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The EU Water Framework and Floods Directives represent important legislative instruments introduced in the water policy during the last two decades. Despite their holistic and complementary approaches, which should yield many benefits, the lack of importance given to the consideration of hydromorphology and sediments is a weakness. This will hinder the achievement of the Directives' goals, since hydrology and geomorphology of rivers and the character and dynamics of sediments are essential components of the aquatic habitat and ecosystem health. The entrainment, transport and deposition of sediments determine the interrelationships between river channel geometry and flow regime, which affect flood risk. The paper reports on the findings of a survey undertaken in 2015 as part of the HYTECH project, which questioned 20 EU Water Authorities about the importance they attached to hydromorphological quality elements and sediment transport during the implementation cycles of both Directives.  相似文献   

The multiple benefits of water reuse have yet to be fully realized in our urban water management systems. One pathway to optimal implementation is to plan for their integration with wider assets in water resource or drainage and wastewater management plans. This paper explores the perspectives of water resource and wastewater management planners. Qualitative data was gathered from a workshop organized by the Chartered Institution for Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) with 25 participants from England's Water Service Providers (WSPs), regulators (Ofwat and the Environment Agency) and consultants working within the UK water sector. The participants acknowledged that water reuse is relevant to both water resource and drainage and wastewater management planning, but that current regulatory and funding frameworks are constraining effective engagement between water resource and drainage and wastewater management planners by encouraging the development of separate plans. A general consensus of the participants was that it would be beneficial to include water reuse technology within current and future Water Resource Management Plans (WRMPs) and Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs). Participants suggested this could be developed through collaborative working partnerships and support from regulatory and funding frameworks that allow for the growth and development of innovative technologies and nature-based solutions. Participants also highlighted a stronger economic case could be made for water reuse technologies if the approach seeks to capture the wider benefits and not only the ‘best value’ solution. Societal acceptance and the availability of good quality data will be key to the successful adoption of any incentivized water reuse schemes.  相似文献   

李睿  张宏伟  王媛 《山西建筑》2007,33(19):13-15
对北方地区的水资源现状与配置状况进行了分析,指出了目前北方地区水资源利用存在的问题,提出水资源的合理开发利用需要一套行之有效的管理途径,并从政府政策管理方面研究了该管理途径,以合理有效地利用水资源。  相似文献   

Partly in response to the UK flooding events of 2007, a number of reports have recently been produced addressing the legislative, administrative, institutional and structural practices that are required to improve urban surface water management and hence reduce future flooding incidents and associated pollution impacts. This paper addresses the principal barriers to progress that have been identified and how these are likely to be overcome. Improved and integrated organisational structures, process and procedures are required and relationships between flood risk management and water quality need to be addressed at regional, area and local levels as well as legislative clarification on surface water discharges. Nontechnical aspects will need to be supported by new modelling approaches for flood risk prediction at both local and catchment scale with effective communication systems and tools being developed and implemented for full and effective stakeholder participation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the Po River water quality in a small stretch in Piedmont (northern Italy). In this stretch a large pollution load, derived from the wastewater treatment plant of Torino area (more than 2 million inhabitants), is discharged and diluted in the water. In this study this load has been quantified and modeled in order to understand the sources, destinations and effects of the emitted pollutants. The objective was to determine the impact produced by the Torino Wastewater Treatment Plant on the quality of the water, based on various hydrological conditions and the possible intervention on the point and diffuse loads.  相似文献   

Years of research have called for more science to be integrated into water management decisions and for a shift from supply‐side to demand‐side management; yet, there remains a strong emphasis on supply‐side approaches and in many areas limited attention to hydrological data. A survey and interviews with decision‐makers in western North Carolina reveal that there is only low‐level concern about water quantity, and this drives a continued emphasis on supply‐side management and no perceived need for hydrological data. The historical realities of low demand and abundant water have generated a perception of ‘water supply’ as disconnected from physical, hydrological systems and allowed for ad hoc decision‐making processes to prevail. The lack of well‐established processes may, ironically, provide significant opportunities for employing collaboration among researchers and decision‐makers to develop policies and processes that integrate data into making water management decisions and thus prompt increased attention to water demand.  相似文献   

关鸿滨 《山西建筑》2002,28(3):108-108,155
太原市地处黄土高原,气候干旱少雨,是我国水资源严重短缺的城市之一。针对这一现实,指出了加强城市节水管理的紧迫性和必要性,并从技术、经济、行政、宣传等角度介绍了太原市十几年来节水工作所取得的成效,同时对节水存在的问题和所采取的主要对策从不同侧面进行了阐述,希望能对太原市节水管理工作有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess water quality in the Lake Oconee watershed and evaluate the best management practices used by cattle farms to reduce water contamination. Inorganic nutrient concentrations, algal abundance and faecal bacteria were highest in the cattle farming areas. The diatom community where cattle had no access was dominated by Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki and Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, and in sites where cattle were allowed direct access to the lake, Asterionella formosa Hassal, Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith and Navicula rostellata Kützing dominated. The latter three taxa are well‐known high‐nutrient diatoms. High populations of green algae (coccoid Desmidiaceae) were found where cattle had access. Sources of faecal pollution were identified using polymerase chain reaction detection, with Bifidobacterium adolescentis as a marker of human faecal pollution and Bacteroides (BoBac) indicating cattle faecal pollution. Overall, riparian buffers were most effective at reducing pollution from cattle operations.  相似文献   

段武舰  贾凤林 《山西建筑》2002,28(12):113-114
叙述了计划经济体制下水资源开发利用模式存在的弊端,提出建立水务市场及与其相适应的管理模式,并大力开发利用污水资源,维持水资源的良性社会循环,得出建立强大的水工业企业集团是我国水行业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a model for crisis management in urban water supply systems, able to assist the decision-making process to deal with the urban water crisis (UWC) by those responsible for these systems. The research methodology used for model development consisted of the following steps: (1) development of a decision support model for cases of crises in urban water supply systems (UWC-MODEL); (2) performing the sensitivity analysis of the UWC-MODEL; (3) verifying the UWC-MODEL; and (4) application of the UWC-MODEL. Different levels (socio-economic, management, urban, environmental and cultural) of the UWC problem were considered in the UWC-MODEL. It was based on the similarity between a weak UWC situation (or absence), strong UWC situation (or severe) and the actual case. Results of the application of the UWC-MODEL to the Administrative Region of Brasilia, in the Federal District of Brazil, indicated that actions related to cultural and environmental levels demonstrated a greater contribution for combating UWC. Actions such as environmental education programs, water conservation programs, and use of water saving equipment, were indicated by the UWC-MODEL to solve the UWC problem in this application to the real case.  相似文献   

近年来,地下储水空间雨洪资源利用作为开展雨洪资源化、缓解水资源紧张状况的有效途径日益受到广泛关注。本文以北京平谷盆地为例,在充分分析水文地质条件的基础上,采用指标叠加的方法评价了该地区开展地下储水空间雨洪资源利用的适宜性,并讨论了以平谷盆地为代表的北方半湿润山前冲洪积地区利用腾空的地下储水空间实现雨水资源化的途径和方法。  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in phosphorus (P) removal from eutrophic lake water with aluminium (Al) were assessed by jar tests. For this purpose, eutrophic lake water enriched with soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), algae or sediments in order to mimic the various conditions found in shallow eutrophic lakes was studied. Total phosphorus (TP) removal was reached after floc settling, the maximal TP removal efficiency (90-95%) was obtained for an Al concentration ranging from 2 to 5 mg L(-1), depending on the organic matter (OM) origin (algae or sediments). Algae appeared to limit macro-floc formation (those able to settle). In contrast, in the presence of sediments, macro-floc formation was favoured at low Al dose (2-3 mg L(-1) Al). High SRP removal was obtained with the lowest Al dose (1 mg L(-1) Al) and remained greater than 60% for an SRP concentration up to 350 microg L(-1). SRP removal was not influenced by the OM origin. The experimental data and literature were used to suggest a hypothetical model for floc formation and P removal with Al under the conditions observed in treated lakes.  相似文献   

Many scholarly articles have argued that there is a need for a transition towards sustainable urban water management (SUWM). As businesses, water service providers (WSPs) must modify their business models to align with this goal. Explicit consideration of business models is, however, often missing from the literature relating to SUWM. More specifically, the economic level is often not given due consideration. To help address this gap, this paper reviews the potential role business models can play in attaining SUWM. Elements of a sustainability-based business model are presented, along with a case study of transitional pressures in Melbourne, Australia. The case study highlights factors that have a significant impact on the business models of WSPs, and it is concluded that customer willingness to pay and politicization of decisions must be addressed if transitions to sustainability-based business models are to be maintained over the long term.  相似文献   

刘建军 《山西建筑》2013,(31):252-253
以树立科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会为主题,分析了"人水和谐"在构建和谐太原中的重要性和紧迫性,提出了建设人水和谐新太原过程中应坚持做到的"三个统一"和加强水资源保护与建设的建议。  相似文献   

水利工程安全管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程芳  李倩  孙丽颖 《山西建筑》2011,37(1):254-255
通过对水利水电工程施工管理的特征进行分析,总结出目前水利水电工程安全管理工作主要存在的问题,系统的解析了安全管理应遵循的原则及其应对措施,以期保证水利工程现场的安全生产。  相似文献   

高鹏 《山西建筑》2011,37(28):245-246
论述了建筑给排水工程常见的质量问题以及影响工程质量管理的主要因素,提出了进一步加强建筑给排水工程管理的具体办法,并作了具体实施,从而保证工程质量,有利于水资源的合理配置。  相似文献   

水利水电工程项目投资风险管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘瑶  陆伟锋 《山西建筑》2010,36(33):252-253
结合水利水电工程建设规模大、投资大的特点,为有效控制投资降低风险,对投资风险因素进行了归纳,并提出了水利水电工程投资风险管理对策,以使项目实现预期的投资目标。  相似文献   

Effluent qualities of five municipal wastewater treatment facilities (MWWTFs) in Ulsan were evaluated to examine their reuse potential. Effluent from Yongyeon (Y) MWWTF, Onsan (O) MWWTF and Bangeojin (B) MWWTFs can be used as cooling water without further treatment. As evident from Langelier saturation index and Ryzner index values, reuse of treated effluent from OMWWTF and BMWWTFs is recommended by controlling the pH to reduce the scale-forming potential of effluent. However, effluents from these MWWTFs need additional treatment to remove residual dissolved constituents before reuse as boiler water. Besides, effluent from Hoiya (H) MWWTF and Unyang (U) MWWTFs can be reused for agricultural irrigation without any additional treatment. Based on the scientific results obtained from this investigation, proper application of technology and promotion of public awareness to change the traditional mindset for treated effluent reuse could immensely contribute towards conserving local water resources and addressing global environmental problems on a regional basis.  相似文献   

Unpaved roads may induce adverse effects on downstream water resources by increasing suspended sediment concentration (SSC). This study documents the localized impacts on stream SSC of six unpaved road–stream crossings in the rural Guabiroba River Catchment, in southern Brazil. Results demonstrated that SSC values downstream of road–stream crossings was between 3.5 and 10 times higher than upstream SSC at all third‐ and fourth‐order stream locations. However, downstream values were statistically undistinguishable from those collected upstream of road–stream crossings at fifth‐order sampling sites. These findings suggest that localized road effects on stream SSCs are scale‐dependent in that these are important for low‐order headwater streams yet undetectable for their higher order counterparts. Findings point to the importance of low‐order stream crossings in increasing SSC and the need to further explore the role of unpaved roads as agents of water quality degradation in agriculturally active rural settings.  相似文献   

Regions within the U.S. Department of Energy Hanford 300 Area (300 A) site experience periodic hydrologic influences from the nearby Columbia River as a result of changing river stage, which causes changes in groundwater elevation, flow direction and water chemistry. An important question is the extent to which the mixing of Columbia River water and groundwater impacts the speciation and mobility of uranium (U). In this study, we designed experiments to mimic interactions among U, oxic groundwater or Columbia River water, and 300 A sediments in the subsurface environment of Hanford 300 A. The goals were to investigate mechanisms of: 1) U immobilization in 300 A sediments under bulk oxic conditions and 2) U remobilization from U-immobilized 300 A sediments exposed to oxic Columbia River water. Initially, 300 A sediments in column reactors were fed with U(VI)-containing oxic 1) synthetic groundwater (SGW), 2) organic-amended SGW (OA-SGW), and 3) de-ionized (DI) water to investigate U immobilization processes. After that, the sediments were exposed to oxic Columbia River water for U remobilization studies. The results reveal that U was immobilized by 300 A sediments predominantly through reduction (80-85%) when the column reactor was fed with oxic OA-SGW. However, U was immobilized by 300 A sediments through adsorption (100%) when the column reactors were fed with oxic SGW or DI water. The reduced U in the 300 A sediments fed with OA-SGW was relatively resistant to remobilization by oxic Columbia River water. Oxic Columbia River water resulted in U remobilization (∼7%) through desorption, and most of the U that remained in the 300 A sediments fed with OA-SGW (∼93%) was in the form of uraninite nanoparticles. These results reveal that: 1) the reductive immobilization of U through OA-SGW stimulation of indigenous 300 A sediment microorganisms may be viable in the relatively oxic Hanford 300 A subsurface environments and 2) with the intrusion of Columbia River water, desorption may be the primary process resulting in U remobilization from OA-SGW-stimulated 300 A sediments at the subsurface of the Hanford 300 A site.  相似文献   

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