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Abstract. We introduce the polynomial time version, in short ≤ P T -introreducibility, of the notion of introreducibility studied in Recursion Theory. We give a simpler proof of the known fact that a set is ≤ P T -introreducible if and only if it is in P. Our proof generalizes to virtually all the computation bounded reducibilities ≤ r , showing that a set is ≤ r -introreducible if and only if it belongs to the minimum ≤ r -degree. It also holds for most unbounded reducibilities like ≤ m , ≤ c , ≤ d , ≤ p , ≤ tt , etc., but it does not hold for ≤ T . A very strong way for a set L to fail being ≤ r -introreducible is that L is not ≤ r -reducible to any coinfinite subset of L . We call such sets ≤ r -introimmune. It is known that ≤ T -introimmune sets exist but they are not arithmetical. In this paper we ask for which reducibilities ≤ r there exist arithmetical ≤ r -introimmune sets. We show that they exist for the reducibilities ≤ c and ≤ N m . Finally, we prove separation results between introimmunities.  相似文献   

For one- and multistep methods for numerical integration of ordinary differential equations,y'=f(x, y) (a≤x≤b),y (a)=y a we prove intermediate convergence estimates of the following type:f ε Lip (α, p; Q) ?y h=y+0 (h α) (0<α≤p) wherey h denotes the approximate solution. The results extend classical ones.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Wolfe [13] proposes and analyses an algorithm for discrete linearL p approximation with 1≤p<2. In particular he gives a local convergence result for the casep=1. For this case, we discuss the implementation of the method, illustrate its performance on some examples, and draw some comparisons with the linear programming based method of Barrodale and Roberts [3].  相似文献   

On spaces of analytic functions withL p -norms, 1≤p≤∞, the norm of the quadrature error functional of rules with special fixed nodes is minimized with respect to the weights. These unique determined optimal weights and the corresponding error norm are evaluated.  相似文献   

LetL p be the plane with the distanced p (A 1 ,A 2 ) = (¦x 1 ?x 2¦ p + ¦y1 ?y 2¦p)/1p wherex i andy i are the cartesian coordinates of the pointA i . LetP be a finite set of points inL p . We consider Steiner minimal trees onP. It is proved that, for 1 <p < ∞, each Steiner point is of degree exactly three. Define the Steiner ratio ? p to be inf{L s (P)/L m (P)¦P?L p } whereL s (P) andL m (P) are lengths of the Steiner minimal tree and the minimal spanning tree onP, respectively. Hwang showed ?1 = 2/3. Chung and Graham proved ?2 > 0.842. We prove in this paper that ?{∞} = 2/3 and √(√2/2)?1?2 ≤ ?p ≤ √3/2 for anyp.  相似文献   

For spaces of analytic functionsf(z) withL p -norms, 1≤p≤∞, the norm of quadrature error functionals is evaluated. This is done with the aid of a suitable integralrepresentation forf(z) by means of calculation a definite integral which is carried out explicitly in some interesting cases.  相似文献   

The classical problem of scheduling theory that is NP-hard in the strong sense 1|r j|L max is considered. New properties of optimal schedules are found. A polynomially resolved case of the problem is selected, when the release times (r j), the processing time (p j), and due dates of completion of processing (d j) of jobs satisfy the constraints d 1 ≤ ... ≤ d n and d 1 ? r 1 ? p 1 ≥ ... ≥ d n ? r n ? p n. An algorithm of run time O(n 3logn) finds Pareto-optimal sets of schedules according to the criteria L max and C max that contains no more than n variants.  相似文献   

Given a polygonal curve P =[p1, p2, . . . , pn], the polygonal approximation problem considered calls for determining a new curve P′ = [p1, p2, . . . , pm] such that (i) m is significantly smaller than n, (ii) the vertices of P′ are an ordered subset of the vertices of P, and (iii) any line segment [pA, pA + 1 of P′ that substitutes a chain [pB, . . . , pC] in P is such that for all i where BiC, the approximation error of pi with respect to [pA, pA + 1], according to some specified criterion and metric, is less than a predetermined error tolerance. Using the parallel-strip error criterion, we study the following problems for a curve P in Rd, where d = 2, 3: (i) minimize m for a given error tolerance and (ii) given m, find the curve P′ that has the minimum approximation error over all curves that have at most m vertices. These problems are called the min-# and min-ϵ problems, respectively. For R2 and with any one of the L1, L2, or L distance metrics, we give algorithms to solve the min-# problem in O(n2) time and the min-ϵ problem in O(n2 log n) time, improving the best known algorithms to date by a factor of log n. When P is a polygonal curve in R3 that is strictly monotone with respect to one of the three axes, we show that if the L1 and L metrics are used then the min-# problem can be solved in O(n2) time and the min-ϵ problem can be solved in O(n3) time. If distances are computed using the L2 metric then the min-# and min-ϵ problems can be solved in O(n3) and O(n3 log n) time, respectively. All of our algorithms exhibit O(n2) space complexity. Finally, we show that if it is not essential to minimize m, simple modifications of our algorithms afford a reduction by a factor of n for both time and space.  相似文献   

J. Katajainen 《Computing》1988,40(2):147-161
The following geometrical proximity concepts are discussed: relative closeness and geographic closeness. Consider a setV={v 1,v 2, ...,v n } of distinct points in atwo-dimensional space. The pointv j is said to be arelative neighbour ofv i ifd p (v i ,v j )≤max{d p (v j ,v k ),d p (v j ,v k )} for allv k V, whered p denotes the distance in theL p metric, 1≤p≤∞. After dividing the space around the pointv i into eight sectors (regions) of equal size, a closest point tov i in some region is called anoctant (region, orgeographic) neighbour ofv i. For anyL p metric, a relative neighbour ofv i is always an octant neighbour in some region atv i. This gives a direct method for computing all relative neighbours, i.e. for establishing therelative neighbourhood graph ofV. For every pointv i ofV, first search for the octant neighbours ofv i in each region, and then for each octant neighbourv j found check whether the pointv j is also a relative neighbour ofv i. In theL p metric, 1<p<∞, the total number of octant neighbours is shown to be θ(n) for any set ofn points; hence, even a straightforward implementation of the above method runs in θn 2) time. In theL 1 andL metrics the method can be refined to a θ(n logn+m) algorithm, wherem is the number of relative neighbours in the output,n-1≤mn(n-1). TheL 1 (L ) algorithm is optimal within a constant factor.  相似文献   

Given a sorted sequence A = a1, a2, ..., an of items from a totally ordered universe, along with an arbitrary sequence Q = q1, q2, ..., qm (1 ≤ mn) of queries, the multiple search problem involves computing for every qj (1 ≤ jm) the unique ai for which ai−1qj < ai. In this paper we propose a time-optimal algorithm to solve the multiple search problem on meshes with multiple broadcasting. More specifically, on a [formula] × [formula] mesh with multiple broadcasting, our algorithm runs in [formula] time which is shown to be time-optimal. We also present some surprising applications of the multiple search algorithm to computer graphics, image processing, robotics, and computational geometry.  相似文献   

We describe two new parallel algorithms, one conservative and another optimistic, for discrete-event simulation on an exclusive-read exclusive-write parallel random-access machine (EREW PRAM). The target physical systems are bounded degree networks which are represented by logic circuits. Employing p processors, our conservative algorithm can simulate up to O(p) independent messages of a system with n logical processes in O(log n) time. The number of processors, p, can be optimally varied in the range 1 ≤ pn. To identify independent messages, this algorithm also introduces a novel scheme based on a variable size time window. Our optimistic algorithm is designed to reduce the rollback frequency and the memory requirement to save past states and messages. The optimistic algorithm also simulates O(p) earliest messages on a p-processor computer in O(log n) time. To our knowledge, such a theoretical efficiency in parallel simulation algorithms, conservative or optimistic, has been achieved for the first time.  相似文献   

Dr. R. Haverkamp 《Computing》1984,32(4):343-355
Letp n denote the polynomial of degreen or less that interpolates a given smooth functionf at the ?eby?ev nodest j n =cos(jπ/n), 0≤jn, and let ‖·‖ be the maximum norm inC[?1, 1]. It is proved that fork-th derivatives (2≤kn) estimates of the following type hold $$\parallel f^{(k)} - p_n^{(k)} \parallel \leqslant c_k n^{k - 1} \inf \{ \parallel f^{(k)} - q\parallel :q \in \Pi _{n - k} \} .$$ In this relationc k only depends onk andΠ n?k denotes the space of polynomials up to degreen?k.  相似文献   

A relatively simple mathematical procedure for the reconstruction of the 3-dimensional (3D) image of the left ventricle (LV) of the heart is presented. The method is based on the assumption that every ray whoch emanates from the midpoint of the long axis of the 3D body crosses the surface boundary of the ventricle at one and only one point. The coordinates ri, φi, θi of the data points on, say, the outer boundary, (i.e., the epicardium) are calculated in a spherical coordinate system having its origin in the midpoint of the long axis. The problem of defining the coordinates of a prescribed grid point on the boundary is treated as an interpolation problem for the function r = r(φ, θ), defined in the rectangle 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π; 0 ≤ θπ with ri given in the points (φi, θi).  相似文献   

L. Devroye 《Computing》1983,30(2):111-119
LetX 1,...,X n be independent identically distributedR d -valued random vectors, and letA n =A(X 1,...,X n ) be a subset of {X 1,...,X n }, invariant under permutations of the data, and possessing the inclusion property (X 1 ∈A n impliesX 1 ∈A i for alli≤n). For example, the convex hull, the collection of all maximal vectors, the set of isolated points and other structures satisfy these conditions. LetN n be the cardinality ofA n . We show that for allp≥1, there exists a universal constantC p >0 such thatE(N n p )≤C p max (1,E p ) where . This complements Jensen's lower bound for thep-th moment:E(N n p )≥E p (N n ). The inequality is applied to the expected time analysis of algorithms in computational geometry. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions onE(N n ) for linear expected time behaviour of divide-and-conquer methods for findingA n .  相似文献   

In this paper, we give sufficient conditions under which every solution of the nonlinear difference equation with variable delay x(n + 1) − x(n) + pnf(x(g(n))) = 0, n = 0, 1, 2, … tends to zero as n → ∞. Here, pn is a nonnegative sequence, f : RR is a continuous function with xf(x) > 0 if x ≠ 0, and g : NZ is nondecreasing and satisfies g(n) ≤ n for n ≥ 0 and limn→∞ g(n) = ∞.  相似文献   

We consider parallel heap operations on the exclusive-read exclusive-write parallel random-access machine. We first present an O(n/p + log p) time parallel algorithm to construct a heap of n elements using p processors, which is optimal for p θ(n/log n). We then propose a parallel root deletion algorithm. In a preparatory step, a data structure for dynamic processor allocation is constructed using O((n/log n)1 − 1/k) processors in O(log k) time for some constant k, 1 ≤ k ≤ ⌈log(n/log n)⌉. A sequence of root deletions can then be performed, each of which takes O((log n)/p + log p + log log n) time using p processors. Finally, we discuss a parallel algorithm running in O((log n)/p + log p) time for inserting an element into a heap, which is optimal for p = θ((log n)/log log n). Both deletion and insertion algorithms run in O(log log n) time when p = θ((log n)/log log n).  相似文献   

In this paper we study relations which are congruences with respect to ∧ and ?p, where ?p is the p-cut of the L-fuzzy hyperoperation ?. The main idea is to start from an equivalence relation R1 which is a congruence with respect to ∧ and ?1 and, for each p ∈ X, construct an equivalence relation Rp which is a congruence with respect to ∧ and ?p. Furthermore, for each x ∈ Rp we construct a quotient hyperoperation ?p and we show that the hyperalgebra (X/Rp, ?p) is a join space and the hyperalgebra (X/Rp, ?p, ∧p) is a hyperlattice.  相似文献   

A number of problems in the control of linear feedback systems can be reduced to the following: we are given three stable rational matrix functions K, ?, ψ of sizes p 1 x q 1, p 1 x q 2 and p 2 x q 1 respectively, and seek a stable rational q 2 x p 2 matrix function S so as to minimize ¦K + ?Sψ¦. We assume that p 1q 2, p 2q 1 and that ? and ψ have maximal rank (q 2 and p 2 respectively) on the jω-axis. Given a tolerance level μ sufficiently large, we obtain a linear fractional map GF = [0 11 G + 0 12, 0 13][0 21 G + 0 22, 0 23]?1 such that F = K + ?Sψ with S stable and ¦F ≤ μ if and only if G is a stable q 2 x p 2 matrix function with ¦G¦ ≤ 1. The computation of 0 = [0 ij ] (1 ≤ i ≤ 2, 1 ≤ j ≤ 3) reduces to solving a pair of symmetric Wiener–Hopf factorization problems. For the special case where ? = [I q2, 0]T, ψ = [I p2, 0] (and K not necessarily stable) to which the general case can be reduced, we provide explicit state-space formulae for 0 in terms of a state-space realization of K and the solutions of some related Riccati equations. The approach is a natural extension of that of Ball–Helton and Ball–Ran for the case p 1 = q 2 and p 2 = q 1.  相似文献   

Dr. W. Knauff 《Computing》1975,14(3):235-250
For any bounded linear functional on the Hilbert space of analytic functionsH 2(E ?) (respectivelyL 2(E ?)) numerical approximations are considered. Forn ∈ ? special fixed nodes the approximation having a minimal error norm in the class of those approximations which are exact for all polynomials up to a degreei, 0≤i≤n?1, is given explicitly.  相似文献   

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