicated that both the sampling time (seasons) and sampling sites jointly had significant effects on the zooplankton densities (manova P < 0.05), and horizontal patterns were related to electrical conductivity, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter, pH and chlorophyll a measured in the estuary.  相似文献   

Saginaw Bay is a shallow, nutrient-rich embayment in Lake Huron that historically had a complex network of natural rocky reefs. These reef habitats were used as spawning and nursery areas for a variety of fish species, but decades of land-use related sedimentation caused many of these reefs to be degraded. Our study objectives were to analyze abiotic and biotic conditions on degraded and remnant reefs and describe spawning patterns of walleye (Sander vitreus) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) at these sites to determine the potential for increased utilization following reef restoration. During fall and spring 2014–2016, we evaluated water quality and egg predation at four sites with varying levels of reef degradation. Further, we documented reproductive utilization through capture of spawning adults and quantification of egg deposition. Walleye and lake whitefish utilized multiple sites for reproduction; however, densities of spawners and deposited eggs were low, suggesting that they were not utilizing study sites as major spawning locations. Walleye and lake whitefish eggs were eaten by multiple fish species, including larger fish such as channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Dissolved oxygen levels were adequate (i.e., >7 mg 02 L?1) during spring walleye egg incubation; however, bottom dissolved oxygen levels became very low at some sites during winter ice cover, coinciding with lake whitefish egg incubation. As restoration of rocky reefs proceeds in the Bay, evidence of remnant reef spawning fish bodes well for long-term success, though potential limiting factors such as low dissolved oxygen, sedimentation, and egg predation require continued monitoring.  相似文献   

To test assumptions related to the current conceptual model for walleye Sander vitreus management in Green Bay, we evaluated whether: 1) spawning aggregations in the Fox, Menominee, Oconto, and Peshtigo rivers represent genetically distinct stocks; 2) population dynamics and demographics vary among walleye spawning at these locations; 3) walleye spawning in these rivers contribute to the fishery in northern Green Bay, and 4) walleye spawning in these rivers exhibit spawning site fidelity or if they stray among rivers. Genetic differentiation among the four tributaries was low and sex-specific total length (TL), mean TL at age 5, and age-class diversity were generally similar among rivers and observed differences were not consistent. Movements of walleye inferred from angler tag returns suggest that walleye spawning (and tagged) in the four tributaries typically remain within southern Green Bay; however, this assertion may be confounded by the distribution of angling effort that provides tag recoveries. Straying rates among rivers ranged from 0 to 23% and were likely sufficient to preclude genetic differentiation among stocks. Collectively, results suggest that walleye spawning in the Fox, Menominee, Oconto, and Peshtigo rivers do not function as separate stocks and do not significantly contribute to the fishery outside of southern Green Bay. The primary assumption of the current conceptual model that remains to be tested is whether the walleye fishery in southern Green Bay is supported primarily by fish spawning in these four rivers, or if there are substantial contributions from fish spawning at other unknown locations.  相似文献   

Identifying mechanisms influencing early-life survival may elucidate recruitment variability of fish populations. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens), are economically and ecologically important in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, but have recently experienced low recruitment despite strong production of age-0 fish. Recent year classes have been characterized by slow first-year growth, as indexed by fall size of age-0 yellow perch; however, seasonal growth patterns and accompanying diet and survivorship patterns have not been documented for age-0 yellow perch in Saginaw Bay. To this end, we collected age-0 yellow perch weekly (larvae) and monthly (juveniles) throughout the first year of life during 2009 and 2010 to track changes in growth and diet composition. We also evaluated predation and over-winter energy-loss as potential mechanisms of size-selective mortality. Yellow perch growth, energy accumulation and size-specific condition decreased during late summer and fall. During larval and juvenile stages, predominant components of yellow perch diets transitioned from copepods to Daphnia and other zooplankton; however, we observed only weak ontogenetic shifts toward benthic prey. Smaller yellow perch a) were preferentially preyed upon by walleye (the bay's main piscivore) and b) displayed lower mass-specific energy content, potentially increasing overwinter starvation risk, suggesting that slow growth increases mortality risk. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that recruitment dynamics are influenced by an interplay of size-selective mortality and diet-induced reductions in growth.  相似文献   

The spiny water flea Bythotrephes longimanus is a predatory cladoceran that invaded Green Bay, Lake Michigan by 1988 and has been shown to negatively affect zooplankton prey. Bythotrephes is thought to occur where a deep-water daytime refuge from fish predation is available. Information from shallow, nearshore environments is relatively sparse, yet risk of secondary dispersal from these areas to inland waters is high. The production of desiccation-tolerant resting eggs, coupled with recreational boating activities, can facilitate spread inland. We determined Bythotrephes population demographics and dynamics at two sites in southern Green Bay during 2015 and 2016 to examine interactions with zooplankton and timing of resting egg production. Estimates of prey consumption rates by Bythotrephes were compared to those for a native predatory zooplankter, Leptodora kindtii, and against productivity estimates for potential crustacean prey. Bythotrephes population dynamics were similar at both sites in each year, with biomass peaks in September 2015 and July 2016. Earliest resting egg production occurred by 8 July 2015 and 17 June 2016; resting eggs occurred until at least October each year, when sampling ceased. Consumption by Bythotrephes generally exceeded that by Leptodora. Zooplankton productivity rates were lower than consumption rates on all dates in 2015 but approximated or exceeded consumption rates in 2016. Bythotrephes has become a major predator in the Green Bay lower food web, changing energy transfer through this major Great Lakes ecosystem. Its success has increased potential dispersal to inland lakes, especially from shallow, nearshore habitats such as occur in southern Green Bay.  相似文献   

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