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Nanowires for integrated multicolor nanophotonics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nanoscale light-emitting diodes (nanoLEDs) with colors spanning from the ultraviolet to near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum were prepared using a solution-based approach in which emissive electron-doped semiconductor nanowires were assembled with nonemissive hole-doped silicon nanowires in a crossed nanowire architecture. Single- and multicolor nanoLED devices and arrays were made with colors specified in a predictable way by the bandgaps of the III-V and II-VI nanowire building blocks. The approach was extended to combine nanoscale electronic and photonic devices into integrated structures, where a nanoscale transistor was used to switch the nanoLED on and off. In addition, this approach was generalized to hybrid devices consisting of nanowire emitters assembled on lithographically patterned planar silicon structures, which could provide a route for integrating photonic devices with conventional silicon microelectronics. Lastly, nanoLEDs were used to optically excite emissive molecules and nanoclusters, and hence could enable a range of integrated sensor/detection "chips" with multiplexed analysis capabilities.  相似文献   

A novel inverse imprinting procedure for nanolithography is presented which offers a transfer accuracy and feature definition that is comparable to state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques. We illustrate the fabrication quality of a demanding nanophotonic structure: a photonic crystal waveguide. Local examination using photon scanning tunneling microscopy (PSTM) shows that the resulting nanophotonic structures have excellent guiding properties at wavelengths in the telecommunications range, which indicates a high quality of the local structure and the overall periodicity.  相似文献   

Polymeric materials have been used in the fabrication of many high-performance, low cost photonic devices for optical communications, interconnects and sensors. The paper presents two low cost techniques for polymer based photonic components fabrication, such as waveguides, diffractive optical elements and optical modulators.We used both photopatternable (metal doped PVA) and nonphotopatternable polymers (PMMA and silicone polymers).The photosensitivity and, in the same time, refractive index of the poly(vinyl-alcohol) were modified through the addition inorganic/organic materials. These new light-sensitive nanocomposites can be easily spin coated onto variety of semiconductor substrates, and directly patterned to obtain channel waveguides and photonic integrated circuits.For nonphotopatternable polymers, two types of molds have been used: grooves etched in silicon or in silicon dioxide and photoresist molds. Rib waveguides and tunable modulators, voltage actuated, have been obtained using these techniques.  相似文献   

Models of encapsulated nuclear spin 1/2 1H and 31P atoms in fullerene and diamond nanocrystallite, respectively, are proposed and examined with an ab initio local density functional method for possible applications as single quantum bits (qubits) in solid-state quantum computers. A 1H atom encapsulated in a fully deuterated fullerene, C20D20, forms the first model system and ab initio calculation shows that the 1H atom is stable in its atomic state at the center of the fullerene with a barrier of about 1 eV to escape. A 31P atom positioned at the center of a diamond nanocrystallite is the second model system, and 31P atom is found to be stable at the substitutional site relative to interstitial sites by 15 eV. Vacancy formation energy is 6 eV in diamond, so the substitutional 31P atom will be stable against diffusion during the formation mechanisms within the nanocrystallite. The coupling between the nuclear spin and the weakly bound (valance) donor electron in both systems is found to be suitable for single qubit applications, whereas the spatial distributions of (valance) donor electron wave functions are found to be preferentially spread along certain lattice directions, facilitating two or more qubit applications. The feasibility of the fabrication pathways for both model solid-state qubit systems within practical quantum computers is discussed within the context of our proposed solid-state qubits.  相似文献   

The dielectric permittivity of a material encapsulates the essential physics of light-matter interaction into the material’s local response to optical excitation. Photo-induced modulation of the permittivity can enable an unprecedented level of control over the phase, amplitude, and polarization of light. Therefore, the detailed dynamic characterization of technology-relevant materials with substantially tunable optical properties and fast response times is a crucial step to realize tunable optical devices. This work reports on the extraordinarily large permittivity changes in zinc oxide thin films (up to −3.6 relative change in the real part of the dielectric permittivity at 1600 nm wavelength) induced by optically generated free carriers. We demonstrate broadband reflectance modulation up to 70% in metal-backed oxide mirrors at the telecommunication wavelengths, with picosecond-scale relaxation times. The epsilon near zero points of the films can be dynamically shifted from 8.5 µm to 1.6 µm by controlling the pump fluence. The modulation can be selectively enhanced at specific wavelengths employing metal-backed zinc oxide disks while maintaining picosecond-scale switching times. This work provides insights into the free-carrier assisted permittivity modulation in zinc oxide and could enable the realization of novel dynamic devices for beam-steering, polarizers, and spatial light modulators.  相似文献   

量子神经计算和量子遗传算法的理论分析和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过比较研究发现,在量子计算与神经网络和遗传算法之间,不论在计算思想上还是模型表达上,都存在着许多相似之处,这些相似性启发人们去研究基于量子理论的神经网络和遗传算法模型,一方面探索神经网络和遗传算法在量子系统上的实现方法,另一方面研究量子理论启发下的新的神经网络与遗传算法模型。本文总结了本课题组近年来在量子计算与神经网络和遗传算法相结合领域的研究工作,包括量子系统实现神经计算的理论分析,量子神经网络物理模型的研究,基于量子概率表达的量子遗传算法及其应用研究等,并对今后的发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

Design of efficient nonlinear optical waveguides is an essential requirement for development of silicon nanophotonics. These waveguides should have a unique capability to play the main role in realization of both passive and active optical devices. A high-performance dielectric rib-like-based slot waveguide is proposed for nonlinear silicon nanophotonics. Its slot region can be filled with Si-nc:SiO2 which exhibits a high third-order nonlinear effect. Study of numerical results shows that this new slot waveguide has a nonlinear parameter of the same order of magnitude as an equally sized silicon nanophotonics strip-based slot waveguide. The new waveguide can be fabricated easily by etching a slot in the core region of the silicon-on-insulator (SOI)-based rib-like waveguide.  相似文献   

An emerging subclass of transition-metal dichalcogenides(TMDs),noble-transition-metal dichalcogenides(NMDs),has led to an increase in nanoscientific research in...  相似文献   

Yurtsever A  Zewail AH 《Nano letters》2012,12(6):3334-3338
Electric fields of nanoscale particles are fundamental to our understanding of nanoplasmonics and nanophotonics. Success has been made in developing methods to probe the effect of their presence, but it remains difficult to directly image optically induced electric fields at the nanoscale and especially when ensembles of particles are involved. Here, using ultrafast electron microscopy, we report the space-time visualization of photon-induced electric fields for ensembles of silver nanoparticles having different sizes, shapes, and separations. The high-field-of-view measurements enable parallel processing of many particles in the ensemble with high throughput of information. Directly in the image, the evanescent fields are observed and visualized when the particles are polarized with the optical excitation. Because the particle size is smaller than the wavelength of light, the near-fields are those of nanoplasmonics and are precursors of far-field nanophotonics. The reported results pave the way for quantitative studies of fields in ensembles of complex morphologies with the nanoparticles being embedded or interfacial.  相似文献   

We report a type of infrared switchable plasmonic quantum cascade laser, in which far field light in the midwave infrared (MWIR, 6.1 μm) is modulated by a near field interaction of light in the telecommunications wavelength (1.55 μm). To achieve this all-optical switch, we used cross-polarized bowtie antennas and a centrally located germanium nanoslab. The bowtie antenna squeezes the short wavelength light into the gap region, where the germanium is placed. The perturbation of refractive index of the germanium due to the free carrier absorption produced by short wavelength light changes the optical response of the antenna and the entire laser intensity at 6.1 μm significantly. This device shows a viable method to modulate the far field of a laser through a near field interaction.  相似文献   

Chemical vapor deposited (CVD) diamond as a burgeoning multi-functional material with tailored quality and characteristics can be artificially synthesized and controlled for various applications. Correspondingly, the application-related “grade” concept associated with materials choice and design was gradually formulated, of which the availability and the performance are optimally suited. In this review, the explicit diversity of CVD diamond and the clarification of typical grades for applications, i.e., from resplendent gem-grade to promising quantum-grade, were systematically summarized and discussed, according to the crystal quality and main consideration of ubiquitous nitrogen impurity content as well as major applications. Realizations of those, from quantum-grade with near-ideal crystal to electronic-grade having extremely low imperfections and then to optical, thermal as well as mechanical-grade needing controlled flaws and allowable impurities, would competently fulfill the multi-field application prospects with appropriate choice in terms of cost and quality. Exceptionally, wide range defects and impurities in the gem-grade diamond (only indicating single crystal), which are detrimental for technology applications, endows CVD crystals with fancy colors to challenge their natural counterparts.  相似文献   

Demin  A. V.  Levin  G. G. 《Measurement Techniques》2009,52(6):683-686
Some of the scientific results presented in the “Nanoelectronics” and “Nanophotonics” sessions at the First International Forum on Nanotechnologies “Rusnanoforum-2008” (Rusnanotech08) are reviewed briefly.  相似文献   

Integrated availability model based on performance of computer networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An efficient computer network can realize bulk data transfer and real time control with high reliability and precision. Its availability is dependent on its topological structure and network services performed simultaneously. To explore the dynamic interactions between software and hardware failures, generalized stochastic petri net (GSPN) is adopted to model the availability of nodes in the network, and then the study is developed through path selection and service performance evaluation. Network performance indices such as throughput and time delay can be obtained by modeling the network service with queueing theory. With Power formula, this paper presents an integrated availability model. This model considers both topological connectivity and operational performance, developing the availability analysis from the viewpoint of a user.  相似文献   

The combination of the unique properties of ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films and of semiconductor quantum dot (QD) structures could significantly improve the performance of different electronic and optoelectronic devices, where e.g. good thermal management and advanced mechanical parameters are required. In the current work quantum dot InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) with different densities between 1.6 × 1010 cm− 2 and 1.6 × 1011 cm− 2 controlled by the substrate temperature in the range between 490 and 515 °C. These structures were overgrown with UNCD by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MWCVD) using methane/nitrogen mixtures at 570 °C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that without ultrasonic pretreatment the diamond nucleation density on QD structures is low and only separate islands of UNCD are deposited, while after pretreatment thin closed films are formed. From the cross-section SEM images a growth rate of ca. 3 nm/min is estimated which is very close to that on silicon at the same deposition conditions. The UNCD coatings exhibit a morphology consisting of two types of structures as shown by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The first one includes nodules with diameters between 180 and 350 nm varying with the density of the underlying QDs; the second is formed by a kind of granular substructure of these nodules with diameters of about 40 nm for all QD densities. The optical properties were investigated by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy before and after the deposition of UNCD. The PL signals of QD structures overgrown with UNCD, although with decreased intensity, remain almost unchanged with respect to the peak positions and widths, revealing that the UNCD/QD structures retain the optical properties of uncoated InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots.  相似文献   

The present status in the development of diamond as electronic semiconductor material with wide band-gap (5.45 eV) is reviewed. Since diamond cannot be doped with shallow impurities, specific doping concepts and related diode and FET structures had to be developed, restricted to p-type boron doping. The results allow to predict that diamond high voltage switching diodes, high power RF FET sources and operation at high temperature will surpass the capability of devices designed in competing wide band-gap materials like SiC and GaN.  相似文献   

In this work we present optical setups for a polarization encoded qubit, based only on common linear optical devices, which implement probabilistic bipartite and tripartite entanglement generation, as well probabilistic quantum teleportation. The setups can be implemented with current technology and they permit the realization of several quantum communication protocols.  相似文献   

Although nanocrystalline diamond powders have been produced in industrial quantities, mainly by detonation synthesis, for many decades their use in applications other than traditional polishing and grinding have been limited, until recently. This paper presents the wide-ranging applications of nanodiamond particles to date and discusses future research directions in this field. Owing to the recent commercial availability of these powders and the present interest in nanotechnology, one can predict a huge increase in research with these materials in the very near future. However, to fully exploit these materials, fundamental as well as applied research is required to understand the transition between bulk and surface properties as the size of particles decreases.  相似文献   

A high-pressure apparatus, whose cavity is formed by openings of two oppositely located calipers surrounded by an angular body, has been considered. Parameters, at which the pressure created in the cavity is kept by the forces of friction without the use of a press, have been defined. A scheme of a plant that allows a group of apparatuses to be driven by one press has been suggested.  相似文献   

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