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本文重点介绍了我厂LAROX压滤机在生产过程中的滤布消耗情况,以及我们在探讨如何降低滤布消耗,降低生产成本,提高其开车率的工作中,对滤布进行选型试验、研究以及得出的结论。 相似文献
某钢厂的转炉炼钢除尘水系统采用板框式压滤机,经常因滤布堵塞板结导致喷浆事件的发生。常规物理法清洗不彻底,以无机酸进行化学清洗的方法损坏滤布,而频繁地更换滤布又会增加运行成本。为此研制了一种专门针对滤布堵塞问题的清洗剂TS-7609,经现场应用,滤布堵塞板结的情况得以明显改善,大大降低了运行成本。 相似文献
<正>我公司利用电石渣配料烧制熟料,选用真空吸滤机来降低料浆水分,生产含水低于40%的生料饼。真空吸滤机上原安装的是无纺布滤布,使用过程中存在以下几个缺点:一是拆装难度大,必须使用专用设备进行拆装,费力费时还极易损坏滤板;二是清洗困难,使用一段时间后,由于微小颗粒堵塞过滤孔造成滤饼水分升高、产能降低,需要对滤布进行酸洗。 相似文献
Microfiltration was carried out in a newly-developed internal filter reactor system (stainless steel membrane filter, pore
size=2 or 10 μm) using yeast cells ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 24858, industrialS. cerevisiae, and recombinant yeast RH 51. The filter performance was measured in terms of filtrate flux and retention coefficient of
cell, and was highly influenced by agitation speed and cell concentration. Both gel polarization model and solid flux model
failed to predict the filtration behavior in the internal filter system. An empirical equation was obtained to correlate filtrate
flux as a function of agitation speed and cell concentration. Retention coefficient with a filter of 2 Μm pore size was found
more than 95%, and the filter was suitable for the yeast cell separation. 相似文献
A centrifugal separator was constructed to examine the effect of flue gas humidity on the adhesional force between fabric
and collected dust. A lab-scale fabric filter sampling system (FFSS) was also manufactured by using a piece of flat fabric
as a sample of bag material. In addition, an automatic control system for gas humidity was devised and installed in the FFSS,
and, then, the following effects were studied: (i) the influence of gas humidity on the adhesional force between fabric and
dust particles; (ii) the influence of gas humidity on the performance of fabric filter in terms of pressure drop, ΔP, dust
removal efficiency, η, and specific cake resistance, K′2; (iii) the variations in the composite-performance indices with gas humidity; and (iv) the influence of gas humidity on cleaning
of dust-cake in terms of effective residual pressure drop. The main objectives were to determine the minimum and maximum values
for the gas humidity range and to find the appropriate conditions for dust cleaning in terms of the critical value of effective
residual pressure drop. 相似文献
An investigation of high operating temperatures in mechanical vapor-compression desalination 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
It is common practice to operate mechanical vapor-compression (MVC) seawater desalination systems at temperatures lower than 80°C. This study presents the detail engineering and economics of a MVC system operating at 172°C. The literature indicates that high overall heat transfer coefficients for the evaporator are possible at high temperatures with dropwise condensation on the steam side and pool boiling on the liquid side. Employing high operating temperature delivers the following advantages: (1) low compression work, (2) small latent heat transfer area, and (3) small compressor. These advantages potentially reduce operating costs and capital investment. The disadvantages follow: (1) pretreatment required to prevent fouling of heat exchangers, (2) careful selection of materials to prevent corrosion, and (3) larger sensible heat transfer area is required. A desalination plant is designed herein to produce 37,854 m3/d (10 mil gal/day), which is financed with a 5%, 30-y municipal bond. To maximize energy efficiency, combined-cycle cogeneration is employed. For the US ($5.00/GJ energy), the product water selling price is estimated to be $0.49/m3 ($1.86/thous gal). For the Middle East ($0.50/GJ energy) the product water selling price is estimated to be $0.38/m3 ($1.44/thous gal). These are attractive prices relative to competing technologies. 相似文献
平行面机械密封结构和性能的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了理想和名义径向平行面机械密封的平行面原则、典型的模型、结构和性能。最后给出一些平行面机械密封的主要参数和性能的计算方法和示例,可供机械密封设计使用 相似文献
The mechanical strength of three carbonate tablets constructed by uniaxial compaction is evaluated using a simple tester, specially designed, as a comparative method, to classify and establish correlations between the measured resistance and the physical and flow properties of each carbonate. The net compression work required to construct the tablets is also compared with the strength of the samples in order to relate it to powder's ability to convert the force applied into effective solid-solid bonds. 相似文献