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We present a novel, real-time algorithm for computing the continuous penetration depth (CPD) between two interpenetrating rigid models bounded by triangle meshes. Our algorithm guarantees gradient continuity for the penetration depth (PD) results, unlike conventional penetration depth (PD) algorithms that may have directional discontinuity due to the Euclidean projection operator involved with PD computation. Moreover, unlike prior CPD algorithms, our algorithm is able to handle an orientation change in the underlying model and deal with a topologically-complicated model with holes. Given two intersecting models, we interpolate tangent planes continuously on the boundary of the Minkowski sums between the models and find the closest point on the boundary using Phong projection. Given the high complexity of computing the Minkowski sums for polygonal models in 3D, our algorithm estimates a solution subspace for CPD and dynamically constructs and updates the Minkowski sums only locally in the subspace. We implemented our algorithm on a standard PC platform and tested its performance in terms of speed and continuity using various benchmarks of complicated rigid models, and demonstrated that our algorithm can compute CPD for general polygonal models consisting of tens of thousands of triangles with a hole in a few milli-seconds while guaranteeing the continuity of PD gradient. Moreover, our algorithm can compute more optimal PD values than a state-of-the-art PD algorithm due to the dynamic Minkowski sum computation.  相似文献   

Bayesian modeling of uncertainty in low-level vision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The need for error modeling, multisensor fusion, and robust algorithms is becoming increasingly recognized in computer vision. Bayesian modeling is a powerful, practical, and general framework for meeting these requirements. This article develops a Bayesian model for describing and manipulating the dense fields, such as depth maps, associated with low-level computer vision. Our model consists of three components: a prior model, a sensor model, and a posterior model. The prior model captures a priori information about the structure of the field. We construct this model using the smoothness constraints from regularization to define a Markov Random Field. The sensor model describes the behavior and noise characteristics of our measurement system. We develop a number of sensor models for both sparse and dense measurements. The posterior model combines the information from the prior and sensor models using Bayes' rule. We show how to compute optimal estimates from the posterior model and also how to compute the uncertainty (variance) in these estimates. To demonstrate the utility of our Bayesian framework, we present three examples of its application to real vision problems. The first application is the on-line extraction of depth from motion. Using a two-dimensional generalization of the Kalman filter, we develop an incremental algorithm that provides a dense on-line estimate of depth whose accuracy improves over time. In the second application, we use a Bayesian model to determine observer motion from sparse depth (range) measurements. In the third application, we use the Bayesian interpretation of regularization to choose the optimal smoothing parameter for interpolation. The uncertainty modeling techniques that we develop, and the utility of these techniques in various applications, support our claim that Bayesian modeling is a powerful and practical framework for low-level vision.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient dynamics-based computer animation system for simulating and controlling the motion of articulated figures. A non-trivial extension of Featherstone's O(n) recursive forward dynamics algorithm is derived which allows enforcing one or more constraints on the animated figures. We demonstrate how the constraint force evaluation algorithm we have developed makes it possible to simulate collisions between articulated figures, to compute the results of impulsive forces, to enforce joint limits, to model closed kinematic loops, and to robustly control motion at interactive rates. Particular care has been taken to make the algorithm not only fast, but also easy to implement and use. To better illustrate how the constraint force evaluation algorithm works, we provide pseudocode for its major components. Additionally, we analyze its computational complexity and finally we present examples demonstrating how our system has been used to generate interactive, physically correct complex motion with small user effort.  相似文献   

When data sources are virtually integrated, there is no common and centralized method to maintain global consistency, so inconsistencies with regard to global integrity constraints are very likely to occur. In this paper, we consider the problem of defining and computing consistent query answers when queries are posed to virtual XML data integration systems, which are specified following the local-as-view approach. We propose a powerful XML constraint model to define global constraints, which can express keys and functional dependencies, and which also extends the newly introduced conditional functional dependencies to XML. We provide an approach to defining XML views, which supports not only edge-path mappings but also data-value bindings to express the join operator. We give formal definitions of repair and consistent query answers with the XML data integration settings. Given a query on the global system, we present a two-step method to compute consistent query answers. First, the given query is transformed using the global constraints, such that to run the transformed query on the original global system will generate exactly the consistent query answers. Because the global instance is not materialized, the query on the global instance is then rewritten in the form of queries on the underlying data sources by reversing rules in view definitions. We illustrate that the XPath query transformations can be implemented in XQuery. Finally, we implement prototypes of our method and evaluate our algorithms in the experiments.  相似文献   

Given two sets of moving objects with nonzero extents, the continuous intersection join query reports every pair of intersecting objects, one from each of the two moving object sets, for every timestamp. This type of queries is important for a number of applications, e.g., in the multi-billion dollar computer game industry, massively multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft need to monitor the intersection among players’ attack ranges and render players’ interaction in real time. The computational cost of a straightforward algorithm or an algorithm adapted from another query type is prohibitive, and answering the query in real time poses a great challenge. Those algorithms compute the query answer for either too long or too short a time interval, which results in either a very large computation cost per answer update or too frequent answer updates, respectively. This observation motivates us to optimize the query processing in the time dimension. In this study, we achieve this optimization by introducing the new concept of time-constrained (TC) processing. Further, TC processing enables a set of effective improvement techniques on traditional intersection join algorithms. Finally, we provide a method to find the optimal value for an important parameter required in our technique, the maximum update interval. As a result, we achieve a highly optimized algorithm for processing continuous intersection join queries on moving objects. With a thorough experimental study, we show that our algorithm outperforms the best adapted existing solution by several orders of magnitude. We also validate the accuracy of our cost model and its effectiveness in optimizing the performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we solve the problem of 3D shape interpolation with significant pose variation. For an ideal 3D shape interpolation, especially the articulated model, the shape should follow the movement of the underlying articulated structure and be transformed in a way that is as rigid as possible. Given input shapes with compatible connectivity, we propose a novel multiresolution mean shift (MMS) clustering algorithm to automatically extract their near-rigid components. Then, by building the hierarchical relationship among extracted components, we compute a common articulated structure for these input shapes. With the aid of this articulated structure, we solve the shape interpolation by combining 1) a global pose interpolation of near-rigid components from the source shape to the target shape with 2) a local gradient field interpolation for each pair of components, followed by solving a Poisson equation in order to reconstruct an interpolated shape. As a result, an aesthetically pleasing shape interpolation can be generated, with even the poses of shapes varying significantly. In contrast to a recent state-of-the-art work (Kilian et al., 2007), the proposed approach can achieve comparable or even better results and have better computational efficiency as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, the on-line motion planning of articulated robots in dynamic environment is investigated. We propose a practical on-line robot motion planning approach that is based upon pre-computing the global configuration space (C-space) connectivity with respect to all possible obstacle positions. The proposed motion planner consists of an off-line stage and an on-line stage. In the off-line stage, the obstacles in the C-space (C-obstacle) with respect to the obstacle positions in the workspace are computed, which are then stored using a hierarchical data structure with non-uniform 2m trees. In the on-line stage, the real obstacle cells in the workspace are identified and the corresponding 2m trees from the pre-computed database are superposed to construct the real-time C-space. The collision-free path is then searched in this C-space by using the A* algorithm under a multi-resolution strategy which has excellent computational efficiency. In this approach, the most time-consuming operation is performed in the off-line stage, while the on-line computing only need to deal with the real-time obstacles occurring in the dynamic environment. The minimized on-line computational cost makes it feasible for real-time on-line motion planning. The validity and efficiency of this approach is demonstrated using manipulator prototypes with 5 and 7 degree-of-freedom.  相似文献   

We study the problem of generating efficient, equivalent rewritings using views to compute the answer to a query. We take the closed-world assumption, in which views are materialized from base relations, rather than views describing sources in terms of abstract predicates, as is common when the open-world assumption is used. In the closed-world model, there can be an infinite number of different rewritings that compute the same answer, yet have quite different performance. Query optimizers take a logical plan (a rewriting of the query) as an input, and generate efficient physical plans to compute the answer. Thus our goal is to generate a small subset of the possible logical plans without missing an optimal physical plan.We first consider a cost model that counts the number of subgoals in a physical plan, and show a search space that is guaranteed to include an optimal rewriting, if the query has a rewriting in terms of the views. We also develop an efficient algorithm for finding rewritings with the minimum number of subgoals. We then consider a cost model that counts the sizes of intermediate relations of a physical plan, without dropping any attributes, and give a search space for finding optimal rewritings. Our final cost model allows attributes to be dropped in intermediate relations. We show that, by careful variable renaming, it is possible to do better than the standard “supplementary relation” approach, by dropping attributes that the latter approach would retain. Experiments show that our algorithm of generating optimal rewritings has good efficiency and scalability.  相似文献   

Motion segmentation and depth ordering using an occlusion detector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a novel method for motion segmentation and depth ordering from a video sequence in general motion. We first compute motion segmentation based on differential properties of the spatio-temporal domain, and scale-space integration. Given a motion boundary, we describe two algorithms to determine depth ordering from two- and three- frame sequences. An remarkable characteristic of our method is its ability compute depth ordering from only two frames. The segmentation and depth ordering algorithms are shown to give good results on 6 real sequences taken in general motion. We use synthetic data to show robustness to high levels of noise and illumination changes; we also include cases where no intensity edge exists at the location of the motion boundary, or when no parametric motion model can describe the data. Finally, we describe human experiments showing that people, like our algorithm, can compute depth ordering from only two frames, even when the boundary between the layers is not visible in a single frame.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of graph data in various domains has lead to a renewed interest in developing efficient graph matching techniques, especially for processing large graphs. In this paper, we study the problem of approximate graph matching in a large attributed graph. Given a large attributed graph and a query graph, we compute a subgraph of the large graph that best matches the query graph. We propose a novel structure-aware and attribute-aware index to process approximate graph matching in a large attributed graph. We first construct an index on the similarity of the attributed graph, by partitioning the large search space into smaller subgraphs based on structure similarity and attribute similarity. Then, we construct a connectivity-based index to give a concise representation of inter-partition connections. We use the index to find a set of best matching paths. From these best matching paths, we compute the best matching answer graph using a greedy algorithm. Experimental results on real datasets demonstrate the efficiency of both index construction and query processing. We also show that our approach attains high-quality query answers.  相似文献   

Most entity ranking research aims to retrieve a ranked list of entities from a Web corpus given a user query. The rank order of entities is determined by the relevance between the query and contexts of entities. However, entities can be ranked directly based on their relative importance in a document collection, independent of any queries. In this paper, we introduce an entity ranking algorithm named NERank+. Given a document collection, NERank+ first constructs a graph model called Topical Tripartite Graph, consisting of document, topic and entity nodes. We design separate ranking functions to compute the prior ranks of entities and topics, respectively. A meta-path constrained random walk algorithm is proposed to propagate prior entity and topic ranks based on the graph model.We evaluate NERank+ over real-life datasets and compare it with baselines. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

We present a robust method for capturing articulated hand motions in realtime using a single depth camera. Our system is based on a realtime registration process that accurately reconstructs hand poses by fitting a 3D articulated hand model to depth images. We register the hand model using depth, silhouette, and temporal information. To effectively map low‐quality depth maps to realistic hand poses, we regularize the registration with kinematic and temporal priors, as well as a data‐driven prior built from a database of realistic hand poses. We present a principled way of integrating such priors into our registration optimization to enable robust tracking without severely restricting the freedom of motion. A core technical contribution is a new method for computing tracking correspondences that directly models occlusions typical of single‐camera setups. To ensure reproducibility of our results and facilitate future research, we fully disclose the source code of our implementation.  相似文献   

提出了一种高效的矢量量化码书设计算法.首先采用主分量分析对训练矢量排序以减少计算复杂度,然后充分利用遗传算法的全局优化能力计算得到接近全局最优的矢量量化码书.实验结果表明:该算法的计算时间少于经典的LBG算法,而且当码书大小不超过64时,所生成的码书性能比LBG算法有明显提高.  相似文献   

In order to convert a finite element mesh model to the spline representation for the purpose of isogeometric analysis, one needs to parameterize the solid. This work introduces a novel volumetric parameterization method, which guarantees to be free of volume distortion.Given a simply connected tetrahedral mesh with a single boundary surface, we first compute a harmonic map from the boundary triangle mesh to the unit sphere by non-linear heat diffusion method; then we use the surface harmonic map as the boundary condition to compute the volumetric harmonic map to parameterize the solid onto the unit solid ball; finally we compute an optimal mass transportation map from the unit solid ball with the push-forward volume element induced by the harmonic map onto itself with the Euclidean volume element. The composition of the volumetric harmonic map and the optimal mass transportation map gives an volume-preserving parameterization.The method has solid theoretic foundation, and is based on conventional algorithms in computational geometry, easy to implement. We have thoroughly tested our algorithm on many solid models in reality. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed method. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first work addressing volume-preserving parameterization in the literature.  相似文献   

We present a closed‐form solution for the symmetrization problem, solving for the optimal deformation that reconciles a set of local bilateral symmetries. Given as input a set of point‐pairs which should be symmetric, we first compute for each local neighborhood a transformation which would produce an approximate bilateral symmetry. We then solve for a single global symmetry which includes all of these local symmetries, while minimizing the deformation within each local neighborhood. Our main motivation is the symmetrization of digitized fossils, which are often deformed by a combination of compression and bending. In addition, we use the technique to symmetrize articulated models.  相似文献   

A Dynamic Motion Control Technique for Human-like Articulated Figures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a dynamic motion control technique for human-like articulated figures in a physically based character animation system. This method controls a figure such that the figure tracks input motion specified by a user. When environmental physical input such as an external force or a collision impulse are applied to the figure, this method generates dynamically changing motion in response to the physical input. We have introduced comfort and balance control to compute the angular acceleration of the figure's joints. Our algorithm controls the several parts of a human-like articulated figure separetely through the minimum number of degrees-of-freedom. Using this approach, our algorithm simulates realistic human motions at efficient computational cost. Unlike existing dynamic simulation systems, our method assumes that input motion is already realistic, and is aimed at dynamically changing the input motion in real-time only when unexpected physical input is applied to the figure. As such, our method works efficiently in the framework of current computer games.  相似文献   

In classification problems, active learning is often adopted to alleviate the laborious human labeling efforts, by finding the most informative samples to query the labels. One of the most popular query strategy is selecting the most uncertain samples for the current classifier. The performance of such an active learning process heavily relies on the learned classifier before each query. Thus, stepwise classifier model/parameter selection is quite critical, which is, however, rarely studied in the literature. In this paper, we propose a novel active learning support vector machine algorithm with adaptive model selection. In this algorithm, before each new query, we trace the full solution path of the base classifier, and then perform efficient model selection using the unlabeled samples. This strategy significantly improves the active learning efficiency with comparatively inexpensive computational cost. Empirical results on both artificial and real world benchmark data sets show the encouraging gains brought by the proposed algorithm in terms of both classification accuracy and computational cost.  相似文献   

An algorithmic approach to path finding is considered for a general class of robotic systems. The basic idea is to formulate an optimization problem over a family of continuous paths which satisfy the specified end conditions and possess robot–obstacle collisions. The cost to be minimized depends on penetration growth distance, a new measure for the depth of intersection between a pair of object models. The growth distance and its derivatives with respect to configuration variables describing the orientation and position of the objects can be computed quickly. This is a key factor in attaining acceptable computational times. Strategies that improve the efficiency and reliability of picking the initial paths are considered. Significant reductions in computational time are easily obtained by parallel processing. Numerical examples, including a 6 degrees-of-freedom robot moving in a three-dimensional work space, substantiate the approach. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 15: 57–74, 1998  相似文献   

The design of car shapes requires a delicate balance between aesthetic and performance. While fluid simulation provides the means to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of a given shape, its computational cost hinders its usage during the early explorative phases of design, when aesthetic is decided upon. We present an interactive system to assist designers in creating aerodynamic car profiles. Our system relies on a neural surrogate model to predict fluid flow around car shapes, providing fluid visualization and shape optimization feedback to designers as soon as they sketch a car profile. Compared to prior work that focused on time-averaged fluid flows, we describe how to train our model on instantaneous, synchronized observations extracted from multiple pre-computed simulations, such that we can visualize and optimize for dynamic flow features, such as vortices. Furthermore, we architectured our model to support gradient-based shape optimization within a learned latent space of car profiles. In addition to regularizing the optimization process, this latent space and an associated encoder-decoder allows us to input and output car profiles in a bitmap form, without any explicit parameterization of the car boundary. Finally, we designed our model to support pointwise queries of fluid properties around car shapes, allowing us to adapt computational cost to application needs. As an illustration, we only query our model along streamlines for flow visualization, we query it in the vicinity of the car for drag optimization, and we query it behind the car for vortex attenuation.  相似文献   

Objects can exhibit different dynamics at different spatio-temporal scales, a property that is often exploited by visual tracking algorithms. A local dynamic model is typically used to extract image features that are then used as inputs to a system for tracking the object using a global dynamic model. Approximate local dynamics may be brittle—point trackers drift due to image noise and adaptive background models adapt to foreground objects that become stationary—and constraints from the global model can make them more robust. We propose a probabilistic framework for incorporating knowledge about global dynamics into the local feature extraction processes. A global tracking algorithm can be formulated as a generative model and used to predict feature values thereby influencing the observation process of the feature extractor, which in turn produces feature values that are used in high-level inference. We combine such models utilizing a multichain graphical model framework. We show the utility of our framework for improving feature tracking as well as shape and motion estimates in a batch factorization algorithm. We also propose an approximate filtering algorithm appropriate for online applications and demonstrate its application to tasks in background subtraction, structure from motion and articulated body tracking.  相似文献   

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