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项目团队工作介于项目管理和项目领导之间,具有其相应的特性,它包括团队成员情商、动机、反馈、授权、团队发展阶段、沟通、团队决策和冲突等重要因素.优秀的团队领导者善于运用以上各因素,即充分地了解团队成员的情商和动机,循循善诱,引导团队成员为团队目标而奋斗,有效地进行授权和沟通,从而实现团队目标.  相似文献   

以来自深圳S质检机构的26个质检项目团队为样本,探讨了项目团队的社会责任感对团队绩效的影响及团队领导者的服务型领导力在其中的调节作用。实证结果表明,项目团队的社会责任感对团队绩效没有直接的显著影响,只有在和服务型领导力的共同作用下才会对团队绩效有影响,具体表现为:在高服务型领导力水平下,项目团队的社会责任感对团队绩效有积极的促进作用,而在低服务型领导力水平下,项目团队的社会责任感对团队绩效的作用呈现消极趋势。最后结合本研究发现提出了改进团队绩效的对策。  相似文献   

项目团队是影响研发项目成败的主要原因,团队能力对研发项目成败影响很大。首先,从研发项目团队的特征入手,分析其与普通项目团队的差异化特征;其次,结合研发项目团队的绩效影响因素,提出了基于团队生命周期的研发项目团队效能模型,进而对处于生命周期不同阶段的研发项目团队能力建设重点提出建议。  相似文献   

项目团队自主性对项目绩效的影响机制是项目型企业治理必须解决的基础性问题.项目团队自主性包含制度设计和团队认知两个维度.制度设计维度上的高自主性有助于提高团队对外部环境的响应速度和质量,团队认知维度上的高自主性有助于提升项目团队的承诺水平、自我监督水平以及学习意愿.项目团队自主性对项目绩效的贡献受到项目型企业信息搜集与监控能力、绩效评价制度、项目任务技术依赖强度以及文化开放性等因素的调节.  相似文献   

作为一种关键软实力,情商对领导行为及组织绩效的作用已受到广泛关注。为了研究情商、领导行为和项目绩效三者之间的影响路径,在工程背景下,重新定义了项目经理情商、领导风格及项目绩效的维度,构建出"项目经理情商-领导风格-项目绩效"的中介效应关系模型。运用SPSS软件进行实证研究,验证出转换型和积极交易型领导风格在情商与项目整体绩效、各参与方满意度的作用中起完全中介作用,在与多元化目标关系中起部分中介作用;消极交易型在情商与多元化目标、各参与方满意度的作用中起部分中介作用,在与项目整体绩效关系中无中介作用;放任型在情商与项目绩效的作用中无中介作用。同时,情商维度如团队管理等对领导风格及项目绩效的积极作用,对工程项目管理及项目经理的选择有指导意义。  相似文献   

在矩阵式项目管理模式下,由项目经理组成的项目管理团队作为一个职能组织,其团队建设的成效直接关系着承接项目的成败和组织战略目标的达成.本文从事物发展的角度,对项目管理团队成员的团队热情与工作绩效的发展规律、相互关系进行了深入分析,并结合此变化规律,对团队管理的职能在团队发展过程中的工作重点的变化规律进行了探讨,由此提供一套系统的项目管理团队的建设方法.  相似文献   

IPD项目具有早期介入、协同决策、风险共担等特点,使合作成为衡量项目成功与否的关键因素。因此具备不同专业技能的参与方之间的知识共享成为合作成功的必然要求。情商作为一种关键软实力,对领导行为及组织绩效的作用已受到广泛关注。但在IPD项目中,领导者情商通过成员知识共享行为对合作绩效的影响研究仍比较缺乏。构建出IPD项目中"领导者情商-知识共享行为-合作绩效"的中介效应关系模型。运用SPSS软件分析数据验证出知识共享行为在情商与合作绩效维度的效果、效率、利益满意度作用中起完全中介作用,在关系满意度的作用中起部分中介作用。同时,情商维度的团队管理对知识共享行为有显著的积极作用,且显性知识共享行为比隐性知识更易受到情商的影响。  相似文献   

本文根据笔者作为项目经理实施的某高校网络多媒体教学平台系统项目管理中的经历和经验,在借鉴国内外项目管理的项目团队沟通和绩效研究的基础上,提出了IT信息系统集成项目中如何建立高效沟通的项目团队;项目团队沟通与项目绩效的关系.  相似文献   

实践证明,项目团队获取高绩效的应用胜任特征模型不失为一个行之有效的方法.本文在简要概括国内外有关胜任特征模型及高绩效项目团队的研究基础上,进一步论述了应用胜任特征模型对提高项目团队绩效的意义.最后,以一个实际建构的团队胜任特征模型来加以更为形象的说明.  相似文献   

PPP项目合同在约定主体权利义务的同时衍生了项目团队履约行为的互依性特征,具有临时决策权的项目团队在PPP情境中互依、认知和行为过程对合作绩效产生重要影响。通过文献分析构建了以团队互依为自变量、合作绩效为因变量、团队互动为中介变量、政府参股为调节变量的理论模型,采用问卷调查的方式开展情境模拟实验,并采集到367份有效的实验数据;运用结构方程对提出的理论模型进行实证检验。研究发现:团队互依(任务互依、结果互依)对PPP项目团队合作绩效具有显著正向影响;团队互动在团队互依对合作绩效的影响过程中起中介作用;相比政府参股比例较低的团队,团队互依对合作绩效的影响更显著受到政府参股的调节。  相似文献   

加强项目经理职业化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴涛 《建筑》2006,(5):33-36
中国建筑业协会颁发《建设工程项目经理岗位职业资质管理导则》以来,全国已有10多个省市近20个行业协会开始实施。截止目前,各地已举办高层次的项目经理培训班数十期,每期学习人数之多,热情之高,超过了原来的估计。这充分说明,这一结合中国建筑业实际,适应建筑市场需求,服务于建筑企业需要,又能与国际接轨的项目经理职业化、专业化、社会化管理的重大举措具有强大的生命力和号召力,也从另一个侧面反映了广大企业和项目管理人员对此项工作的支持和重视。与此相反,仍有一些企业和人员对此项制度的推行产生质疑。他们认为,国家实行建造师执业资格制度以后,不再有项目经理,有的认为建造师将代替项目经理。还有一些人持反对意见,其理由是协会不能搞项目经理岗位职业资质的管理, 甚至说什么超越了协会职权,涉嫌违法。对于种种质疑和模糊认识,有必要予以澄清。本文重点就建造师与项目经理的关系,以及为什么要进行项目经理岗位职业资质管理,主要依据是什么,如何加强项目经理职业化、专业化、社会化管理等问题做一些探讨。  相似文献   

We disaggregate the overall conceptualization of temporal leadership into its two foundation facets: temporal planning and temporal reminders. We integrate these with a two-phase model of team processes during a time-limited project. Specifically, we suggest that leader temporal planning facilitates team transition processes early in a project, leader temporal reminders facilitate team action processes in the middle of the project, and both team processes mediate the effects of leader behavior on team task performance at the end of the project. Data were collected from the members of 51 teams at three points during an application development project and from team leaders at the conclusion of the project. As hypothesized, team transition processes mediated the relationship between leader temporal planning at project initiation and final team task performance. Leader temporal reminders predicted team action processes during project execution. However, team action processes failed to mediate the relationship between leader temporal reminders at the project midpoint and final task performance. We conclude with practical implications for project managers and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Over 150 Information Technology practitioners participated in a study of differences in communication risk between traditional project teams and those that operate virtually, with some team members physically remote. Contrary to prior research, results indicate the level of risk from inadequate communication is not significantly greater when team members are not grouped in one location. Further, despite increased dependence of virtual teams on technology for communication, there was no evidence of significantly more project risk due to technological failure. However, virtual team projects exhibited notably more risk due to insufficient knowledge transfer. A plausible explanation is decreased implicit or informal knowledge transfer in virtual environments. We conclude that the possibility of insufficient knowledge transfer should be included in virtual project risk management plans, and consideration should be given in such projects to the extent to which knowledge that is traditionally shared implicitly might be shared explicitly through electronic means.  相似文献   

Communication and teamwork are key determinants of whether a project will be delivered successfully. Team building is often used as a way of improving patterns of team interaction. This research tests the impact of a standardised and repeatable team building protocol on communication in a project team. It builds on the theory that increasing the interconnection within a team communication network will lead to enhanced project outcomes. A longitudinal Social Network Analysis approach was used to diagnose the patterns of communication in a project team, inform planning of the team building intervention, and test the impact of the intervention on team communication. Over a three-month period, the team building resulted in a significant change to project team members' comfort discussing personal matters, and the frequency with which they discussed personal and work-related matters.  相似文献   

简要阐述了项目管理的含义及其包含的主要工作,分析了项目管理中团队与人所发挥的重要作用,并结合项目管理理论,总结了提高项目人力资源中团队建设水平的方法,以增强企业的竞争力,从而促进企业健康有序的发展。  相似文献   

在过去两期的文章中我阐述了项目型组织中的人力资源管理(HRM),我把它看做是行为学派的一个子学派。本期将讨论另外一个子学派,即组织行为(OB)子学派。对组织中人员管理的研究可分为两个主要领域:组织行为和人力资源管理,对项目中人员管理的研究亦如此。针对项目和项目管理的HRM的研究相对较新,过去两期文章中所讨论的内容几乎是我第一次尝试去研究该课题。以前人们曾撰写过建筑企业的HRM方面的书,但都是把标准的HRM应用在建筑背景下,  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact that integration can have on teamwork effectiveness within construction project delivery teams. The level of team integration was assessed within selected award-winning delivery teams of completed projects. A similar assessment was made of teamwork effectiveness achieved within the same project teams. The findings of this research reveal that teams with different levels of integration had the same or similar levels of teamwork effectiveness. Thus whilst integration is desirable, it is not the only requirement or condition for improved teamwork within a construction sector context. The findings suggest that the role and value of integration in project teams is unclear relative to other performance enhancing approaches. Further research is recommended to identify the factors and conditions that influence the direct impact of integration on teamwork effectiveness within the project delivery team.  相似文献   

The literature has found contradictory results regarding the impact of human resource management on project success. This paper focuses on one important human resource management process – team development – to investigate its importance in the project environment. Results show that most team development practices that work well in the operational business environment do not have a significant influence on project success. However, project duration was found to moderate the relationship between team development and project success: the effectiveness of team development increases in longer projects. The paper identifies and analyzes team development practices that have a positive impact on project success exclusively in long projects.  相似文献   

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