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Java-based graphical user interface for the MRUI quantitation package   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
This article describes the Java-based version of the magnetic resonance user interface (MRUI) quantitation package. This package allows MR spectroscopists to easily perform time-domain analysis of in vivo MR spectroscopy data. We show that the Java programming language is very well suited for developing highly interactive graphical software applications such as the MRUI software. We have also established that MR quantitation algorithms, programmed in other languages, can easily be embedded into the Java-based MRUI by using the Java native interface (JNI). This new graphical user interface (GUI) has been conceived for the processing of large data sets and uses prior knowledge data-bases to make interactive quantitation algorithms more userfriendly.  相似文献   

现代仪器、仪表操作系统图形化用户界面已是仪器、仪表设计的一个发展趋势。尽管NI公司的LabVIEW^TM提供了先进的测量和自动控制系统软、硬件,但更多的应用系统还是以VB或VC++来设计图形化用户界面操作系统。Micrsoft公司的WindowsCE操作系统为我们提供一个可以为特定产品自定义的模块操作系统。特别是WindowsCE2.11中文版的推出,使仪器、仪表监控程序的设计转变为图形化用户界面操作系统的设计。本文简单介绍了WindowsCE操作系统及其在仪器、仪表操作系统设计中要考虑的有关问题。  相似文献   

在讨论配电台区电能质量监测分析必要性的基础上,给出了一种基于图形界面的电能质量监测分析系统。该系统由电能质量数据采集装置和数据分析工作站组成,其中的数据分析工作站配备有应用VisualC++6.0开发的图形化后台信息管理系统软件。该软件以配电台区接线图为主要的操作界面,不同于以往的以对话框为主的用户界面;人机交互性好,操作直观、简便。  相似文献   

The project presented in this paper began in 1993. It consists primarily in a graphical user interface for the real-time simulator at IREQ. It is based on a single-line schematic display and it uses the paradigm of model-view-controller objects. The first phase of the project includes a schematic editor with all the functionality of a generic editor (color, zoom, connectivity, etc.) combined with the effective control of elements of the real-time simulator. The next phase will include support for three-phase representation and integration to the network database of the real-time simulator at IREQ. This work has permitted us to explore and master object concepts that will improve the development and evolution of graphical user interfaces at IREQ.  相似文献   

基于某型数据存储压力仪的图形用户界面开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可重构数据存储压力仪是一种新型的爆炸冲击波超压测试仪器,为了提高该压力仪测试数据判读的速度和准确性,进一步对测试数据进行分析处理,本文通过对可重构数据存储压力仪数据存储格式的分析,应用MATLAB语言及其用户界面开发环境(GUIDE),对该压力仪自带的数据处理软件进行了二次开发,设计了界面友好、交互性强、数据处理功能强大的图形用户界面,在实地试验测试中,该软件实现了对所采集数据的快速精确的读取和分析,有较强的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

目前水电站过渡过程数值分析主要是采用面向过程设计基于特征线法的程序,本文从水击的基本方程出发,结合数值计算中显格式与隐格式的优点,提出一种将显格式与隐格式联合用于管网非恒定流计算的思路,建立相应的基于图形操作界面的自动编码与自动分层方法,实现引水发电系统图形化建模,并以追赶法为基础,提出管网隐式差分格式计算的分层并行解法,解决管网中非棱柱体管道及短管在显格式计算中处理困难的问题,实现计算效率与计算精度的综合最优。文中还结合某工程实例,数值仿真对比了等价与真实尺寸尾水管在机组甩负荷过程中压力值的差别。  相似文献   

This paper presents a non-linear model that characterizes the steady state behavior of a system through power balance equations derived for network users. In the formulation, a network user may be a particular generator or load, a power company, a bilateral or multilateral transaction or the pool. By means of a parameter variation, different models are employed to represent network users, starting with ideal current sources and evolving to ideal voltage sources. Currents and voltages allocated to every user vary according to the user modeling and are tracked throughout the parameter variation, providing means to determine the best representation for network users. Results for a 2-bus example and an equivalent of the Brazilian Southern Region system are presented and validated.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在电力系统中 ,采用面向对象技术 ,在WindowsNT操作系统下用VC + +6.0开发基于图形化界面辐射型配电网潮流计算的软件。  相似文献   

The authors present the design of a laboratory with software and hardware structures for digital and physical simulation in the area of power systems control education. The hardware structure includes a physically based model of the power system. The software structure includes a special man-machine interface designed with a graphical user interface approach. This interface allows the user full control over the simulation and provides facilities for the study of the response of the simulated system. This approach is illustrated with the design of a control system for a physically based high-voltage DC transmission system model  相似文献   

在讨论配电台区电能质量监测分析必要性的基础上,给出了一种基于图形界面的电能质量监测分析系统.该系统由电能质量数据采集装置和数据分析工作站组成,其中的数据分析工作站配备有应用Visual C++6.0开发的图形化后台信息管理系统软件.该软件以配电台区接线图为主要的操作界面,不同于以往的以对话框为主的用户界面;人机交互性好,操作直观、简便.  相似文献   

利用具有图形化界面的PSCAD/EMTDC软件,建立了基于蒙特卡洛法的配网随机潮流的仿真模型。利用PSCAD软件中随机数产生模块和数学计算元件构成累积分布反函数模块,产生按照某种特定分布的随机数,称为"伪随机数"。同时,利用PI环节控制电源的功角,使之跟踪输出伪随机数模块生成的随机功率。该模型能模拟各种概率分布的随机电源,仿真复杂拓扑结构的配电网潮流,并满足快速计算要求。IEEE9节点系统的仿真统计结果,证明了仿真模型的正确性。  相似文献   

随着风电、光伏等新能源在传统电力系统中渗透率的增加,常规的交流电网已不能满足远距离、大容量输送电能的需要,柔性多端直流电网将成为区域互联和风电消纳的发展方向。首先对柔性多端直流电网的控制策略进行研究;然后,在每个换流站都设置一个智能体,提出柔性多端直流电网的智能分布调控策略;最后,搭建一个典型的四端柔性直流输电系统进行仿真。仿真结果表明,该控制策略能够同时兼顾集中式控制和分布式控制的优点,每个智能体都能够计划并制定适当的决策,通过TCP/IP协议与其他智能体交换数据,在环境突变(系统故障或者大扰动)的情况下迅速做出反应,减少通信延迟以及上级电网智能体优化计算的时间损耗。  相似文献   

可中断负荷的管理作为配电网的一种调度手段,研究其对配电网供电能力的影响具有重要意义。目前研究仅涉及在加入用户分级后配电网的供电能力是否有所提升以及能够提升多少,尚不能有效地管理利用负荷以及实现可中断负荷在提升供电能力方面的电力资源的有效分配。以单位时段配电网供电能力值为优化变量,以计及可中断负荷后配电网TSC的曲线形状与日负荷曲线形状相似度最高和配电网各时段的供电能力最大为优化目标,建立可中断用户调度优化模型。针对模型采用遗传算法求得Pareto最优解集,并采用基于DM层次分析法进行决策,选出最满意的调度方案。通过算例验证了所提模型和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

多端柔性直流输电工程控保系统接口设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了柔性直流输电系统控制和保护系统分层结构,对南澳多端柔性直流输电工程青澳站控制保护系统分层结构和控制保护系统通信接口方案进行了描述。通过对青澳站的无功功率阶跃和稳态时直流侧总谐波进行分析,证明换流器级控制到换流阀级控制接口特性、换流阀级控制到换流阀接口特性均满足系统要求。该方案设计简单可靠、实用易行,已经在南澳柔性直流输电工程中得到了成功应用,很好地满足了柔性直流工程控制保护系统快速性和可靠性的要求。  相似文献   

A power system is configured from generating plants, substations, consumers and the transmission lines that tie them together. To perform inspection, maintenance and expansion of these facilities, regular and systematic outage of this system must be conducted. Moreover, the organization that manages this power system is a hierarchy that comprises various levels. To prepare a comprehensive schedule from the various outage requests submitted by the many sections, it is necessary for the engineer to investigate thousands of outage requests based on reliability of the power system, economical supply of power, and personnel safety. This paper presents a computerized support system that has been developed to support a coordinating engineer in power system outage scheduling. The user interface expressed as fuzzy expressions “Fuzzy User Interface” that comprises an operator model of the coordinating engineer based on analysis of such work performed at a dispatching center is discussed.  相似文献   

故障测距是柔性直流配电网发展所需的关键技术之一,传统的高压直流输电系统故障测距方法在直流配电系统中适应性不好。因此在考虑线路配置直流电抗器的情况下,提出一种基于直流电抗电压的直流配电网双端故障测距方法。该方法从直流故障的电容放电阶段进行研究,利用线路两端直流电抗电压构建包含故障距离和过渡电阻的两个未知参数的时域微分方程,并利用最小二乘法进行求解。PSCAD仿真结果表明该方法能够有效地进行故障定位,并且能够计算出故障点过渡电阻,可以满足直流配电网的故障测距要求。  相似文献   

In teaching a basic circuits course for technicians, a proposed geometrical construction, for which a justification is supplied, avoids the use of complex numbers in the sinusoidal signal analysis of the Wien network  相似文献   

A Microsoft Windows graphical package to facilitate the teaching and learning of power system symmetrical components is described in this paper. This package is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0. This software calculates and displays graphically, the ABC sequence and the corresponding symmetrical component phasors. Students can manipulate the graphical displays by keyboard input or by mouse operation. The objective of this package is to help the students to better understand the various aspects of symmetrical components' analysis through a user-friendly graphical user interface  相似文献   

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