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In this paper, integrated design of residual generation and evaluation is proposed to fault detection (FD) of networked control systems. Both the imperfect network transmissions and the sampling effects are considered under the assumption that no stochastic network model is available. By deriving a linear discrete time‐varying system equivalent to the sampled plant, the continuous‐time behaviors of disturbances and faults during sampling intervals are captured. Moreover, the effects of unknown but bounded packet delays and dropouts in the controller‐to‐actuator link are described by uncertain input delays with finite number of possibilities. A parity relation‐based FD module with multiple residuals is constructed for the derived system model. For the constructed FD module, the set of undetectable faults is obtained from integrated analysis of residual generation and evaluation and then designed to achieve its worst‐case minimal geometrical size while guaranteeing zero false alarms. Simulation results on a networked three‐tank system are provided to show the merits of the proposed integrated design approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the integrated fault detection and control problem for linear parameter‐varying systems. A parameter‐dependent detector/controller is designed to generate two signals: residual and control signals that are used to detect faults and simultaneously meet some control objectives. The low‐frequency faults and certain finite‐frequency disturbances are considered. With the aid of the newly developed linearization techniques, the design methods are presented in terms of solutions to a set of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - This paper addresses the problem of integrated fault detection and control for two-dimensional (2-D) Roesser systems. A fault detection...  相似文献   

This paper deals with the recursive identification of the parity space based fault detection systems. We propose two such algorithms that update the eigenstructure after every new measurement with significantly less computational cost. Its immediate application is in the design of adaptive parity space based residual generators. The method improves the fault detection performance against uncertain changes, especially the frequent shifts in operating points, or parameter variations. The algorithms are compared with the existing techniques and applied to the hybrid simulation platform of continuously stirred tank heater.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of an integrated fault detection system design for linear discrete time‐varying systems with bounded power disturbances. In the integrated design of residual generator and evaluator, an approximated energy constraint is first imposed on the bounded power disturbances, and then selected by solving a min–max problem to achieve minimal‐size set of undetectable faults under the condition of zero false alarms. To tackle the problem that the computational burden involved in solving the min–max optimization grows with time, the moving horizon method is proposed. The proposed approach in this paper has two advantages: (i) the approximated energy constraint on bounded power disturbances is explicitly selected as a min–max solution in the integrated design to improve fault detection rate; by contrast, when directly applying any existing fault detection method to the case of bounded power disturbances, a predefined approximated energy constraint is implicitly introduced without considering fault detection performance; (ii) the design objective of the proposed approach can choose to consider faults only in the recent time horizon rather than faults in the complete time horizon; this strategy enhances detection performance of recent faults and benefits early fault detection, but has not been considered by existing fault detection methods. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An integrated trade-off design of observer based fault detection systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, problems related to the integrated design of observer based fault detection systems are addressed. In the context of norm based residual evaluation, a trade-off between false alarm rate (FAR) and fault detection rate (FDR) is first formulated. Aiming at minimizing FAR under given FDR, an approach is then presented for the design of observer based fault detection systems. For this purpose, the well-established factorization technique is applied. Finally, study is devoted to the comparison between the existing methods and the proposed one.  相似文献   

This paper deals with data-driven design of fault detection and isolation (FDI) systems. The basic idea is to identify a primary form of residual generators, instead of the process model, directly from test data and, based on it, to design advanced FDI systems. The proposed method can be applied for the parity space and observer based detection and isolation of sensor and actuator faults as well as the construction of soft-sensors. The application of the proposed method is illustrated by a simulation study on the Tennessee Eastman process.  相似文献   

This paper deals with subspace method aided data-driven design of robust fault detection and isolation systems. The basic idea is to identify a primary form of residual generators directly from test data and then make use of performance indices to make uniform the design of different type robust residuals. Four algorithms are proposed to design fault detection, isolation and identification residual generators. Each of them can achieve robustness to unknown inputs and sensitivity to sensor or actuator faults. Their existence conditions and multi-fault identification problem are briefly analyzed as well and the application of the method proposed is illustrated by a simulation study on the vehicle lateral dynamic system.  相似文献   

本文研究了线性连续时滞系统的鲁棒故障检测问题.利用H_/H∞故障检测方法,设计了故障检测观测器,并给出了时滞依赖的故障检测观测器设计条件.本文直接给出刻画有限频故障检测性能的线性矩阵不等式条件,避免因引入加权函数而产生的不准确性.最后,仿真算例表明时滞依赖的有限频故障检测观测器可以取得比已有结果更好的故障检测性能.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a model-based fault detection and isolation problem for linear time-invariant dynamic systems subject to faults and disturbances. We use a state observer scheme that cancels the system dynamics and defines a residual vector signal that is sensitive only to faults and disturbances. We then design a stable fault detection and isolation filter such that the ?-norm of the transfer matrix function from disturbances to the residual is minimised (for fault detection) subject to the constraint that the transfer matrix function from faults to residual is equal to a pre-assigned diagonal transfer matrix (for isolation of possibly simultaneous occurring faults). Our solution is given in the form of linear matrix inequalities using state-space techniques, as well as a model matching problem using matrix factorisation techniques. A numerical example is given to illustrate the efficiency of the fault detection and isolation filter.  相似文献   

In this paper, design issues of data-driven optimal dynamic fault detection systems for stochastic linear discrete-time processes are addressed without precise distribution knowledge of unknown inputs and faults. Concerning a family of faults with different distribution profiles in mean and covariance matrix, we introduce a bank of parameter vectors of parity space and construct the parity relation based residual generators using process input and output data. In the context of minimizing the missed detection rate for a prescribed false alarm rate, the design of fault detection system is formulated as a bank of distribution independent optimization problems without posing specific distribution assumption on unknown inputs and faults. It is proven that the optimal selection of individual parameter vector can be formulated as a generalized eigenvalue–eigenvector problem in terms of the means and covariance matrices of residuals in fault-free and each faulty cases, and is thus solved via singular value decomposition. The tight upper bounds of false alarm rate and missed detection rate are simultaneously achieved quantitatively. Besides, the existence condition of the optimal solutions is investigated analytically. Experimental study on a three-tank system illustrates the application of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

针对受延时输入影响的风能转换系统的故障检测问题,本文设计了基于集值观测器的故障检测策略.风能转换系统常见故障可以区分为加性故障与乘性故障,本文对增广统一风能转换系统模型,设计一种全局集值观测器,通过改变所选择的状态集顶点和参考误差区间,改变增益矩阵元素的取值范围,选择合适的增益矩阵,实现精确的状态跟踪.在此基础上设计了...  相似文献   

In this paper, algorithms are proposed to design auxiliary signals for active fault detection based on a multi-model formulation of discrete-time systems. Two different scenarios are considered for this problem; the first one assumes there is no a priori information on initial conditions and no exogenous input signal, while the second allows for having a priori information and the possibility of having a known input in addition to the test signal. Approaches are proposed for solving these two types of problems which are capable of solving the problems efficiently. This is achieved by using a recursive approach based on the use of special Riccati equations. These algorithms can be used for systems of higher dimension and on longer time horizons than the existing methods.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of integrated fault detection and control for a class of two‐dimensional (2D) discrete‐time Markovian jump systems. The mathematical model of 2D Markovian jump systems is established upon the well‐known Roesser model, and a faults detection filter/controller is proposed to detect faults and meet some control specifications simultaneously. In this strategy, it takes into account both the fault detection objective and the control objective simultaneously through certain performance levels. The integrated design problem is then formulated as a multi‐objective optimization problem, which is nonconvex in essence. Furthermore, a two‐step algorithm is developed to solve this nonconvex problem. Sufficient conditions for existence of the desired fault detection filter/controller are established in terms of LMIs. A numerical example is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the robust fault detection (FD) problem for a class of polytopic uncertain linear systems driven by a Wiener process. It is assumed that the state matrix is affinely depending on unknown but bounded time-varying parameters. A switching mechanism is introduced to construct the robust FD filter with variable gains and to improve the FD performances which are inherent in the traditional FD filter with fixed gains. Finally, the filter design problem is formulated as a feasibility problem in terms of solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), and an example is presented to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This paper studies the fault detection problem for switched systems with all modes unstable. In this paper, we convert the fault detection filters design problem into the H performance study. First, employing the average dwell time approach, a switching signal ensuring the stability property is acquired. Then, through discretized Lyapunov function method, a novel Lyapunov function is put forward. In addition, sufficient conditions are presented to get the H performance in terms of LMIs. It should be mentioned that the parameters of the fault detection filters can be gained through solving the LMIs, utilizing the Schur's lemma. Finally, an example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对网络化控制系统中在有限频扰动和噪声下的传感器故障检测问题,构建一种新型的观测器结构:动态观测器.利用动态观测器零点可配置这一新特性,提出零点和极点联合优化配置的故障检测方法.所提出的动态观测器是在传统比例积分观测器的基础上扩展而成,更具一般性,具有零点可配置的特点,能够克服传统观测器零点是固定的限制.将动态观测器的...  相似文献   

Integrated design of feedback controllers and fault detectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the integrated design of controllers and fault detectors embedded in the feedback control loops. The state of the art of the integrated design technique is first reviewed. The focus of the review study is on the comparison between different design schemes and on the evaluation of the diagnostic performance. The second part of this paper consists of a study on controller configurations, observer-based residual generation and residual signals embedded in the feedback control loops. Based on the observer and residual generator realization forms of the Youla controller parameterization, integrated design schemes for some practical control configurations are proposed and studied.  相似文献   

In this article, robust fault detection (RFD) is investigated for networked control systems with delay distribution characterisation. By utilising an observer-based fault detection filter as a residual generator, the RFD of networked control systems with non-uniformly distributed network‐induced time-varying delay is formulated as an H model-matching problem. Delay-interval-dependent and delay-interval-occurrence-rate-dependent sufficient conditions are obtained by employing the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional approach. Especially, the robust fault detection filters guarantee strong robustness from residual signal to disturbance as well as high sensitivity to faults. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design techniques.  相似文献   

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