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Emulsions find a wide range of application in industry and daily life. In the pharmaceutical industry lipophilic active ingredients are often formulated in the disperse phase of oil‐in‐water emulsions. Milk, butter, and margarine are examples of emulsions in daily life. In the metal processing industry emulsions are used in the form of coolants. Emulsions can be produced with different systems. In the following, the process of high‐pressure homogenization is briefly compared to other common mechanical emulsification systems. To facilitate the selection of an emulsification system, the influence of the most important parameters of the emulsion formulation on the resulting mean droplet diameter in the most prevalent continuous emulsification systems is outlined. Subsequently, the most common high‐pressure homogenization systems are discussed in detail. On the basis of data from the literature and own experimental results the described high‐pressure homogenization systems will be compared regarding their attainable mean droplet diameter. It shows that homogenizers with a relatively simple geometry like the patented “combined orifice valve” (Kombi‐Blende) attain the smallest mean droplet diameters. The advantage of the “combined orifice valve” compared to other high‐pressure homogenization systems is not more efficient droplet disruption but rather more efficient droplet stabilization against coalescence immediately after the droplet breakup. The greatest research potential concerning the development of new high‐pressure homogenization systems is still to be seen in improvements of droplet stabilization, i.e., the reduction of coalescence.  相似文献   

Emulsions now find a wide range of applications in industry and daily life. In the pharmaceutical industry lipophilic active ingredients as well as many nutritional products such as vitamins are often formulated in the dispersed phase of oil‐in‐water emulsions. Emulsions can be produced with different mechanical emulsification techniques. In the following review, the process of rotor‐stator systems and disc systems are compared to other popular mechanical emulsification systems. On the basis of experimental results from the authors' laboratory, a discontinuous gear‐rim dispersing system, discontinuous disc system, and a continuous high pressure system are compared with regard to their attainable mean droplet diameter and drop size distribution in an oil‐in‐water emulsion. It can be shown that dissolver discs with a very simple geometry attain very small mean droplet diameters and a very narrow droplet size distribution, comparable to the emulsions obtained with established rotor‐stator systems such as gear‐rim dispersers.  相似文献   

Drop size distribution is an important characteristic of emulsions, probably the most crucial one for their use in various applications. Here, a pilot‐scale apparatus with a cone‐shaped flow geometry is introduced. The plate contains a micro‐engineered membrane manufactured from silicon allowing for the production of emulsions with narrow drop size distributions. The process is characterized by producing model emulsions of the oil‐in‐water type under laminar rheometric flow conditions and by accessing the regime of drop detachment as a function of the wall shear stress applied, by means of high‐speed imaging in a separate flow cell. Furthermore, clear evidence is given of the crucial influence of the membrane wetting properties on the emulsification results, by comparing the performance of micro‐engineered membranes composed either of silicon, silicon nitride, or nickel, for pore diameters from 1 to 12 μm, in the flow cell.  相似文献   

For the creation of sub‐micron emulsions in fluids of low viscosity the high pressure homogenizer (HPH) is usually chosen. One way of obtaining deeper knowledge of exactly what happens in the active region is to visualize it. In this work, a drop deformation and break‐up visualization system based on a modified Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system is described. The system reproduces the gap in a HPH and has been used with pressures up to 18 MPa and drops as small as 5 μm. The optics of the system are analyzed taking into account limiting factors such as the lens resolving power, the focal depth, and the duration of the laser pulses. It is shown that it is possible to resolve drops down to a few μm moving in excess of 100 m/s, and that the main limitations are the resolving power and in the focal depth of the objectives. Examples are shown from capillary drop creation and from the deformation and break‐up of drops in a HPH. It can be concluded that in a HPH, the drops are only deformed to a limited extent in the inlet of the gap, and that all drop break‐up occurs far downstream of the gap.  相似文献   

The generation of gaseous singlet oxygen by gas‐liquid reaction of chlorine with alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide in spray form was studied experimentally on the originally designed device with a fast separation of reacted liquid from gas. The singlet oxygen yield, residual chlorine, and water vapor content in gas were measured under different experimental conditions of the centrifugal spray singlet oxygen generator (CSSOG) using nitrogen as a dilution gas. A characteristic feature of the CSSOG is a high utilization of the chemicals and production of singlet oxygen at a very high total pressure even near the atmospheric pressure. This generator developed originally for driving a chemical oxygen‐iodine laser (COIL) could be employed also as an efficient singlet oxygen source in material science, chemical synthesis, and others.  相似文献   

While reaction engineering of low‐molecular weight compounds mainly focuses on equilibria and selectivities, polymer properties are tremendously influenced by molecular weight distribution as well as branching structure. In order to determine the branching structure of low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) copolymers in dependence on chosen process conditions, a Monte‐Carlo approach was developed. By modeling the topology as well as the comonomer distribution in the polymer chains a deeper insight in the process‐microstructure‐properties relationship is gained.  相似文献   

Deoxygenation is a critical step in making hydrocarbon‐rich biofuels from biomass constituents. Although the thermal effects of oxygenate aromatization have been widely reported, the effect of pressure on this critical reaction has not yet been closely investigated, one primary reason being the unavailability of a reactor that can pyrolyze oxygenates, especially those in solid form, under pressurized conditions. Here, the first of a series of studies on how oxygenates behave when catalytically pyrolyzed under elevated pressure and temperature conditions is reported. Methanol, the simplest alcohol, was selected as the candidate to study the chemical phenomena that occur under pressurized catalytic pyrolysis. The reactions were carried out over the shape‐selective catalyst ZSM‐5 (SiO2/Al2O3 = 30) under varying pressure (0 to 2.0684 MPa (300 psi) in 0.3447 MPa (50 psi) increments) and temperature (500 to 800 °C in 50 °C increments) conditions. Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were analyzed as the deoxygenated products of the reaction. The results indicate that the reactor pressure significantly affects deoxygenated product composition.  相似文献   

By replacing thermal concentration processes, high‐pressure reverse osmosis has the potential to contribute to cost and energy savings regarding concepts for industrial water reuse. To provide a better understanding of the spiral‐wound element behavior during high‐pressure operation, this study focusses on the investigation of their performance by scrutinizing the crucial effect of the permeate‐sided pressure drop induced by membrane‐spacer interactions. The experiments show a considerable influence of membrane intrusion on the element performance with a strong dependence on the feed pressure.  相似文献   

The molecular‐level response of RDX to hydrostatic compression was examined in a diamond anvil cell using Raman spectroscopy. The pressure‐induced alterations in spectral profiles of the C N stretching mode (886 cm−1) were studied up to 8.3 GPa. At pressures near 4.4 GPa, several changes of the C N stretching mode become immediately apparent in Raman spectrum, such as large frequency shifts, line broadening, mode splitting, and intensity changes, which are associated with the αγ phase transition and rearrangement between the RDX molecules. The high pressure Raman spectra changes of the C N stretching mode are indicative of an αγ phase transition, and also suggest the lowering of molecular symmetry and crystal symmetry, which are expected to provide some insight into RDX molecular stability and decomposition.  相似文献   

The simulation of dilute emulsions in a model ACIP2 Sonolator is investigated using computational fluid dynamics and population balance methods. Two breakage frequency models are used that differ in the expression of the drop breakage time. Drop breakage modeling based on homogenous isotropic turbulence (HIT) shows poor agreement of the Sauter mean diameter when compared to the experiments; simulations with the empirical model from Alopaeus et al. yield better agreement. By perturbing the classical HIT spectrum, it is shown that the breakage time in the empirical model corresponds to a non‐isotropic energy spectrum. Such spectra have been observed in the non‐isotropic near field in a model A Sonolator, which provides a plausible explanation of why the empirical model performs better than the HIT‐based model.  相似文献   

Modeling the high‐pressure polymerization of ethene is of vital importance in order to avoid costly high‐pressure experiments when it comes to process optimization and product design. However, closing the heat balance when modeling high‐pressure tubular reactors with a counter‐current jacket cooling is still difficult. In this contribution the influence of thermo‐physical properties – namely viscosity and heat capacity – on the simulation results was investigated. Various literature sources were evaluated and a variety of simulations were conducted, showing that both properties influence the resulting temperature profiles and conversions visibly, while the molecular weight distribution was not affected. Uncertainties of the heat capacity of 5 % could be compensated by varying initiator efficiency and fouling layer thickness within physically reasonable boundaries.  相似文献   

Drop size distributions and phase separation behavior of water‐oil‐nonionic amphiphile systems are investigated using an in situ endoscope measurement technique and an external camera in stirred tanks in batch mode. The fitting procedure and the simulation results of a phase separation model are analyzed under the condition that either the swarm sedimentation speed or the mean drop size during sedimentation is known. The steady‐state drop size distributions are self‐similar over the whole range of process parameters, but not in the decaying turbulence field after agitation stop. The coalescence rate in the first seconds after agitation stop clearly affects the separation behavior, so that a prediction of the separation time based on the initial conditions in steady state is not trivial.  相似文献   

Flow conditions in and behind high‐pressure orifices are described by a characteristic correlation between discharge coefficient and Reynolds number. The use of a pressure vessel and variations in viscosity allowed for non‐pulsating flow conditions from laminar to turbulent flow. Emulsions were homogenized under each condition. A considerable difference was observed in the final droplet size distribution depending on laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow. When the flow was pulsating as found when applying a plungers pump, transition of the flow from laminar to turbulence was more difficult to detect. Emulsions homogenized under these conditions indicated broader droplet size distributions. The Sauter mean diameter, however, was not affected by the pulsating flow.  相似文献   

Sauter mean drop sizes (d32) generated from a hole distributor in liquid extraction RDC columns were studied under various conditions. Experiments were designed to generate data required to determine the main variables that control the drop sizes in RDCs. Two precise correlations were proposed for predicting d32 in a RDC extraction column. The first was based on operating variables, hole‐distributor diameter, disc speed, column geometry, and system physical properties. The second one considered the same variables, except the column geometry. This model can be used for design purposes. The two correlations are the first of their type to consider the distributor hole inlet diameter in a RDC column. This diameter has been neglected by previous investigators. The maximum standard deviation for all data is 0.75 %, with a maximum absolute error of 6.8 %.  相似文献   

The high‐pressure response of ε‐2,4,6,8,10,12‐hexanitrohexaazaisowurtizane (CL‐20) has been examined to 27 GPa in diamond anvil cells using vibrational spectroscopy. The results reveal evidence of an ε→γ pressure‐induced phase transition between 4.1 and 6.4 GPa and suggest the existence of a γ→ζ transition near 18.7 GPa. Several Raman and infrared frequencies were found to decrease in intensity as the phase boundaries are approached. An anomalous intensity increase was noted in the C N C infrared mode that is believed to result from an increase in the Raman cross‐section due to a stronger interlayer coupling under pressure.  相似文献   

In order to study emulsification phenomena, devices generating well‐defined flow conditions are essential. Thus, emulsification of drop collectives under laminar shear flow is commonly performed in cylindrical Couette or Searle devices. In these devices, the flow conditions in the shear gap and in the volume underneath the rotor are often different, which can lead to inhomogeneous product properties and may complicate sample taking. Here, a novel cone‐cone shear cell is presented to study emulsification processes. The flow inside the device is examined using numerical simulations. The numerical simulations indicate that simple shear flow is realized all over the sample volume in the cone‐cone shear cell. The experimental results show that the drop breakup in the cone‐cone shear cell is equivalent to the breakup under simple shear realized in the shear gap of a conventional device, i.e., the Searle device. Critical capillary numbers are calculated from the experimental data and show breakup behavior as predicted by single‐drop experiments. Thus, the cone‐cone shear cell proved to be suitable to study emulsification mechanisms in simple shear flow.  相似文献   

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