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Catalytic partial oxidation of methane (CPOM) is an important route for producing hydrogen and it is featured by autothermal reaction. To recognize the reaction characteristics of CPOM, H2 production and entropy generation from CPOM in Swiss-roll reactors are studied numerically. The considered parameters affecting the performance of CPOM include the excess enthalpy recovery, gas hourly space velocity (GHSV), number of turns and atomic O/C ratio. The impact of chemical reactions, heat transfer and friction on entropy generation is also analyzed. The results indicate that preheating reactants through waste heat recovery as well as increasing GHSV or number of turns is conducive to enhancing H2 yield, whereas the maximum H2 yield develops at O/C = 1.2. A higher H2 yield is always accompanied by a higher value of entropy generation, and chemical reactions are the main source of entropy generation, especially from steam methane reforming. In contrast, viscous dissipation almost plays no part on entropy generation, compared to heat transfer and chemical reactions. From the analysis of entropy generation, detailed mechanisms of H2 production from CPOM can be figured out.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production from the combination of catalytic partial oxidation of methane (CPOM) and water gas shift reaction (WGSR), viz. the two-stage reaction, in a Swiss-roll reactor is investigated numerically. Particular emphasis is placed on the interaction among the reaction of CPOM, the cooling effect due to steam injection and the excess enthalpy recovery with heat recirculation. A rhodium (Rh) catalyst bed sitting at the center of the reactor is used to trigger CPOM, and two different WGSRs, with the aids of a high-temperature (Fe–Cr-based) shift catalyst and a low-temperature (Cu–Zn-based) shift catalyst, are excited. Two important parameters, including the oxygen/methane (O/C) ratio and the steam/methane (S/C) ratio, affecting the efficiencies of methane conversion and hydrogen production are taken into account. The predictions indicate that the O/C ratio of 1.2 provides the best production of H2 from the two-stage reaction. For a fixed O/C ratio, the H2 yield is relatively low at a lower S/C ratio, stemming from the lower performance of WGSR, even though the cooling effect of steam is lower. On the contrary, the cooling effect becomes pronounced as the S/C ratio is high to a certain extent and the lessened CPOM leads to a lower H2 yield. As a result, with the condition of gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 10,000 h−1, the optimal operation for hydrogen production in the Swiss-roll reactor is suggested at O/C = 1.2 and S/C = 4–6.  相似文献   

The hysteresis characteristics of catalytic partial oxidation of methane (CPOM) in a Swiss-roll reactor are predicted numerically by varying Damköhler number. Particular attention is paid to the influences of heat recirculation, gas hourly space velocity (GHSV), and atomic O/C ratio on the hysteresis loop and performance of CPOM. The reactions of methane combustion, steam reforming, and CO2 or dry reforming are simultaneously considered. The results reveal that preheating reactants through excess enthalpy recovery is conducive to the ignition of CPOM and extending its extinction limit, so the ignition and extinction Damköhler numbers are lowered. The analysis also suggests that steam reforming is more sensitive to the heat recovery than methane combustion and dry reforming. An increase in GHSV reduces the residence time of reactants in the catalyst bed, thereby enlarging the ignition and extinction Damköhler numbers of CPOM. A higher O/C ratio facilitates the ignition of CPOM, stemming from more oxygen supplied, but the ratio should be controlled below 1.2. From the hysteresis phenomena, hydrogen can be produced from methane at a lower Damköhler number to save more energy for performing CPOM.  相似文献   

Catalytic partial oxidation of methane (CPOM) is a promising method for hydrogen production with autothermal reaction. To figure out the unsteady reaction characteristics of CPOM in a Swiss-roll reactor along with heat recirculation, a numerical method is employed to simulate the transient reaction dynamics, with emphasis on energy recovery using exergy analysis. Three different gas hourly space velocities (GHSVs) of 5000, 10,000 and 50,000 h−1 with the condition of atomic O/C ratio of 1 are considered. The predictions indicate that increasing GHSV substantially shortens the transient period of chemical reactions; however, it also reduces the methane conversion, as results of more reactants sent into the reactor and shorter residence time of the reactants in the catalyst bed. Within the investigated range of GHSV, the methane conversion with energy recovery at the steady state is larger than 80%, much higher than the reaction without heat recovery. The selectivities of H2 and CO in the product gas are always larger than 90%. The exergy recovery is in the range of 66–80%, implying that over two-third useful work contained in the product gas can be reused to preheat the reactants in the reactor, thereby enhancing the performance of CPOM.  相似文献   

Hysteresis loops of catalytic partial oxidation of methane (CPOM) for hydrogen production under the effects of varied Reynolds number and Damköhler number are investigated numerically in this study. The physical phenomena are predicted using the indirect mechanism, which consists of the total oxidation (or combustion), steam reforming and CO2 reforming of methane in a catalyst bed. Numerical results reveal that, when the Damköhler number is relatively low, a hysteresis loop of CPOM from varying Reynolds number develops. Increasing the Damköhler number leads to the loop shifting toward the regime of high Reynolds number. However, once the Damköhler number is large to a certain extent, the chemical reactions are always exhibited for the Reynolds number less than 2000. A closed loop is thus not observed. Alternatively, for a given Reynolds number, an ignited Damköhler number and an extinguished Damköhler number can be obtained. Accordingly, three different regions in the plot of Damköhler number versus Reynolds number are identified. Physically, when the role played by Damköhler number on CPOM is much more important than by the Reynolds number (Region I), the thermal effect governs the chemical reactions. In contrast, if the Reynolds number plays a key role in determining the CPOM (Region III), the chemically frozen flow prevails over the catalyst bed. When the residence times of the total oxidation and convection in the catalyst bed are in an equivalent state (Region II), CPOM is characterized by a dual-solution, rendering the hysteresis loops. From the distributions of ignited and extinguished Damköhler numbers, the catalytic reactor and operation of partial oxidation of methane and other fuels can be designed accordingly.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production by coupled catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) and steam methane reforming of methane (OSMR) at industrial conditions (high temperatures and pressures) have been studied over supported 1 wt.% NiB catalysts. Mixture of air/CH4/H2O was applied as the feed. The effects of O2:CH4 ratio, H2O:CH4 ratio and the gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) on oxy-steam reforming (OSRM) were also studied. Results indicate that CH4 conversion increases significantly with increasing O2:CH4 or H2O:CH4 ratio. However, the hydrogen mole fraction goes through a maximum, depending on reaction conditions, e.g., pressure, temperature and the feed gases ratios. Carbon deposition on the catalysts has been greatly decreased after steam addition. The supported 1 wt.% NiB catalysts exhibit high stability with 85% methane conversion at 15 bar and 800 °C during 70 h time-on-stream reaction (CH4:O2:H2O:N2 = 1:0.5:1:1.887). The thermal efficiency was increased from 35.8% by CPO (without steam) to 55.6%. The presented data would be useful references for further design of enlarged scale hydrogen production system.  相似文献   

Hysteresis effects and reaction characteristics of methane catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) in a fixed-bed reactor are numerically simulated. The reactions are modeled based on the experimental measurements of methane CPO with a rhodium (Rh) catalyst. Three C/O ratios of 0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 are considered in the study. When the Reynolds number is 200, the predictions indicate that the methane CPO is always triggered at around the inlet temperature of 550 K, regardless of what the C/O ratio is. It is of interest that if the inlet temperature is decreased after the methane CPO develops at higher inlet temperatures, the reversed path of methane conversion is different from the original path at lower inlet temperatures. The hysteresis effect of the methane CPO is thus observed. The hysteresis behavior implies that a higher yield of syngas or hydrogen can be achieved by controlling the reaction process. Decreasing the C/O ratio intensifies the methane CPO so that the hysteresis effect is more pronounced, and vice versa. An increase in Reynolds number delays the excitation temperature of methane CPO and lessens the hysteresis effect of methane conversion due to the growth of fluid inertial force. However, the hysteresis effect of the maximum temperature in the catalyst bed increases as a result of more methane consumption.  相似文献   

Reaction characteristics of hydrogen production from a one-stage reaction and a two-stage reaction are studied and compared with each other in the present study, by means of thermodynamic analyses. In the one-stage reaction, the autothermal reforming (ATR) of methane is considered. In the two-stage reaction, it is featured by the partial oxidation of methane (POM) followed by a water gas shift reaction (WGSR) where the temperatures of POM and WGSR are individually controlled. The results indicate that the reaction temperature of ATR plays an important role in determining H2 yield. Meanwhile, the conditions of higher steam/methane (S/C) ratio and lower oxygen/methane (O/C) ratio in association with a higher reaction temperature have a trend to increase H2 yield. When O/C ≤ 0.125, the coking behavior may be exhibited. In regard to the two-stage reaction, it is found that the methane conversion is always high in POM, regardless of what the reaction temperature is. When the O/C ratio is smaller than 0.5, H2 is generated from the partial oxidation and thermal decomposition of methane, causing solid carbon deposition. Following the performance of WGSR, it suggests that the H2 yield of the two-stage reaction is significantly affected by the reaction temperature of WGSR. This reflects that the temperature of WGSR is the key factor in producing H2. When methane, oxygen and steam are in the stoichiometric ratio (i.e. 1:0.5:1), the maximum H2 yield from ATR is 2.25 which occurs at 800 °C. In contrast, the maximum H2 yield of the two-stage reaction is 2.89 with the WGSR temperature of 200 °C. Accordingly, it reveals that the two-stage reaction is a recommended fuel processing method for hydrogen production because of its higher H2 yield and flexible operation.  相似文献   

In recent years the catalytic partial oxidation has been taken into consideration as a suitable process for hydrogen production, because of its exothermic nature which makes the process less energy and capital cost intensive with respect to steam reforming. In this paper the behaviour of three different catalyst typologies, two based on Ni–Al2O3Al2O3 (different in active phase composition) and one constituted by Pt supported on CeO2CeO2, is studied for partial oxidation of propane (as representative of liquefied petroleum gas). For comparison the same catalysts have been tested also in methane partial oxidation.  相似文献   

The impact of sulphur addition (2–58 ppm) during the catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) of ethane was investigated on Rh- and Pt-based honeycomb catalysts tested under self-sustained high temperature conditions. Both steady state and transient operation of the CPO reactor were investigated particularly with regards to poisoning/regeneration cycles. A detailed analysis of products distribution in the effluent and a heat balance of the CPO reactor demonstrates that sulphur reversibly adsorbed on Rh selectively inhibits the ethane hydrogenolysis and, to a lower extent, steam reforming reaction. A further, simultaneous adverse effect of S on the kinetics of the reverse water gas shift reaction on Rh catalyst operating at temperatures < 750 °C can cause an unexpected increase in the H2 yield above its equilibrium value for low concentrations of the poison. Pt catalyst is less active for those reactions but in turn is more S-tolerant.  相似文献   

Steam methane reforming (SMR) is currently the main hydrogen production process in industry, but it has high emissions of CO2, at almost 7 kg CO2/kg H2 on average, and is responsible for about 3% of global industrial sector CO2 emissions. Here, the results are reported of an investigation of the effect of steam-to-carbon ratio (S/C) on CO2 capture criteria from various locations in the process, i.e. synthesis gas stream (location 1), pressure swing adsorber (PSA) tail gas (location 2), and furnace flue gases (location 3). The CO2 capture criteria considered in this study are CO2 partial pressure, CO2 concentration, and CO2 mass ratio compared to the final exhaust stream, which is furnace flue gases. The CO2 capture number (Ncc) is proposed as measure of capture favourability, defined as the product of the three above capture criteria. A weighting of unity is used for each criterion. The best S/C ratio, in terms of providing better capture option, is determined. CO2 removal from synthesis gas after the shift unit is found to be the best location for CO2 capture due to its high partial pressure of CO2. However, furnace flue gases, containing almost 50% of the CO2 in produced in the process, are of great significance environmentally. Consequently, the effects of oxygen enrichment of the furnace feed are investigated, and it is found that this measure improves the CO2 capture conditions for lower S/C ratios. Consequently, for an S/C ratio of 2.5, CO2 capture from a flue gas stream is competitive with two other locations provided higher weighting factors are considered for the full presence of CO2 in the flue gases stream. Considering carbon removal from flue gases, the ratio of hydrogen production rate and Ncc increases with rising reformer temperature.  相似文献   

Catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) has potential for producing hydrogen that can be fed to a fuel cell for portable power generation. In order to be used for this purpose, catalytic partial oxidation must be combined with other processes, such as water-gas shift and preferential oxidation, to produce hydrogen with minimal carbon monoxide. This paper evaluates the use of catalytic partial oxidation in an integrated system for conversion of a military logistic fuel, JP-8, to high-purity hydrogen. A fuel processing system using CPO as the first processing step is simulated to understand the trade-offs involved in using CPO. The effects of water flow rate, CPO reactor temperature, carbon to oxygen ratio in the CPO reactor, temperature of preferential oxidation, oxygen to carbon ratio in the preferential oxidation reactor, and temperature for the water-gas shift reaction are evaluated. The possibility of recycling water from the fuel cell for use in fuel processing is evaluated. Finally, heat integration options are explored. A process efficiency, defined as the ratio of the lower heating value of hydrogen to that of JP-8, of around 53% is possible with a carbon to oxygen ratio of 0.7. Higher efficiencies are possible (up to 71%) when higher C/O ratios are used, provided that olefin production can be minimized in the CPO reactor.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to optimize a microchannel reactor using hydrogen assisted catalytic combustion for steam reforming of methane. Hydrogen assisted catalytic combustion does not require preheating because the catalytic combustion of hydrogen occurs at room temperature. After start-up by hydrogen catalytic combustion, fuels of hydrogen and methane were changed to methane. The geometric configuration of the counter-flow reactor was optimized by the simulation model under steady state condition. The hydrogen flow rate in the counter-flow reactor was also optimized by transient simulations using the response surface methodology. As a result, the counter-flow reactor showed extremely short start-up time because of the optimized configuration and the optimized hydrogen flow rate. Hot spots were avoided because of the hydrogen shut-off after start-up. The operating characteristics of the counter-flow reactor were compared with those of the co-flow reactor.  相似文献   

Supportless Ni-Pd-0.1CNT foamy nanocatalyst with specific surface area of 611.3 m2/g was produced by electroless deposition of nickel, palladium and multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) on interim polyurethane substrate. Application of temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) data into Kissinger (Redhead) kinetic model showed lessening of their activation energies due to Pd and CNT addition. Presence of foamy Ni/SiC caused 8% higher steam reforming of methane; while Ni-Pd-0.1CNT presence resulted in 22% higher methane conversion. The catalytic behavior of the samples was described by morphological and compositional studies which were carried out by transmission electron microscope (TEM), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) pondered with Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), TPR, TPO and X-ray diffraction (XRD).  相似文献   

Hydrogen production for future transportation applications have received increased interest due to its inherent environmental and efficiency benefits. Currently, hydrogen is produced from natural gas and naphtha for its use in refineries for clean fuel production along with its use in ammonia production. The hydrogen demand will grow in future for hydrogen based fuel cell vehicles. Significant research is underway to produce hydrogen from renewable and fossil fuel sources. However, on-site hydrogen production using existing fuel and gas station infrastructure to support future hydrogen based fuel cell vehicles has advantages over other approaches. In this context, this study is focused on a techno-economic assessment of hydrogen production from transportation fuels using different conversion technologies. In addition, detailed economics with higher capacity and volume of the hydrogen stations are also discussed. Finally, a detailed roadmap is presented to produce on-site hydrogen at commercial scale.  相似文献   

A conceptual design for the carbon dioxide reforming of methane to consume greenhouse gases is implemented in an autothermal reformer (ATR)-based hydrogen production system. Based on the waste heat recovery configuration, a heat-integrated system without external heat supplies is proposed where the optimal operating conditions are determined by solving the constrained optimization algorithm for maximizing hydrogen selectivity or minimizing carbon dioxide selectivity. The results obtained from an Aspen HYSYS® simulator for the system design and optimization shows that the proposed stand-alone hydrogen production system can achieve 40%∼50% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   

The present study aims at exploring a concept which can convert coal-bed methane (containing methane, air and carbon dioxide) to synthesis gas. Without pre-separation and purification, the low-cost synthesis gas can be produced by coupling air partial oxidation and CO2 reforming of coal bed methane. For this purpose, the co-precipitated Ni-Mg-ZrO2 catalyst was prepared. It was found that the co-precipitated Ni-Mg-ZrO2 catalyst exhibited the best activity and stability at 800 °C during the reaction. The conversions of CH4 and CO2 maintained at 94.8% and 82.1% respectively after 100 h of reaction. The effect of reaction temperature was investigated. The H2/CO ratio in the product was mainly dependent on the feed gas composition. By changing O2/CO2 ratio of the feed gases, the H2/CO ratio in the off-gas varied between 0.8 and 1.8. The experimental results showed that the high thermal stability and basic properties of the catalyst, and the strong metal-support interaction played important roles in improving the activity and stability of the catalyst. With the combined reactions and the Ni-Mg-ZrO2 catalyst, the coal bed methane could be converted to synthesis gas, which can meet the need of the subsequent synthesis processes.  相似文献   

Ethanol steam reforming in a membrane reactor with catalytic membranes was investigated to achieve important aims in one process, such as improvement in ethanol conversion and hydrogen yield, high hydrogen recovery and CO reduction. In order to confirm the efficiency of reaction and CO reduction, an ethanol reforming-catalytic membrane reactor with water–gas shift reaction (ECRW) in the permeate side was compared with a conventional reactor (CR) and an ethanol reforming-catalytic membrane reactor (ECR). In comparison with the CR, ethanol conversion improvement of 11.9–19% and high hydrogen recovery of 78–87% were observed in the temperature range of 300–600 °C in the ECRW. Compared with CR and ECR, the hydrogen yield of ECRW increased up to 38% and 30%, respectively. Particularly, the ECRW showed higher hydrogen yield at high temperature, because Pt/Degussa P25 loaded in the permeate side showed catalytic activity for the methane steam reforming as well as WGS reaction. Moreover, CO concentration was reduced under 1% by the WGS reaction in the permeate side in the temperature range of 300–500 °C.  相似文献   

Partial oxidation of methane (POM) has been tested in an asymmetric microchannel reactor with different inlet configurations. One inlet of the reactor provided successive splitting of an inlet flow into parallel channels, whereas the opposite inlet allowed the inlet flow to enter the parallel channels simultaneously. It was found that concentrations of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide changed by 20–30% and the conversion of methane changed by 5–20%, depending on the rate and direction of the inlet flow. The hydrogen production rate practically did not depend on the inlet configuration and equaled 15 l/h at the inlet flow rates from 600 to 1400 cm3/min and at the methane conversion of 80%. The data obtained demonstrated that the use of different operating modes of the asymmetric microreactor allows changing the composition of produced syngas.  相似文献   

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