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Study of symmetric or repeating patterns in scalar fields is important in scientific data analysis because it gives deep insights into the properties of the underlying phenomenon. Though geometric symmetry has been well studied within areas like shape processing, identifying symmetry in scalar fields has remained largely unexplored due to the high computational cost of the associated algorithms. We propose a computationally efficient algorithm for detecting symmetric patterns in a scalar field distribution by analysing the topology of level sets of the scalar field. Our algorithm computes the contour tree of a given scalar field and identifies subtrees that are similar. We define a robust similarity measure for comparing subtrees of the contour tree and use it to group similar subtrees together. Regions of the domain corresponding to subtrees that belong to a common group are extracted and reported to be symmetric. Identifying symmetry in scalar fields finds applications in visualization, data exploration, and feature detection. We describe two applications in detail: symmetry-aware transfer function design and symmetry-aware isosurface extraction.  相似文献   

Scientific visualization has many effective methods for examining and exploring scalar and vector fields, but rather fewer for bivariate fields. We report the first general purpose approach for the interactive extraction of geometric separating surfaces in bivariate fields. This method is based on fiber surfaces: surfaces constructed from sets of fibers, the multivariate analogues of isolines. We show simple methods for fiber surface definition and extraction. In particular, we show a simple and efficient fiber surface extraction algorithm based on Marching Cubes. We also show how to construct fiber surfaces interactively with geometric primitives in the range of the function. We then extend this to build user interfaces that generate parameterized families of fiber surfaces with respect to arbitrary polygons. In the special case of isovalue‐gradient plots, fiber surfaces capture features geometrically for quantitative analysis that have previously only been analysed visually and qualitatively using multi‐dimensional transfer functions in volume rendering. We also demonstrate fiber surface extraction on a variety of bivariate data.  相似文献   

The visualization of complex 3D images remains a challenge, a fact that is magnified by the difficulty to classify or segment volume data. In this paper, we introduce size-based transfer functions, which map the local scale of features to color and opacity. Features in a data set with similar or identical scalar values can be classified based on their relative size. We achieve this with the use of scale fields, which are 3D fields that represent the relative size of the local feature at each voxel. We present a mechanism for obtaining these scale fields at interactive rates, through a continuous scale-space analysis and a set of detection filters. Through a number of examples, we show that size-based transfer functions can improve classification and enhance volume rendering techniques, such as maximum intensity projection. The ability to classify objects based on local size at interactive rates proves to be a powerful method for complex data exploration.  相似文献   

We present our approach for the dense visualization and temporal exploration of moving and deforming shapes from scientific experiments and simulations. Our image space representation is created by convolving a noise texture along shape contours (akin to LIC). Beyond indicating spatial structure via luminosity, we additionally use colour to depict time or classes of shapes via automatically customized maps. This representation summarizes temporal evolution, and provides the basis for interactive user navigation in the spatial and temporal domain in combination with traditional renderings. Our efficient implementation supports the quick and progressive generation of our representation in parallel as well as adaptive temporal splits to reduce overlap. We discuss and demonstrate the utility of our approach using 2D and 3D scalar fields from experiments and simulations.  相似文献   

Sets of multiple scalar fields can be used to model many types of variation in data, such as uncertainty in measurements and simulations or time‐dependent behavior of scalar quantities. Many structural properties of such fields can be explained by dependencies between different points in the scalar field. Although these dependencies can be of arbitrary complexity, correlation, i.e., the linear dependency, already provides significant structural information. Existing methods for correlation analysis are usually limited to positive correlation, handle only local dependencies, or use combinatorial approximations to this continuous problem. We present a new approach for computing and visualizing correlated regions in sets of 2‐dimensional scalar fields. This paper describes the following three main contributions: (i) An algorithm for hierarchical correlation clustering resulting in a dendrogram, (ii) a generalization of topological landscapes for dendrogram visualization, and (iii) a new method for incorporating negative correlation values in the clustering and visualization. All steps are designed to preserve the special properties of correlation coefficients. The results are visualized in two linked views, one showing the cluster hierarchy as 2D landscape and the other providing a spatial context in the scalar field's domain. Different coloring and texturing schemes coupled with interactive selection support an exploratory data analysis.  相似文献   

We present a general high‐performance technique for ray tracing generalized tube primitives. Our technique efficiently supports tube primitives with fixed and varying radii, general acyclic graph structures with bifurcations, and correct transparency with interior surface removal. Such tube primitives are widely used in scientific visualization to represent diffusion tensor imaging tractographies, neuron morphologies, and scalar or vector fields of 3D flow. We implement our approach within the OSPRay ray tracing framework, and evaluate it on a range of interactive visualization use cases of fixed‐ and varying‐radius streamlines, pathlines, complex neuron morphologies, and brain tractographies. Our proposed approach provides interactive, high‐quality rendering, with low memory overhead.  相似文献   

The analysis of unsteady phenomena is an important topic for scientific visualization. Several time-dependent visualization techniques exist, as well as solutions for dealing with the enormous size of time-varying data in interactive visualization. Many current visualization toolkits support displaying time-varying data sets. However, for the interactive exploration of time-varying data in scientific visualization, no common time model that describes the temporal properties which occur in the visualization process has been established. In this work, we propose a general time model which classifies the time frames of simulation phenomena and the connections between different time scales in the analysis process. This model is designed for intuitive interaction with time in visualization applications for the domain expert as well as for the developer of visualization tools. We demonstrate the benefits of our model by applying it to two use cases with different temporal properties.  相似文献   

We take a new approach to interactive visualization and feature detection of large scalar, vector, and multifield computational fluid dynamics data sets that is also well suited for meshless CFD methods. Radial basis functions (RBFs) are used to procedurally encode both scattered and irregular gridded scalar data sets. The RBF encoding creates a complete, unified, functional representation of the scalar field throughout 3D space, independent of the underlying data topology, and eliminates the need for the original data grid during visualization. The capability of commodity PC graphics hardware to accelerate the reconstruction and rendering and to perform feature detection from this functional representation is a powerful tool for visualizing procedurally encoded volumes. Our RBF encoding and GPU-accelerated reconstruction, feature detection, and visualization tool provides a flexible system for visually exploring and analyzing large, structured, scattered, and unstructured scalar, vector, and multifield data sets at interactive rates on desktop PCs.  相似文献   

This paper describes an immersive system,called 3DIVE,for interactive volume data visualization and exploration inside the CAVE virtual environment.Combining interactive volume rendering and virtual reality provides a netural immersive environment for volumetric data visualization.More advanced data exploration operations,such as object level data manipulation,simulation and analysis ,are supported in 3DIVE by several new techniques,In particular,volume primitives and texture regions ae used for the rendering,manipulation,and collision detection of volumetric objects;and the region-based rendering pipeline is integrated with 3D image filters to provide an image-based mechanism for interactive transfer function design.The system has been recently released as public domain software for CAVE/ImmersaDesk users,and is currently being actively used by various scientific and biomedical visualization projects.  相似文献   

Signed distance functions (SDF) to explicit or implicit surface representations are intensively used in various computer graphics and visualization algorithms. Among others, they are applied to optimize collision detection, are used to reconstruct data fields or surfaces, and, in particular, are an obligatory ingredient for most level set methods. Level set methods are common in scientific visualization to extract surfaces from scalar or vector fields. Usual approaches for the construction of an SDF to a surface are either based on iterative solutions of a special partial differential equation or on marching algorithms involving a polygonization of the surface. We propose a novel method for a non‐iterative approximation of an SDF and its derivatives in a vicinity of a manifold. We use a second‐order algebraic fitting scheme to ensure high accuracy of the approximation. The manifold is defined (explicitly or implicitly) as an isosurface of a given volumetric scalar field. The field may be given at a set of irregular and unstructured samples. Stability and reliability of the SDF generation is achieved by a proper scaling of weights for the Moving Least Squares approximation, accurate choice of neighbors, and appropriate handling of degenerate cases. We obtain the solution in an explicit form, such that no iterative solving is necessary, which makes our approach fast.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics of PHIFI, an interactive system for the visualization of scalar and vector fields. PHIFI has been developed at the IAC where applications of the system have also been investigated.  相似文献   

Crease surfaces describe extremal structures of 3D scalar fields. We present a new region-growing-based approach to the meshless extraction of adaptive nonmanifold valley and ridge surfaces that overcomes limitations of previous approaches by decoupling point seeding and triangulation of the surface. Our method is capable of extracting valley surface skeletons as connected minimum structures. As our algorithm is inherently mesh-free and curvature adaptive, it is suitable for surface construction in fields with an arbitrary neighborhood structure. As an application for insightful visualization with valley surfaces, we choose a low frequency acoustics simulation. We use our valley surface construction approach to visualize the resulting complex-valued scalar pressure field for arbitrary frequencies to identify regions of sound cancellation. This provides an expressive visualization of the topology of wave node and antinode structures in simulated acoustics.  相似文献   

The topological structure of scalar, vector, and second‐order tensor fields provides an important mathematical basis for data analysis and visualization. In this paper, we extend this framework towards higher‐order tensors. First, we establish formal uniqueness properties for a geometrically constrained tensor decomposition. This allows us to define and visualize topological structures in symmetric tensor fields of orders three and four. We clarify that in 2D, degeneracies occur at isolated points, regardless of tensor order. However, for orders higher than two, they are no longer equivalent to isotropic tensors, and their fractional Poincaré index prevents us from deriving continuous vector fields from the tensor decomposition. Instead, sorting the terms by magnitude leads to a new type of feature, lines along which the resulting vector fields are discontinuous. We propose algorithms to extract these features and present results on higher‐order derivatives and higher‐order structure tensors.  相似文献   

Harmonic fields have been shown to provide effective guidance for a number of geometry processing problems. In this paper, we propose a method for fast updating of harmonic fields defined on polygonal meshes, enabling real-time insertion and deletion of constraints. Our approach utilizes the penalty method to enforce constraints in harmonic field computation. It maintains the symmetry of the Laplacian system and takes advantage of fast multi-rank updating and downdating of Cholesky factorization, achieving both speed and numerical stability. We demonstrate how the interactivity induced by fast harmonic field update can be utilized in several applications, including harmonic-guided quadrilateral remeshing, vector field design, interactive geometric detail modeling, and handle-driven shape editing and animation transfer with a dynamic handle set.  相似文献   

Visualization of vector fields using seed LIC and volume rendering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Line integral convolution (LIC) is a powerful texture-based technique for visualizing vector fields. Due to the high computational expense of generating 3D textures and the difficulties of effectively displaying the result, LIC has most commonly been used to depict vector fields in 2D or over a surface in 3D. We propose new methods for more effective volume visualization of three-dimensional vector fields using LIC: 1) we present a fast method for computing volume LIC textures that exploits the sparsity of the input texture. 2) We propose the use of a shading technique, called limb darkening, to reveal the depth relations among the field lines. The shading effect is obtained simply by using appropriate transfer functions and, therefore, avoids using expensive shading techniques. 3) We demonstrate how two-field visualization techniques can be used to enhance the visual information describing a vector field. The volume LIC textures are rendered using texture-based rendering techniques, which allows interactive exploration of a vector field.  相似文献   

GraphSplatting: visualizing graphs as continuous fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces GraphSplatting, a technique which transforms a graph into a two-dimensional scalar field. The scalar field can be rendered as a color coded map, a height field, or a set of contours. Splat fields allow for the visualization of arbitrarily large graphs without cluttering. They provide density information which can be used to determine the structure of the graph. The construction, visualization, and interaction with splat fields is discussed. Two applications illustrate the usage of GraphSplatting.  相似文献   

Volume exploration is an important issue in scientific visualization. Research on volume exploration has been focused on revealing hidden structures in volumetric data. While the information of individual structures or features is useful in practice, spatial relations between structures are also important in many applications and can provide further insights into the data. In this paper, we systematically study the extraction, representation, exploration, and visualization of spatial relations in volumetric data and propose a novel relation-aware visualization pipeline for volume exploration. In our pipeline, various relations in the volume are first defined and measured using region connection calculus (RCC) and then represented using a graph interface called relation graph. With RCC and the relation graph, relation query and interactive exploration can be conducted in a comprehensive and intuitive way. The visualization process is further assisted with relation-revealing viewpoint selection and color and opacity enhancement. We also introduce a quality assessment scheme which evaluates the perception of spatial relations in the rendered images. Experiments on various datasets demonstrate the practical use of our system in exploratory visualization.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is ubiquitous in science, engineering and medicine. Drawing conclusions from uncertain data is the normal case, not an exception. While the field of statistical graphics is well established, only a few 2D and 3D visualization and feature extraction methods have been devised that consider uncertainty. We present mathematical formulations for uncertain equivalents of isocontours based on standard probability theory and statistics and employ them in interactive visualization methods. As input data, we consider discretized uncertain scalar fields and model these as random fields. To create a continuous representation suitable for visualization we introduce interpolated probability density functions. Furthermore, we introduce numerical condition as a general means in feature-based visualization. The condition number-which potentially diverges in the isocontour problem-describes how errors in the input data are amplified in feature computation. We show how the average numerical condition of isocontours aids the selection of thresholds that correspond to robust isocontours. Additionally, we introduce the isocontour density and the level crossing probability field; these two measures for the spatial distribution of uncertain isocontours are directly based on the probabilistic model of the input data. Finally, we adapt interactive visualization methods to evaluate and display these measures and apply them to 2D and 3D data sets.  相似文献   

The discrete space representation of most scientific datasets, generated through instruments or by sampling continuously defined fields, while being simple, is also verbose and structureless. We propose the use of a particular spatial structure, the binary space partitioning tree as a new representation to perform efficient geometric computation in discretely defined domains. The ease of performing affine transformations, set operations between objects, and correct implementation of transparency makes the partitioning tree a good candidate for probing and analyzing medical reconstructions, in such applications as surgery planning and prostheses design. The multiresolution characteristics of the representation can be exploited to perform such operations at interactive rates by smooth variation of the amount of geometry. Application to ultrasound data segmentation and visualization is proposed. The paper describes methods for constructing partitioning trees from a discrete image/volume data set. Discrete space operators developed for edge detection are used to locate discontinuities in the image from which lines/planes containing the discontinuities are fitted by using either the Hough transform or a hyperplane sort. A multiresolution representation can be generated by ordering the choice of hyperplanes by the magnitude of the discontinuities. Various approximations can be obtained by pruning the tree according to an error metric. The segmentation of the image into edgeless regions can yield significant data compression. A hierarchical encoding schema for both lossless and lossy encodings is described  相似文献   

Better understanding of hemodynamics conceivably leads to improved diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, an elaborate analysis of the blood-flow in heart and thoracic arteries is essential. Contemporary MRI techniques enable acquisition of quantitative time-resolved flow information, resulting in 4D velocity fields that capture the blood-flow behavior. Visual exploration of these fields provides comprehensive insight into the unsteady blood-flow behavior, and precedes a quantitative analysis of additional blood-flow parameters. The complete inspection requires accurate segmentation of anatomical structures, encompassing a time-consuming and hard-to-automate process, especially for malformed morphologies. We present a way to avoid the laborious segmentation process in case of qualitative inspection, by introducing an interactive virtual probe. This probe is positioned semi-automatically within the blood-flow field, and serves as a navigational object for visual exploration. The difficult task of determining position and orientation along the view-direction is automated by a fitting approach, aligning the probe with the orientations of the velocity field. The aligned probe provides an interactive seeding basis for various flow visualization approaches. We demonstrate illustration-inspired particles, integral lines and integral surfaces, conveying distinct characteristics of the unsteady blood-flow. Lastly, we present the results of an evaluation with domain experts, valuing the practical use of our probe and flow visualization techniques.  相似文献   

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