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The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of whey protein isolate (WPI)-beet pectin conjugation on the physical and chemical properties of oil-in-water emulsions incorporating β-carotene within the oil droplets. Covalent coupling of WPI to beet pectin was achieved by dry heating of WPI-beet pectin mixtures of different weight ratios at 80, 90, 100 °C and 79% relative humidity for incubation times ranging from 1 to 9 h. It was confirmed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis that WPI covalently linked to beet pectin. The physical and chemical stability of β-carotene emulsions was characterized by droplet size and distribution, transmission profiles using novel centrifugal sedimentation technique, microstructure and β-carotene degradation during the storage. Compared with those stabilized by WPI alone and unheated WPI-beet pectin mixtures, β-carotene emulsions stabilized by WPI-beet pectin conjugates had much smaller droplet sizes, more homogenous droplet size distribution, less change in centrifugal transmission profiles and obviously improved freeze–thaw stability, indicating a very substantial improvement in the physical stability. Rheological analysis exhibited that emulsions stabilized by WPI-beet pectin conjugates changed from a shear thinning to more like Newtonian liquid compared those with WPI alone and unheated WPI-beet pectin mixtures. Degradation of β-carotene in emulsion during storage was more obviously retarded by WPI-beet pectin conjugate than WPI and unheated WPI-beet pectin mixture, probably due to a thicker and denser interfacial layer in emulsion droplets. These results implied that protein–polysaccharide conjugates were able to improve the physical stability of β-carotene emulsion and inhibit the deterioration of β-carotene in oil-in-water emulsions.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to characterise the influence of ultra-high-temperature (UHT) treatment and high-pressure homogenisation on functional properties of whipping cream (30% fat content) in relation to adding κ-carrageenan (0%, 0.02% and 0.04% in milk plasma). The determination of the particle size distribution, which was measured by laser diffraction and verified by microscopic observation, indicated that the diameter of fat globules decreased significantly by homogenisation but clusters of small fat globules were produced before the carrageenan–casein micelles aggregates. The viscosity of cream was increased and the thixotropic behaviour was observed both by adding carrageenan and by homogenisation. The homogenisation significantly increased colloidal stability during storage and milk plasmas’ release was minimised in combination with carrageenan addition. The most influenced functional properties were: the whippability, which was significantly impaired by homogenisation, and the stability of whipped foam, which was significantly improved with the increase of the carrageenan concentration.  相似文献   

The effect of κ-carrageenan concentration (0-7.5 g kg−1) on the rheology, microstructure, texture and oxidative stability of water-in-oil (W/O) spreads (600 g fat kg−1 emulsion) was examined over 60 days storage time. Results showed that increasing the κ-carrageenan concentration to 7.5 g kg−1 significantly increased the viscosity of the aqueous phase (to 42.7 mPa s at 60 °C) resulting in gelation of the aqueous phase on cooling. The microstructure of the spreads was disrupted by higher levels of κ-carrageenan, resulting in a less homogeneous distribution of the aqueous phase. Melt temperature (where tan δ > 1) decreased significantly from 62 to 56.2 °C with increasing κ-carrageenan concentration from 0 to 7.5 g kg−1. The firmness and the G′ at 6 °C for all samples were significantly increased after 60 days storage with only small effects due to κ-carrageenan levels. Oxidation of the fat phase was evident by the significant increases in peroxide values of all spreads on storage, with κ-carrageenan exhibiting no antioxidant behaviour. While increased κ-carrageenan levels modified the microstructure of W/O spreads in terms of the droplet size of the aqueous phase and its distribution few changes were evident in the continuous fat phase.  相似文献   

With the purpose to improve the physico-chemical performance of plain gelatin and chitosan films, compound gelatin–chitosan films were prepared. The effect of the gelatin origin (commercial bovine-hide gelatin and laboratory-made tuna-skin gelatin) on the physico-chemical properties of films was studied. The dynamic viscoelastic properties (elastic modulus G′, viscous modulus, G″ and phase angle) of the film-forming solutions upon cooling and subsequent heating revealed that the interactions between gelatin and chitosan were stronger in the blends made with tuna-skin gelatin than in the blends made with bovine-hide gelatin. As a result, the fish gelatin–chitosan films were more water resistant (∼18% water solubility for tuna vs 30% for bovine) and more deformable (∼68% breaking deformation for tuna vs 11% for bovine) than the bovine gelatin–chitosan films. The breaking strength of gelatin–chitosan films, whatever the gelatin origin, was higher than that of plain gelatin films. Bovine gelatin–chitosan films showed a significant lower water vapour permeability (WVP) than the corresponding plain films, whereas tuna gelatin–chitosan ones were only significantly less permeable than plain chitosan film. Complex gelatin–chitosan films behaved at room temperature as rubbery semicrystalline materials. In spite of gelatin–chitosan interactions, all the chitosan-containing films exhibited antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, a relevant food poisoning. Mixing gelatin and chitosan may be a means to improve the physico-chemical performance of gelatin and chitosan plain films, especially when using fish gelatin, without altering the antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   

Chitosan has been exploited as a material for the development of edible films, and additionally can be used as a carrier of functional compounds such as α-tocopherol. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the incorporation of α-tocopherol in chitosan-based films. FTIR and thermal analyses were performed and showed that the incorporation of α-tocopherol affects the chemical structure of chitosan-based films with the establishment of new chemical bonds and the decrease of crystallinity. Results also showed that the increase of α-tocopherol concentration promotes a decrease of water content (from 12.6 to 11.4%) of the films. The addition of α-tocopherol to chitosan films leads to a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of tensile strength from 34.06 to 16.24 MPa, and elongation-at-break from 53.84 to 23.12%. Film opacity values (ranging from 4.74 to 7.83%) increased when α-tocopherol was incorporated into the film. Antioxidant capacity of chitosan-based films was evaluated and was enhanced when α-tocopherol was present in the film matrix. Results showed that α-tocopherol can be successfully added to the chitosan films enhancing the final quality and shelf-life extension of food products.  相似文献   

The complex formation between β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) and pectin is studied using pectins with different physicochemical characteristics. Pectin allows for the control of both the overall charge by degree of methyl-esterification as well as local charge density by the degree of blockiness. Varying local charge density, at equal overall charge is a parameter that is not available for synthetic polymers and is of key importance in the complex formation between oppositely charged (bio)polymers. LMP is a pectin with a high overall charge and high local charge density; HMPB and HMPR are pectins with a low overall charge, but a high and low local charge density, respectively. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) titrations identified pHc, the pH where soluble complexes of β-lg and pectin are formed and pH?, the pH of phase separation, both as a function of ionic strength. pHc decreased with increasing ionic strength for all pectins and was used in a theoretical model that showed local charge density of the pectin to control the onset of complex formation. pH? passed through a maximum with increasing ionic strength for LMP because of shielding of repulsive interactions between β-lg molecules bound to LMP, while attractive interactions were repressed at higher ionic strength. Potentiometric titrations of homo-molecular solutions and mixtures of β-lg and pectin showed charge regulation in β-lg–pectin complexes. Around pH 5.5–5.0 the pKas of β-lg ionic groups are increased to induce positive charge on the β-lg molecule; around pH 4.5–3.5 the pKa values of the pectin ionic groups are lowered to retain negative charge on the pectin. Since pectins with high local charge density form complexes with β-lg at higher ionic strength than pectins with low local charge density, pectin with a high local charge density is preferred in food systems where complex formation between protein and pectin is desired.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain additional information on the influence of different β-glucan preparations, i.e. curdlan (CL), barley (BG), oat (OG), and yeast (YG) β-glucans, on the physical and rheological properties of egg yolk stabilized oil-in-water emulsions containing 20% oil. The emulsion without β-glucan (REF) was also prepared as a reference. Addition of CL and OG increased emulsion oil droplet sizes, whereas BG and YG showed no effect. Emulsion microstructures revealed that β-glucans induced flocculation of the oil droplet in the following order: CL > BG ≈ OG > YG. Dynamic oscillatory shear tests indicated that all emulsions exhibited weak gel-like characteristics which were enhanced by β-glucans addition as evidenced by an increase in G′ and a decrease in tan δ values. Flow tests showed that β-glucans enhanced thixotropy and yield stress of the emulsions. Stability tests demonstrated that β-glucans addition improved creaming stability of the emulsions during storage possibly due to an increase in viscosity of the continuous phase and/or a formation of a three-dimensional droplet network. CL exhibited the most pronounced effects on the aforementioned properties of emulsions compared to the other β-glucans tested. YG gave emulsion with higher viscoelastic properties and yield stress but lower stability than those made with BG or OG, indicating complex relationship between rheology and stability of these emulsion systems.  相似文献   

There is an increasing demand to tailor the functional properties of mixed biopolymer systems that find application in dairy food products. The effect of static high pressure processing (HPP), up to 600 MPa for 15 min at room temperature, on milk–gelatin mixtures with different solid concentrations (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% w/w milk solid and 0.6% w/w gelatin) was investigated. The viscosity remarkably increased in mixtures prepared with high milk solid concentration (15% and 20% w/w) following HPP at 300 MPa, whereas HPP at 600 MPa caused a decline in viscosity. This was due to ruptured aggregates and phase separation as confirmed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Molecular bonding of the milk–gelatin mixtures due to HPP was shown by Fourier-transform infrared spectra, particularly within the regions of 1610–1690 and 1480–1575 cm−1, which reflect the vibrational bands of amide I and amide II, respectively.  相似文献   

Soybean oil bodies and oleosins are known to be useful in foods and other emulsion systems. The influence of NaCl addition (0–500 mM), thermal processing (30, 60, 90 and 120 °C, 30 min), and freeze-thaw cycling (−20 °C, 24 h/30 °C, 2 h) on the stability of uncoated and ι-carrageenan coated soybean oil body emulsions at pH 3 and 7 was analyzed using particle electrical charge, particle size distribution, creaming stability and confocal laser scanning microscopy measurements. The stability of the uncoated emulsions to NaCl addition depended on pH, which was attributed to electrostatic screening effects. For NaCl, the uncoated emulsions were relatively stable from 0 to 150 mM at pH 3, but aggregated at ≥ 50 mM at pH 7; however, the ι-carrageenan coated emulsions at pH 3 and 7 were stable at all NaCl concentrations. The thermal stability of uncoated and ι-carrageenan coated emulsions may be relative to pH and holding temperature. Both uncoated and ι-carrageenan coated emulsions were stable at pH 7, whereas the uncoated emulsions at pH 3 became unstable when heated above 90 °C, but the ι-carrageenan coated emulsion droplets at pH 3 only extensively coalesced at 120 °C. The ι-carrageenan coated emulsions at pH 3 and 7 exhibited little droplet aggregation after three freeze-thaw cycles in the presence of sucrose. These results suggest that ι-carrageenan coated soybean oil body emulsions have similar or improved stability compared to uncoated emulsions and may be utilized as functional soy products in the food and other industries.  相似文献   

The influences of maltodextrin (MD) addition and multi-layer formation on the freeze-thaw stability of β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg)-stabilized oil-in-water beverage emulsions (0.1 wt% corn oil, 0.006 wt% β-Lg) were investigated. Various beverage emulsions were prepared depending on MD concentration (0–20 wt%), its dextrose equivalent (M150 or M250), and the presence or absence of additional polysaccharides (pectin, alginate, or ι-carrageenan) coatings around the emulsion droplets. All emulsions (β-Lg- and β-Lg-polysaccharide-coated emulsions) were unstable to experimental freeze-thaw cycling in the absence of MD. In the presence of MD, all emulsions containing M250 had better stability to droplet aggregation than those with M150, regardless of MD concentrations and freeze-thawing. The optimum concentrations of M250 required to prevent emulsions destabilization under the freeze-thawing were 6, 15, and 2% for β-Lg-, β-Lg-ι- carrageenan-, and β-Lg-pectin-coated emulsions, respectively. This study implicates practical information to improve freeze-thaw stability of some beverage emulsion products that inevitably go though freezing during processing.  相似文献   

A library of pectins with varying degree and pattern of methoxylation was produced by demethoxylating a parent pectin by use of NaOH or pectinmethylesterase from plant or fungal origin. Additionally, pectin was chemically depolymerised by a heat treatment. The resulting pectins were characterised in terms of degree and pattern of methoxylation (“(absolute) degree of blockiness”) and the extent of depolymerisation. Pectin–calcium gels were prepared and their texture was studied by performing compression tests. From the resulting force vs. distance curves, the modulus of elasticity under low strain and the fracture stress and strain were determined. The modulus of elasticity under low strain increased with decreasing degree of methoxylation. At very low degree of methoxylation, gels were brittle, resulting in low fracture stress. Both modulus of elasticity and fracture stress correlated more with degree of blockiness and absolute degree of blockiness as compared to degree of methoxylation. Gel strength increased with increasing Ca2+ or pectin concentration. Depolymerisation of pectin resulted in formation of brittle gels.Industrial relevancePectin with low degree of methoxylation can form a gel in presence of calcium. Therefore, it is widely used in the food industry. In addition, pectin-calcium interactions are of importance for the texture of fruits and vegetables, since crosslinked pectin in the cell wall provides cell-cell adhesion and mechanical strength of tissues. This research is focused on textural characteristics of pectin-calcium gels. It is shown that pectin structural properties influence texture of gels. As a result, control of pectin structure allows fine-tuning of functional properties.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a casein-based edible film for the entrapment of probiotic Enterococcus faecium Rp1. Casein, pectin, sodium alginate and glycerol were used to prepare the film. In this study, the physicochemical and morphological properties of casein-based edible film and its impact on the stability of probiotic were evaluated. Surface morphology and properties of the film were tested using a scanning electron microscope, fluorescence microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Probiotic-incorporated casein-based edible film showed significant improvement in the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and enhanced the structural, optical and thermal properties. Furthermore, the film was found to be desirable to carry probiotics, with the viability of 107 CFU mL−1 rate up to 30 days of storage at 4 °C. Hence, the current study suggests a probiotic-incorporated casein-based edible film for active packaging of food products.  相似文献   

In this study, β-carotene emulsions were prepared using a two-stage homogenization process and adsorption of chitosan to anionic droplets coated with soybean soluble polysaccharides (SSPS). Effects of the molecular weights of chitosan on the stability and rheological properties of β-carotene emulsions were investigated. Results demonstrated that the ζ-potential, particle size and rheological properties of emulsions were greatly dependent on the chitosan molecular weight. It was found that the particle size of SSPS-stabilized emulsions increased with the rise of chitosan molecular weight at higher chitosan concentrations (>0.2 wt%). Chitosan molecular weight had a significant impact on the heat and light stability of β-carotene in emulsions. SSPS-stabilized emulsion with the adsorption of medium molecular weight-chitosan (MM-chitosan) was more stable than those with the adsorption of low and high molecular weight-chitosan (LM-chitosan and HM-chitosan). Dynamic oscillatory shear tests indicated that the viscoelasticity could be enhanced by the adsorption of higher molecular weight of chitosan onto the SSPS-coated droplet surfaces.  相似文献   

The development of mixed systems, formed by locust bean gum (LBG), and κ-carrageenan (κ-car) can offer new interesting applications such as the development of edible films with particular properties. κ-car/LBG blend films with different ratios were developed, and their effects on films’ physical properties were assessed. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy techniques were used to highlight the interactions between the two polysaccharides. The addition of κ-car to LBG improved the barrier properties of the films leading to a decrease of water vapor permeability (WVP). Improved values of elongation-at-break (EB) were registered when the ratio of κ-car/LBG was 80/20 or 40/60 (% w/w). Moreover, the κ-car/LBG blend films enhance the tensile strength (TS) compared to κ-car and LBG films. FTIR results suggested that hydrogen bonds interactions between κ-car and LBG have a great influence in films’ properties e.g. moisture content, WVP. Therefore, different κ-car/LBG ratios can be used to tailor edible films with enhanced barrier and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was promote oxidation of β-glucan from oat bran with hydrogen peroxide at different concentration levels (0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9% H2O2) and reaction times (30 and 60 min), and evaluate the physicochemical and functional properties of isedoxidised β-glucan with in-vitro tests. An increase in carbonyl and carboxyl groups and alterations in swelling power were verified in the oxidised β-glucan. The cholic acid binding capacity increased in the oxidised β-glucan; however, the fat binding capacity was not affected. After chemical digestion, the available glucose of the oxidised β-glucan was increased. Oxidation with hydrogen peroxide decreased the viscosity, hardness, adhesiveness and gumminess of the β-glucan gels. More studies are necessary to determine the effect of the oxidative treatment of β-glucan on its technological properties in food products, and biological properties should be examined with in-vivo studies.  相似文献   

Carnosine (β-alanine-L-histidine) and anserine (β-alanine-1-methyl histidine) are endogenous antioxidants found in skeletal muscle. The objective of this research was to determine if supplementation of swine diets with histidine (histidine; 0.40%) and/or β-alanine (β-alanine; 0.225%) was an effective method to increase carnosine and anserine concentrations and the oxidative stability of Longissimus dorsi (LD) and Vastus intermedius (VI) muscles. Dietary treatments had no effect on carnosine and anserine concentrations in LD; however, histidine + β-alanine supplementation increased carnosine and anserine in VI muscle compared to β-alanine supplementation. Dietary supplementation had no effect on the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive (TBARS) or lipid peroxides in cooked VI and LD. In salted VI and LD muscle, differences in TBARS and peroxides were observed; however, these differences did not consistently correlate with differences in anserine and carnosine concentrations. Therefore, the results of this research suggest that supplementation of swine diets with β-alanine and/or histidine is not an efficient method to increase the oxidative stability of pork.  相似文献   

The effect of κ-carrageenan (0, 0.025, 0.05%) on phase separation between polysaccharides (0.36% of locust bean gum (LBG), guar gum, or xanthan gum) and milk proteins (from 10.5% skim milk powder) in solution was studied. Xanthan gum was seen to be the most incompatible with milk proteins, followed by guar gum and LBG. Casein micelles were more incompatible with all polysaccharides than whey proteins. Whereas at either concentration κ-carrageenan inhibited visual phase separation, it was seen by transmission electron microscopy that samples with κ-carrageenan showed microscopic phase separation. Samples with 0.05% κ-carrageenan and either LBG or guar gum and all samples with xanthan gum could be described rheologically as weak gels, while those with no or 0.025% κ-carrageenan and either LBG or guar gum could be described as concentrated solutions. Thus, no correlation was seen between the inhibition of macroscopic phase separation by κ-carrageenan and the formation of a weak gel in solution.  相似文献   

Cooked ham-based model systems were prepared using salt-soluble meat protein isolate, κ-carrageenan and sodium and potassium chloride. The pH was set to 6.2 using a 50mM PIPES-buffer. An experimental mixture design was used to study the effect of carrageenan on the structure build-up of the gelled meat products. In situ gelation experiments were carried out on a controlled-stress rheometer, while a texture analyzer was used to determine the large deformation behaviour. The water holding capacity was measured by a centrifugal technique and confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to visualize the microstructure of the gelled meat products. κ-Carrageenan was found to increase the complex modulus, the gel strength and the water holding capacity, although these properties were mainly governed by the concentration of meat protein isolate.  相似文献   

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