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葡萄覆盖防寒越冬研究初报曹锦贤,马全奎(新疆吐鲁番市红柳河园艺场,838002)葡萄是吐鲁番地区主栽果树之一,在露地大面积种植需埋土防寒越冬,因这里的绝对低温值为-29℃,远远低于埋土防寒临界值-15℃,不埋土葡萄地上部被全部冻死,所以本地区均采用地... 相似文献
河北地区葡萄越冬防寒被覆盖试验初报 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探索埋土防寒地区葡萄安全越冬的有效方法,于2012-2014年冬季分别采用防寒被覆盖的方法,对多个品种葡萄进行了越冬试验。结果表明,葡萄越冬采用防寒被覆盖不仅可以达到预期的防寒效果,与传统的埋土防寒相比还具有省时、省力、节约成本等方面的优势。 相似文献
为了寻找在生产中既经济又方便和安全的葡萄越冬防寒方法,提高葡萄越冬抗寒性,以威代尔为试材,采用草帘+大棚膜、草帘+薄膜+覆土等8种防寒方法进行试验.结果发现,草帘+大棚膜可以替代覆土防寒,并优于其他几个处理. 相似文献
沙城产区葡萄彩条布机械埋土防寒及出土技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在沙城产区葡萄树的管理过程中,冬季埋土防寒、春季出土是全年树体管理重点工作之一,其工作量大,工作强度高,成本占全年管理费的1/3。当地农户全部人工操作,工作效率低、成本颇高。经过几年的时间证明,利用彩条布进行机械埋土防寒,可提高工作效率,降低人工成本。 相似文献
为了筛选适宜的简化防寒方法以替代树体下架埋土防寒,采用温湿度实时监控技术,检测了泰安地区最低气温情况,并对比研究了泰安地区冬季最冷时段葡萄园在简易覆盖和埋土防寒情况下土壤温度和湿度的变化特点。结果表明,1月所监测葡萄园冬季最低气温达到-15~-16℃;与埋土防寒相比,各种覆盖方式均能显著提高不同深度土层温度的最低值和平均值,保温效果依次是双毡+膜双毡=单毡埋土。其中,单层毡布覆盖操作简易,价格低廉,其地下5 cm、10 cm、20 cm及40 cm土层极低温度分别为0.91℃、1.28℃、1.69℃、2.80℃,均在0℃以上,明显优于埋土防寒的-2.95℃、-0.45℃、0.66℃、1.80℃;覆单毡后地下20cm土层的相对湿度为76.47%,较埋土防寒提高23.4%,利于葡萄度过干旱的冬季;覆单毡后赤霞珠的物候期比埋土防寒推迟7 d;但发芽率和坐果率没有显著差别。本研究表明,在冬季最低气温不低于-16℃的泰安或类似地区,采用覆毡的简易防寒方式有替代埋土防寒的可行性。 相似文献
埋土厚度与出土前后灌水对葡萄延迟萌芽的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
贺兰山东麓是我国近年兴起的又一优质酿酒葡萄产区。该地区冬季寒冷干旱,葡萄必须埋土才能安全越冬。葡萄埋土和出土上架占全年管理用工的1/5~1/4,尤其是春天葡萄出土前后,气温变化无常,晚霜冻频繁发生。当地葡萄出土多集中在清明过后的1周开始(4月中旬)。出土早了,极易遭受晚霜冻,出土晚了,葡萄芽眼在土壤中萌发,造成出土过程碰伤,出土嫩芽经太阳曝晒,灼伤而抽干,主芽损失很大。因此,本文从冬季埋土厚度和早春葡萄出土前后灌水两方面探讨,为葡萄园冬季防寒和早春管理提供参考。1 材料与方法1.1 试验地点试验在宁夏贺兰山… 相似文献
埋土防寒区篱架酿酒葡萄斜干水平式新树形 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
宁夏贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄基地葡萄树形单一,皆为直立龙干形。课题组参照国内外葡萄树形,设计了斜干水平式新树形。经过5年试验证明:该树形比直立龙干形便于冬季埋土防寒,葡萄质量与产量稳定,树势均衡,修剪简单。但因稀植,前期产量不如直立龙干形。 相似文献
张克东 《中外葡萄与葡萄酒》2013,(3):39-40
分析河北怀来葡萄产区近年来葡萄发生冻害的原因,主要有气候因素、栽培管理不当、立地条件较差等,并针对这些原因提出防止冻害的措施:逐步实行品种区域化、推广嫁接苗、加强综合管理、认真细致做好埋土防寒、恢复受冻葡萄生长等。 相似文献
北方尤其是西北葡萄埋土防寒区,冬春寒冷干燥,不同程度的冻害时有发生,容易造成葡萄枝蔓冻害和抽干[1-3],导致葡萄园缺株断垄,园相不整齐。加上修剪不尽合理,即使保留下来的主蔓也仅在顶端有几个结果枝,中下部"瞎眼空褪"现象严重,造成低产、低效,影响种植户的积极性和当地葡萄产业的健康发展。 相似文献
我国黄河以北地区栽培葡萄,冬季实施埋土措施,才能安全越冬。埋土耗费大量人力、物力。采用“南坡北墙沟栽培葡萄 塑膜覆盖的方法”(NBG葡萄栽培法)葡萄植株不埋土,可安全越冬。即顺葡萄东西行向,北边砌矮墙(0.5~0.7 米高),葡萄定植在沟内,使根系向深土层发展;此法在越冬期间(131 天)提高地表积温322°C,提高土壤积温226°C,北墙又能阻挡和减弱西北风的侵袭,塑膜保湿、保温,改善葡萄植株的小环境条件,解决了葡萄不埋土可安全越冬的问题。建议此项技术在我国北方地区推广 相似文献
对比分析了用视频显微镜和普通生物显微镜测试浆纱浆液渗透和被覆的方法和特点。试验表明,视频显微镜法比普通生物显微镜法较为方便和快捷,精确度高,适合浆纱工艺分析中对浆纱浆液渗透及被覆的测定。 相似文献
The mortality of three life cycle stages of red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)) was assessed in sealed 500 g packs of golden-coloured, sultana raisins, with or without the addition of a commercial O2 absorber, Ageless®. Assessments were undertaken at 30°C for 9 days, or 22.5°C for 20 days, or 15°C for 45 days. All fruit samples treated with O2 absorbers produced 100% mortality, with no occurrence of a second-generation population, when incubated post-treatment at 27°C for 60 days. Fruit stored in an hermetically sealed bag produced 100% adult mortality at 22.5°C and 30°C but eggs and pupae survived; at 15°C mortality was not significantly different to the control culture. The effect of a low O2 atmosphere generated by Ageless® on fruit colour was assessed using the same temperature regimes over a 28, or 56, or 84-day storage period. Fruit colour changes were measured using the CIE tristimulus L*, a*, b* measuring system. Low storage temperature (15°C) and low O2 atmosphere both maintained fruit colour during the experimental storage regimes. There were significant negative effects on fruit colour at the higher temperature (30°C) and longer storage period without a modified atmosphere. 相似文献
Peter Millard Sandra D. Bain Andrew Chesson 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》1984,35(9):982-986
The compositions of the roots of nine varieties of swede of high, medium or low dry matter content and winter-hardiness have been compared in samples harvested in November 1982 or March 1983. There was between 52 and 63% of root dry matter as soluble glucose, fructose and sucrose, 18 to 22% as cell wall polymers, 10 to 12% as soluble phenolic material and 3 to 5% inorganic nutrients. The chemical composition and so, presumably, nutritive value of the low and medium winterhardiness varieties were unchanged over the sampling period, whereas the high winter-hardiness varieties increased their soluble sugar levels (particularly glucose) by 20% over the winter. 相似文献
Seun-Ah Yang Eun-Jung Lee Hee-Don Choi Mi-Hee Yu Myun-Ho Bang In-Seon Lee Sam-Pin Lee 《Food science and biotechnology》2010,19(5):1309-1316
Anti-allergic effect of marc extract after supercritical fluid extraction SFE comparing the crude extract from silver vine was investigated to increase its potential for use as a new source of functional food that reduced non-favorable flavor. The results tested by thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide MTT assay indicated that the ethanol extract of silver vine ETOH and ethanol extract of SFE marc SFEM showed no cytotoxic effects on IgE-sensitized rat basophilic leukemia RBL-2H3 cells under the conditions. ETOH, as well as SFEM inhibited antigen-induced degranulation in RBL-2H3 mast cells dose dependently. The morphological change of the cells treated with compound 48/80 was prevented by the extracts. Production of tumor necrosis factor TNF-α on the activated RBL-2H3 cells was also reduced by ETOH and SFEM, similarly. Moreover, the total phenolic content of the extracts seems to correlate with the anti-allergic activity. In conclusion, the results suggest that the flavor-improved SFE marc extract suppressed the antigen-induced allergic reactions in RBL-2H3 mast cells. 相似文献
影响锦纶丝包芯纱包覆效果的主要因素 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
锦纶长丝环锭包芯纱是近年来颇受市场青睐的复合纱之一,但在实际生产中,存在着弹性不匀和包覆效果欠佳的质量问题。文章指出了影响锦纶长丝环锭包芯纱包覆效果的主要因素,对这些因素进行了分析,并且根据工厂生产实践提出了提高该包芯纱包覆效果的措施。 相似文献
D. Grigg D. Methven R. de Bei C.M. Rodríguez López P. Dry C. Collins 《Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research》2018,24(1):75-87
Background and Aims
Old vineyards are often suggested to be superior to younger ones, a claim that has scarcely been investigated scientifically. The aim of this study was to investigate if vineyard age influences vine performance.Methods and Results
Five commercial Shiraz vineyards in the Barossa Valley, SA, were selected; each site contained younger vines, which had been vegetatively propagated from older vines on the same site. Measurements of vegetative growth and reproductive development were obtained over three seasons. Results show that the effect of vine age is difficult to measure and separate from seasonal and site interactions. Vine age was strongly correlated with trunk circumference. Vines aged 49 years showed more similarities with older vines (93–168 years old) than with younger vines (6–28 years old).Conclusions
Vine age had an impact on grapevine reproductive performance. Older vines produced a yield greater than that of younger vines. Greater vine size, measured by increase in trunk circumference over time, may be a key determining factor in increased reproductive capacity.Significance of the Study
Vine age is commonly attributed to superior vine performance, as a precursor to fruit and wine quality. Our findings suggest that increasing vine age had a positive effect on reproductive performance in terms of yield, contrary to popular belief. This establishes a starting point for future studies that are underway to quantify if these findings have an effect on fruit and wine composition and sensory attributes. 相似文献17.
Adolf Heißner Stefanie Schmidt Burkhardt von Elsner 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2005,85(4):539-548
Covering the soil with plastic film is an important method to modify soil temperature and improve the conditions for plant growth. For the optimal use of films in horticulture, it is necessary to quantify this effect, which depends particularly on the optical properties of the film. Five films, used mainly for soil covering in asparagus cultivation, were tested by measuring the soil temperature as well as the transmittance and reflectance in the short‐ and long‐wavelength bands: ‘Taschenfolie schwarz/weiß’, a film with black and white surfaces and pockets for fastening; ‘Antitaufolie’, a film with anti‐condensation coating, ‘Solartherm plus Folie’, a film with black top and transparent sides; ‘MaterBi Folie’, a biodegradable film; and ‘Thermoplus Folie’, a black polyethylene with transparent sides. All films were produced in Germany. The temperature measurements were carried out under controlled irradiation (short‐wavelength band) and ambient temperature conditions in the laboratory: first, 182 W m?2 and 11 °C at a depth of 0.4 m, and second, 340 W m?2 at 20 °C. A significant relationship between the temperature increase or decrease by covering the soil with the film and the calculated apparent quantities of the reflectance in the short and long‐wavelength band was derived (r2 = 0.85, n = 12). Furthermore, first tests with a physical model were carried out to obtain basic information, which should be used in the development of strategies for film management in the field. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献