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介绍了在大规模涤纶短纤维生产线上建立一条可切换的试验侧线,以进行变换产品的工艺摸索和优化的设想,叙述了试验侧线包括的内容,分析了可行性和优点。  相似文献   

介绍了高感性新型纤维--涤纶复合弹性变形纤维的研制与产品开发方案,体现了合成纤维在保留原来良好性能的基础上,使纺织品具有天然纤维的性能.重点探讨了纺纱工序按不同比例混合的工艺流程和纱线指标对比分析、织布上机工艺参数的优化和关键后整理工序的工艺流程设置及技术参数,并从面料的关键参数上与普通涤纶弹力丝纤维及相关产品进行对比,更好的体现了高感性纤维及其面料优良的服用性能和功能.  相似文献   

随着短纤维生产单线从日产100t转向300t,亚洲某领先的生产商已将生产成本降低了25%~30%。这一坚实的业绩见证了Oerlikon Neumag(欧瑞康纽马格)高产能短纤维生产线及其实战的工程经验,这亦是客户选择与欧瑞康纽马格合作的关键因素所在。在有限的条件及时间范围内,双方强强联合使成功的可能性最大化。这种合作已成为未来长期合作发展的范例。  相似文献   

将绿色食品工作提高到一个新水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

PurposeThis paper reports on the development of a new tear ferning (TF) subjective grading scale, and compares it with the Rolando scale.MethodTF patterns obtained from tear film samples collected from normal and dry eye subjects in previous studies were collated into a large image library. From this library, 60 images were selected to represent the full range of possible TF patterns, and a further sub-set of 15 images was chosen for analysis. Twenty-five optometrists were asked to rank the images in increasing order between extreme anchors on a scale of TF patterns. Interim statistical analysis of this ranking found 7 homogeneous sub-sets, where the image rankings overlapped for a group of images. A representative image (typically the mean) from each group was then adopted as the grade standard. Using this new 7-point grading scale, 25 optometrists were asked to grade the entire 60 image library at two sessions: once using the 4-point Rolando scale and once using the new 7-point scale, applying 0.25 grade unit interpolation.ResultsStatistical analysis found that for the larger image set, the Rolando scale produced 3 homogeneous sub-sets, and the 7-point scale produced 5 homogeneous sub-sets. With this refinement, a new 5-point TF scale (Grades 0–4) was obtained.ConclusionsThe Rolando grading scale lacks discrimination between its Type I and II grades, reducing its reliability. The new 5-point grading scale is able to differentiate between TF patterns, and may provide additional support for the use of TF for both researcher and clinician.  相似文献   

为满足不同特种纤维的水洗工艺要求,研发了一款新式高效水洗机,分析探讨了该机层叠式槽体的结构特点。另外,为打破物质浓度平衡,并有效改变水洗液层流状态、提高水洗效果,创新设计出一种浸液辊结构。该新式高效水洗机结构紧凑、外形美观、水洗效果好,市场前景广阔。  相似文献   

高占勇 《国际纺织导报》2013,41(2):26-28,30
简要介绍了聚酰亚胺纤维的性能特点、应用领域、制备方法,以及国内外聚酰亚胺纤维产业的发展现状。结合生产线流程及主要设备参数,对产能为400t/a的聚酰亚胺短纤维湿法纺丝生产线上一些主要机械设备的开发进行了论述,指出了这些设备的结构特征和开发重点。  相似文献   

In this study a laboratory scale conch was developed with the purpose of testing new formulations using small amounts of chocolate mass. The equipment was built with working parts of others machines and the chocolate manufactured with the conch was evaluated in relation to the viscosity, moisture, acidity and polyphenol concentration. The resulting chocolate was tempered and then evaluated by a sensory panel. The results were always compared with an industrial conching process. The material used in the assays was dark chocolate (40% cocoa). Data were submitted to variance analysis ( anova ) and when there was significant difference among the averages, the Tukey's test was applied. It was verified that the reduction of moisture and viscosity of the mass in the laboratory scale was similar to industrial scale. The parameters acidity and polyphenols showed no significant alterations when comparing both process scales. However, in the sensory analysis a flavour difference between the processing scales was perceptible.  相似文献   

袁夫彩  孙海亮 《食品与机械》2015,31(3):119-121,144
为实现腐竹的优质、高效和连续化生产,分析国内外腐竹生产的现状,以及目前常用的腐竹生产设备的优缺点,提出一种新型连续化的腐竹生产设备构型。运用"Pro/E"计算机软件,虚拟设计出新型腐竹设备及其关键部件的三维视图;通过计算机虚拟装配和干涉检验,表明该设备结构合理,无干涉现象。  相似文献   

微生物发酵桂圆壳制取高水溶性膳食纤维的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验通过绿色木霉液体发酵桂圆壳来制取水溶性高的膳食纤维,对前发酵和后发酵阶段的工艺条件分别展开了研究.正交试验表明,前发酵阶段,原料添加量对水溶性膳食纤维得率的影响最大,最佳的发酵条件为原料添加量220g,发酵时间102h,发酵温度33℃,装液量115mL/250mL,接种量11%;单因素试验表明,后发酵阶段,适宜的工艺条件为初始pH值为5.5,发酵温度为50℃,发酵时间为58h.在此工艺条件下,水不溶性膳食纤维得率为56.78%,水溶性膳食纤维得率为11.38%,水溶性膳食纤维约占膳食纤维的16.70%.  相似文献   

MRS挤出技术当前正广泛应用于废旧纤维、瓶片挤出和部分醇解等的回收利用中,并能将这些废旧物转化为可纺性切片或直接制成短纤、膨体长丝(BCF)或纺黏织物。  相似文献   

涤纶用耐久阻燃剂的合成及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王胜鹏  张晓红  朱春华  孔永 《印染助剂》2008,25(2):38-39,42
用两步法合成了涤纶耐久阻燃整理剂TFP,并将其用于涤纶织物的阻燃整理.分别研究了阻燃剂用量、工作液pH以及整理后水洗次数对织物性能的影响.结果发现:当阻燃剂用量为120 g/L,工作液pH值为6.5时,织物具有良好的阻燃效果(达到国标B1级)和优异的耐水洗性能(可耐50次以上水洗),且不影响织物的色泽和手感.  相似文献   

强化膳食纤维挤压膨化食品加工工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米和荞麦为主要原料,强化膳食纤维开发研制挤压膨化休闲食品,并对挤压工艺参数进行了优化。实验首先采用单因素法考察了不同含量的膳食纤维对产品口感的影响;然后采用Box-Behnken实验设计方法进行实验设计,依据所得的实验数据建立了膨化度(Y1)与物料湿度(X1)、机筒温度(X2)和螺杆转速(X3)的相关数学统计模型:Y1=0.119179 0.016455X1-0.018315X3 0.028592X12 0.027734X32;通过对实验数据进行响应面分析,确定了挤压工艺的最佳参数:物料湿度为12.7%,机筒温度为120℃,螺杆转速为274r/min。分析表明,不溶性膳食纤维经挤压蒸煮后降低了17.9%。  相似文献   

Two local corn hybrid varieties PMH‐1 and PMH‐2 were evaluated for ethanol production. Corn flour (2.0 mm) was prepared and liquefied with about 3 KNU/g of starch and saccharified subsequently with Spirizyme. Spirizyme concentrations were optimized as 5 and 7 AGU/g of starch for PMH‐1 and PMH‐2 with saccharification levels of 81.1 and 85.6%, respectively. The ethanol production was maximum at 20% solids with yields of 0.45 and 0.52 g/g of starch for PMH‐1 and PMH‐2, respectively.  相似文献   

Sixteen multiparous Holstein cows past peak lactation were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design replicated four times to determine the production response and digestibility of diets containing high fiber energy supplements. Corn gluten feed, soybean hulls, or wheat middlings were substituted for a portion of corn, soybean meal, and corn silage in the control diet to provide 22% of the total dietary DM. Intake of DM was decreased when cows consumed wheat middlings compared with control and soybean hulls. Actual milk and SCM yields and milk fat percentage were not different among treatments. Milk protein percentage was greater when cows consumed corn gluten feed compared with soybean hulls. Apparent digestibility of DM was greater when cows consumed soybean hulls compared with wheat middlings. Intake and apparent digestibility of ADF and NDF were greater when cows consumed soybean hulls. Cows consuming wheat middlings had intermediate intake and decreased apparent digestibility of NDF compared with controls. Intake and apparent digestibility of NDF were not different when cows received corn gluten feed compared with control or wheat middlings. High fiber energy supplements supported milk production equally; however, differences in DM and nutrient intake, milk composition, and nutrient apparent digestibility were significant.  相似文献   

一株高产D-阿拉伯醇菌株的分离与筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的分离和筛选出一株高产D-阿拉伯醇菌株。方法采用初筛和复筛手段,利用纸层析法和高效液相检测方法,从具有高浓度葡萄糖环境,如葡萄干、红薯地土壤、蜂蜜、花粉等含糖量较高的样品中分离和筛选得到了一株高效转化葡萄糖生成D-阿拉伯醇的优势菌株。结果该菌株在初始葡萄糖浓度为200 g/L的培养基中,30℃,摇瓶培养120 h,D-阿拉伯醇的产量高达82.4 g/L。根据常规形态鉴别,生理生化实验测定,以及核酸序列同源性比较分析,证实筛选出的高产菌株b-1属于Candida parapsilosis。结论优势菌株b-1发酵产D-阿拉伯醇的产率较高,副产物较少,具有一定的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   

以大豆蛋白纤维和涤纶DTY为原料,在RDR型罗纹机上编织交织针织面料,介绍了编织的关键工艺参数和染色工艺,面料体现了大豆蛋白纤维的优越性,具有广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

The effects of dietary nonforage fiber sources on production responses of lactating dairy cattle have been well described, but interactions with other components of the diet have been less thoroughly explored. We investigated the effects of adding 2 commonly fed fat sources to a ration featuring high levels of nonforage fiber supplied by a corn milling by-product. Midlactation Holstein cows were blocked by parity, stratified by days in milk, and randomly assigned to 1 of 6 pens (12 cows/pen). Pens were randomly assigned to treatment sequences in a 3 × 3 Latin square design, where the treatments consisted of prilled saturated fat (SAT; Energy Booster 100, Milk Specialties Co., Dundee, IL), calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids (UNS; Megalac, Church and Dwight Co. Inc., Princeton, NJ), or no added dietary fat (control), with fat sources included to provide 1.2% added fat (dry matter basis). Treatment periods were 21 d; milk and feed samples were collected and milk yield and feed intake were recorded for the last 4 d of each period. Results were analyzed with mixed models with pen as the experimental unit, and orthogonal contrasts were employed to evaluate the overall effect of added fat and the effect of fat source. Dry matter intake and milk yield tended to increase with added fat. Protein content decreased with fat supplementation, to a greater degree for UNS than for SAT, but protein yield was not affected. Fat content, fat yield, and energy-corrected milk yield were not affected by treatment. Conversion of feed to milk tended to increase for UNS compared with SAT. Fat supplementation to diets high in nonforage fiber had effects that were similar to those reported for more traditional lactation diets, except for the dry matter intake response.  相似文献   

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