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We present a robust method to find region‐level correspondences between shapes, which are invariant to changes in geometry and applicable across multiple shape representations. We generate simplified shape graphs by jointly decomposing the shapes, and devise an adapted graph‐matching technique, from which we infer correspondences between shape regions. The simplified shape graphs are designed to primarily capture the overall structure of the shapes, without reflecting precise information about the geometry of each region, which enables us to find correspondences between shapes that might have significant geometric differences. Moreover, due to the special care we take to ensure the robustness of each part of our pipeline, our method can find correspondences between shapes with different representations, such as triangular meshes and point clouds. We demonstrate that the region‐wise matching that we obtain can be used to find correspondences between feature points, reveal the intrinsic self‐similarities of each shape and even construct point‐to‐point maps across shapes. Our method is both time and space efficient, leading to a pipeline that is significantly faster than comparable approaches. We demonstrate the performance of our approach through an extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation on several benchmarks where we achieve comparable or superior performance to existing methods.  相似文献   

We present a method for producing quad‐dominant subdivided meshes, which supports both adaptive refinement and adaptive coarsening. A hierarchical structure is stored implicitly in a standard half‐edge data structure, while allowing us to efficiently navigate through the different level of subdivision. Subdivided meshes contain a majority of quad elements and a moderate amount of triangles and pentagons in the regions of transition across different levels of detail. Topological LOD editing is controlled with local conforming operators, which support both mesh refinement and mesh coarsening. We show two possible applications of this method: we define an adaptive subdivision surface scheme that is topologically and geometrically consistent with the Catmull–Clark subdivision; and we present a remeshing method that produces semi‐regular adaptive meshes.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach for shape matching between triangular meshes that, in contrast to existing methods, can match crease features. Our approach is based on a hybrid optimization scheme, that solves simultaneously for an elastic deformation of the source and its projection on the target. The elastic energy we minimize is invariant to rigid body motions, and its non‐linear membrane energy component favors locally injective maps. Symmetrizing this model enables feature aligned correspondences even for non‐isometric meshes. We demonstrate the advantage of our approach over state of the art methods on isometric and non‐isometric datasets, where we improve the geodesic distance from the ground truth, the conformal and area distortions, and the mismatch of the mean curvature functions. Finally, we show that our computed maps are applicable for surface interpolation, consistent cross‐field computation, and consistent quadrangular remeshing of a set of shapes.  相似文献   

We present a deep learning method that propagates point-wise feature representations across shapes within a collection for the purpose of 3D shape segmentation. We propose a cross-shape attention mechanism to enable interactions between a shape's point-wise features and those of other shapes. The mechanism assesses both the degree of interaction between points and also mediates feature propagation across shapes, improving the accuracy and consistency of the resulting point-wise feature representations for shape segmentation. Our method also proposes a shape retrieval measure to select suitable shapes for cross-shape attention operations for each test shape. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach yields state-of-the-art results in the popular PartNet dataset.  相似文献   

Geometric meshes that model animated characters must be designed while taking into account the deformations that the shape will undergo during animation. We analyze an input sequence of meshes with point‐to‐point correspondence, and we automatically produce a quadrangular mesh that fits well the input animation. We first analyze the local deformation that the surface undergoes at each point, and we initialize a cross field that remains as aligned as possible to the principal directions of deformation throughout the sequence. We then smooth this cross field based on an energy that uses a weighted combination of the initial field and the local amount of stretch. Finally, we compute a field‐aligned quadrangulation with an off‐the‐shelf method. Our technique is fast and very simple to implement, and it significantly improves the quality of the output quad mesh and its suitability for character animation, compared to creating the quad mesh based on a single pose. We present experimental results and comparisons with a state‐of‐the‐art quadrangulation method, on both sequences from 3D scanning and synthetic sequences obtained by a rough animation of a triangulated model.  相似文献   

Polyhedral modeling and re‐meshing algorithms use T‐junctions to add or remove feature lines in a quadrilateral mesh. In many ways this is akin to adaptive knot insertion in a tensor‐product spline, but differs in that the designer or meshing algorithm does not necessarily protect the consistent combinatorial structure that is required to interpret the resulting quad‐dominant mesh as the control net of a hierarchical spline – and so associate a smooth surface with the mesh as in the popular tensor‐product spline paradigm. While G‐splines for multi‐sided holes or generalized subdivision can, in principle, convert quad‐dominant meshes with T‐junctions into smooth surfaces, they do not preserve the two preferred directions and so cause visible shape artifacts. Only recently have n‐gons with T‐junctions (T‐gons) in unstructured quad‐dominant meshes been recognized as a distinct challenge for generalized splines. This paper makes precise the notion of locally quad‐dominant mesh as quad‐meshes including τ‐nets, i.e. T‐gons surrounded by quads; and presents the first high‐quality G‐spline construction that can use τ‐nets as control nets for spline surfaces suitable, e.g., for automobile outer surfaces. Remarkably, T‐gons can be neighbors, separated by only one quad, both of T‐gons and of points where many quads meet. A τ‐net surface cap consists of 16 polynomial pieces of degree (3,5) and is refinable in a way that is consistent with the surrounding surface. An alternative, everywhere bi‐3 cap is not formally smooth, but achieves the same high‐quality highlight line distribution.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2014,76(2):86-102
To perform quad meshing on raw point clouds, existing algorithms usually require a time-consuming parameterization or Voronoi space partition process. In this paper, we propose an effective method to generate quad-dominant meshes directly from unorganized point clouds. In the proposed method, we first apply Marinov’s curvature tensor optimization to the input point cloud to reduce the umbilical regions in order to obtain a smooth curvature tensor. We then propose an efficient marching scheme to extract the curvature lines with controllable density from the point cloud. Finally, we apply a specialized K-Dimension (KD) tree structure, which converts the nearest neighbor searching problem into a sorting problem, to efficiently estimate the intersections of curvature lines and recover the topology of the quad-dominant meshes. We have tested the proposed method on different point clouds. Our results show that the proposed method produces good quality meshes with high computational efficiency and low memory requirement.  相似文献   

Image vectorization is an important yet challenging problem, especially when the input image has rich content. In this paper, we develop a novel method for automatically vectorizing natural images with feature‐aligned quad‐dominant meshes. Inspired by the quadrangulation methods in 3D geometry processing, we propose a new directional field optimization technique by encoding the color gradients, sidestepping the explicit computing of salient image features. We further compute the anisotropic scales of the directional field by accommodating the distance among image features. Our method is fully automatic and efficient, which takes only a few seconds for a 400×400 image on a normal laptop. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on various image editing applications.  相似文献   

A Robust Two-Step Procedure for Quad-Dominant Remeshing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We propose a novel compact surface representation, namely geometry curves, which record the essence of shape geometry and topology. The geometry curves mainly contain two parts: the interior and boundary lines. The interior lines, which correspond to the feature lines, record the geometry information of the 3D shapes; the boundary lines, which correspond to the boundary or fundamental polygons, record the topology information of the 3D shapes. As a vector representation, geometry curves can depict highly complex geometry details. The concept of geometry curves can be utilized in many potential applications, e.g., mesh compression, shape modeling and editing, animation, and level of details. Furthermore, we develop a procedure for automatically constructing geometry curves which obtain an excellent approximation to the original mesh.  相似文献   

Quad meshes as a surface representation have many conceptual advantages over triangle meshes. Their edges can naturally be aligned to principal curvatures of the underlying surface and they have the flexibility to create strongly anisotropic cells without causing excessively small inner angles. While in recent years a lot of progress has been made towards generating high quality uniform quad meshes for arbitrary shapes, their adaptive and anisotropic refinement remains difficult since a single edge split might propagate across the entire surface in order to maintain consistency. In this paper we present a novel refinement technique which finds the optimal trade-off between number of resulting elements and inserted singularities according to a user prescribed weighting. Our algorithm takes as input a quad mesh with those edges tagged that are prescribed to be refined. It then formulates a binary optimization problem that minimizes the number of additional edges which need to be split in order to maintain consistency. Valence 3 and 5 singularities have to be introduced in the transition region between refined and unrefined regions of the mesh. The optimization hence computes the optimal trade-off and places singularities strategically in order to minimize the number of consistency splits — or avoids singularities where this causes only a small number of additional splits. When applying the refinement scheme iteratively, we extend our binary optimization formulation such that previous splits can be undone if this prevents degenerate cells with small inner angles that otherwise might occur in anisotropic regions or in the vicinity of singularities. We demonstrate on a number of challenging examples that the algorithm performs well in practice.  相似文献   

A survey of point-based techniques in computer graphics   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In recent years point-based geometry has gained increasing attention as an alternative surface representation, both for efficient rendering and for flexible geometry processing of highly complex 3D-models. Point-sampled objects do neither have to store nor to maintain globally consistent topological information. Therefore they are more flexible compared to triangle meshes when it comes to handling highly complex or dynamically changing shapes. In this paper, we make an attempt to give an overview of the various point-based methods that have been proposed over the last years. In particular we review and evaluate different shape representations, geometric algorithms, and rendering methods, which use points as a universal graphics primitive.  相似文献   

Interpolation between compatible triangle meshes that represent different poses of some object is a fundamental operation in geometry processing. A common approach is to consider the static input shapes as points in a suitable shape space and then use simple linear interpolation in this space to find an interpolated shape. In this paper, we present a new interpolation technique that is particularly tailored for meshes that represent articulated shapes. It is up to an order of magnitude faster than state‐of‐the‐art methods and gives very similar results. To achieve this, our approach introduces a novel shape space that takes advantage of the underlying structure of articulated shapes and distinguishes between rigid parts and non‐rigid joints. This allows us to use fast vertex interpolation on the rigid parts and resort to comparatively slow edge‐based interpolation only for the joints.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel partwise framework for cross-parameterization between 3D mesh models. Unlike most existing methods that use regular parameterization domains, our framework uses nonregular approximation domains to build the cross-parameterization. Once the nonregular approximation domains are constructed for 3D models, different (and complex) input shapes are transformed into similar (and simple) shapes, thus facilitating the cross-parameterization process. Specifically, a novel nonregular domain, the convex hull, is adopted to build shape correspondence. We first construct convex hulls for each part of the segmented model, and then adopt our convex-hull cross-parameterization method to generate compatible meshes. Our method exploits properties of the convex hull, e.g., good approximation ability and linear convex representation for interior vertices. After building an initial cross-parameterization via convex-hull domains, we use compatible remeshing algorithms to achieve an accurate approximation of the target geometry and to ensure a complete surface matching. Experimental results show that the compatible meshes constructed are well suited for shape blending and other geometric applications.  相似文献   

Finding an informative, structure‐preserving map between two shapes has been a long‐standing problem in geometry processing, involving a variety of solution approaches and applications. However, in many cases, we are given not only two related shapes, but a collection of them, and considering each pairwise map independently does not take full advantage of all existing information. For example, a notorious problem with computing shape maps is the ambiguity introduced by the symmetry problem — for two similar shapes which have reflectional symmetry there exist two maps which are equally favorable, and no intrinsic mapping algorithm can distinguish between them based on these two shapes alone. Another prominent issue with shape mapping algorithms is their relative sensitivity to how “similar” two shapes are — good maps are much easier to obtain when shapes are very similar. Given the context of additional shape maps connecting our collection, we propose to add the constraint of global map consistency, requiring that any composition of maps between two shapes should be independent of the path chosen in the network. This requirement can help us choose among the equally good symmetric alternatives, or help us replace a “bad” pairwise map with the composition of a few “good” maps between shapes that in some sense interpolate the original ones. We show how, given a collection of pairwise shape maps, to define an optimization problem whose output is a set of alternative maps, compositions of those given, which are consistent, and individually at times much better than the original. Our method is general, and can work on any collection of shapes, as long as a seed set of good pairwise maps is provided. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for improving maps generated by state‐of‐the‐art mapping methods on various shape databases.  相似文献   

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