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We obtain error bounds for a modified Chorin–Teman (Euler non-incremental) method for non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements applied to the evolutionary Navier–Stokes equations. The analysis of the classical Euler non-incremental method is obtained as a particular case. We prove that the modified Euler non-incremental scheme has an inherent stabilization that allows the use of non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements without any kind of extra added stabilization. We show that it is also true in the case of the classical Chorin–Temam method. The relation of the methods with the so called pressure stabilized Petrov Galerkin method is established. We do not assume non-local compatibility conditions for the solution.  相似文献   

We develop a family of locking-free elements for the Reissner–Mindlin plate using Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) techniques, one for each odd degree, and prove optimal error estimates. A second family uses conforming elements for the rotations and nonconforming elements for the transverse displacement, generalizing the element of Arnold and Falk to higher degree.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with corrected volume and issue numbers.  相似文献   

We consider a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the advection–reaction equation in two space–dimensions. For polynomial approximation spaces of degree greater than or equal to two on triangles we propose a method where stability is obtained by a penalization of only the upper portion of the polynomial spectrum of the jump of the solution over element edges. We prove stability in the standard h-weighted graphnorm and obtain optimal order error estimates with respect to mesh-size. The second author was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present efficient quadrature rules for the numerical approximation of integrals of polynomial functions over general polygonal/polyhedral elements that do not require an explicit construction of a sub-tessellation into triangular/tetrahedral elements. The method is based on successive application of Stokes’ theorem; thereby, the underlying integral may be evaluated using only the values of the integrand and its derivatives at the vertices of the polytopic domain, and hence leads to an exact cubature rule whose quadrature points are the vertices of the polytope. We demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed approach by efficiently computing the stiffness and mass matrices arising from hp-version symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of second-order elliptic partial differential equations.  相似文献   

In this paper we present numerical investigations of four different formulations of the discontinuous Galerkin method for diffusion problems. Our focus is to determine, through numerical experimentation, practical guidelines as to which numerical flux choice should be used when applying discontinuous Galerkin methods to such problems. We examine first an inconsistent and weakly unstable scheme analyzed in Zhang and Shu, Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. (M 3 AS) 13, 395–413 (2003), and then proceed to examine three consistent and stable schemes: the Bassi–Rebay scheme (J. Comput. Phys. 131, 267 (1997)), the local discontinuous Galerkin scheme (SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 35, 2440–2463 (1998)) and the Baumann–Oden scheme (Comput. Math. Appl. Mech. Eng. 175, 311–341 (1999)). For an one-dimensional model problem, we examine the stencil width, h-convergence properties, p-convergence properties, eigenspectra and system conditioning when different flux choices are applied. We also examine the ramifications of adding stabilization to these schemes. We conclude by providing the pros and cons of the different flux choices based upon our numerical experiments.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with corrected volume and issue numbers.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a class of so-called two-grid hp-version discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the numerical solution of a second-order quasilinear elliptic boundary value problem of monotone type. The key idea in this setting is to first discretise the underlying nonlinear problem on a coarse finite element space $V({{\mathcal {T}_{H}}},\boldsymbol {P})$ . The resulting ‘coarse’ numerical solution is then exploited to provide the necessary data needed to linearise the underlying discretisation on the finer space $V({{\mathcal {T}_{h}}},\boldsymbol {p})$ ; thereby, only a linear system of equations is solved on the richer space $V({{\mathcal {T}_{h}}},\boldsymbol {p})$ . In this article both the a priori and a posteriori error analysis of the two-grid hp-version discontinuous Galerkin finite element method is developed. Moreover, we propose and implement an hp-adaptive two-grid algorithm, which is capable of designing both the coarse and fine finite element spaces $V({{\mathcal {T}_{H}}},\boldsymbol {P})$ and $V({{\mathcal {T}_{h}}},\boldsymbol {p})$ , respectively, in an automatic fashion. Numerical experiments are presented for both two- and three-dimensional problems; in each case, we demonstrate that the CPU time required to compute the numerical solution to a given accuracy is typically less when the two-grid approach is exploited, when compared to the standard discontinuous Galerkin method.  相似文献   

The finite element formulation resulting from coupling the local discontinuous Galerkin method with a standard conforming finite element method for elliptic problems is analyzed. The transmission conditions across the interface separating the subdomains where the different formulations are applied are taken into account by a suitable definition of the so-called numerical fluxes. An error analysis leading to optimal a priori error estimates is presented for arbitrary meshes with possible hanging nodes. Numerical experiments validating the theoretical results are reported.  相似文献   

We present a shock capturing procedure for high order Discontinuous Galerkin methods, by which shock regions are refined in sub-cells and treated by finite volume techniques. Hence, our approach combines the good properties of the Discontinuous Galerkin method in smooth parts of the flow with the perfect properties of a total variation diminishing finite volume method for resolving shocks without spurious oscillations. Due to the sub-cell approach the interior resolution on the Discontinuous Galerkin grid cell is nearly preserved and the number of degrees of freedom remains the same. This structure allows the interpretation of the data either as DG solution or as finite volume solution on the subgrid. In this paper we explain the efficient implementation of this coupled method on massively parallel computers and show some numerical results.  相似文献   

Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods (DGFEM) offer certain advantages over standard continuous finite element methods when applied to the spatial discretisation of the acoustic wave equation. For instance, the mass matrix has a block diagonal structure which, used in conjunction with an explicit time stepping scheme, gives an extremely economical scheme for time domain simulation. This feature is ubiquitous and extends to other time-dependent wave problems such as Maxwell’s equations. An important consideration in computational wave propagation is the dispersive and dissipative properties of the discretisation scheme in comparison with those of the original system. We investigate these properties for two popular DGFEM schemes: the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method applied to the second-order wave equation and a more general family of schemes applied to the corresponding first order system. We show how the analysis of the multi-dimensional case may be reduced to consideration of one-dimensional problems. We derive the dispersion error for various schemes and conjecture on the generalisation to higher order approximation in space  相似文献   

In this paper we will consider the simulation of the local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) finite element method for the porous medium equation (PME), where we present an additional nonnegativity preserving limiter to satisfy the physical nature of the PME. We also prove for the discontinuous ℙ0 finite element that the average in each cell of the LDG solution for the PME maintains nonnegativity if the initial solution is nonnegative within some restriction for the flux’s parameter. Finally, numerical results are given to show the advantage of the LDG method for the simulation of the PME, in its capability to capture accurately sharp interfaces without oscillation. The research of Q. Zhang is supported by CNNSF grant 10301016.  相似文献   

Some discontinuous Galerkin methods for the linear convection-diffusion equation −ε u″+bu′=f are studied. Based on superconvergence properties of numerical fluxes at element nodes established in some earlier works, e.g., Celiker and Cockburn in Math. Comput. 76(257), 67–96, 2007, we identify superconvergence points for the approximations of u or q=u′. Our results are twofold: 1) For the minimal dissipation LDG method (we call it md-LDG in this paper) using polynomials of degree p, we prove that the leading terms of the discretization errors for u and q are proportional to the right Radau and left Radau polynomials of degree p+1, respectively. Consequently, the zeros of the right-Radau and left-Radau polynomials of degree p+1 are the superconvergence points of order p+2 for the discretization errors of the potential and of the gradient, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider discontinuous Galerkin approximations to the solution of Timoshenko beam problems and show how to post-process them in an element-by-element fashion to obtain a far better approximation. Indeed, we show numerically that, if polynomials of degree p≥1 are used, the post-processed approximation converges with order 2p+1 in the L -norm throughout the domain. This has to be contrasted with the fact that before post-processing, the approximation converges with order p+1 only. Moreover, we show that this superconvergence property does not deteriorate as the the thickness of the beam becomes extremely small.Supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-0411254 and by the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.  相似文献   

A framework for studying the amplitude and phase errors for discontinuous spectral element methods applied to wave propagation problems is presented. In this framework, boundary conditions can be accounted for and the spatial distribution of the errors within individual elements can be obtained. This is of importance for spectral element discretizations, for which it might be convenient to have the element size larger than the wavelength. When applied to multiple element discretizations, this allows identification of criteria for reducing the errors. While these criteria depend in general on the particular application and the discretization itself, an attempt is made to obtain optimal methods for the case when the wave propagation takes place over a large number of elements. Unfortunately, such optimization leads in the most general case to full mass matrices, and hence is useful mainly for linear problems.  相似文献   

We investigate the numerical performance of several FETI and FETI-DP algorithms, for both spectral and mortar spectral elements on geometrically conforming discretizations of the computational domain.  相似文献   

Based on Cockburn et al. (Math. Comp. 78:1?C24, 2009), superconvergent discontinuous Galerkin methods are identified for linear non-selfadjoint and indefinite elliptic problems. With the help of an auxiliary problem which is the discrete version of a linear non-selfadjoint elliptic problem in divergence form, optimal error estimates of order k+1 in L 2-norm for the potential and the flux are derived, when piecewise polynomials of degree k??1 are used to approximate both potential and flux variables. Using a suitable post-processing of the discrete potential, it is then shown that the resulting post-processed potential converges with order k+2 in L 2-norm. The article is concluded with a numerical experiment which confirms the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce and analyze discontinuous Galerkin methods for a Naghdi type arch model. We prove that, when the numerical traces are properly chosen, the methods display optimal convergence uniformly with respect to the thickness of the arch. These methods are thus free from membrane and shear locking. We also prove that, when polynomials of degree k are used, all the numerical traces superconverge with a rate of order h 2k+1. Numerical experiments verifying the above-mentioned theoretical results are displayed.  相似文献   

We numerically verify that the non-symmetric interior penalty Galerkin method and the Oden-Babus?ka-Baumann method have sub-optimal convergence properties when measured in the L 2-norm for odd polynomial approximations. We provide numerical examples that use piece-wise linear and cubic polynomials to approximate a second-order elliptic problem in one and two dimensions.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for hyperbolic and convection dominated problems. The presented scheme can be used in several space dimension and with a wide range of grid types. The stabilization method preserves the locality of the DG method and therefore allows to apply the same parallelization techniques used for the underlying DG method. As an example problem we consider the Euler equations of gas dynamics for an ideal gas. We demonstrate the stability and accuracy of our method through the detailed study of several test cases in two space dimension on both unstructured and cartesian grids. We show that our stabilization approach preserves the advantages of the DG method in regions where stabilization is not necessary. Furthermore, we give an outlook to adaptive and parallel calculations in 3d.  相似文献   

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