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本刊讯截至目前,全省移动宽带用户已超过300万,今年上半年将向移动宽带用户提供4K超高清电视节目。与此同时,四川移动斥资实施"宽带乡村"工程惠民富农,助推四川经济发展。2011年四川移动就开启家庭宽带服务。为进一步推动三网融合战略,四川移动与四川广电推出集宽带上网、手机通话、高清收视于一体的产品服务——爱家套餐,该套餐全方位满足了用户对于上网、收视、通话多种需求。目前爱家  相似文献   

随着FTTx宽带接入网的规模发展和大量宽带用户向FTTx的迁移,电信运营商需要实现用户账号与接入设备物理端口的绑定以及精确的用户识别。详细介绍了基于PPPoE+技术的宽带用户标识技术的原理和实现,研究了宽带接入网设备对PPPoE+功能支持的情况,提出了PPPoE+技术在宽带接入网中的应用策略。  相似文献   

刘健 《广播电视信息》2006,(8):77-78,76
根据CNNIC2006.1公布的中国互联网发展统计报告,在经过了多年高速发展,中国的宽带用户已经突破了6千万户,宽带已经成为中国网民最主要的上网方式。与此同时,宽带用户增长率却不断下降。这个现状主要是由于目前宽带上网受到了PC终端保有量的限制——使用PC的用户大多数已经成为宽带用户。在这样的背景下,中国主要的宽带运营商中国电信和中国网通以及设备制造商开始考虑如何让不用电脑的用户和不会使用电脑的用户使用宽带。而在国外,运营商和制造商也在进行同样的研究。IPTV正是这样一个利用宽带IP网络传输节目,不依赖PC而是以机顶盒和…  相似文献   

张国鹏  卜寅  孙宏 《中国新通信》2023,(5):46-48+67
在我国经济发展中,家庭宽带的重要性、战略性、基础性、先导性地位日益显现,已经在相当长的一段时间里推动第三产业的转变,促进经济结构优化,加快增长动力转换,塑造国际竞争优势的战略基础。江苏联通为提升用户的体验感知,进行了大规模的千兆网络升级改造。本文针对目前江苏联通移动网络用户的服务质量实际情况,深入分析了移动网络用户的需求,精准识别关键问题,利用高精度定位技术,对如何通过数字化手段,精准得识别移网用户的常驻地点,压实属地营业厅责任,提升营销效率和客户满意度作出探讨。  相似文献   

随着宽带光接入FTTx相关技术的迅速发展,用户对于宽带的需求从原来单一的语音和上网,趋向于多元化的数据、视频等业务。在这样的背景和前提下,无源光网络GPON技术得到广泛认同和使用。针对GPON所具有的技术特点、高服务质量的QoS能力和多业务承载能力,并根据目前上海移动IMS,WLAN和政企以及家庭宽带客户的不同需求,提...  相似文献   

黄海峰 《通信世界》2011,(29):25-25
"我国宽带光网络的发展将迎来以三网融合为契机,有线接入光纤化和移动接入宽带化为核心,智能管道为目标的历史性发展机遇。""过去八年,中国宽带实现了跨越式的发展。"在8月11日举行的"2011年光通信论坛暨第四届FTTx发展战略咨询会"上,中国电信科技委主任韦乐平表示,2010年我国宽带用户有1.26亿户,预计到2015可能达到2.5亿户。韦乐平表示,中国正迎来宽带网络发展的高潮,  相似文献   

Analysys Mason最新的一个报告显示,继移动代替固话之后,固网运营商将面临新的一轮“替代”危机——移动宽带正在迅速蚕食固网运营商的家庭宽带市场。报告预计,到2013年,将会有47%的欧洲宽带用户使用移动宽带,并且有1/4固网宽带用户会完全转向移动宽带。  相似文献   

随着宽带光接入FTTx相关技术的迅速发展,用户对于宽带的需求从原来单一的语音和上网,趋向于多元化的数据、视频等业务。在这样的背景下,无源光网络GPON技术得到广泛认同和使用。本文针对GPON所具有的技术特点和多业务承载能力,并根据目前河北移动IMS、WLAN以及政企和家庭宽带客户的不同业务需求,提出不同场景模式下,多种业务FTTx宽带接入组网的解决方案。  相似文献   

TD-LTE和LTE FDD的同步发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在如今的互联网时代,移动宽带成为现实,这使得用户越来越习惯随处享用宽带接入服务.预计到2012年,全球宽带用户总数将达到18亿,其中约2/3将是移动宽带用户.移动宽带的发展速度会远远超过固定宽带,这也对整个无线宽带的发展提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

互联网时代的不断发展,改变着人们的生活和工作方式,人们便习惯于无时无刻享用宽带接入服务,所以移动宽带技术成为首选。现如今的宽带使用总用户中移动宽带用户占到了大部分,市场的成熟势必对移动通信网络的技术要求越来越严格,在移动设备完善的情况下便会追求更高的峰值速率和更短的延时,还有更高的灵活性和系统兼容性。  相似文献   

Broadband wireless communications have gained increased interest during the last few years. This has been fuelled by a large demand on high-frequency utilization as well as a large number of users requiring simultaneous high-data-rate access for the applications of wireless mobile Internet and e-commerce. The convergence of wireless mobile and access will be the next storm in wireless communications, which will use a new network architecture to deliver broadband services in a more generic configuration to wireless customers, and support value-added services and emerging interactive multimedia communications. Large bandwidth, guaranteed quality of service, and ease of deployment coupled with the great advancements in semiconductor technologies make this converged wireless system a very attractive solution for broadband service delivery.  相似文献   

移动宽带网络建设和业务发展的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从介绍移动宽带相关技术出发,分析了当前热门的移动宽带技术的关系和各自定位,并结合移动宽带网络建设和业务发展的经验与教训,对移动宽带网络建设和业务发展提出了具体建议,可为国内外电信运营商的移动宽带网络建设和业务发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Numbering and addressing issues arising in the integrated broadband communication network (IBCN) for the support of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) and Personal Telecommunication Service (PTS) are discussed. Mobile communications services will allow a user to roam within a network. Thus, there will be a need to identify several types of objects (terminals, network points of attachment, users, customers premises networks or CPN, etc.). The mobility properties of these objects will necessitate dynamic bindings between their addresses and names. The situation is further complicated because the mobility may be embedded. A mobile user may employ a mobile terminal in a mobile CPN. Therefore, in UMTS and PTS there is a need for dynamic binding of various identifiers with location information data. The exclusive use of personal telecommunication numbers (PTNs) as dialing numbers (DNs) is proposed in IBCN for UMTS and PTS. That is, PTNs will be used (during dialing) for making calls to mobile terminals, mobile users, and fixed subscribers. When the personal communication service is not provided, the DN corresponds to the terminal number of the equipment (fixed or mobile) of the called subscriber  相似文献   

随着大数据的存储、处理和分析技术不断发展,从移动网络大数据中挖掘和分析用户行为等成为可能。利用移动大数据对终端用户进行画像,从海量移动用户中挑选出潜在家宽营销用户,为移动家宽营销提供了新手段新思路。本文介绍了在进行潜在家宽用户挖掘中的大数据处理和分析思路,用户画像以及潜在家宽用户的挖掘的思路进行讨论分析。  相似文献   

全球移动互联网高速发展,移动网络宽带化进程加快,导致网络升级换代周期变短,多制式网络共存在相当长时期内成为移动运营商面对的一个现实。文章探讨如何实现多模融合组网,降低网络总体拥有成本,部署可平滑演进和具有良好用户感知度的移动宽带网络。  相似文献   

本文通过整合中山市400万在网客户大数据资源,从用户分布、投诉热点、网络现状、用户流量等多维角度开展数据建模分析,并结合SQL数据库等大数据分析挖掘手段,基于网络投诉来分析非4G客户不转4G的痛点原因。从技术层面深度挖掘准4G用户在消费感知中遇到的问题,并以此快速定位需要针对性营销的目标用户,通过主动回访关怀或改善网络覆盖,从而提升用户感知,提升用户对移动4G网络的信心。实现市场网络一体化协同推广4G网络,促使非4G用户使用移动4G网络。  相似文献   

For the fixed network operators, the cell phone industry has strong impact on the traditional fixed telephone industry. The expense of cell phone reduces constantly while the rent of traditional fixed telephone must be paid monthly. As a result, the number of fixed telephone increases slowly, even in some areas the number of the customer who has quitted the telephone service is much more than the newly-increased customer. Consequently, China Telecom and China Netcom take the IPTV  相似文献   

Daoud  F. 《IEEE network》1998,12(4):28-38
Future universal broadband mobile services present a challenge for telecommunications architectures, control, and management. The focus of the future mobile (fourth) generation vision is turned from capacity to services, from radio to network-wide issues. New types of applications will evolve that should be supported by an adequate programmable intelligent telecommunications infrastructure. A convergence between telecom and datacom networks will happen based on the communications middleware concept, which will provide universal secure connectivity between mobile users and their applications. Actual specifications of TINA-C do not address all such necessary issues. There is a need for technology evolution, enhancement, and integration to meet these new requirements at different levels. The author the concept of the universal broadband mobile telecommunications systems (UBMTS, or simply UBM) described as fourth-generation mobile systems. The UBMTS objective is both to extend mobile user access to the range of broadband services that will exist for broadband integrated services digital network (B-ISDN) users, and to extend the customization of new services related to personal communications systems (PCS) users  相似文献   

Most mobile network operators provide newly acquired or existing customers with the possibility to choose between a monthly flat rate for unlimited voice calls and pay-per-minute price schemes. Consumers who maximize their utility should select the tariff type that leads to the lowest invoice amount given their anticipated service usage volume. However, previous research looking at users of fixed network telephony, broadband Internet access and other services suggests that a significant share of consumers prefers a flat rate to use-dependent price plans even though their invoice will be higher. One cognitive explanation for such biased choices is that consumers consider the ratio of the likelihood of calling enough to justify a flat rate to the probability of not calling enough to save money with a fixed price (= “ratio rule”) when choosing between the two tariff types. In this assessment they overestimate the first likelihood in proportion to the second one. Drawing on a sample of 203 mobile telephony customers in Germany the present study shows that mobile users are biased in favor of a flat rate because they overestimate their future call usage and behave in line with the “ratio rule” when choosing a tariff type. Correlates of cognitively biased tariff choices are explored. With regard to pricing practices it is concluded that managers should not follow the temptation to exploit the overestimation bias in designing pricing and advertising policies pushing customers into fixed price schemes, which do not fit their actual calling patterns.  相似文献   

社交网络成为推动移动互联网迅猛发展的生力军,人与人的交往数据越来越集中,随着数据条件的成熟,社交网络分析迅速成为一个新兴的跨学科的专业研究方向。电信网络原本就是一个巨大的社交网络,电信企业如何才能让社交网络分析成为企业认识刻画客户的利器,并用之于客户关系管理和市场营销决策管理支撑呢?本文首先在对社交网络分析的概念界定、方法及发展趋势作简单介绍的基础上,探讨研究电信客户社交网络分析模型的意义;然后在界定社交网络分析的目标和对象,区别社交网络分析与传统分析方法之不同的基础上,探讨基于通话详单记录,电信企业建立社交网络分析的模型方法;最后,对电信企业如何应用电信客户社交网络分析结果提出了两方面建议。  相似文献   

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