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Specific binding of [3H]imipramine and [3H]paroxetine was simultaneously examined in human brains (frontal cortex, temporal cortex, cingulate cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala) from 11 controls and 11 depressed suicide victims. A single saturable high affinity site was obtained for both radioligands. Age was not related to significant changes in [3H]imipramine and [3H]paroxetine binding parameters, which indicates the stability of the brain serotonergic system with increasing age. A major finding of the present study concerns the existence of a significant decrease in the maximum number (Bmax) of [3H]imipramine binding sites in hippocampus from depressed suicides as compared with the control group, without changes in the binding affinity (Kd). In contrast, when [3H]paroxetine was used as radioligand, no changes in either Bmax or Kd were detected in any of the brain regions studied. These findings suggest that [3H]imipramine may be a better marker than [3H]paroxetine when alterations in the presynaptic serotonergic uptake site are to be detected.  相似文献   

Specific binding of [3H]1,3-di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG) was found not only in synaptic membrane fractions but also in subcellular fractions enriched of microsomes, nuclei and mitochondria/myelins, with different sensitivities to displacement by the antipsychotic haloperidol. The highest binding was detected in microsomal fractions followed by, in order of decreasing binding, fractions enriched in nuclei, synaptic membranes, mitochondria/myelins and homogenates. [3H]DTG binding was completely abolished by prior treatment of the synaptic membranes with a low concentration of Triton X-100. [3H]DTG binding reached a plateau within 30 min of the incubation at 2 degree C, whereas raising the incubation temperature to 30 degrees C resulted in marked shortening of the time required to attain equilibrium, without altering the binding at equilibrium. The binding was inhibited by haloperidol in a concentration-dependent manner over a concentration range of 1 nM to 0.1 mM but with a potency more than 100 times weaker than the value reported in the literature, irrespective of the termination method employed and the external proton concentrations. [3H]DTG binding was markedly displaced by a variety of compounds including sigma ligands, benzomorphan opiates and noncompetitive antagonists at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in synaptic membranes of the cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. However, sigma ligands such as haloperidol, DTG and (+)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(1-propyl)piperidine were more potent in displacing [3H]DTG binding in cortical membranes than in hippocampal and cerebellar membranes, while the potencies of the NMDA antagonists were not significantly different from each other among these 3 different central structures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have used photoaffinity labelling and protein cleavage techniques to identify the site of photoincorporation of [3H]Ro15-4513 into the alpha subunit of the bovine gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor. Bovine brain membranes were photoaffinity labelled with [3H]Ro15-4513 and after solubilization and denaturation, proteins were specifically cleaved at either cysteine or tryptophan residues. Peptides were resolved by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cleavage at cysteine residues generated a labelled peptide of Mr 6.5K, while cleavage at tryptophan residues generated a labelled peptide with an Mr of 5K. Cleavage products of this size indicate that the site of [3H]Ro15-4513 incorporation occurs between the end of the first transmembrane domain and the first four amino acids of the third transmembrane domain (residues 247-289). This region of the GABAA receptor has not previously been implicated in the formation of the benzodiazepine binding site and may be part of a unique recognition domain for inverse agonists.  相似文献   

Previous biochemical and pharmacological studies have shown that [D-Ala2]-deltorphin-I (DADTI) has a high affinity and selectivity for delta-opioid receptors. In this study, designed to provide morphological details, the distribution of DADTI binding sites was examined by autoradiography on coronal, sagittal and horizontal frozen sections of adult rat brain. The sections were incubated with tritiated DADTI solution and exposed for 12 weeks to a 3H-sensitive film. DADTI labelling clearly demonstrated selective and high affinity binding sites of delta-opioid type in several brain regions, including olfactory system, neostriatum, nucleus accumbens, and cortical layers I-II and V-VI.  相似文献   

We examined the characteristics of [3H]clozapine binding sites in four rat brain regions (frontal cortex, limbic area, hippocampus and striatum) in order to elucidate the pharmacological profile of this unique atypical antipsychotic drug. The specific [3H]clozapine binding was found to be saturable and reversible in all these brain regions. Scatchard analysis of the saturation data indicated that the specific binding consisted of high- and low-affinity components. Displacement experiments showed that the muscarinic cholinergic receptor represented about 50% of [3H]clozapine binding in each brain area. Serotonin 5-HT2 and dopamine D4 receptor binding sites could also be detected by displacement experiments using ketanserin and nemonapride, respectively, in frontal cortex and limbic area, but not in hippocampus or striatum. Alpha-1, alpha-2, histamine H1, dopamine D1, D2, or D3 receptor components could not be determined within the high-affinity [3H]clozapine binding sites in any brain region. It is possible that the atypical property of clozapine may depend on the modulatory effect on dopaminergic function via 5-HT2 receptor blockade and/or may be mediated via D4 receptor blockade in the mesocortical and mesolimbic area.  相似文献   

Certain Class III anti-arrhythmic agents have been shown to interact with human leukocytes and after antigenic and mitogenic activation. We hypothesized that a binding site for the Class III anti-arrhythmic agent, dofetilide, would exist on human leukocytes. Analysis of binding isotherms defined the presence of a single high affinity binding site on mononuclear cells and neutrophils: Kd 26+/-4 nm, Bmax 61+/-14 fmol/10( 6) cells and Kd 33+/-14 nm, Bmax 163+/-45 fmol/10(6) cells, respectively. Other Class III drugs inhibited [3H]-dofetilide binding at physiologically relevant concentrations, but the IC50 values of E4031 and quinidine were significantly higher for leukocytes than for cardiac myocytes. Interestingly, verapamil inhibited [3H]-dofetilide binding to leukocytes, but not to cardiac myocytes at physiologic concentrations (10 microM). Charybdotoxin and tetraethlyammonium inhibited [3H]-dofetilide binding to leukocytes at microM mm concentrations, respectively, however, apamin did not inhibit binding even at 1 microM concentrations. These data suggest that a Ca2+-activated K+ channel, like K(Ca) mini (apamin-insensitive isoform), is a candidate for the leukocyte [3H]-dofetilide binding site. To assess the functional significance of defetilide binding to leukocyte biology, we evaluated fMLP-stimulated superoxide production in the presence or absence of dofetilide. Dofetilide, at 30 nm suppressed of superoxide production. In conclusion, dofetilide binds to human leukocytes at physiologic concentrations and this binding alters leukocyte function possibly through interaction with a Ca2+-activated K+ channel.  相似文献   

1. Radioligand binding properties of the adenosine receptor ligands, [3H]-1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine ([3H]-DPCPX), and [3H]-R-phenylisopropyladenosine ([3H]-R-PIA) were investigated in frog brain membranes. 2. The specific binding of the adenosine antagonist, [3H]-DPCPX to frog brain membranes showed one binding site with Kd and Bmax values of 43.8 nM and 0.238 +/- 0.016 pmol mg-1 protein, respectively. Guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP, 100 microM) decreased to 72 +/- 7% and Mg2+ (8 mM) increased to 121 +/- 3% [3H]-DPCPX (40 nM) binding to frog brain membranes. 3. [3H]-DPCPX saturation binding experiments performed in the presence of Mg2+ (8 mM), or in the presence of GTP showed that Mg2+ ions decreased the Kd value of [3H]-DPCPX to 14 nM, and GTP increased this value to 65.6 nM. Bmax values were not significantly (P > 0.05) modified (0.261 +/- 0.018 pmol mg-1 protein, with Mg2+, and 0.266 +/- 0.026 pmol mg-1 protein, in presence of GTP) by the presence of Mg2+ or GTP. 4. The specific binding of [3H]-R-PIA (15 nM) was decreased to 37 +/- 6% by GTP (100 microM) and increased to 123 +/- 4% by Mg2+ (8 mM). [3H]-R-PIA saturation binding experiments performed in the presence of Mg2+ (8 mM) showed one binding site with Kd and Bmax values of 0.9 nM and 0.229 +/- 0.008 pmol mg-1 of protein, respectively. 5. The concentration-inhibition curves of adenosine agonists and antagonists versus [3H]-DPCPX binding showed the following order of potencies: CPA> R-PIA~ NECA> S-PIA> > CGS 21680, for the agonists, and XAC ~-DPCPX> > XCC> PACPX, for the antagonists.6. The present results suggest that the adenosine binding site in the frog brain membranes is G-protein coupled, but that the antagonist affinities and the pharmacological profile is different from the Al or A2 adenosine receptors.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that in rat brain membranes, [3H]rilmenidine, in addition to labelling alpha2-adrenoceptors and the I2B-subtype of imidazoline receptor binding site (I2B-RBS), may label an additional I-RBS population, distinct from previously classified I1-RBS and I2-RBS. In this study, using crude or fractionated rat brain membranes we examined the possible association of [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS with the A- and B-isoforms of monoamine oxidase (MAO) by studying the inhibition of [3H]rilmenidine binding by a number of MAO inhibitors; and comparing the maximal binding density (Bmax) and subcellular distribution of [3H]rilmenidine binding sites with that of MAO-A and MAO-B catalytic sites labelled by [3H]RO41-1049 and [3H]RO19-6327 and 12-RBS labelled by [3H]2-BFI. Inhibition of [3H]rilmenidine binding by all MAO inhibitors tested produced very shallow curves (slope 0.29-0.56). Clorgyline and moclobemide (selective MAO-A inhibitors) displayed moderate affinities (60-140 nM), while pargyline (non-selective MAO-inhibitor), RO41-1049 (selective MAO-A inhibitor) and RO19-6327 (selective MAO-B inhibitor) exhibited very low affinities (> 2 microM) for 50-75% of [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS in crude brain membranes and even lower affinity for the remaining binding. Under identical buffer conditions, the Bmax of [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS (1.45+/-0.14 pmol/mg protein) was considerably lower than those of MAO-A (13.10+/-0.15 pmol/mg) and MAO-B (10.35+/-0.50 pmol/mg) sites. These results suggest that [3H]rilmenidine does not interact directly with the active catalytic site of either MAO enzyme and could at best only associate with a subpopulation of MAO molecules. Binding studies on five fractions of rat cortex homogenates-nuclear (N), heavy (M) and light (L) mitochondrial, microsomal non-mitochondrial (P), and soluble cytosolic (S) fractions-revealed that 45% of total [3H]rilmenidine binding was present in the P fraction cf. 20 and 23% in the M and L fractions, in contrast to [3H]RO19-6327 and [3H]2-BFI which bound 11-13% in the P fraction and 36-38% and 35-44% in the M and L fractions, respectively. Binding of all ligands in the N fraction was 6-15% of total. These studies reveal that [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS, unlike the I2-RBS, are not predominantly associated with mitochondrial fractions containing the MAO enzymes (and cytochrome oxidase activity), but appear to be distributed in both the mitochondrial and plasma membrane fractions in rat cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Both high and low affinity binding sites for [3H]ryanodine exist in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes derived from rabbit skeletal muscle. Negatively cooperative binding of [3H]ryanodine at one of four initially identical sites cannot account for some of the kinetic features of the binding to high and low affinity sites. The presence of excess unlabeled ryanodine greatly slows the rate at which [3H]ryanodine bound at the high affinity site dissociates. An examination of the rate of dissociation of [3H]ryanodine bound at increasing [3H]ryanodine concentrations reveals the existence of a second site, occupied only at high ligand concentrations. The occupation of this site correlates well with the conversion of the high affinity site from a site with a dissociation rate constant of approximately 0.0025 min-1 to one with a dissociation rate constant of less than 0.00025 min-1. The low affinity site itself has a dissociation rate constant of 0.013 min-1 and dissociation from this site is unaffected by the presence of 100 microM unlabeled ryanodine. These data suggest that the two binding sites are different but are either allosterically or sterically coupled. Association experiments support this interpretation. Low affinity binding sites for [3H]ryanodine exist in transverse tubule (t-tubule) as well as sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. High concentrations of both ryanodine and ruthenium red inhibit the binding of [3H]PN200-110 to the dihydropyridine-binding protein in t-tubule membranes. Whether the low affinity site in t-tubule membranes is related to that found in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes is not yet known.  相似文献   

The distribution and relative densities of imidazoline-receptor binding sites (I-RBS) and monoamine oxidase (MAO)-A and -B enzyme(s) in rat and rabbit kidney were compared autoradiographically using fixed nanomolar concentrations of [3H]rilmenidine and [3H]2-(benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline ([3H]2-BFI) to label I-RBS, and [3H]RO41-1049 and [3H]RO19-6327 to label MAO-A and -B isoenzymes, respectively. In rat kidney, high densities of I-RBS labelled by [3H]rilmenidine were observed in the cortex and outer stripe (120-280 fmol/mg tissue), in contrast to low I-RBS densities labelled by [3H]2-BFI (<4 fmol/mg). A relatively high density of [3H]RO41-1049 binding to MAO-A enzyme was present in all regions of the rat kidney (160-210 fmol/mg) compared with a low density of [3H]RO19-6327 binding to MAO-B (< 25 fmol/mg). Comparison of MAO-A and -B distributions with that of [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS strongly suggests a lack of association in rat kidney. Similarly, the extremely low densities of [3H]2-BFI-labelled I2-RBS in rat kidney contrasts with the density of MAO-A, but is consistent with the low density of MAO-B. Rabbit kidney cortex and outer stripe contained high relative densities of [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS (200-215 fmol/mg) and [3H]2-BFI-labelled I2-RBS (45-60 fmol/mg) with lower densities in the inner stripe and inner medulla (< or = 100 and 30 fmol/mg respectively). A high density of MAO-A binding was observed in the inner stripe (515 fmol/mg) with lower levels in the cortex and outer stripe (100-240 fmol/mg), while high densities of MAO-B binding were observed in the cortex and outer stripe (290-450 fmol/mg) with lower levels in the inner stripe (65 fmol/mg). The correlation between the localization of [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS and [3H]RO19-6327-labelled MAO-B in rabbit kidney (r = 0.87, P = 0.057) suggest that [3H]rilmenidine may label a binding site co-existent with MAO-B, but not MAO-A (n.s.), in this tissue, but rilmenidine did not inhibit [3H]RO41-1049 or [3H]RO19-6327 binding. The distribution of [3H]2-BFI-labelled I2-RBS overlapped the combined distributions of both MAO-A and -B isoenzymes, suggesting that [3H]2-BFI may label sites on both enzymes in the rabbit, but [3H]2-BFI binding only correlated with [3H]RO19-6327 (r = 0.84, P = 0.07), not [3H]RO41-1049 binding (n.s.). Moreover, 2-BFI only inhibited [3H]RO19-6327, not [3H]RO41-1049 binding. These data are consistent with reports that I2-RBS are located on MAO-B and allosterically influence the catalytic site. The relationship of [3H]rilmenidine- and [3H]2-BFI-labelled I-RBS and the identity of non-MAO-associated [3H]rilmenidine-labelled I-RBS requires further investigation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Pain is a common feature of interstitial cystitis (IC). Although the effects of IC on sensory neuron density have been investigated, its influence on substance P receptor (SPR) numbers and function are not well known. To evaluate the role of SPR in cats with IC, we measured the affinity (Kd), numbers (Bmax), and substrate specificity of binding sites for [3H]SP in urinary bladders of healthy cats and cats suffering from IC. MATERIALS & METHODS: Radioligand binding assays of cat and rat brain, normal cat bladders, and inflamed bladders from cats diagnosed with IC were conducted using [3H]SP to determine SPR affinity and numbers. Binding sites for [125I]SP were identified using autoradiography in slide-mounted frozen tissue sections, and their specificity determined with competition binding studies. RESULTS: In bladder homogenate binding studies, low affinity SP binding sites for [3H]SP were found both in normal and inflamed tissue, whereas high affinity binding sites were found in inflamed bladder tissue only. Based on autoradiographic studies, high affinity binding appeared to be to small blood vessels, and to be specific for substance P, a pharmacology consistent with the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R). CONCLUSIONS: Upregulation of NK1R may be part of the pathophysiology of IC, as it is in some other inflammatory diseases. If so, more specifically targeted therapies for IC may become available.  相似文献   

1. The putative high affinity binding site for the adenosine A2A receptor agonist 2-p-(2-carboxyethyl)phenethyl-amino-5'-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (CGS 21680) in the rat cerebral cortex was characterized by use of a number of selective A1 and A2 adenosine receptor ligands, and compared to the characteristics of the more abundant striatal A2A receptor. 2. The binding of [3H]-CGS 21680 to cortical membranes was performed at pH 5.5, in order to increase the amount of specific binding. 3. Reduction of the pH from 7.4 to 5.5 increased the apparent affinity of the striatal binding side for both agonists and antagonists. The relative order of potencies of both groups of ligands were the same at both pH values, and were consistent with binding to the A2A receptor. There was no observable change in the Bmax, the values being 415 and 446 fmol mg-1 protein at pH 5.5 and 7.4 respectively. 4. The cortical binding site yielded a Bmax value of 117 fmol mg-1 protein. The relative order of potencies of the adenosine receptor ligands observed at this binding site were not the same as those observed in the striatum, exhibiting a profile with both A1 and A2 characteristics. 5. Further characterization of this cortical binding site in the presence of the A1 selective antagonist 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine (DPCPX) revealed a more typical A2A profile. This indicated that under the conditions used there were two components of [3H]-CGS 21680 binding, approximately 20% of the A1 receptor and 80% to the A2A receptor. 6. It is concluded that in the cerebral cortex there is a CGS 21680 binding site showing the characteristic properties of the striatal A2A receptor, and no evidence was obtained for the existence of a novelA2A-like binding site.  相似文献   

A 57-year-old male presented with palpitations and dyspnea on exertion. Examination of the peripheral blood and bone marrow showed pancytopenia with marked red cell aplasia. Hypogammaglobulinemia was also recognized. Chest X-ray and CT showed a mass in the anterior mediastinum. A biopsy showed thymoma. Two months after admission, the patient died of sepsis secondary to worsening pancytopenia and hypogammaglobulinemia. Autopsy showed non-invasive spindle cell type thymoma and a marked decrease of hematogenous cells. Review of the literature indicates that pancytopenia associated with thymoma is resistant to all forms of treatment and its prognosis is poor.  相似文献   

The Sugiura operation has been reported to have low operative mortality, rebleeding, and encephalopathy rates when carried out in a predominantly nonalcoholic Japanese population with good liver function. A literature review of reports of the Sugiura procedure outside Japan reveals a high complication and mortality rate when it is used as an emergency procedure in patients with advanced liver disease, especially in those with alcoholic cirrhosis. Uncontrolled studies report results that differ little from the Japanese series when the operation is confined to good-risk patients in the elective situation. Our experience with the Sugiura operation supports its role in these circumstances, especially in patients with portal vein thrombosis and normal liver function. The only good prospective controlled trial has been carried out in patients with schistosomiasis and suggests that the Sugiura operation is far superior to total shunt and may have a slight advantage over the Warren shunt because of its low incidence of postoperative encephalopathy. More controlled trials are required to establish its role in good- to moderate-risk patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Radioreceptor binding assays and receptor autoradiography were used to investigate the activity of thiocolchicoside on strychnine-sensitive binding sites in rat brain and spinal cord using [3H]strychnine as a ligand. Thiocolchicoside displaced the binding of [3H]strychnine with an affinity similar to that of unlabeled glycine, and showed a Hill coefficient and proportionality parameter (P) less than unity. The activity of thiocolchicoside toward [3H]strychnine binding sites was confirmed in autoradiographic studies. The results suggest that thiocolchicoside behaves as an allosteric compound acting on the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in rat brainstem and spinal cord, and that this may provide a possible mechanism for the myorelaxant activity of this colchicoside derivative, the first clinically useful drug acting on this receptor.  相似文献   

The effects of muscarinic agonist, oxotremorine (0.3 mg/kg), and antagonist, scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg), on in vivo [3H]raclopride (RAC) and [3H]N-methylspiperone (NMSP) binding were investigated. Following tracer administration to control or pretreated mice, binding potentials, and the rate constants k3 and k4 were determined by kinetic analysis. Oxotremorine resulted in a 70% increase in striatal RAC binding potential compared with controls. RAC and NMSP showed almost identical decreases in k3 (40%), whereas k4 for RAC was unexpectedly decreased by 64%. Scopolamine resulted in no significant changes in RAC or NMSP binding. These results, in combination with previous data obtained in reserpinized mice, show that 1) competition by endogenous ligand may not be the only factor influencing the magnitude of apparent in vivo receptor binding, and 2) interneuronal communication may be partly mediated by changes in the rates of ligand-receptor binding.  相似文献   

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