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There is a general consensus that, for several reasons, people with mental retardation are at an increased risk of developing emotional disorders. Numerous research studies have examined the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among people with mental retardation, and a wide range of rates have been reported. Reasons for the variability in these results are discussed, including definitional and identification issues, and sampling issues. A summary of representative studies is presented and discussed in light of the above-mentioned issues. The need for updated epidemiological studies in this area is emphasized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews challenges associated with behavioral training approaches for individuals with mental retardation and mental illness in the community. Family and non-family facilitated training are considered. Professional practice issues are reviewed, and justification for multifactor behavioral assessment is offered. Future research directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this article the authors review methodological issues that arise when interviews and self-report questionnaires are used with people with mental retardation and offer suggestions for overcoming some of the difficulties described. Examples are drawn from studies that use qualitative methodology, quantitative studies assessing different question types, and studies reporting on the development of instruments measuring psychiatric symptoms, self-concept, and quality of life. Specific problems that arise with respect to item content (e.g., quantitative judgments, generalizations), question phrasing (e.g., modifiers), response format (e.g., acquiescence, multiple-choice questions), and psychometric properties (factor structure and validity) are discussed. It is argued that because many self-report questionnaires include questions that have been found to be problematic in this population, more attention needs to be paid to establishing the validity of such measures and to clearly defining the population for which the instrument is designed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an earlier study, we found that architects, group home administrators, people with mental retardation, family members of people with mental retardation, and college undergraduates rated the homelikeness of slides of community residences for people with mental retardation similarly. In addition, clusters of physical features were identified that were specifically associated with homelikeness ratings. In the present study, behavior of residents with mental retardation living in those residences was assessed using the Aberrant Behavior Checklist and direct behavioral observations. After statistically controlling for confounding variables, we found that adaptive and maladaptive behavior covaried with homelikeness ratings. In addition, we were able to identify associations between specific architectural features of residential settings and the behavior of residents living in those settings.  相似文献   

48 female department store workers in Exp I evaluated a female confederate unfavorably when she was tense, but whether or not she had been mentally ill made no difference to them. In Exp II 48 male hospital employees rejected a male confederate both when he was tense and when he had a history of mental illness. In Exp III 44 female hospital workers met another female confederate, and the results were virtually identical to those of Exp I. It is concluded that either the sex of the Ss and/or of the patient seems to be an important variable in the acceptance granted previous mental patients. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A literature review was conducted to examine mortality among people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities living in the United States and determine how research findings relate to or assist in policy development. Two questions were considered: What do the differences between earlier and more recent research mean to policy development? What does the research literature indicate about other aspects of mortality that relate to policy development? Five major limitations of mortality research as a useful tool to policy development were discussed. Recommendations were made to identify what policymakers need to do to develop an oversight mechanism and type of research needed to assist policymakers in providing appropriate services and supports to this population.  相似文献   

2 health problems of critical size and tragic impact are mental illness and mental retardation. "There are now about 800,000 such patients in this Nation's institutions—600,000 for mental illness and over 200,000 for mental retardation." A 3-fold attack is proposed: (a) Ascertain causes and eradicate them. (b) Strengthen underlying resources of knowledge and of skilled manpower. (c) Strengthen and improve facilities serving the mentally ill and mentally retarded. A national program for mental health is proposed which emphasizes comprehensive community mental health centers, improved care in state mental institutions, and expansion of research activities and increase in professional manpower. A national program to combat mental retardation emphasizing prevention, community services, and research is also proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is a lack of instruments that measure the quality of life of people with mental retardation. These types of instruments could be used in order to give an indication of the quality of care they receive. At the moment we are developing an instrument that measures quality of life. Our first task is to find an adequate definition of 'quality of life'. In this article an attempt is made to define this term as it relates to people with mental retardation. Starting from literature in the field of disabilities, reflections in the social sciences and philosophical analysis, a combined approach is adopted, according to which quality of life consists of specific objective and subjective factors.  相似文献   

Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia (BPNH) is a recently recognized malformation of neuronal migration, and perhaps proliferation, in which nodular masses of gray matter line the walls of the lateral ventricles. Most affected individuals have epilepsy and normal intelligence with no other congenital anomalies. A striking skew of the sex ratio has been observed because 31 of 38 probands have been female, and one gene associated with BPNH was recently mapped to chromosome Xq28. We report three unrelated boys with a new multiple congenital anomaly-mental retardation syndrome that consists of BPNH, cerebellar hypoplasia, severe mental retardation, epilepsy, and syndactyly. Variable abnormalities included focal or regional cortical dysplasia, cataracts, and hypospadius. We hypothesize that this syndrome involves the same Xq28 locus as isolated BPNH, and we review the expanding number of syndromes associated with BPNH.  相似文献   

Reviews the 6 principles of Public Law 94-142 (the Education for All Handicapped Children Act)—including nondiscriminatory evaluation, the least restrictive environment, and individualized education—and discusses ways psychologists may be able to further the achievement of its effectiveness. Mental retardation psychologists provide an array of services, including prevention, consultation, training, education, supervision, administration, research, and consultation on individualized educational plans. Other potential areas for intervention include development of psychometric measures, social ecological assessment, and vocational education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychologists working with young gay men and lesbians may experience public and agency resistance based primarily on the confusion of moral and rational thinking and on homophobia. To work effectively with young lesbians and gay men, psychologists need to be relatively free of homophobia and knowledgeable about gay male and lesbian life-styles. Provision of developmental process information to the client is very useful. Internal and external homophobia, a lack of healthful role models, coming out to oneself and others, and AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) are among the most critical problems faced by young gay men and lesbians. Although a discussion of intervention techniques is beyond the scope of this article, bibliotherapy is briefly described as one effective intervention in that it provides necessary information to the client and it serves as a springboard for therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Students with and without mental retardation from three age groups were compared on implicit and explicit memory tasks. Consistent with previous research on intelligence-related differences in controlled and automatic processes, students without mental retardation performed better than those with mental retardation on the explicit memory task, but there was no difference between groups on the implicit memory task. For both groups implicit and explicit memory increased from age 6 to 8 to age 10 to 12, but did not significantly increase to age 15 to 17. Because implicit memory appears to be a relative strength for students with mental retardation, we suggest further exploration into broader types of implicit processes that may be useful in training situations.  相似文献   

Comments on the article by J. Owen-Kostelnik, N. D. Reppucci, and J. R. Meyer (see record 2006-05893-002) which reviewed the issues surrounding the police interrogation of minors. This commentary expands on the review by addressing the mental health status of youths who come into contact with police. It stems from two immutable facts: (a) The prevalence of mental illness among justice-involved youths is alarmingly high, and (b) mental illness by itself is a risk factor for false confession. These two facts place suspected youths in double jeopardy in the interrogation room. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In response to discussion by S. Reiss et al (see record 1982-30849-001) about sources of information on the prevalence of emotional problems among retarded people, the present author describes a study of 27,385 Ss with developmental disabilities that looks at dual diagnoses (psychiatric impairment and developmental disability) in relation to age, intellectual level, and residential setting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sixty-eight participants with severe mental retardation participated in a study of representational matching to sample. Participants were asked to match objects to identical objects, line drawings, miniature objects (icons), pantomimes, and spoken names. Participants who were successful in these matching tasks also experienced delayed matching tasks. Participants differed in their expressive communication and comparisons were made between symbolic (speaking) individuals, distal gesture users, and contact gesture users. Contact gesture users were significantly worse on identical matching to sample tasks than other participants. Mean scores on matching objects to line drawings were significantly better than mean scores on other matching tasks. In delayed matching, however, scores for matching objects to spoken names were significantly better than other tasks. The implications of these results for learning to use an augmentative communication device are discussed.  相似文献   

An increased number of adults with mental retardation are living in the community and seeking health care from family physicians. When mentally retarded patients are enrolled in a medical practice, guardianship status should be determined, but these patients should be involved in their own care to as great an extent possible. Since a verbal history may be difficult to obtain, a systematic, thorough physical examination is important. Certain Illnesses, such as hepatitis B, recurrent aspiration syndrome, leukemia and atlantoaxial instability, are much more common in adults with Down syndrome then in adults with mental retardation from other causes. Seizures and mental illness are equally common in all mentally retarded adults. The behavior management and pharmacologic therapy of patients with mental retardation are best handled in close association with caregivers, as well as psychiatrists and neurologists who are familiar with the special needs of this population.  相似文献   

Transvaginal amniotic puncture (TAP) was performed on 20 consecutive missed abortions immediately prior to dilatation and evacuation and the cytogenetic results compared. The information received from products of conception (POC) and TAP was in concordance in only 5 of 20 (25%) cases. Tissue obtained from POC yielded cells in all instances. However, only 3 of 20 POC samples yielded findings other than normal female. In contrast, 92.8% of the conclusive diagnoses would have been achieved by TAP alone. These data strongly suggest that TAP is superior to POC for accurate cytogenetic assessment of missed abortion and should lead to a reevaluation of our current understanding and management of pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

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