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We targeted quantitative trait loci (QTL) for milk protein percentage (P%) in two Italian Holstein granddaughter design families using selective genotyping in combination with high throughput amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 64 extreme high and low sires in respect to estimated breeding value (EBV) for P% (EBVP%) were genotyped with 25 AFLP primer combinations that revealed 305 and 291 polymorphisms in the two families. Association between markers and EBVP% was investigated by a linear model only on bands having paternal origin (105 and 96 AFLP bands in family D and S, respectively). Although no marker was significantly associated with the target trait after correction for multiple comparisons, 17 AFLP markers, significant without correction for multiple tests, were considered suggestive of the presence of a QTL. Eleven of these were successfully located on six Bos taurus (BTA) chromosomes by radiation hybrid or in-silico mapping. Ten of these mapped in the immediate neighbourhood (less than 10 cM) of already described QTL for P%. Suggestive association was verified in four regions by microsatellites analysis: one on BTA 10; one on BTA 28; and two on BTA 18. Microsatellites identified significant effects by single marker and interval mapping analyses on BTA 10 and BTA 28, while they were only suggestive of the presence of QTL on BTA 18. In summary, our results firstly indicate that AFLP markers may be used to seek QTL exploiting a selective genotyping approach in GDD, a wide used experimental design in cattle; secondly, propose two approaches for AFLP mapping, namely in-silico mapping exploiting most updated release from the bovine whole genome sequencing project, and physical mapping exploiting a panel of Bovine/Hamster Radiation Hybrids; and thirdly, provide new information on QTLs for an economic important trait in a never investigated Holstein cattle population. AFLP in combination with selective genotyping can be a useful strategy for QTL searching in minor livestock species, sometimes having large economic impact in marginal areas, where more informative markers are still poorly developed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(6):4042-4058
An edited data set of 700 bulk and 46,338 test-day records collected between 2019 and 2021 in 42 Holstein-dominated farms in the Veneto Region (North of Italy) was available for the present study. Information on protein, fat and lactose content, somatic cell count, and somatic cell score was available in bulk milk as well as individual test-day records, whereas urea concentration (mg/dL), differential somatic cell count (%), and milk yield (kg/d) were available for test-day records only. Milk features were merged with meteorological data retrieved from 8 weather stations located maximum 10 km from the farms. The daily and weekly temperature-humidity index (THI; wTHI) and maximum daily (MTHI) and weekly temperature-humidity index were associated with each record to evaluate the effect of heat stress conditions on milk-related traits through linear mixed models. Least squares means were estimated to evaluate the effect of THI and, separately, of MTHI on milk characteristics correcting for conventional systematic factors. Overall, heat stress conditions lowered the quality of both bulk milk and test-day records, with fat and protein content being greatly reduced, and somatic cell score and differential somatic cell count augmented. Milk yield was not affected by either THI or MTHI in this data set, but the effect of elevated THI and MTHI was in general stronger on test-day records than on bulk milk. Farm-level economic losses of reduced milk quality rather than reduced yield as consequence of elevated THI or MTHI was estimated to be between $23.57 and $43.98 per farmer per day, which is of comparable magnitude to losses resulting from reduced production. Furthermore, MTHI was found to be a more accurate indicator of heat stress experienced by a cow, explaining more variability of traits compared with THI. The negative effect of heat stress conditions on quality traits commences at lower THI/MTHI values compared with milk yield. Thus, a progressive farmers' income loss due to climatic changes is already a reality and it is mainly due to deterioration of milk quality rather than quantity in the studied area.  相似文献   

The present research was conducted to study progesterone and cortisol concentrations in the claw of cattle and to verify whether the cattle claw could be considered an efficient matrix to provide retrospective information regarding progesterone and cortisol concentrations related to pregnancy and peripartum periods. These 2 steroids are involved in hoof growth. The study was performed on 32 calves and 24 pregnant milking cows of the Holstein breed, which were clinically healthy and lacking any claw disorders. Samples of at least 0.5 cm in thickness were taken from the sole. Progesterone and cortisol concentrations were determined by RIA. The cortisol concentration in the horny shoe of calves from 0 to 30 d of age was significantly higher than the concentration at 31 to 60 and 61 to 120 d of age. Conversely, the progesterone concentration showed no statistically significant difference in relation to age. The horn progesterone concentrations recorded in the milking dairy cows at 7 mo of pregnancy showed high variability in the horizontal sections of the sole (the individual coefficient of variation ranged between 0.09 and 1.11). In 6 cows, genuine extreme values (genuine outliers) of the progesterone level were found. Moreover, significant differences existed among the progesterone concentrations of the sole's transverse sections. We detected a significant positive correlation between the weight of the horn samples after freeze-drying and their weight after hydration. The cortisol and progesterone levels in soaked horn samples were found to be significantly lower than in the same dry samples. These results show that cortisol and progesterone can be measured in the cattle claw horn. The claws of mature dairy cows could not be used as a matrix to provide a retrospective measure of cumulative hormone secretion, whereas the analysis of the calves’ claw horns showed retrospective hormonal information similar to hair samples.  相似文献   

One hundred sixty-one Prototheca spp. strains isolated from composite milk and barn-surrounding environmental samples (bedding, feces, drinking, or washing water, surface swabs) of 24 Italian dairy herds were characterized by genotype-specific PCR analysis. Overall, 97.2% of strains isolated from composite milk samples were characterized as Prototheca zopfii genotype 2, confirming its role as the main mastitis pathogen, whereas Prototheca blaschkeae was only sporadically isolated (2.8%). Regarding environmental sampling, 84.9% of isolates belonged to P. zopfii genotype 2, 13.2% to P. blaschkeae, and 1.9% to P. zopfii genotype 1. The data herein contradict previous hypotheses about the supposed exclusive role of P. zopfii genotype 2 as the causative agent of protothecal mastitis and, on the contrary, confirm the hypothesis that such pathology could be caused by P. blaschkeae in a few instances.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the inhibition of milk ejection during and/or between machine milkings is responsible for the low milk fat observed in commercial milk obtained from dairy ewes managed with a mixed system (MIX) of partial daily suckling (10 h) and once daily machine milking (after 14 h of udder filling). East Friesian crossbred dairy ewes were randomly allocated postpartum to the MIX system (n = 9) or to exclusive twice-daily machine milking (DY1, n = 8). Following wk 4, MIX ewes were permanently weaned from their lambs and milked twice daily. All ewes were injected with saline, oxytocin, or an oxytocin-receptor antagonist prior to three morning milkings during wk 2,4, and 6 of lactation to study cisternal and alveolar milk distribution. Overall milk yield (cisternal + alveolar) for MIX ewes was 42% greater than for DY1 ewes during wk 2 and 4, which demonstrates the beneficial effect of lamb suckling on milk production of dairy ewes. However, during normal machine milking, only the cisternal fraction was obtained from MIX ewes, confirming that milk ejection did not occur for as long as these ewes remained in partial daily contact with their lambs. Although the volume of milk stored within the cistern, and its concentration of milk protein was similar for the two weaning systems, milk of MIX ewes was significantly inferior in cisternal milk fat concentration and yield compared to DY1 ewes. This provides evidence that not only is there inhibition of milk ejection during machine milking of MIX ewes, there is additional inhibition of transfer of milk fat, but not milk protein, from the alveoli to the cistern during the evening when MIX ewes a reseparated from their lambs. Following weaning of MIX ewes, the majority of lactation traits studied were similar compared to DY1 ewes.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):5561-5572
Several studies have reported gross composition differences between organic and conventional milk; however, most studies have not considered other factors such as breed and diet ingredients, which are known to influence milk composition. Thus, this study aimed to provide a detailed characterization of Holstein-Friesian cow milk from organic (ORG) and conventional (CONV) herds with similar diet ingredients and in the same geographic area. Bulk milk samples (n = 225) of 12 ORG and 12 CONV farms were collected from September 2019 to August 2020. Farms were located in Northern Italy, included corn (meal, silage, or both) in the lactating diets, and had similar management conditions, but ORG herds spent a period on pasture. Factors affecting milk composition were tested using a linear mixed model, which included calendar month, farming system (ORG and CONV), and their interactions as fixed effects, and farm nested within farming system as random effect. Results showed that total fat, lactose, vitamin E, and AA did not significantly differ between farming systems. Total protein and casein contents were significantly lower in ORG than CONV herds, and somatic cell score (SCS) was greater in ORG than CONV. Among minerals, differences were observed for Fe, K, Mg, and S in some months, being lower in ORG than CONV for K, Mg, and S and greater or lower for Fe depending on the month. Among fatty acid (FA) groups, index, and ratios, only polyunsaturated FA and n-3 FA tended to be greater in ORG than CONV, and cis-FA were greater in ORG than CONV during October. Among the most abundant individual FA, only C16:1n-9 differed, being lower in ORG than CONV. The calendar month (and hence seasonal feed ration) was significant for milk gross composition, SCS, vitamin E, mineral profile (except for Mo, Sr, and Zn), AA profile, FA groups (except for medium-chain FA), FA index and ratios, and individual FA (except C16:0). We conclude that the overall milk composition was quite similar between the 2 farming systems. This could be related to the similarity of the selected farms, the Holstein-Friesian breed, and generally high level of intensity in both farming systems.  相似文献   

The authors report the results of a study aimed at the comparison of the basic chemical composition, the main protein fractions distribution, rennet coagulation properties and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese yield of vat milk from Italian Brown and Italian Friesian herds. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese factories which manufacture milk separately from Italian Brown herds and Italian Friesian herds were used in the study. Thirteen cheesemaking trials were performed at 10 different commercial cheese factories. The study was carried out from March to October 2003. For each cheesemaking trial in each factory, approximately 1100 kg milk from Italian Brown cows and from Italian Friesian cows were processed in parallel. The animals involved in the study came from farms with comparable management practices, size, location, number of lactation and days in milking. Each vat contained milk obtained by combining milk collected during the evening milking (partially skimmed milk by natural creaming) and the following morning milking (full-cream milk), from at least 2 dairy herds. Milk from Italian Brown cows is characterised by a higher casein content (27.1 v. 23.7 g/kg; P < or = 0.0001) than Italian Friesian cows' milk. Curd firming time (k20) of Italian Brown cows' milk was markedly lower than that of Italian Friesian cows' milk (6.6 v. 10.0 min; P < or = 0.001). This implies a higher rate of aggregation of para-casein micelles for Italian Brown cows' milk. The coagulum of Italian Brown cows' milk had better rheological properties and lower losses of fat in the cheese whey. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese yield at 24 h was also higher for Italian Brown cows' milk, + 0.99 kg cheese for every 100 kg vat milk.  相似文献   

East Friesian crossbred ewes (n = 99) and their lambs (n = 232) were used to study the effects of three weaning systems on milk production and lamb growth. Prior to parturition, a ewe and her lambs were assigned to one of the following three treatments for the first 28 +/- 3 d of lactation: 1) ewes weaned from their lambs at 24 h postpartum, ewes machine milked twice daily, and their lambs raised artificially (DY1); or 2) beginning 24 h postpartum, ewes separated from their lambs for 15 h during the evening, ewes machine milked once daily in the morning, and their lambs allowed to suckle for 9 h during the day (MIX); or 3) ewes not machine milked and exclusively suckled by their lambs (DY30). After the treatment period, lambs were weaned from MIX and DY30 ewes, and all three groups were machine milked twice daily. Daily commercial milk yield and milk composition were recorded weekly or twice monthly, and lambs were weighed at weaning or at 28 d and at approximately 120 d of age. Average lactation length (suckling + milking period) was 183 +/- 5 d and was similar among weaning systems. Differences among weaning systems for milk yield, milk fat and protein percentages, and somatic cell count were highly significant prior to and around weaning, and became nonsignificant by 6 wk in lactation. Total commercial milk production was greatest for DY1 and MIX ewes (261 +/- 10 and 236 +/- 10 kg/ewe, respectively) and least for DY30 ewes (172 +/- 10 kg/ewe). Daily gain of lambs to 30 d and weight at 30 d were similar regardless of weaning system; however, by 120 d, DY30 lambs tended to be heaviest, MIX lambs intermediate, and DY1 lambs lightest (47.3 +/- 1.6, 45.9 +/- 1.8, and 43.7 +/- 1.2 kg, respectively). Overall financial returns for milk and lamb sales were greatest for the MIX system because of the increase in marketable milk during the first 30 d of lactation compared with the DY30 system and because of acceptable 120-d lamb weights without the expenses of artificial rearing compared with the DY1 system. A mixed system of suckling and milking during early lactation appears to be a valuable management tool for dairy sheep production.  相似文献   

Effect of photoperiod on milk yield and milk fat in commercial dairy herds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred and sixteen cows stanchioned in 13 dairy herds were exposed to supplemental lighting of 16 to 16.25 h of light per day from fluorescent lamps, whereas 240 herdmates received only sunlight (9 to 12 h/day) plus lighting for usual management activities (e.g., milking and feeding). After adjustment for differences in stage of lactation, lactation number, mature equivalent, and pretrial milk yield, cows exposed to supplemental lighting produced 2.2 kg per day more milk and had .16% less milk fat than herdmate controls.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in milk are a public health concern and have to be regularly monitored. A survey on the presence of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and ochratoxin A (OTA) in raw bulk milk was conducted in 2003 in the northwest of France, the main French milk-producing basin. Randomly selected farms (n = 132) were characterized by a diet based on corn silage and containing a large proportion of on-farm produced cereals, feeding sources that are frequently contaminated by mycotoxins. Farms were surveyed twice in winter and in summer. At each sampling time, a trained surveyor completed a questionnaire recording farm management procedures and production traits. The AFM1 was found in 3 out of 264 samples but at levels (26 ng/L or less) that are below the European legislation limit of 50 ng/L. Traces of AFM1 (less than 8 ng/L) were also found in 6 other samples. The OTA was detected in 3 samples also at low levels, 5 to 8 ng/L. Farms that tested positive to the presence of mycotoxins, 12 in total including 6 farms that had traces of AFM1, differed from negative farms by a more extensive use of total mixed rations, 58 vs. 27%. In addition, the positive farms tended to have lower milk yields. Although the incidence of milk contamination with AFM1 and OTA at the farm level was low during the period studied, production and management data from the surveyed farms suggest a link between feeding management practices and mycotoxin contamination.  相似文献   

The responses of five lactating East Friesian milk ewes to experimental mammary infection with Staphylococcus epidermidis and of five control ewes were examined over a period of 10 weeks. Infection caused an influx of neutrophils into milk, the numbers of which started to rise 4 h post infection and peaked 24 h after infection. The initial response was accompanied by mild fever and mild leucopaenia in blood (8 h after infection). No other signs of systemic infection were observed. Milk appeared normal at all times, although the milk yield of infected ewes tended to decline. Staphylococci were absent in milk from four ewes at 2 d and at 3 d after infection, but re-emerged intermittently in four of five ewes at subsequent samplings. Cytokines in milk were measured by ELISA. IL-8 was elevated in infected glands at 2 h and peaked at 8 h. In the four ewes intermittently shedding bacteria, IL-8 remained elevated until the final sampling at 10 weeks. IL-1beta was transiently elevated at 1 d and 2 d and showed a pronounced peak in one sheep. Milk samples from this ewe were bacteriologically negative, somatic cell count (SCC) was within the normal range and the concentrations of IL-1beta, as well as IL-8, were similiar to the control group (n=5) from 1 week after infection until the final sampling. Histological examination revealed leucocytic infiltrates in the four glands remaining infected at the end of the experiment, and a high level of CD5+ lymphocytes in three ewes. The results suggest that the relationship between the initial neutrophil influx and the proinflammatory cytokines may be responsible for determining the course of infection. Subclinical mastitis due to coagulase-negative staphylococci leads to minor changes in milk yield and milk constituents.  相似文献   

Herds with higher milk production per cow tend to have used bulls with larger Predicted Differences and to have larger Cow Indexes. A larger portion of cows in these herds should attain elite status for production than in herds with lower production. However, even when average sire merit was similar, higher producing herds had substantially more elite cows, apparently because standard deviation of deviated production of cows is greater in herds with high milk production. This suggested that cow deviation in high producing herds may receive too much weight in the Cow Index. However, higher heritabilities likely are appropriate for cows in higher producing herds, which would favor weighting deviation more in high producing herds. Adjustments for these two effects would offset each other at least partially. Cow Indexes adjusted for either or both effects had similar correlations with son or daughter performance as did the current Cow Index that considers neither effect. Although high producing herds have more elite cows than can be justified by average sire merit, some of the apparent advantage may be justifiable by larger heritabilities.  相似文献   

Determining the species of mycoplasma isolated from culture-positive milk samples is important for understanding the clinical significance of their detection. Between August 2016 and December 2019, 214,518 milk samples from 2,757 dairy herds were submitted to Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS) at Cornell University for mycoplasma culture. From these samples, 3,728 collected from 204 herds were culture positive. Based on the request of herd managers, owners, or veterinarians, 889 isolates from 98 herds were subjected to molecular identification by PCR and amplicon sequencing. The largest proportion of the identified isolates were from New York State (78.1%), while the others came from the eastern United States (17.8%), Texas (2.0%), and New Mexico (2.1%). As expected, Mycoplasma spp. were the most common (855 isolates, 96.2%) and Acholeplasma spp. accounted for the remainder (34 isolates, 3.8%). Mycoplasma bovis was the most prevalent Mycoplasma species (75.1%), followed by M. bovigenitalium (6.5%), M. canadense (5.9%), M. alkalescens (5%), M. arginini (1.7%), M. californicum (0.1%), and M. primatum (0.1%). A portion of the isolates were confirmed as Mycoplasma spp. other than M. bovis but were not identified at the species level (16 isolates, 1.8%) because further information was not requested by the manager, owner, or veterinarian. Mycoplasma bovis was the only species identified in 59 of the 98 herds. However, more than 1 Mycoplasma sp. was identified in 29 herds, suggesting that herd infection with 2 or more mycoplasmas is not uncommon. Moreover, a Mycoplasma sp. other than M. bovis was the only species identified in 8 herds. From the subset of 889 mycoplasma culture-positive isolates from 98 herds, we determined that over a third of the herds had either more than 1 Mycoplasma sp. or a Mycoplasma sp. other than M. bovis detected in their milk samples. In conclusion, we observed that M. bovis is the most common pathogenic Mycoplasma species found in mastitic milk, but other Mycoplasma species are not uncommon. Our results suggest that it is critical to test milk samples for mycoplasmas using diagnostic tests able to identify both the genus and the species.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between individual cow milk yield and fertility, accounting for the contextual effect of the herd. A data set including 657,968 lactations from 677 dairy herds in Argentina from 2001 to 2012 was used. The odds of pregnancy by 100 d in milk (DIM) were assessed by a multilevel logistic model (with cow as the first and herd as the second hierarchical level), and time to pregnancy was assessed by a proportional hazards regression model. Multilevel logistic models included the fixed effects of milk yield by 80 DIM, parity, year, and calving season at cow level and quartiles of herd milk yield by 80 DIM as a contextual effect. The proportional hazards model included the effect of daily cow-level milk yield as time-dependent variable, with milk yield at herd level as the stratification variable. Cows producing 1 standard deviation over the mean milk yield of their herd had 1.3 percentage point lower pregnancy by 100 DIM (from 31.4 to 30.1%; odds ratio = 0.942) when in herds in the top quartile of milk yield, whereas they increased 0.5 percentage points (from 27.9 to 28.4%) when in herds in the lowest quartile of milk yield. Only 4% of the observed variation in pregnancy by 100 DIM was explained by the random effect of the herd. Similarly, cows producing 1 standard deviation (8 kg/d) greater than the herd mean daily milk had 1.3% lower hazard of pregnancy (hazard ratio = 0.987) at 63 DIM in herds in the top quartile of milk yield, whereas they had 14.8% higher hazard (hazard ratio = 1.148) in herds in the lowest quartile of milk yield. The magnitude of the negative association between the cow's daily milk yield and the hazard of pregnancy increased with DIM. In conclusion, the relationship between milk yield and reproductive performance is statistically significant, but the effect size is practically small and is modulated by herd production level.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to characterize Wisconsin dairy herds that enrolled in a team-based milk quality improvement program and to assess association of specific management practices with milking efficiency and milk quality. Management and financial data were obtained from dairy farms (n = 180) that participated in the program. Upon enrollment, herds reported a median bulk milk somatic cell count (SCC) of 333,500 cells/mL, an average of 125 lactating cows, and a mean rolling-herd average of 10,100 kg. Many management practices and bulk milk SCC were strongly associated with herd size and facility type. Managers of herds housed in freestall barns adopted more standardized procedures and recommended management practices compared with managers of herds housed in stall barns. Those managers also reported less bulk milk SCC and greater milk yields, and had a tendency for lower prevalence of subclinical mastitis and reduced estimates of the incidence of clinical mastitis. Managers of freestall herds received more quality premiums for milk shipped, estimated that they had fewer financial losses related to mastitis, and reported more efficient milking performance. A more efficient milking performance did not increase estimates of clinical mastitis or bulk milk SCC. In herds having freestalls, frequent training of employees seemed to be the fundamental factor that increased milking efficiency. Bulk milk SCC was positively associated with standard plate count, estimated rate of clinical mastitis, prevalence of subclinical mastitis, numbers of cows culled for mastitis, and estimated financial losses attributable to mastitis. Herds reporting high bulk milk SCC had an increased prevalence of subclinical mastitis, but incidence did not differ among bulk milk SCC categories. Overall, herds did not discuss milk quality frequently with dairy professionals, and herds having greater bulk milk SCC reported less consultation with their herd veterinarian.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus pesticides residues in Italian raw milk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs), widely used in agriculture, can cause toxic effects to humans and animals. The main purpose of the present work was to determine the contamination in raw milk by the main organophosphorus pesticides used in Italy and to evaluate the opportunity to start specific procedures of risk management along the milk production chain. The samples, collected in 4 Italian dairy plants directly from the tank trucks during the delivering, were representative of 920 tonnes of raw milk. The isolation of the OPPs (acephate, chlorpyriphos, chlorpyriphos-methyl, diazinon, methamidophos, methidathion, phorate, pirimiphos-methyl) was performed by liquid partition followed by clean-up with solid phase extraction. The analyses were carried out by dual column gas chromatography using two nitrogen-phosphorus detectors. Among the 135 samples analysed, 37 were positive in traces and 10 showed an OPP contamination ranging from 5 to 18 microg/kg. The higher results were recorded in the samples collected during the autumn-winter period. The main pollutants detected were acephate and chlorpyriphos. In every positive sample found, the OPP contamination was lower than the maximum residue level (MRL) fixed by the European Commission.  相似文献   

Changes of terpene content in milk from cows grazing natural diversified upland pasture were examined in this observational trial. A homogeneous plot divided into 2 subplots was used from May 31 to July 1, 2003 (first growth) and again from October 1 to October 7, 2003 (vegetative regrowth). Each subplot was grazed by 6 dairy cows in 2 ways: strip grazing (SG), with new allocations of pasture strips at 2-d intervals, and paddock grazing (PG). The PG subplot was divided into 3 paddocks and the cows were moved to a new paddock on June 13 and June 24, 2003. Milk from the 6 cows was collected twice a week, pooled, and used for terpene analyses by dynamic headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system. Twenty mono- and 23 sesquiterpenes desorbing from the milk fat were separated. The most abundant monoterpenes were β-pinene, α-pinene, γ-terpinene, limonene, α-tujene, terpinolene, and α-phellandrene. The most abundant sesquiterpenes were β-caryophyllene, α-copaene, β-cedrene, transmuurola-4-(14)-5-diene, β-bisabolene, and δ-cadinene. Both mono- and sesquiterpenes in SG milk increased across time with an 8-fold increase in total terpenes in milk from the beginning to the end of June. In parallel, dicotyledons, including the main terpene-rich plants, increased from 17 to 31% of total biomass of the vegetation and the development of Dactylis glomerata progressed from boot to ripening stage. The terpenes in PG milk were equivalent to those in SG milk for the first paddock at the beginning of June and remained constant or doubled for the sum of mono- and sesquiterpenes, respectively. The lower variability of the PG milk terpene content could be related to the opportunity that PG cows had to choose ingested herbage, whereas the SG cows had limited choice within the smaller allocated pasture strips. Milk from cows grazing regrowth pastures in October contained low levels of terpenes, and values were similar for PG and SG milks. Change in the sum of monoterpenes is representative of changes for most monoterpenes (except for limonene) and, conversely, the change in the sum of sesquiterpenes mainly reflected changes in β-caryophyllene and α-copaene. In addition to effects of botanical composition of pasture, it appears that terpene content in milk may vary according to factors linked to grazing management that need more intensive study. Nevertheless, current results raise questions about the precision of terpenes as feed tracers.  相似文献   

Sources of variation in milk urea nitrogen in Ohio dairy herds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The purpose of this study was to estimate the amount of variation in milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentrations attributable to test-day, individual cow, and herd effects and to describe factors associated with MUN measurements in Ohio dairy herds. The data came from 24 Holstein herds, half of which were classified as low producing (LP) [rolling herd average (RHA) milk production < 7,258 kg] and half as high producing (HP) herds (RHA production > 10,433 kg). MUN concentration was measured from cow's monthly test-day milk samples. The data were analyzed using multilevel modeling technique in MLwiN, separately for LP and HP herds. The unadjusted mean MUN was 13.9 mg/dl for the HP herds and 11.3 mg/dl for the LP herds. The variance structure was different between the two groups. Most of the variability was found at test-day level in the LP herds, but at herd level in HP herds. MUN was lowest during the first month of lactation, and also season was associated with MUN in both groups. Test-day milk yield, milk fat percentage, and SCC were associated with MUN in the HP herds. With significant explanatory variables in the model, proportionally more of the variation was explained at herd level and less at test day level in both groups. Lower variability in MUN between test days in the HP herds may indicate more consistent day-to-day feeding and management within a herd. The great variability between test days should be considered when interpreting MUN and samples should be collected at the same time of the day to minimize day-to-day variability.  相似文献   

Efficiency of converting nutrient dry matter to milk in Holstein herds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Production of milk from feed dry matter intakes (DMI), called dairy or feed efficiency, is not commonly measured in dairy herds as is feed conversion to weight gain in swine, beef, and poultry; however, it has relevance to conversion of purchased input to salable product and proportion of dietary nutrients excreted. The purpose of this study was to identify some readily measured factors that affect dairy efficiency. Data were collected from 13 dairy herds visited 34 times over a 14-mo period. Variables measured included cool or warm season (high ambient temperature <21 degrees C or >21 degrees C, respectively), days in milk, DMI, milk yield, milk fat percent, herd size, dietary concentrations (DM basis) and kilograms of crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and forage. Season, days in milk, CP % and forage % of diet DM, and kilograms of dietary CP affected dairy efficiency. When evaluated using a model containing the significant variables, dairy efficiency was lower in the warm season (1.31) than in the cool season (1.40). In terms of simple correlations, dairy efficiency was negatively correlated with days in milk (r = -0.529), DMI (r = -0.316), forage % (r = -0.430), NDF % (r = -0.308), and kilograms of forage (r = -0.516), NDF (r = -0.434), and ADF (r = -0.313), in the diet, respectively. Dairy efficiency was positively correlated with milk yield (r = 0.707). The same relative patterns of significance and correlation were noted for dairy efficiency calculated with 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield. Diets fed by the herds fell within such a small range of variation (mean +/- standard deviation) for CP % (16.3 +/- 0.696), NDF % (33.2 +/- 2.68), and forage % (46.9 +/- 5.56) that these would not be expected to be useful to evaluate the effect of excessive underfeeding or overfeeding of these dietary components. The negative relationships of dairy efficiency with increasing dietary fiber and forage may reflect the effect of decreased diet digestibility. The results of this study suggest that managing herd breeding programs to reduce average days in milk and providing a cooler environment for the cows may help to maximize dairy efficiency. The mechanisms for the effects of the dietary variables on dairy efficiency need to be understood and evaluated over a broader range of diets and conditions before more firm conclusions regarding their impact can be drawn.  相似文献   

The 1999 Wisconsin Dairy Modernization Project was conducted to examine variation in milk production and labor efficiency among herds that had recently expanded. Data were obtained from a sample of Wisconsin herds that expanded between 1994 and 1998. Using rolling herd average milk production in 1998 as the dependent variable in the milk production model, milking frequency, bovine somatotropin use, sprinkler use, average linear somatic cell score, average age at first calving, average days dry, and rolling herd average milk production in 1994 predicted 69% of the variation in milk production. Milking three times daily, using bovine somatotropin, using sprinklers to cool cows, and decreasing linear somatic cell score, age at first calving, and days dry were associated with increased milk production. Each of these variables supports previous research from designed experiments with on-farm results. Variation in milk production is determined primarily by differences in management ability and management practices employed by the dairy producer. Using cows per full-time equivalent as the dependent variable in the labor efficiency model, acres per cow, number of people involved in the milking operation, milking system type, herd size, and interactions between milking system types and herd size predicted approximately 43% of the variation in labor efficiency. As expected, labor efficiency increased with larger herd sizes, fewer acres per cow, and fewer people involved in the milking process. Parallel milking parlors were associated with the highest cows per full-time equivalent followed by herringbone parlors, flat barns, and stall barns.  相似文献   

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