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Rigorous algorithms to target the minimum utility requirements for single as well as cyclic batch processes are proposed in this paper. Practically, heat integration between two different time intervals requires indirect integration through intermediate fluid. Targets, calculated via proposed methodology, account for indirect thermal integration in batch process. The proposed methodology overcomes limitations of existing methodologies and guarantees the optimality as it is proved to be optimum using rigorous mathematical arguments. This methodology is applicable to any fixed-scheduled batch process. Applicability of the proposed methodology is demonstrated through illustrative examples. In one of the illustrative examples, a reduction of 18.7% and 16.4% (in comparison to time slice model) is observed in hot and cold utility requirements, respectively.  相似文献   

A large number of industrial processes demand thermal energy in the temperature range of 80–240 °C. In this temperature range, solar thermal systems have a great scope of application. However, the challenge lies in the integration of a periodic, dilute and variable solar input into a wide variety of industrial processes. Issues in the integration are selection of collectors, working fluid and sizing of components. Application specific configurations are required to be adopted and designed. Analysis presented in this paper lays an emphasis on the component sizing. The same is done by developing a design procedure for a specific configuration. The specific configuration consists of concentrating collectors, pressurized hot water storage and a load heat exchanger. The design procedure follows a methodology called design space approach. In the design space approach a mathematical model is built for generation of the design space. In the generation of the design space, design variables of concern are collector area, storage volume, solar fraction, storage mass flow rate and heat exchanger size. Design space comprises of constant solar fraction curves traced on a collector area versus storage volume diagram. Results of the design variables study demonstrate that a higher maximum storage mass flow rates and a larger heat exchanger size are desired while limiting storage temperature should be as low as possible. An economic optimization is carried out to design the overall system. In economic optimization, total annualized cost of the overall system has been minimized. The proposed methodology is demonstrated through an illustrative example. It has been shown that 23% reduction in the total system cost may be achieved as compared to the existing design. The proposed design tool offers flexibility to the designer in choosing a system configuration on the basis of desired performance and economy.  相似文献   

The overall efficiency of solar thermal power plants is investigated for estimating the upper limit of their practical performances. This study consists of the theoretical optimization of the heat engine and the optimization of the overall system efficiency, which is the product of the efficiency of the solar collector and the efficiency of the heat engine. In order to obtain a more realistic performance of the solar thermal power plant, the solar collector concentration ratio, the diffused solar radiation and the convective and radiative heat losses of the solar collector are taken into account. Instead of the classical Carnot efficiency, the efficiency at maximum power is used as the optimal conversion efficiency of a heat engine. By means of simple calculations, the optimal overall system efficiency and the corresponding operating conditions of the solar collector are obtained. The results of the present work provide an accurate guide to the performance estimation and the design of solar thermal power plants.  相似文献   

Rising fuel prices, increasing costs associated with emissions of green house gases and the threat of global warming make efficient use of energy more and more important. Industrial clusters have the potential to significantly increase energy efficiency by energy collaboration. In this paper Sweden’s largest chemical cluster is analysed using the total site analysis (TSA) method. TSA delivers targets for the amount of utility consumed and generated through excess energy recovery by the different processes. The method enables investigation of opportunities to deliver waste heat from one process to another using a common utility system.The cluster consists of 5 chemical companies producing a variety of products, including polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), amines, ethylene, oxygen/nitrogen and plasticisers. The companies already work together by exchanging material streams. In this study the potential for energy collaboration is analysed in order to reach an industrial symbiosis. The overall heating and cooling demands of the site are around 442 MW and 953 MW, respectively. 122 MW of heat is produced in boilers and delivered to the processes.TSA is used to stepwise design a site-wide utility system which improves energy efficiency. It is shown that heat recovery in the cluster can be increased by 129 MW, i.e. the current utility demand could be completely eliminated and further 7 MW excess steam can be made available. The proposed retrofitted utility system involves the introduction of a site-wide hot water circuit, increased recovery of low pressure steam and shifting of heating steam pressure to lower levels in a number heat exchangers when possible. Qualitative evaluation of the suggested measures shows that 60 MW of the savings potential could to be achieved with moderate changes to the process utility system corresponding to 50% of the heat produced from purchased fuel in the boilers of the cluster.Further analysis showed that after implementation of the suggested energy efficiency measures there is still a large excess of heat at temperatures of up to 137 °C.  相似文献   

A method for experimentally determining the extinction index of four liquids (water, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and Therminol VP-1) commonly used in solar thermal energy applications was developed. In addition to the extinction index, we report the refractive indices available within the literature for these four fluids. The final value reported is the solar-weighted absorption coefficient for the fluids demonstrating each fluid’s baseline capacity for absorbing solar energy. Water is shown to be the best absorber of solar energy of the four fluids, but it is still a weak absorber, only absorbing 13% of the energy. These values represent the baseline potential for a fluid to be utilized in a direct absorption solar thermal collector.  相似文献   

This article reports the off-design performance analysis of a closed-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system when a solar thermal collector is integrated as an add-on preheater or superheater. Design-point analysis of a simple OTEC system was numerically conducted to generate a gross power of 100 kW, representing a base OTEC system. In order to improve the power output of the OTEC system, two ways of utilizing solar energy are considered in this study: (1) preheating of surface seawater to increase its input temperature to the cycle and (2) direct superheating of the working fluid before it enters a turbine. Obtained results reveal that both preheating and superheating cases increase the net power generation by 20–25% from the design-point. However, the preheating case demands immense heat load on the solar collector due to the huge thermal mass of the seawater, being less efficient thermodynamically. The superheating case increases the thermal efficiency of the system from 1.9% to around 3%, about a 60% improvement, suggesting that this should be a better approach in improving the OTEC system. This research provides thermodynamic insight on the potential advantages and challenges of adding a solar thermal collection component to OTEC power plants.  相似文献   

To date, insufficient attention has been paid to the potential of renewable energy resources in industrial applications. Our analysis suggests that up to 21% of final energy demand and feedstock-use in the manufacturing industry sector could be of renewable origin by 2050, a five-fold increase over current levels in absolute terms. This estimate is considerably higher than other recent global scenario studies. In addition, if a 50% share of renewables in power generation is assumed, the share of direct and indirect renewable energy use rises to 31% in 2050. Our analysis further suggests that bioenergy and biofeedstocks can constitute three-quarters of the direct renewables use in this sector by 2050. The remainder is roughly evenly divided between solar heating and heat pumps. The potential for solar cooling is considered to be limited.While low-temperature solar process heat can reach cost-effectiveness today in locations with good insolation, some bioenergy applications will require a CO2 price even on the longer term. Biomass feedstock for synthetic organic materials will require a CO2 price up to USD 100/t CO2, or even more if embodied carbon is not considered properly in CO2 accounts. Future fossil fuel prices and bioenergy prices in addition to the development of feedstock commodity markets for biomass will be critical. Decision makers are recommended to pay more attention to the potential for renewables in industry. Finally, we propose the development of a detailed technology roadmap to explore this potential further and discuss key issues that need to be elaborated in such a framework.  相似文献   

Architectural integration is a major issue in the development and spreading of solar thermal technologies. Yet the architectural quality of most existing building integrated solar thermal systems (BIST) is quite poor, which often discourages potential new users.In this paper, the results of a large web survey on architectural quality, addressed to more than 170 European architects and other building professionals are presented and commented. Integration criteria and design guidelines established and confirmed through the analysis of these results are proposed.Subsequently, a novel methodology to design future solar thermal collectors systems suited to building integration is described, showing a new range of design possibilities. The methodology focuses on the essential teamwork between architects and engineers to ensure both energy efficiency and architectural integrability, while playing with the formal characteristics of the collectors (size, shape, colour, etc.).Finally a practical example of such a design process conducted within the European project SOLABS is given; the resulting collector is described, and integration simulations are presented.  相似文献   

Optimization of an industrial DC magnetron sputtering process for thin graded index coatings for solar thermal absorbers is reported. The optimization concerned the main processing parameters: sputtering power, argon flow, oxygen flow, and system set-up for graded control. The purpose of the optimization was to achieve a surface with efficient solar-thermal energy conversion based on the concept graded index coating, using a metal-dielectric composite coating of nickel–nickel oxide with a continuous change in composition through the film depth profile. It was found that the optimization of the materials composition could be controlled by one parameter related to the sputtering process, the relative oxygen flow RO, defined as the ratio of applied oxygen flow to the critical oxygen flow. For optimized sputtering conditions a solar absorptance of 0.92 was obtained for a single graded index coating on aluminum for RO value of 0.8. From the materials characterization it was found that this gave a graded index coating of two thick sub-layers, a top layer of nano-sized nickel oxide grains and a base layer of nano-size metallic nickel grains with a very thin interface of a mixture of nickel and nickel oxide that was almost amorphous.  相似文献   

Zhen Yang 《Solar Energy》2010,84(6):974-985
A comprehensive, two-temperature model is developed to investigate energy storage in a molten-salt thermocline. The commercially available molten salt HITEC is considered for illustration with quartzite rocks as the filler. Heat transfer between the molten salt and quartzite rock is represented by an interstitial heat transfer coefficient. Volume-averaged mass and momentum equations are employed, with the Brinkman-Forchheimer extension to the Darcy law used to model the porous-medium resistance. The governing equations are solved using a finite-volume approach. The model is first validated against experiments from the literature and then used to systematically study the discharge behavior of thermocline thermal storage system. Thermal characteristics including temperature profiles and discharge efficiency are explored. Guidelines are developed for designing solar thermocline systems. The discharge efficiency is found to be improved at small Reynolds numbers and larger tank heights. The filler particle size strongly influences the interstitial heat transfer rate, and thus the discharge efficiency.  相似文献   

Taiwan has long depended on imported fossil energy. The government is thus actively promoting the use of renewable energy. Since 2000, domestic installations of solar water heaters have increased substantially because of the long-term subsidies provided for such systems. However, data on the annual installation area of solar collectors in recent years indicated that the solar thermal industry in Taiwan has reached a bottleneck. The long-term policy providing subsidies must thus be revised. It is proposed that future thermal applications in Taiwan should focus on building-integrated solar thermal, photovoltaic/thermal, and industrial heating processes. Regarding building-integrated solar thermal systems, the current subsidy model can be continued (according to area of solar collectors); nevertheless, the application of photovoltaic/thermal and industrial heating systems must be determined according to the thermal output of such systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents new pinch targeting approaches to locate the minimum CO2-neutral and low-carbon sources for energy sector planning. Graphical targeting approach is firstly used to locate minimum consumption of low-carbon source for energy sector planning. A novel automated targeting approach is next presented to determine the optimum allocation of energy sources in a segregate planning scenario where energy targets for different sub-sectors in the planning horizon are located.  相似文献   

This note presents a simple transient model for predicting the thermal performance of some novel solar water heaters which combine both collection and storage of solar energy. These heaters consist of either (i) an insulated rectangular tank whose top surface is blackened and suitably glazed, or (ii) an insulated open shallow tank with black bottom/inner sides and a top glass cover (shallow solar pond). the heaters are adequately covered with an insulation during the night to reduce the heat losses. the proposed model is based on different characteristic equations during sunshine and off-sunshine hours. It is seen that the model predicts the water temperature in close agreement with the experimental observations and earlier theoretical investigations.  相似文献   

A review of solar thermal technologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of solar energy in recent years has reached a remarkable edge. The continuous research for an alternative power source due to the perceived scarcity of fuel fossils is its driving force. It has become even more popular as the cost of fossil fuel continues to rise. The earth receives in just 1 h, more energy from the sun than what we consume in the whole world for 1 year. Its application was proven to be most economical, as most systems in individual uses requires but a few kilowatt of power. This paper reviews the present day solar thermal technologies. Performance analyses of existing designs (study), mathematical simulation (design) and fabrication of innovative designs with suggested improvements (development) have been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt is made to investigate the thermal and electrical performance of a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector. A detailed thermal and electrical model is developed to calculate the thermal and electrical parameters of a typical PV/T air collector. The thermal and electrical parameters of a PV/T air collector include solar cell temperature, back surface temperature, outlet air temperature, open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, maximum power point voltage, maximum power point current, etc. Some corrections are done on heat loss coefficients in order to improve the thermal model of a PV/T air collector. A better electrical model is used to increase the calculations precision of PV/T air collector electrical parameters. Unlike the conventional electrical models used in the previous literature, the electrical model presented in this paper can estimate the electrical parameters of a PV/T air collector such as open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, maximum power point voltage, and maximum power point current. Further, an analytical expression for the overall energy efficiency of a PV/T air collector is derived in terms of thermal, electrical, design and climatic parameters. A computer simulation program is developed in order to calculate the thermal and electrical parameters of a PV/T air collector. The results of numerical simulation are in good agreement with the experimental measurements noted in the previous literature. Finally, parametric studies have been carried out. Since some corrections have been down on thermal and electrical models, it is observed that the thermal and electrical simulation results obtained in this paper is more precise than the one given by the previous literature. It is also found that the thermal efficiency, electrical efficiency and overall energy efficiency of PV/T air collector is about 17.18%, 10.01% and 45%, respectively, for a sample climatic, operating and design parameters.  相似文献   

Due to strong increase of solar power generation, the predictions of incoming solar energy are acquiring more importance. Photovoltaic and solar thermal are the main sources of electricity generation from solar energy. In the case of solar thermal energy plants with storage energy system, its management and operation need reliable predictions of solar irradiance with the same temporal resolution as the temporal capacity of the back-up system. These plants can work like a conventional power plant and compete in the energy stock market avoiding intermittence in electricity production.This work presents a comparisons of statistical models based on time series applied to predict half daily values of global solar irradiance with a temporal horizon of 3 days. Half daily values consist of accumulated hourly global solar irradiance from solar raise to solar noon and from noon until dawn for each day. The dataset of ground solar radiation used belongs to stations of Spanish National Weather Service (AEMet). The models tested are autoregressive, neural networks and fuzzy logic models. Due to the fact that half daily solar irradiance time series is non-stationary, it has been necessary to transform it to two new stationary variables (clearness index and lost component) which are used as input of the predictive models. Improvement in terms of RMSD of the models essayed is compared against the model based on persistence. The validation process shows that all models essayed improve persistence. The best approach to forecast half daily values of solar irradiance is neural network models with lost component as input, except Lerida station where models based on clearness index have less uncertainty because this magnitude has a linear behaviour and it is easier to simulate by models.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal conductivity of the absorber plate of a solar collector on the performance of a thermo-siphon solar water heater is found by using the alternative simulation system. The system is assumed to be supplied of hot water at 50 °C and 80 °C whereas both are used in domestic and industrial purposes, respectively. According to the Rand distribution profile 50, 125 and 250 l of hot water are consumed daily. The condition shows that the annual solar fraction of the planning functions and the collector's configuration factors are strongly dependent on the thermal conductivity for its lower values. The less dependence is observed beyond a thermal conductivity of 50 W/m °C for the solar improper fraction and above 100 W/m °C for the configuration factors. In addition, the number of air ducts and total mass flow rate are taken to show that higher collector efficiency is obtained under the suitable designing and operating parameters. Different heat transfer mechanisms, adding natural convection, vapor boiling, cell nucleus boiling and film wise condensation is observed in the thermo-siphon solar water heater with various solar radiations. From this study, it is found that the solar water heater with a siphon system achieves system characteristic efficiency of 18% higher than that of the conventional system by reducing heat loss for the thermo-siphon solar water heater.  相似文献   

A state-of-the-art solar crop dryer was developed with thermal energy storage to maintain continuity of drying of herbs for their colour and flavour vulnerability. The dryer consists of flat plate solar collector, packed bed phase change energy storage, drying plenum with crop trays and natural ventilation system. Dryer is designed with a maximum collector area of 1.5 m2, six crop trays with an effective area of 0.50 × 0.75 m2, can hold 12 kg of fresh leafy herbs. The dryer is attached with a packed bed thermal energy storage having capacity of 50 kg phase change material (PCM). The drying system works in such a manner that phase change material stores the thermal energy during sun shine hours and releases the latent and sensible heat after sunset, thus dryer is effectively operative for next 5–6 h. The temperature in drying chamber was observed 6 °C higher than the ambient temperature after sunshine hours till the mid night during the month of June at Jodhpur. Economic performance of the dryer was analysed with return on capital and simple payback period as 0.65 and 1.57 year respectively on optimum cost of raw material and product sale price.  相似文献   

This paper reports the design, development and testing of an improved multipurpose solar energy device. The novel feature of the device is that it can be used as a solar water heater and solar still simultaneously and, when required, as a solar cabinet dryer by incorporating minor changes.  相似文献   

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