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PURPOSE: Determine the tissue distribution patterns for tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP-1, TIMP-2, TIMP-3), gelatinase A and gelatinase B in normal and pathologic corneas. METHODS: Corneas were examined by immunohistochemistry, using antibodies to TIMP-1, TIMP-2, TIMP-3, gelatinase A or gelatinase B. RESULTS: In normal corneas, TIMP-1 antibody stained the epithelium and endothelium. TIMP-2 and TIMP-3 stained the epithelium, keratocytes and endothelium. Gelatinase A staining was weak and restricted to the epithelial cells. Radial keratotomy scars showed increased staining for TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 around the epithelial cell plug and along the incision. Bullous keratopathy corneas showed TIMP staining patterns similar to normal corneas and increased gelatinase A staining in regions of subepithelial fibrosis. Stromal scars of keratoconus corneas also had increased staining with TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 antibodies. In many keratoconus corneas, the TIMP-3 staining pattern was similar to normal corneas. However, in some keratoconus corneas, when Bowman's layer was missing, the stroma beneath was completely devoid of TIMP-3 antibody staining. No gelatinase B was seen in either the normal or diseased corneas. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 are important for scar formation and corneal remodeling, since they were found in increased amounts at radial keratotomy incision sites and keratoconus scars. The significance of the focal stromal defects in TIMP-3 staining, associated with absence of Bowman's layer on keratoconus corneas, needs to be elucidated. At the stages of disease examined in this study, gelatinase B may not play a significant role in these pathological processes, since it was not seen in any of the corneas examined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is currently no validated questionnaire that assesses both the presence and severity of dyspepsia. AIM: To develop the Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire (LDQ) as a measure of the presence and severity of dyspepsia, and to assess the validity, reliability and responsiveness of this instrument. METHODS: Unselected patients attending either a hospital dyspepsia clinic or a general practice surgery were interviewed by a trained gastroenterologist or a general practitioner on the presence and severity of dyspepsia. This opinion was compared with the results of the nurse-administered LDQ. Test-retest reliability was assessed by the same research nurse re-administering the LDQ 4-7 days after the initial visit in a subgroup of hospital patients. In a further subgroup of patients one researcher interviewed the patients and a second researcher re-administered the LDQ within 30 min to evaluate inter-rater reliability. The responsiveness of the LDQ was measured by repeating it in patients with endoscopically proven peptic ulcer or oesophagitis 1 month after receiving appropriate therapy. RESULTS: The LDQ was administered to 99 general practice and 215 hospital patients. In the GP population 41/98 (42%) had dyspepsia according to the GP and the LDQ had a sensitivity of 80% (95% CI: 65-91%) and a specificity of 79% (95% CI: 66-89%). The weighted kappa statistic for the agreement between the LDQ and the clinician for the severity of dyspepsia was 0.58 in the GP population and 0.49 in hospital patients. The kappa statistic for test-retest reliability was 0.83 in 107 patients. The LDQ had excellent inter-rater reliability with a kappa statistic of 0.90 in 42 patients. The median LDQ score fell from 22.5 (range 9-36) to 4.5 (range 0-27) in 12 patients 1 month after receiving appropriate therapy (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: The LDQ is a valid, reliable and responsive instrument for measuring the presence and severity of dyspepsia.  相似文献   

A model originally proposed by Akazawa and Kato (1990) for the spinal cord was adopted as prototypical of a neuronal pool with strong excitatory drive and strong recurrent inhibition. Our simulations of the model have shown that a strong synchronization occurs between the spike trains in the neuronal pool. This happens because the proposed model has a single and strong excitatory drive on the neuronal pool. However, usually a multitude of other randomly occurring synaptic inputs impinge on the neuronal pool and therefore a new investigation was carried out to study the effects of synaptic noise on the network behavior. The synaptic noise decreased the degree of synchronization of the neuronal spike trains but on the other hand caused an unexpected decrease in the mean firing rate of the neuronal pool. A detailed analysis indicated that this phenomenon is due to a combination of two mechanisms: a saturation of the feedback inhibition and a decrease of the synchronization in the neuronal pool with synaptic noise. The synaptic noise caused a more frequent activation of the saturated recurrent inhibitory feedback loop along time, thereby increasing the inhibitory effect on the neuronal pool.  相似文献   

Volumetric magnetic resonance image (MRI)-based morphometry was performed on the brains of 30 normal children (15 males and 15 males) with a mean age of 9 years (range 7-11 years). This age range lies in a late but critical phase of brain growth where not volumetric increment will be small but when the details of brain circuity are being fine-tuned to support the operations of the adult brain. The brain at this age is 95% the volume of the adult brain. The brain of the female child is 93% the volume of the male child. For more than 95% of brain structures, the volumetric differences in male and female child brain are uniformly scaled to the volume difference of the total brain in the two sexes. Exceptions to this pattern of uniform scaling are the caudate, hippocampus and pallidum, which are disproportionately larger in female than male child brain, and the amygdala, which is disproportionately smaller in the female child brain. The patterns of uniform scaling are generally sustained during the final volumetric increment in overall brain size between age 7-11 and adulthood. There are exceptions to this uniform scaling of child to adult brain, and certain of these exceptions are sexually dimorphic. Thus, with respect to major brain regions, the cerebellum in the female but not the male child is already at adult volume while the brainstem in both sexes must enlarge more than the brain as a whole. The collective subcortical gray matter structures of the forebrain of the female child are already at their adult volumes. The volumes of these same structures in the male child, by contrast, are greater than their adult volumes and, by implication, must regress in volume before adulthood. The volume of the central white matter, on the other hand, is disproportionately smaller in female than male child brain with respect to the adult volumes of cerebral central white matter. By implication, relative volumetric increase of cerebral central white matter by adulthood must be greater in the female than male brain. The juxtaposed progressive and regressive patterns of growth of brain structures implied by these observations in the human brain have a soundly established precedent in the developing rhesus brain. There is emerging evidence that sexually dimorphic abnormal regulation of these terminal patterns of brain development are associated with gravely disabling human disorders of obscure etiology.  相似文献   

Aseptic loosening of the femoral implant (ALFI) was diagnosed in 10 dogs that had undergone cemented total hip arthroplasty (THA). One dog had bilateral ALFI. Loosening developed at the stem-cement interface a mean of 30 months after THA. The most common clinical sign was intermittent subtle or non-weight-bearing lameness. On radiographs obtained after THA, the distal stem tip was in contact with the cortical endosteum in all dogs. Radiographic changes at the time of diagnosis of ALFI included asymmetric periosteal reaction along the femoral diaphysis (n = 11), radiolucent zone at the stem-cement interface (6), altered implant position (4), and femur fracture (1). Surgical revision resulted in a good or excellent outcome in 9 dogs. In 1 dog, the implant became infected. In another, aseptic loosening recurred. Aseptic loosening of the femoral implant was significantly more common when initial positioning of the implant resulted in contact between the distal tip of the implant and cortical endosteum than when there was no contact.  相似文献   

1. The hydrolysis of organophosphate pesticides (OP) and nerve gases by serum paraoxonase (PON1) is an important factor determining their toxicity to mammals including man. The PON1 gene contains 2 polymorphic sites at amino acid positions 55 (L-->M) and 192 (G-->A, classically defined as the A and B genotypes) which result in several alloenzymes of PON1 in human serum. 2. The 192 polymorphism has previously been shown to affect PON1 activity. We have investigated the effect of both polymorphisms on the hydrolysis of paraoxon by serum from 279 healthy human subjects. 3. The 55 polymorphism significantly influenced PON1 activity. MM homozygotes had over 50% less activity towards paraoxon compared to the LL and LM genotypes regardless of the 192 genotype (P < 0.001). 4. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the 192 polymorphism, 55 polymorphism and serum PON1 concentration were responsible for 46, 16 and 13% of the variation in PON1 activity, respectively (all P < 0.001). None of the other parameters investigated significantly affected PON1 activity. 5. Therefore both PON1 polymorphisms affect the hydrolysis of paraoxon. AA/MM and AB/MM individuals may be potentially more susceptible to OP intoxication. 6. Genotyping individuals for both PON1 polymorphisms may provide a method for identifying those individuals at most risk of OP poisoning. The effect of PON1 polymorphisms on activity may also explain why some Gulf War Veterans have developed Gulf War Syndrome and some have not.  相似文献   

2-Acetyl-4-chloro-3-lithiopyridine ethylene glycol ketal (6b) was reacted with 3-formyl-5-methoxy-1-methyl-indole (9) and 3-formyl-1-methyl-1H-pyrrolo [3,2-c] pyridine (12), giving the corresponding expected alcohols. Reduction of these intermediates with triethylsilane trifluoroacetic acid and subsequent cyclodehydration then led to 4-chloro-7-methoxy-10,11-dimethyl-10H-pyrido [2,3-b] carbazole (8a) and the corresponding 7-aza-analog (8b). The synthesis of 4-chloro-11-methyl (and 5,11-dimethyl)-10-unsubstituted derivatives of these two series was performed through an independent pathway, involving condensation of conveniently substituted 2-amino carbazoles (17) and 7-amino-5H-pyrido [4,3-b] indoles (18) with 5-(ethoxymethylene)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione, thermal cyclization of the resulting compounds with concomitant decarboxylation to the corresponding tetracyclic fused-4-quinolone systems and final chlorination with phosphorus oxychloride. Nucleophilic substitution of various 4-chloro derivatives was then easily performed in an excess of the required dialkylamino alkylamines at reflux and 4-amino substituted-7-hydroxy-10H- pyrido [2,3-b] carbazoles (25d-e) were obtained from 7-methoxy precursors (25a-b), by demethylation with boron tribromide in methylene chloride at -65 degrees C or with boiling 47% hydrobromic acid. Cytotoxicity determination of all new aminosubstituted derivatives and in vivo antitumor evaluation of the most active compounds clearly show that these two series of ellipticine analogs closely related to highly active products are devoid of antitumor properties in two experimental models shown to be sensitive to ellipticines. The place of the pyridinic nitrogen atom in these series has thus been demonstrated to play a crucial role in antitumor activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the linkage of a genetic locus (designated "HBM") in the human genome to a phenotype of very high spinal bone density, using a single extended pedigree. We measured spinal bone-mineral density, spinal Z(BMD), and collected blood from 22 members of this kindred. DNA was genotyped on an Applied Biosystems model 377 (ABI PRISM Linkage Mapping Sets; Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems), by use of fluorescence-based marker sets that included 345 markers. Both two-point and multipoint linkage analyses were performed, by use of affected/unaffected and quantitative-trait models. Spinal Z(BMD) for affected individuals (N = 12) of the kindred was 5.54 +/- 1.40; and for unaffected individuals (N = 16) it was 0.41 +/- 0.81. The trait was present in affected individuals 18-86 years of age, suggesting that HBM influences peak bone mass. The only region of linkage was to a series of markers on chromosome 11 (11q12-13). The highest LOD score (5.21) obtained in two-point analysis, when a quantitative-trait model was used, was at D11S987. Multipoint analysis using a quantitative-trait model confirmed the linkage, with a LOD score of 5.74 near marker D11S987. HBM demonstrates the utility of spinal Z(BMD) as a quantitative bone phenotype that can be used for linkage analysis. Osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome also has been mapped to this region of chromosome 11. Identification of the causal gene for both traits will be required for determination of whether a single gene with different alleles that determine a wide range of peak bone densities exists in this region.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is the cause of Crohn's disease. In a previous report the immediate effect of two years treatment with antituberculous chemotherapy showed no clinical benefit. AIMS: To assess both the immediate and longer term effect of treatment on the disease. METHODS: Patients were followed for five years from their date of entry to the study. One hundred and thirty patients entered the initial study, and of these 111 (81%) were followed regularly. RESULTS: Overall, there was no evidence of consistent benefit or disadvantage from antituberculous chemotherapy in any of the assessments made, including the number of acute relapses, surgical episodes, hospital admissions, disease activity, blood tests, or medication required for Crohn's disease during the follow up period. CONCLUSION: The absence of any benefit at the end of the initial two year trial period, and during the three year subsequent follow up, fails to support the hypothesis that mycobacteria play an important part in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease, or that antituberculous chemotherapy may be of benefit.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that (RS)-2-amino-2-(5-tert-butyl-3-hydroxyisoxazol-4-yl)acetic acid (ATAA) is an antagonist at N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) and (RS)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)propionic acid (AMPA) receptors. We have now resolved ATAA via diastereomeric salt formation using N-BOC protected ATAA and (R)- and (S)-phenylethylamine. Enantiomeric purities (ee > 98%) of (R)- and (S)-ATAA were determined using the Crownpak CR(-) and CR(+) columns, respectively. The absolute configuration of (R)-ATAA was established by an X-ray crystallographic analysis of the (R)-phenylethylamine salt of N-BOC-(R)-ATAA. Like ATAA, neither (R)- nor (S)-ATAA significantly affected (IC50 > 100 microM) the receptor binding of tritiated AMPA, kainic acid, or (RS)-3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonic acid, the latter being a competitive NMDA antagonist. Electrophysiological experiments, using the rat cortical wedge preparation, showed the NMDA antagonist effect as well as the AMPA antagonist effect of ATAA to reside exclusively in the (R)-enantiomer (Ki = 75 +/- 5 microM and 57 +/- 1 microM, respectively). Neither (R)- nor (S)-ATAA significantly reduced kainic acid-induced excitation (Ki > 1,000 microM).  相似文献   

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