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A setup for fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy (FLUPS) is described which has 80 fs temporal response (fwhm) for emission in the spectral range 425-750 nm. Broadband phase matching is achieved with tilted gate pulses at 1340 nm. Background from harmonics of the gate pulse is removed and sensitivity increased compared to previous designs. Photometric calibration of the upconversion process is performed with a set of fluorescent dyes. For Coumarin 153 in methanol the peak position, bandwidth, and asymmetry depending on delay time are reported.  相似文献   

Simple cells are described for normal and differential measurements in photoacoustic spectroscopy. The differential cell allows for easy background signal correction and for comparison of related samples. The arrangement allows great flexibility in cell design for adaptation to special sample forms. The normal cell can be used for very small volumes, liquids as well as solids, and is constructed in such a way as to allow the possibility of Helmholtz resonance to occur over a range of frequencies. The two cells are compared in terms of background and maximal signal strength and examples of spectra obtained with each of them are given. The general spectrometer setup is outlined as well.  相似文献   

The laser, detection system, and methods that enable femtosecond broadband stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) are presented in detail. FSRS is a unique tool for obtaining high time resolution (<100 fs) vibrational spectra with an instrument response limited frequency resolution of <10 cm(-1). A titanium:Sapphire-based laser system produces the three different pulses needed for FSRS: (1) A femtosecond visible actinic pump that initiates the photochemistry, (2) a narrow bandwidth picosecond Raman pump that provides the energy reservoir for amplification of the probe, and (3) a femtosecond continuum probe that is amplified at Raman resonances shifted from the Raman pump. The dependence of the stimulated Raman signal on experimental parameters is explored, demonstrating the expected exponential increase in Raman intensity with concentration, pathlength, and Raman pump power. Raman spectra collected under different electronic resonance conditions using highly fluorescent samples highlight the fluorescence rejection capabilities of FSRS. Data are also presented illustrating our ability: (i) To obtain spectra when there is a large transient absorption change by using a shifted excitation difference technique and (ii) to obtain high time resolution vibrational spectra of transient electronic states.  相似文献   

A versatile optical setup for all-terahertz (THz) time resolved pump-probe spectroscopy was designed and tested. By utilizing a dual THz pulse generator emitter module, independent and synchronized THz radiation pump and probe pulses were produced, thus eliminating the need for THz beam splitters and the limitations associated with their implementation. The current THz setup allows for precise control of the electric fields splitting ratio between the THz radiation pump and probe pulses, as well as in-phase, out-of-phase, and polarization dependent pump-probe spectroscopy. Since the present THz pump-probe setup does not require specialized THz radiation optical components, such as phase shifters, polarization rotators, or wide bandwidth beam splitters, it can be easily implemented with minimal alterations to a conventional THz time domain spectroscopy system. The present setup is valuable for studying the time dynamics of THz coherent phenomena in solid-state, chemical, and biological systems.  相似文献   

Quasi-two-colour femtosecond pump and probe spectroscopy and near-field scanning optical microscopy are combined to study the carrier dynamics in single semiconductor nanostructures. In temporally, spectrally and spatially resolved measurements with a time resolution of 200 fs and a spatial resolution of 200 nm, the non-linear change in reflectivity of a single quantum wire is mapped in real space and time. The experiments show that carrier relaxation into a single quantum wire occurs on a 100 fs time scale at room temperature. Evidence is given for a transient unipolar electron transport along the wire axis on a picosecond time and 100 nm length scale.  相似文献   

Photoacoustic (PA) infrared spectroscopy enables the characterization of a wide variety of materials, affording the spectroscopist several advantages over more traditional infrared methods. While PA spectra are readily acquired using commercial instrumentation, the quality of the data can be improved substantially through the use of specialized numerical and experimental procedures. Two of these methods are the subject of this review. Specifically, this article describes (a) linearization of PA infrared spectra, a calculation that incorporates phase and amplitude information to extend the range of linearity for strongly absorbing samples, and (b) lock-in and digital signal-recovery procedures in step-scan phase-modulation PA infrared spectroscopy. Linearization yields significant improvement in band definition, especially in the low-wavenumber region. This numerical method succeeds in situations where the PA phase of the sample is less than that of the reference (carbon black). When this criterion is not met initially, the sample or reference interferograms can be manipulated prior to the calculation. The steps involved in linearization are illustrated in detail and approximations are discussed. Lock-in demodulation of the step-scan phase-modulation signal is compared to digital (software) demodulation in this study; the lock-in technique is found to be superior in several cases. The imaginary interferograms in these experiments sometimes lack a strong central feature, a situation that necessitates the application of less commonly used methods for phase correction and spectrum calculation. These methods, which are available in commercial software, include two-quadrant and stored-phase corrections. The PA phase spectrum resembles amplitude and absorption spectra when real and imaginary PA spectra are correctly calculated.  相似文献   

This paper presents the salient aspects of a simulation-based experimental study of scheduling rules for scheduling a dynamic job shop in which the setup times are sequence-dependent. A discrete event simulation model of the job shop system is developed for the purpose of experimentation. Seven scheduling rules from the literature are incorporated in the simulation model. Five new setup-oriented scheduling rules are proposed and implemented. Simulation experiments were conducted under various experimental conditions characterized by factors such as shop load, setup time ratios, and due date tightness. The results indicate that setup-oriented rules provide better performance than ordinary rules. The difference in performance between these two groups of rules increases with the increase in shop load and setup time ratio. One of the proposed rules performs better for mean flow time and mean tardiness measures.  相似文献   

航空发动机静电监测技术表现出了较高的故障预警能力,但原始静电信号常包含较多噪声,为提高故障信息提取的准确性,必须对静电信号进行降噪处理。本研究首先介绍了静电监测技术的原理,分析了信号的噪声的来源和主要构成;针对静电信号耦合噪声滤除问题,引入了信号稀疏表达和经验模态分解理论,研究了模态分量的筛选依据和相关准则,并提出了一种基于模态分量优化重构和稀疏表达的联合降噪算法和具体流程;利用所提方法对涡扇发动机试车实验中采集的实际静电信号进行了降噪效果验证,并与其它方法进行了对比。结果表明本文方法在滤除随机噪声以及工频干扰的同时能更高程度的保留有用异常颗粒信号,稀疏迭代次数在设置为20~50时均能够较好提取异常信号。  相似文献   

混凝土泵车柔性多体动力学建模与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以混凝土泵车为例,在建立三维装配实体的基础上,对混凝土泵车进行了多体动力学分析,计算结果表明刚柔耦合的多体动力学分析方法同以往刚体建模分析方法存在着较大的不同,采用柔性多体动力学方法能够更加深刻地揭示混凝土泵车臂架的固有动力学特性,通过分析可为混凝土泵车的设计、优化和振动研究提供有效的理论指导.  相似文献   

准确检测变压器油中溶解故障特征气体是诊断变压器运行状态的重要技术手段之一。论文基于拉曼光谱和腔长调制频率锁定原理,搭建了变压器故障特征气体频率锁定腔增强拉曼光检测平台,实现了H_2、CH_4、C_2H_2、C_2H_4、C_2H_6、CO、CO_2等七种故障特征气体的同时检测;1atm时,H_2、CH_4、C_2H_2、C_2H_4、C_2H_6、CO、CO_2的最小检测浓度实验值分别达到106、25、45、73、41、170、126(ppm)。频率锁定增强腔技术使最小检测浓度提高了约68倍。运用小波模极大值法对H_2的拉曼光谱检测信号进行了去噪处理,提出了基于包络线迭代法的光谱基线校正方法,校正后的光谱荧光背景残留减少,使气体拉曼光谱检测准确度提高了约2.95%,为变压器油中溶解故障气体同时准确检测提出了一种新方法。  相似文献   

One of the most important reliability issues in an information storage device is the contamination problem. The slider and disk can be damaged by the particles intruded into the slider/disk interface (SDI). In this work, in order to monitor the slider/disk interaction due to particle injection the acoustic emission (AE) method, which is typically utilized for the detection of slider contact, was used. The raw as well as frequency spectrum of the AE signal were obtained during the particle injection test. The particles were artificially injected inside the test apparatus to simulate the effect of contamination on the slider/disk interaction. SiC and polystyrene particles were used for the tests. As a result, the 1st torsional and bending mode frequencies of the nano-slider were observed when 1 μm SiC particles and 60 nm polystyrene particles were injected into the SDI. Also, it was shown that the particle behavior at the SDI can be predicted from the characteristics of the AE raw signal.  相似文献   

柱塞泵泵头体应力集中及疲劳寿命分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某柱塞泵泵头体进行了三维有限元分析,获得了泵头体的应力分布规律,计算出了泵头体缸腔和柱塞腔相贯处的应力集中系数,并应用泵头体的S-N曲线方程和有限元分析结果对泵头体寿命进行了计算,为泵头体的寿命估算提供了依据.  相似文献   

侯甫良 《通用机械》2005,(10):25-28
针对熟料窑喂料泵采用的SGMB100/3隔膜泵,在使用过程中破膜原因进行分析,采取了一定措施,经过实际生产运行取得很好的效果.  相似文献   

从高压甲铵泵缸体的结构、用材、介质腐蚀性和承受的交变应力四个方面分析了开裂的原因,并从选材、改进结构、提高冶炼、热处理及加工工艺四个方面提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

为了提高半开式叶轮离心泵的水力效率,应用速度系数法对半开式叶轮离心泵的水力效率进行了优化,并采用k-ε湍流模型和标准壁面函数对离心泵进行了数值模拟,仿真分析了蜗壳和叶轮顶端问不同间隙以及不同叶片数对离心泵水力效率的影响。研究结果表明,当蜗壳与叶轮顶面的间隙为0.5mm,叶片数为6时,离心泵的效率较好。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of determining a permutation schedule for n jobs in an m-machine flow shop that operates in a sequence-dependent setup time (SDST) environment. Two constructive heuristic algorithms are developed with the minimisation of makespan as the objective. The first heuristic algorithm termed as setup ranking algorithm obtains the sequence using the setup times of jobs only. The second heuristic algorithm, fictitious job setup ranking algorithm (FJSRA), is developed using the concept of fictitious jobs. Pairs of jobs with minimum setup time between them constitute the fictitious jobs. Both these algorithms are compared with an existing constructive algorithm. For the purpose of experimentation, Taillard benchmark problems are used to develop SDST benchmark problems at eight different levels of sequence-dependent setup times. Graphical analysis, relative performance index analysis and statistical analysis are carried out on the results obtained for all the eight sets of benchmark problems. The analysis reveals that FJSRA emerges as the better algorithm for larger problems and for smaller problems with higher level of setup time. The results of statistical analysis are used to develop setup time dominance matrix for deciding upon the algorithm to be used for a particular size of problem.  相似文献   

In previous works, the authors presented the outline of a method for measuring the moisture content in agricultural soils via elastic waves, along with experimental results obtained on a specimen of sandy soil. This work illustrates other aspects and results of the research, regarding both the underlying theory and the design and realization of an improved measurement system. Firstly, the derivation of the simplified equations which are at the basis of the moisture measurement is thoroughly illustrated and discussed, starting from the more complex (and generally unmanageable) equations of elastic waves in unconsolidated porous media. The analysis suggests that by measuring the velocities of low-frequency compressional and shear waves in soils, it is possible not only to measure the water content, but also the uniformity in the water distribution. Secondly, the design and the practical realization of an experimental setup, which is able to measure the velocity of compressional and shear waves in soils, is illustrated in detail. The use of custom-built compressional and shear waves electromechanical actuators, together with geophones, low noise preamplifiers, and suitable signal processing techniques, brought to the realization of an effective and reasonably accurate measurement system.  相似文献   

基于先进的 EFS 瞬时喷油量测量仪,采用位移法分别对电控单体泵不同转速工况进行循环喷油量的精确测量。依据循环喷油量及喷油压力的试验数据,得到了电控单体泵喷油量不一致性变化规律以及不同转速下的主要影响因素。分析结果表明,在最大扭矩工况,各单体泵循环喷油量不一致性最低,而启动工况和最大功率工况的不一致性较高。  相似文献   

为了改善离心泵在运行过程中存在的效率低、性能曲线有驼峰和抗汽蚀性能差的情况,以遗传算法和数值模拟相结合的方法对离心泵模型进行优化.建立以离心泵能量损失最小、抗汽蚀性能最强和性能曲线无驼峰为目标函数的数学模型,使用MATLAB遗传算法工具箱对叶轮7个主要变量进行优化,对优化后的模型进行流场分析,并在蜗壳流道内设置3个监测...  相似文献   

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