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能耗对标是企业实现持续改进、创新超越的实践活动,它涉及企业生产经营的各个方面,通过能耗对标活动,找出与同行业先进水平的差距,制定跟进赶超的路线图和时间表,达到追赶先进、提高自身清洁生产水平的目的。通过对轧钢生产企业能耗对标实践的剖析,对企业开展能耗对标的方法和意义进行了有益探讨。  相似文献   

随着城市化建设的脚步不断加快,地质环境问题对城市化建设的影响越加明显,开展城市地质调查工作迫在眉睫。本文首先对城市化发展对地质调查的需求性进行阐述,然后对城市地质调查的具体内容进行分析,最后对城市地质调查中的关键性问题进行了解,并且提出了针对性的实施策略,希望对我国城市地质调查工作提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的]探索高效藻类螗中藻类、曝气和底泥对小城镇养殖废水净化效能的影响.[方法]设置4个独立人工池塘作对比试验,通过控制试验塘中的藻类浓度、底泥及曝气程度,测定养殖废水中的还原性物质、氮和磷的变化量,进而比较藻类、底泥和曝气对废水净化效能的影响.[结果]高效藻类塘对还原性物质、氟和磷的去除率分别达到88.3%、69.2%和59.7%,而普通塘对其去除率分别仅有48.0%,43.4%和22.8%.藻类对TP的去除影响最为明显,其次是对COD,对TN的影响最弱;曝气对COD代表的还原性物质的去除率影响最大,其次是对TN的降低,对TP的影响最弱;底泥对TP的去除影响极为显著,其次是对TN,而对.COD的降低影响最弱.[结论]高效藻类塘中藻类、曝气和底泥均对养殖废水的净化产生较大影响.  相似文献   

为实现对矿山更安全地露天开采,对皖南地区矿山的水文地质特征及其形成机制进行研究,通过对皖南地区矿山的概况分析,结合实际情况探讨皖南地区矿山水文地质的具体特征,通过对矿山所在地理位置的分析,了解其先天气候条件以及板块运动因素,对该矿山地区的水文地质特征的成因机制进行研究,探究多种因素对矿山地区的水文地质产生的影响,进而实...  相似文献   

本文通过对挪威民族乐派的创始人格里格音乐风格的形成,及其对民族音乐进行的系统研究和整理,并通过分析对格里格的作品,认真地阐述了格里格对发展挪威民族音乐所做出的杰出贡献,及其对欧洲民族乐派的深刻影响。通过格里格作品所体现的民族主义无穷魅力来表现格里格对其后人的影响,在此基础上产生的更多的民族主义为代表的音乐音乐家们沿着格里格所开辟的道路继续着他们的音乐之旅。并通过当代指挥大师们诠释的格里格的作品,演奏家们对格里格作品的完美体现,及出版商们对格里格作品的偏爱进一步证实了格里格音乐作品的艺术价值。  相似文献   

对于大学生来说,选择一个适合自己的专业,将直接影响一生的发展.然而多项调查表明,学生在填报志愿时,对自己、对学校、对专业以及对自己未来的职业规划却了解甚少.学生进入大学后,有相当一部分学生对所选专业并不满意.本文通过对一些学生的实地调查,对影响大学生专业选择的因素进行了研究分析,并提出了一些建议,以期对大学生专业选择有所帮助.  相似文献   

本文探讨了汉语对高职生英语学习的影响.一方面,汉语与英语有着相通之处,可以促进对英语的理解能力,激发学生对学习英语兴趣,即汉语对英语学习的正迁移.另一方面,汉语又会干扰学生对英语语音、词汇、语法学习和对英语文化的理解,即汉语对英语学习的负迁移.参与英语教学的师生应认识到这一现象,充分利用其正迁移影响,使其起积极作用;同时克服汉语对英语学习的负迁移,避免其起干扰,使英语教学达到最佳效果.  相似文献   

郑向东 《包钢科技》2005,31(Z1):83-85
近期钢铁企业面临的市场竞争环境发生了巨大的改变,客户对钢材的品种、规格需求越来越多样化.这种局面下,钢铁企业对用户需求的预测越来越困难.为了提高对客户需求的响应能力,减少库存,节约成本,钢铁企业必须对其产品在市场上的综合状况有一个全面地了解,并积极采取措施对所出现的问题加以应对.  相似文献   

谐波生成原理及治理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行用电设备中非线性元件大量使用,造成电网中大量谐波的产生,对电网造成严重污染,采用单调滤波装置对各次谐波的吸收,抑制谐波电流的放大,对电网起到一定的净化作用,对电网的安全运行提供保障。  相似文献   

电能计量在电力系统各个环节中起着极其重要的作用,然而随着非线形负载的大量使用,谐波对电网的危害日益严重,其产生的谐波电能对电能计量也产生了很大的影响。本文通过对目前的电能计量理论的简要介绍,论述了谐波对电能计量的影响,并通过仿真分析进行了验证。最后对现有的计量方式进行了对比。对其发展趋势作出了展望。  相似文献   

对悬臂皮带涨紧装置进行了改型,对二尾车液压系统进行了改进,对斗轮体料斗进行了结构改进,并对悬臂皮带增加调偏装置。通过改进大大降低了堆取料机的故障率,使得高炉烧结原料保供系统的稳定性得到了提升。  相似文献   

为改善型钢车间轧辊滚动轴承的润滑条件 ,莱钢锻压厂设计了轧辊轴承清洗装置 ,对离线轴承进行清洗检查 ;同时改进轴承的密封结构 ,提高了轴承的使用寿命 ,降低了轴承的烧损 ,提高了轧机的工作效率 ,降低了成本  相似文献   

载金炭解吸电解工艺方法的分析比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对近二十年来载金炭解吸电解工艺的三种方法进行了比较,即第一种加温常压解吸电解方法,尽管解吸时间比第二种高温高压解吸电解方法时间长,生产效率低,但由于其设备投资少,成本低,目前仍可适用于小型黄金矿山;采用第二种方法具有生产能力大,解吸效果好等许多优点,比较适用于大,中型黄金矿山;而第三种解吸电解方法介于前二种之间。  相似文献   

针对河北宣化某难选褐铁矿石,采用SEM和XRD对原矿物性结构及成分进行了分析,并运用磁化焙烧-磁选工艺进行了实验研究并对磁化焙烧-磁选工艺参数进行了优化。物相分析结果表明,该褐铁矿与脉石矿物的镶嵌关系较为复杂,SiO2含量高,运用常规的选矿方法难以分选提纯。实验结果表明,磁化焙烧-磁选工艺可以较好地完成该铁矿石的提纯。对该褐铁矿原矿在焙烧温度为950℃,焙烧时间为15min,配煤量为5%,焙烧矿粒度为150μm和磁场强度为60mT的条件下,可以得到精矿产率为43.68%,铁精矿品位为53.98%,铁回收率83.91%,wSiO2为13.9%的良好指标。  相似文献   

The adolescent's breaking of the voice is the result of the substitution of the chest voice (or heavy mechanism) for the head voice (or light mechanism). In cases of late breaking, the voice is abnormally high-pitched and feeble, often with a distorted timbre, while the larynx is normal and pubescent. Such people are generally not fully aware of their voices' real nature. Therapy classically resorts to laryngeal manipulations, of which a new technique is put forward. Another therapeutic approach is based, on the one hand, on critical listening compared with a control male voice, thus enabling the subject to become aware of his own voice, and, on the other hand, on high intensity work which helps passing from head to chest voice.  相似文献   

The electrochemical formation of nanoclusters is considered. The classical thermodynamic and atomistic theories of nucleation are compared. A version is proposed for the atomistic approach of the theory that is suitable for the region of high supersaturations (overvoltages). The concept of the critical cluster of a new phase is analyzed. A method for determining the number of atoms in the critical cluster of a new phase during electrolytic crystallization is suggested.  相似文献   

Neurocysticercosis is the most important parasitic infection of the nervous system. It is common in communities living in conditions with poor hygiene. Until the last 2 decades, there was no specific pharmacological treatment: surgery and corticosteroids were the only medical alternatives. The recent introduction of anticysticercal drugs, an isoquinoline (praziquantel) and a benzimidazole (albendazole), has dramatically changed the medical management of neurocysticercosis. Praziquantel is taken orally and undergoes extensive first pass hepatic biotransformation. Peak concentration in serum is reached after 1 to 2 hours and the elimination half-life is between 1 and 3 hours. Praziquantel permeates the blood-brain barrier, thus explaining its effectiveness on parenchymal brain cysticercosis. Plasma concentrations of the drug are increased when a high carbohydrate diet is administered. Cimetidine also increases the plasma concentration of praziquantel by inhibition of cytochrome P450. Bioavailability of the drug is markedly reduced when given jointly with antiepileptics or corticosteroids, specially carbamazepine, phenytoin or dexamethasone. The current schedule for neurocysticercosis treatment lasts 2 weeks at daily doses of 50 mg/kg. Recently, a new therapeutic scheme has been proposed that considers the pharmacokinetics of the drug. This regime lasts only 1 day and includes 3 dosages of 25 mg/kg at 2-hour intervals. This increases the time that the parasite is exposed to high drug concentrations. This therapeutic scheme has produced similar results to longer schemes, with the additional advantages of cost, length of usual treatments and reduction in total dose received (being one-tenth of the total dosage). Albendazole is considered by many as the drug of choice for treatment of neurocysticercosis. It is given orally and is rapidly and extensively metabolised to albendazole sulfoxide (ALBSO), which is considered to be the metabolite directly or indirectly responsible for both toxicity and efficacy outside the gastrointestinal tract. Concentrations of ALBSO are highly variable between individuals and it has a half-life of between 6 and 15 hours. It also crosses the blood-brain barrier. In patients with extrahepatic obstruction, the elimination process is prolonged and plasma concentration is increased. Fatty meals improve absorption. Concomitant administration of albendazole with dexamethasone or with praziquantel increases plasma concentration of ALBSO. Albendazole is administered in an 8 day course of 15 mg/kg per day in 2 divided doses 12 hours apart. This scheme, based on drug pharmacokinetics, has proven to be highly effective. Inflammation is a common accompaniment of neurocysticercosis; in many cases it is the aetiopathogen responsible for histological damage. Corticosteroid therapy is useful for preventing further tissue injury. Long term corticosteroid therapy can be accomplished with 50 mg of oral prednisone 3 times a week. Acute corticosteroid therapy includes brief courses with high dosages of intramuscular dexamethasone or intravenous methylprednisolone. Clinical decisions on cysticidal and anti-inflammatory treatments must be made with the information gathered by neuroimaging studies, either computed tomography or magnetic resonance, and by the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

One of the differences between industrial manufacturing or processing plants and construction sites is the temporary nature of the construction site, which has traditionally precluded installation of sophisticated production monitoring systems. Monitoring of production progress, cost, and quality is performed almost exclusively manually, with the result that it is expensive and approximate, and is commonly delivered with a time lag that does not allow for an effectively closed control loop. Automated monitoring of construction lifting equipment to provide useful feedback information for project management is a strong potential candidate; almost all components and materials must be transported by machines, and monitoring of machines is relatively straightforward. A system concept, employing a “black box” monitor and an electronic building information model, was developed. A field study was conducted to test the feasibility of the concept. The results indicate that the system is technically feasible, and offers the potential to deliver real-time, accurate project control information at very low cost.  相似文献   

李海英  多鹏  王茹 《钢铁》2017,52(2):91-96
 基于计算流体力学,以相对均方根(RMS)值为气流均匀性的评判标准,应用FLUENT软件模拟了粉尘粒径、烟气流速、电晕极电压及烟气含尘浓度对静电除尘器的除尘效率和细微尘涡流现象的影响。研究表明,随着粉尘粒径和烟气流速的增大,颗粒合速度增大,RMS值大幅降低,涡流趋势减弱;而随着粒径增大,颗粒的驱进速度增大,除尘效率提高,但烟气流速增加,增大了颗粒的轴向速度,使得除尘效率降低;随着电晕极电压的升高,RMS值增大,涡流趋势增强,但电晕极电压升高,带电颗粒的电场力大幅增加,除尘效率提高。当含尘浓度小于5 g/m3时,随着含尘浓度的增加,由于“电风”的作用使得除尘效率和RMS值均增大,涡流趋势增强;但当含尘浓度超过5 g/m3时,随着含尘浓度的增加,“电风”逐步减弱,RMS值和除尘效率开始下降,涡流趋势减弱。  相似文献   

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