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带有执行器的无线传感器网络是指在传统无线传感器网络中加入执行节点,形成传感器节点、执行节点和基站共同构成的三层监控网络。根据执行器在能量、计算能力和感知能力方面的优势,提出建立应用于事件调度的双环分簇算法。算法将执行器连接成双环结构,提升网络在线扩展能力的同时,也为无线传感器网络满足事件驱动构建基础。仿真实验证明,此算法能够有效降低网络能耗,随着节点数目的增加和监控领域的扩大,表现更加凸出。 相似文献
分簇算法是传感器网络中减少能量消耗的一种关键技术,它能够增强网络的扩展性和延长网络的生存时间。针对传感器节点数据的空间相关性,该文提出了一种新的基于空间相关性的事件驱动传感器网络分簇算法。算法根据用户要求的误差门限及结合节点数据的空间相关性马尔可夫模型,将事件感知区域划分成虚拟极坐标等价层。每个等价层选取层内当前剩余能量最大的节点作为簇头,网络通过移动代理收集簇头感知信息,该方法减少了传输数据量,有效节省了网络能量。 相似文献
新的无线传感器网络分簇算法 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9
针对无线传感器网络节点能量受限的特点,提出了一种响应式分布分簇算法(RDCA,responsive distributedclustering algorithm).该算法不需预先得知节点自身及其他节点的位置信息,而仅根据局部拓扑信息快速进行分布式的簇头选举,并根据代价函数进行簇的划分,适用于周期性获取信息的无线传感器网络.分析与仿真表明,该算法具有良好的负载平衡性能和较小的协议开销,与LEACH协议相比,能够减少能量消耗,网络生存期大约延长了40%. 相似文献
无线传感器网络分簇算法分析与性能比较 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
文中在介绍无线传感器网络路由协议的基础上,重点分析了几种有代表性的分簇路由协议算法。然后对各种分簇算法从10个评价参数上进行了一个综合对比,总结了无线传感器网络现有分簇路由协议的优点和存在的问题。最后从网络安全性和协议的实用性等方面,并对无线传感器网络分簇路由协议算法进行了展望。 相似文献
提出了一种无线传感器网络的分簇算法,用于协助基于簇的入侵检测方案检测网络中的各种恶意攻击行为.它将整个网络划分成若干个簇,使得簇内各传感器节点物理位置临近,并且采集的数据值接近.这一特性使得识别异常节点非常容易,并且保证入侵检测方案具有较高的检测精度和较低的误报率.该算法也使得网内数据处理变得异常简单,从而能够有效节省传感器节点的能量,延长网络的寿命. 相似文献
LI LI DONG Shu-song WEN Xiang-mingInstitute of Continuing Education School Beijing University of Posts Telecommunications Beijing China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2006,13(3):71-75
~~An energy efficient clustering routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks1. Mainwaring A, Polastre J, Szewczyk R, et al. Wireless sensor networks for habitat monitoring. Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and A… 相似文献
The conventional clustering method has the unique potential to be the framework for power-conserving ad hoc networks. In this environment, studies on energy-efficient strategies such as sleeping mode and redirection have been reported, and recently some have even been adopted by some standards like Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11. However, consider wireless sensor networks. The devices employed are power-limited in nature, introducing the conventional clustering approach to the sensor networks provides a unique challenge due to the fact that cluster-heads, which are communication centers by default, tend to be heavily utilized and thus drained of their battery power rapidly. In this paper, we introduce a re-clustering strategy and a redirection scheme for cluster-based wireless sensor networks in order to address the power-conserving issues in such networks, while maintaining the merits of a clustering approach. Based on a practical energy model, simulation results show that the improved clustering method can obtain a longer lifetime when compared with the conventional clustering method. 相似文献
In this paper, a clustering algorithm is proposed based on the high correlation among the overlapped field of views for the wireless multimedia sensor networks. Firstly, by calculating the area of the overlapped field of views (FoVs) based on the gird method, node correlations have been obtained. Then, the algorithm utilizes the node correlations to partition the network region in which there are high correlation multimedia sensor nodes. Meanwhile, in order to minimize the energy consumption for transmitting images, the strategy of the cluster heads election is proposed based on the cost estimation, which consists of signal strength and residual energy as well as the node correlation. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can balance the energy consumption and extend the network lifetime effectively. 相似文献
Minimising energy consumption has always been an issue of crucial importance in sensor networks. Most of the energy is consumed in data transmission from sensor nodes to the base station due to the long distance of nodes from the base station. In the recent past, a number of researchers have proposed that clustering is an efficient way of reducing the energy consumption during data transmission and enhancing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. Many algorithms have been already proposed for cluster head selection. In this work, we analyse and compare the lifetime of the network with three different fuzzy-based approaches of cluster head selection. The three strong parameters which play an important role in lifetime enhancement – energy, centrality and node density – are considered for cluster head selection in our proposed fuzzy approaches. In the first approach, energy and centrality are considered simultaneously in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the second approach, energy and node density have been taken in a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. In the third approach, node density and centrality are considered simultaneously by a fuzzy system to select the cluster heads. Simulation results of these fuzzy logic-based approaches show that all the three approaches are superior to the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Simulation results also show that the energy-centrality-based fuzzy clustering scheme gives best performance among all the three fuzzy-based algorithms and it enhances the lifetime of wireless sensor networks by a significant amount. 相似文献
Design guidelines for wireless sensor networks: communication, clustering and aggregation 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
When sensor nodes are organized in clusters, they could use either single hop or multi-hop mode of communication to send their data to their respective cluster heads. We present a systematic cost-based analysis of both the modes, and provide results that could serve as guidelines to decide which mode should be used for given settings. We determine closed form expressions for the required number of cluster heads and the required battery energy of nodes for both the modes. We also propose a hybrid communication mode which is a combination of single hop and multi-hop modes, and which is more cost-effective than either of the two modes. Our problem formulation also allows for the application to be taken into account in the overall design problem through a data aggregation model. 相似文献