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为了研究温度对地下水溶液侵蚀长石的影响,应用地下水化学模拟软件Phreeqc对在不同CO2分压下,钙长石、钾长石、钠长石同时存在于溶液中和分别存在于溶液中的溶解度和温度的关系进行了水化学模拟。模拟结果表明:在3种长石同时存在于溶液中时,钙长石、钾长石的溶解度远小于单独存在时的溶解度,并且钠长石的溶解度远大于钙长石和钾长石的溶解度,钠长石的溶解度随着温度的升高而增大,钾长石的溶解度随温度的升高而增大的速率较为缓慢,钙长石的溶解度随着温度的升高迅速下降;在3种长石分别存在于溶液中时,3种长石的溶解度均随着温度的升高而增大。在3种长石分别存在于地下水溶液中时,地下水溶液的温度及CO2的含量越高对3种长石的侵蚀能力就越强;在3种长石同时存在于地下水溶液中时,温度的升高会降低地下水溶液对钾长石、钙长石的侵蚀能力,但依然会增强对钠长石的侵蚀能力。  相似文献   

为了更好的防止岩溶灾害的发生,研究了不同温度条件下盐酸盐溶液对石灰岩和白云岩侵蚀规律。应用美国地质调查所开发的水化学模拟软件Phreeqc对在不同CO2分压下,不同浓度的NaCl和MgCl2溶液中的方解石和白云石的溶解度和温度的关系进行了水化学模拟并进行了实验验证。研究结果显示,在NaCl溶液中,方解石和白云石溶解度均大于在纯水中的溶解度;方解石在MgCl2溶液中的溶解度大于在同条件下NaCl溶液中的溶解度;无CO2分压的情况下,在同浓度的盐溶液中,方解石和白云石的溶解度随着温度的升高迅速升高;在pco2=10-4.5MPa时,方解石和白云石溶解度随着温度的升高而降低,然而始终大于在无CO2分压时的溶解度。在岩溶塌陷区,在与大气联系非常小的地下水系统中,温度的升高能够增强对岩体的侵蚀,从而使塌陷的危险增大;在与大气联系非常紧密的地下水系统中,温度降低(大于0℃)能够增强对岩体的侵蚀,从而使塌陷的危险增大。  相似文献   

刘艳辉  李炎  徐克  张铭  吕庆春 《给水排水》2023,(4):55-62+70
针对海水淡化后处理CO2溶解石灰石工艺设计冗余、工程调试缺乏依据等问题,在溶解模型基础上,以常用3~5 mm粒径和10~12 mm粒径石灰石为研究对象,开展了不同流速下气水比对矿化后硬度、pH、反应速率影响的试验,并对两种粒径石灰石溶解过程进行对比分析。试验结果显示,石灰石溶解是一个缓慢过程,反应速率仅为10-5~10-4 mmol/(cm2·s)量级,当反应到达平衡后硬度、反应速率等不再继续增加。根据试验结果,提出石灰石粒径为3~5 mm具有经济性,且气水比在6%以下时,反应受流速影响小,硬度最大可达148 mg/L,并核算产水硬度为50~100 mg/L的后处理工艺药剂消耗仅为0.07~0.17元/m3。  相似文献   

利用1981—2013年长江中下游地区127个气象站的观测资料与历史大气CO2浓度数据,对考虑和不考虑大气CO2浓度变化的水稻需水量进行模拟,分析了大气CO2浓度上升对长江中下游地区水稻需水量的影响。结果表明:不考虑大气CO2浓度时,长江中下游地区水稻需水量多年平均值为400.16 mm,空间分布具有明显差异;考虑大气CO2浓度会使水稻需水量比未考虑大气CO2浓度时平均下降1.6%左右;大气CO2浓度每上升1μmol/mol,研究区水稻需水量平均下降0.071 mm;各子流域的灌溉需水量因有效降水量不同而具有一定差异,考虑大气CO2浓度变化时,长江中下游地区水稻年需补充灌溉总量减少4.24 km3。  相似文献   

CO2气体保护焊技术已大量的应用于水工钢结构施工工艺中,其具有焊接速度快、效率高、成型好和变形小的突出特点。主要介绍了CO2气体保护焊在水工钢结构施工中焊材的选用、焊接工艺、实际操作等应用方面的问题。  相似文献   

分析了添加不同有机酸对石灰石溶解速率的影响,添加4种有机酸能够提高石灰石的溶解速率。测定了添加4种有机酸对石灰石浆液pH值变化影响,测试结果显示,有机酸具有缓冲石灰石浆液pH值的作用。  相似文献   

开展了H2O2/O3灭活隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium parvum)的研究。考察了H2O2和O3投加比例、过氧化氢作用效果、无机金属离子等因素的影响。结果表明,H2O2/O3协同技术具有最佳的灭活效果,H2O2的投加不仅降低了药剂(O3)的初始浓度(投量2.0mg/L),而且缩短了灭活时间(7.0 min),达到理想的灭活效果(灭活率99.0%以上)时,H2O2/O3摩尔比为0.8;同时考察了水中常见离子对H2O2/O3灭活效果的影响,低浓度的Ca2+,Mg2+和Cu2+等二价金属离子均对灭活起到一定促进作用,一价离子Na+对灭活无明显的作用,而NO-3,HCO-3和Cl-在一定范围内抑制了H2O2/O3对隐孢子虫的灭活。  相似文献   

溶液温度及CO2含量对长石溶解度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究温度对地下水溶液侵蚀长石的影响,应用地下水化学模拟软件Phreeqc对在不同CO2分压下,钙长石、钾长石、钠长石同时存在于溶液中和分别存在于溶液中的溶解度和温度的关系进行了水化学模拟。模拟结果表明:在3种长石同时存在于溶液中时,钙长石、钾长石的溶解度远小于单独存在时的溶解度,并且钠长石的溶解度远大于钙长石和钾长石的溶解度,钠长石的溶解度随着温度的升高而增大,钾长石的溶解度随温度的升高而增大的速率较为缓慢,钙长石的溶解度随着温度的升高迅速下降;在3种长石分别存在于溶液中时,3种长石的溶解度均随着温度的升高而增大。在3种长石分别存在于地下水溶液中时,地下水溶液的温度及CO2的含量越高对3种长石的侵蚀能力就越强;在3种长石同时存在于地下水溶液中时,温度的升高会降低地下水溶液对钾长石、钙长石的侵蚀能力,但依然会增强对钠长石的侵蚀能力。  相似文献   

通过构造砂页岩互层结构,并根据渗透率对砂岩层岩性进行分类,建立了多岩相非均质模型,利用多组分多相流数值模拟软件TOUGH2/ECO2N探究二氧化碳注入深部互层咸水层后的分布特征,结果显示二氧化碳聚集在低渗透性的页岩层底部,呈分层结构,砂岩层中优先在渗透率较高的岩相中运移并呈分散分布;超临界二氧化碳不断溶于地层水,含饱和二氧化碳的咸水密度增加并缓慢下沉,无明显分层现象。  相似文献   

The supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) drilling is a novel drilling technique developed in recent years. A detailed study of temperature and pressure distributions of the SC-CO2 jet on the bottom of a well is essensial to the SC-CO2 drilling. In this paper, the distributions of pressure and temperature on the bottom of the hole during the SC-CO2 jet drilling are simulated experimentally and numerically, and the impacts of the nozzle diameter, the jet length, and the inlet pressure of the SC-CO2 jet are analyzed. It is shown that, the bottom hole temperature and pressure increase with the increase of the nozzle diameter, and the bottom hole temperature reduces and the pressure increases first and then decreases with the increase of the jet length, indicating that the jet length has an optimum value. The increase of the inlet pressure can increase the temperature and pressure on the bottom, which has a positive effect on the drilling rate.  相似文献   

万立 《红水河》2010,29(3):81-85
O2/CO2循环燃烧被认为是当前技术风险最小的CO2减排技术。O2/CO2循环燃烧方式与传统的空气燃烧方式最根本的不同点——燃烧气氛发生了显著变化,因而煤的反应动力学和污染物排放将呈现新的特征。进行了中试规模O2/CO2循环燃烧台架的实验工作,着重关注空气、O2/CO2、O2/RFG三种不同工况中NOx生成与排放的特征。对NOx尾部排放特征的研究表明,在炉内燃烧的条件下,采用富氧燃烧技术可以显著地减少NOx排放,通过O2/RFG的烟气再循环技术可以进一步减少NOx排放。  相似文献   

Hemimysis anomala is a warm-water mysid that invaded the Great Lakes region in 2006 and has since rapidly spread throughout the basin. We conducted three laboratory experiments to better define the temperature preference, tolerance limits, and temperature effects on feeding rates of juvenile Hemimysis, using individuals acclimated to mid (16 °C) and upper (22 °C) preferred temperature values previously reported for the species. For temperature preference, we fit a two-parameter Gaussian (μ, σ) function to the experimental data, and found that the peak values (μ, interpreted as the preference temperature) were 22.0 °C (SE 0.25) when acclimated to 16 and 21.9 °C (SE 0.38) when acclimated to 22 °C, with the σ-values of the curves at 2.6 and 2.5 °C, respectively. No mysids were observed in temperatures below 10 or above 28 °C in these preference experiments. In short-term tolerance experiments for temperatures between 4 and 32 °C, all mysids died within 8 h at 30.2 °C for 16 °C acclimated mysids, and at 31.8 °C for 22 °C acclimated mysids. No lower lethal limit was found. Feeding rates increased with temperature from an average of 4 Bosmina eaten per hour at 5 °C to 19 Bosmina eaten per hour at 27 °C. The results of our experiments indicate an optimal temperature for Hemimysis between 21 and 27 °C, which corresponds with temperatures during periods of high population growth in the field. These results contribute a better understanding of this species' biological response to temperature that will help guide field studies and inform bioenergetics modeling.  相似文献   

Studies on the relationship between plant nitrogen content and soil nitrogen reduction under elevated CO2 conditions and with different nitrogen additions in wetland ecosystems are lacking. This study was meant to assess the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations and inorganic nitrogen additions on soil and plant nitrogen cycling. A cultured riparian wetland, alligator weeds, and two duplicated open top chambers (OTCs) with ambient (380 μmol/mol) and elevated (700 μmol/mol) CO2 concentrations at low (4 mg/L) and high (6 mg/L) nitrogen fertilization levels were used. The total plant biomass increased by 30.77% and 31.37% at low and high nitrogen fertilization levels, respectively, under elevated CO2 conditions. Plant nitrogen content decreased by 6.54% and 8.86% at low and high nitrogen fertilization levels, respectively. The coefficient of determination (R2) of soil nitrogen contents ranged from 0.81 to 0.96. Under elevated CO2 conditions, plants utilized the assimilated inorganic nitrogen (from the soil) for growth and other internal physiological transformations, which might explain the reduction in plant nitrogen content. A reduction in soil dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) under elevated CO2 conditions might have also caused the reduction in plant nitrogen content. Reduced plant and soil nitrogen contents are to be expected due to the potential exhaustive use of inorganic nitrogen by soil microorganisms even before it can be made available to the soil and plants. The results from this study provide important information to help policy makers make informed decisions on sustainable management of wetlands. Larger-scale field work is recommended in future research.  相似文献   

在跌坎型底流消能工消力池内水流流态分区的基础上,根据自由紊动射流理论,得出不同入射角度下冲击区时均动水压强半经验公式。利用冲击区底板时均动水压强分布图,在角度和流量不变的工况下,跌坎的变化对底板时均动水压强的影响,以及角度跌坎不变的工况下,流量的变化对底板时均动水压强的影响,显示出冲击区最易遭受冲磨与破坏的区域。以某水库工程为例,由实测数据推求经验公式相关参数,验证经验公式的可行性,进一步结合临底流速求出消力池底板混凝土抗冲磨强度分布图,对底板分区,为合理确定消力池底板混凝土强度等级提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,利用石墨烯独特的电学性质及高比表面积对一些材料进行修饰,制备性能更好的复合新材料成为材料学研究热点.本研究利用氧化还原法制备石墨烯,并进一步采用水热法制备TiO2/石墨烯(GN)纳米复合光催化剂.采用TEM,XRD,BET,UV-Vis DRS等对所制备的纳米复合材料进行表征.实验研究表明:随着石墨烯含量的增加,制备的复合材料光响应区域扩大,比表面积增加.研究证明TiO2/石墨烯对亚甲基蓝(MB)有更好的吸附及光催化降解效果.经计算,在室温下,pH =8时,P25-10% GN对MB的饱和吸附量为50 mg/g.  相似文献   

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