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During the past decade, research by industry and government has developed numerous new chemical markets for fats and oils derivatives. Lower prices for competitive raw materials have forced some of these new products into specialty markets. Economic factors, such as the continual growth of the chemical industry, population increases, and high consumer demand, have allowed for steady growth in the fat-derivative market. New fat-type plasticizers are currently consuming about 60 million pounds of fats annually. Synthetic lubricants will probably be consuming 20 million pounds of fatty diesters annually by 1965. Animal feeds consume approximately 600 million pounds of fats and fat derivatives annually and may eventually become the leading domestic nonfood market for fats. The protective coating market as an outlet for fats continues to decline, and the continuing shift to nonfat materials and changes in pain formulas indicate that, while the demand for protective coatings may increase, the use of fats in their manufacture may not share in the increase. Nonfat chemical raw materials provide intense price competition for fatty raw materials. Fat prices are influenced by the demand for use in food, soap, paints, and possibly animal feeds rather than by the demand for use as chemical raw materials. Presented before the American Oil Chemists' Society, New York, October, 17, 1960.  相似文献   

Pulverization of Fats in Cold Air Flow - Feasibilities of Application and Economy Because of the great importance of fats and oils for human nutrition a procedure is necessary which produces stable products from fat and solid materials by methods most favourable from the energetic point of view which keep their natural properties. The pulverization of fats is discussed and the influence of particle size during spraying is shown. Pressure nozzles have proved true for this use. Because of the globular shape of the fat particles and of the increased presence of the saturated fatty acids at the surface of the pulverized fats, an improved stability exists. Beyond antioxidants can be added without any problem. The whole plant consists of a mixing part for the solid material, a mixing part for the fat which has to be used, and of the plant for cristallization of the fats and the coating of fats with the solid material and filling the finished product in bags. The economic aspect is considered and it is found that the economy is essentially influenced by the degree of utilization of the plant, as more than 50 % of the total expenses occur because of capital costs. The amount of energy costs with respect to the total expenses comes to 10 %.  相似文献   

Fats in the diet     
Fats are important constituents of the human diet since on the one hand, they contribute to the caloric density of the diet, and on the other, they serve as vehicles of essential nutrients such as linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins. The existence of human populations subsisting on diets with values as low as 10% or more than 50% of the calories represented by fats, has been documented, demonstrating the great adaptability of man to a wide availability of this type of food. Nevertheless, extensive epidemiological and experimental research in relation to a frequent degenerative diseases of man, arteriosclerosis, have consistently demonstrated that the proportion of saturated fats in the diet has a positive correlation with the frequency of these alterations. Mortality and fat availability in Latin America is consistent with these results. In consequence, and taking into consideration the present level of fat availability in the Region, we propose that no more than 25% of the caloric requirement should be covered by fats. Additionally, this amount of fat should have equal proportions of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cholesterol, which is contained in animal fats, is not a necessary nutrient for humans, so that no minimum consumption needs to be established. Daily ingestion of cholesterol should be restrained to no more than 100 mg/1,000 calories. Introduction of new fatty foods for human consumption should be preceded by a thorough investigation of the metabolic consequences.  相似文献   

The Formation of Artefacts during Deodorization of Fats and Oils Various artefacts are formed during deodorization of fats and oils. Their amount depends on the process parameters, particularly temperature and time of deodorization. The design of the equipment as well as the fatty acid composition of the fats and oils also have some influence. We investigated the formation of trans-isomers as well as of dimeric or oligomeric triglycerides in various fats and oils of different degree of unsaturation by means of IR-spectrometry and capillary GLC on one hand and by gel permeation chromatography on the other hand. The amount of the formation of artefacts is insignificant up to 240°C. At somewhat higher temperatures the amount clearly increases and in the temperature range 260-270°C a steep increase can be observed. Under process conditions as applied in the industrial practice of to-day objectionable concentrations of artefacts are never formed.  相似文献   

Detection of Heat-Transfer Oils in Fats The use of heat-transfer oils in place of high pressure steam for heat transfer of fats from the discontinuous high temperature deodorization presumes analytical methods for the identification of traces of this oils in fats. In this paper two semi-quantitative rapid methods and one quantitative method applicable as an arbitrational analysis are described. A detection limit of ≤ 0.001% can be achieved.  相似文献   

Free and Bound Sterols in Vegetable Fats Investigations of 15 different vegetable fats have shown that lipoproteins, detected in raw palm oil, occur in other fats, too. The cholesterol content in the sterols of lipoproteins is not always the same; but it is in any case higher than in other sterol containing fractions of these fats. The investigation of the free sterols, sterol esters, sterol glycosides and sterol containing lipoproteins in these 15 fats shows that cholesterol occurs more or less in all vegetable fats, but in an analytically difficult accessible way.  相似文献   

Forty-five paint samples having volatile organic content (VOCs) ranging from 7 to 562 g/L were prepared and tested for VOC according to EPA Method 24. In addition, all individual raw materials utilized in preparing the paints were also tested for their VOCs. There were significant differences between claimed and measured VOCs for both raw materials and finished paints. The measurement error for VOC of finished paints was eight percent. This error increased exponentially as the VOC declined below about 250 g/L, reaching about 200% at VOCs below 50 g/L. The range of error also increased exponentially below about 250 g/L, reaching 1000% below 50 g/L. The major sources of VOC error in all cases were in the water and nonvolatile determinations. Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, on October 18–20, 2000, in Chicago, IL. 430 W. Forest Ave., Ypsilanti, MI 48197.  相似文献   

Daily Consumption of trans-Isomeric Fatty Acids - A Calculation Based on Composition of Commercial Fats and of Various Human Depot Fats When highly efficient and selective packed columns (Silar 10C, SP 2340) are used in the gas chromatographic analysis of cis/trans-isomeric fatty acids present in partially hydrogenated fats for human consumption, the measurements of the relative trans-octadecenate content are regularly too low by several percent in favor of the respective cis-octadecenate fraction. This methodological error is due to the fact that the heterogeneity of the trans-component is greater than that of the cis-fraction with regard to the positional isomers present. It is assumed that the ingestion of trans-octadecenate with food averages 4.5 g to 6.4 g per capita and day in Western Germany. This assumption is based on individual fatty acid analyses performed on a total of 110 different brands of fat purchased in 1973/74 and again in 1976, on the individual market share of these fats, and on the average consumption of fat including ruminant products. Approximately 35% to 45% of the above amount are taken up with ruminant products, the main part results from the ingestion of partially hardened fats. The value determined for the ingestion of trans-fatty acids correlates relatively well with a mean trans-octadecenate content of 2% (1.0-4.3%) measured post mortem in the subcutaneous, mesenterial, perirenal and subepicardial adipose tissue of 16 males of normal weight.  相似文献   

50 Years Technology of Vegetable Oils and Fats - a Report of Experiences In a survey about the development of the technology of vegetable oils and fats between 1932 and 1982 above all those areas are dealt, in which the author could contribute to the optimization of technological process steps and to the quality improvement of final products. It is described in detail: influence of solvent composition on benzine losts and on hydrocarbon retention in the oil seed extraction, improvement of the lecithin removal process, the entire desliming of extracted oils and its influence on raffinate quality, methods for determination of refining lost and for estimation of quality of raw and refined oils, comparison between various alkali-neutralization methods, relations between bleaching earth activity and oxidation stability of the oils, recovery of oil from used bleaching earth, distillative neutralization and determination of optimal deodorising conditions. The report is finished with hints on the importance of special fats for the fat processing industry obtained by hydrogenation, interesterification or fractionation.  相似文献   

The Composition of Lipids of Animal Organ and Depot Fats in Relation to Feed II: Gas-chromatographic Analysis of Fatty Acids of Calves and Cattle Fats In the milk as well as in the fats of calves and cattle 81 fatty acids were found. The composition of fatty acids of the depot and organ fats of cattle — in winter with stall-feeding and in summer with pasture-feeding — were compared with the winter and summer milk fats. The differences between the fats from the same parts of calves and cattle are discussed.  相似文献   

The Kinetics of the Autoxidation of Fats The kinetics of the inital stages of the autoxidation of fats has been studied by linearization of rate data. All data treated follow the same basic rate equation with a time function f(t) that was empirically derived by Berg for heterogeneous oxidation. Metals and glass (wall of reaction vessel) are catalysts. f(t) expresses the state of the catalyst. The hydroperoxides formed are surface active, they form micelles that can solubilize O2. Thus the O2 concentration in the substrate increases with the degree of oxidation and so does the rate of oxidation. Above the upper limit of solubilization the oxidation rate is constant. Added hydroperoxides also increase the oxidation rate in proportion to the amount added.  相似文献   

Alterations of Fats Under Conditions of Deep-Frying and Their Analytical Detection: Artefacts Formation in Frying Fats During Deep-Frying During deep-frying the fats decompose with the formation of volatile, monomeric and polymeric compounds. Their amount and chemical structure depends on the fat blend, the temperature, the frying time, the frying good, and in a high degree on the accessibility of oxygen. As we have shown a quantitative determination of polymeric material in frying fats is possible using gel permeation chromatography. However, gel permeation chromatography determines the size of the molecules only and does not destinguish between various degrees of oxidation. For his purpose we apply liquid chromatography on silica gel which separates various fractions according to their polarity. In combination with a “moving wire” and flame ionisation detector a semi-quantitative evaluation of the amount of polar material in heated fats in possible. Liquid chromatography is applicable for preparative purposes and enables the non-destructive isolation of sufficient material for feeding experiments.  相似文献   

低成本有机-无机复合型内墙涂料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过向涂料中引入硅溶胶,使用聚乙烯醇和膨润土作为增稠剂,优选填料,并通过试验合理配合,可使涂料中的某些助剂的使用量减少,并解决了高颜料体积浓度内墙乳胶涂料的常见问题,得到水稀释性能稳定、流平性好和涂膜手感光滑的新型内墙涂料。介绍了原材料、工艺、涂料性能和某些因素对涂膜耐洗刷性、对比率、流平性和涂膜手感的影响。  相似文献   

Further Experiences with the Recommendations of the DGF in the Assessment of Used Frying and Cooking Fats First a survey about the fatty raw material is given which is used in the Federal Republic of Germany for the production of frying and cooking fats. Because of their different composition they behave during heating under frying conditions very differently. Some fats undergo in a relatively short time such sensoric changes that they can no longer be used. Whereas the analytically obtained data are absolutely found within the allowed limits. Other fatty raw substances, however, behave absolutely contrary. Sensoric points (taste, odour, appearance) can absolutely be inconspicuous, when the analytical data already exclude any marketability. Of the common estimation criteria the smoke point is usable only with some restraint for various reasons. First the obtained data vary strikingly just in the limit of acceptance between the individual laboratories in spite of improved investigation method. Beyond also the fresh inital fats show significant differences in their smoke points which is elucidated by different raffinates of palm oil and hardened ground nut oil. Therefore the recommendation must be critically reviewed that a fat is no longer marketable if the smoke point decrease compared with fresh fat is higher than 50°. The other limits as 0.7% petrolether unsoluble oxidated fatty acids as well as 27% by column chromatography determined polar amounts have proved, indeed. The determination of the polar amounts is preferred because of the simple operation method, the quicker performance and the lower error of the method. The “Fritest” as a quick test has become more popular in process control and preselection of suspicious fats, because the handling is very easy and results are available with sufficient reliability.  相似文献   

Computer programs are used to manage, supervise, and operate production lines of oil, margarine, butter, and mayonnaise in the fats and oils industry. Automation allows for lower-cost and better-quality products. The present paper shows a multilayer perceptron-type, second-generation neural network that was built based on a desirable product solid profile and was designed to formulate fats from three ingredients (one refined oil and two hydrogenated soybean-based stocks). This network operates with three sequential decision levels, technical, availability and costs, to furnish up to nine possible formulations for the desired product. Upgrading verification was accomplished by soliciting to the formulation network all 63 products used in the upgrading (the answers were evaluated by a panel of experts and considered satisfactory) and 17 commercial products. It was possible to formulate more than 50% of the products in the network with only the three bases available. The results demonstrate the possibility of using neural networks as an alternative to the automation process for the special fats formulation process. Presented at 6th Latin American Congress and Exhibit on Fats and Oils Processing, September 25–28, 1995, Campinas, Brazil.  相似文献   

The Composition of Animal Organ and Depot Fats in Relation to Feed III: Gas-chromatographic Analysis of Fats from Calves after Definite Feed Within the scope of the feeding experiments, which had been carried out for explaining the accumulation of trans fatty acids in animal organs, we studied the composition of mixed fatty acids of heart, kidney and liver as well as that of the corresponding depot fats with the help of gas-chromatography. The fatty acid composition of the separated neutral fat and phosphatide fractions of the organ fats are discussed.  相似文献   

Fats and Taste Fats and oils have a strong effect on the taste of food-stuffs, although in a refined state the former have hardly any taste of their own. In this communication the storage stability and the physical behaviour, especially the meeting of fats, are dealt with. Precautionary measures, that should be adopted in order to maintain acceptable taste, and the types of fats required to achieve special effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Further Development of Codex Alimentarius Standards for Oils and Fats A report is given on the further development of Codex Alimentarius Standards for oils and fats, which was discussed in the 9th meeting of the Codex Committee on Fats and Oils from 28th November to 2nd December 1977 in London. Topics discussed were a collaborative report by FAO and WHO on the role of fats in human nutrition, the general standard for oils and fats, and standards for reduced fat margarine, low erucic acid rapeseed oil, coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, babassu oil, grape seed oil as well as marine oils. Furthermore, the limits of fatty acid composition as criteria for identification of specific oils and fats were discussed.  相似文献   

Determination of Mono- and Diglyceride Contents of Frying Fats Long-term heating of fats at elevated temperatures result in a number of chemical reactions which may impair their quality. A large amount of data can be obtained if the characteristic analytical values are employed for characterizing and evaluating such fats. However, specific parameters are required for the characterization and evaluation. Since hydrolysis of glycerides may occur due to thermal treatment, the author has studied the alteration of mono- and diglyceride contents with prolonged thermal stress. After thin-layer chromatographic separation, the mono- and diglyceride contents are determined by the enzymatic method of glycerol analysis. The accuracy and validity of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Alterations in Fats Under Frying Conditions and Their Analytical Detection: Evaluation of the Quality of Frying Fats and Their Analysis The quality of a frying fat at a certain stage of use depends on its composition, its freshness, and the frying conditions. The frying stability, i. e. the length of time a fat can be heated in the fryer till the content of petroleum ether insoluble oxidized fatty acids reaches a level of 1%, is proportional to the degree of saturation of the fat, and inversely proportional to its specific surface in the fryer and its reversion period. Frying stability can be increased considerably by excluding atmospheric oxygen. Thus, under suitable frying conditions even highly unsaturated fats, such as peanut oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil, can be used without an increase in the content of oxidized fatty acids above a permitted level. In the choice of fats one should prefer those having lower UV-absorbance and higher SWIFT stability. In order to define the degree of oxidation of used frying fats, it is recommended to determine the content of oxidized fatty acids according to DGF-Standard Method C-III 3 (68). Moreover, acid value, smoke point and UV-absorbance provide valuable information regarding the degree of oxidative changes. A rather loose relationship exists between the saponification colour number and the content of oxidized fatty acids.  相似文献   

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