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CD4+ cells derived from the human cell lines U87MG and SCL1 cannot be infected by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) or fuse with cells expressing the HIV-1 envelope. This block was complemented in heterokaryons with HeLa cells and probably reflects the absence of cellular factors necessary for membrane fusion. Since U87MG cells expressing CD4 are permissive to HIV-2, distinct cellular factors could be required for fusion mediated by two related human retroviruses.  相似文献   

Hamartomas are rare benign tumors appearing very often without any symptoms. In case of diagnostic detection the operative exploration is indicated for a correct histological diagnosis and resection. In this report we describe a very rare case of mesenterial hamartoma. During the late postoperative course a refilling chylothorax and chylous ascites occurred. With total parenteral nutrition, excluding short- and long-chain fatty acids, chylous leakage was successfully treated. The chylous exudation was stopped totally; only intraabdominally did minimal ascites persist. The therapy was continued by a oral Ceres diet nutrition. The conservative therapy involving total parenteral nutrition permitted us to avoid the peritoneovenous Le Veen shunt and the associated complications.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein has been shown to be extensively modified by N-linked glycosylation; however, the presence of O-linked carbohydrates on the glycoprotein has not been firmly established. We have found that enzymatic deglycosylation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein with neuraminidase and O-glycosidase results in a decrease in the apparent molecular weight of the envelope glycoprotein. This result was observed in both vaccinia virus recombinant-derived envelope glycoproteins and glycoproteins derived from the IIIB, SG3, and HXB2, strains of HIV-1. The decrease in molecular weight was also observed when the envelope glycoprotein had been deglycosylated with N-glycanase F after treatment with neuraminidase and O-glycosidase, indicating that the decrease in apparent molecular weight was not attributable to the removal of N-linked carbohydrate. Treatment with neuraminidase, O-glycosidase, and N-glycanase F was found to be necessary to remove all radiolabel from [3H]glucosamine-labelled envelope glycoprotein, a result seen for both recombinant and HIV-1-derived envelope glycoprotein. [3H]glucosamine-labelled carbohydrates liberated by O-glycosidase treatment were separated by paper chromatography and were found to be of a size consistent with O-linked oligosaccharides. We, therefore, conclude that the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein is modified by the addition of O-linked carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Inactivation of progeny virions with chimeric virion-associated proteins represents a novel therapeutic approach against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication. The HIV type 1 (HIV-1) Vpr gene product, which is packaged into virions, is an attractive candidate for such a strategy. In this study, we developed Vpr-based fusion proteins that could be specifically targeted into mature HIV-1 virions to affect their structural organization and/or functional integrity. Two Vpr fusion proteins were constructed by fusing to the first 88 amino acids of HIV-1 Vpr the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase enzyme (VprCAT) or the last 18 C-terminal amino acids of the HIV-1 Vpu protein (VprIE). These Vpr fusion proteins were initially designed to quantify their efficiency of incorporation into HIV-1 virions when produced in cis from the provirus. Subsequently, CD4+ Jurkat T-cell lines constitutively expressing the VprCAT or the VprIE fusion protein were generated with retroviral vectors. Expression of the VprCAT or the VprIE fusion protein in CD4+ Jurkat T cells did not interfere with cellular viability or growth but conferred substantial resistance to HIV replication. The resistance to HIV replication was more pronounced in Jurkat-VprIE cells than in Jurkat-VprCAT cells. Moreover, the antiviral effect mediated by VprIE was dependent on an intact p6(gag) domain, indicating that the impairment of HIV-1 replication required the specific incorporation of Vpr fusion protein into virions. Gene expression, assembly, or release was not affected upon expression of these Vpr fusion proteins. Indeed, the VprIE and VprCAT fusion proteins were shown to affect the infectivity of progeny virus, since HIV virions containing the VprCAT or the VprIE fusion proteins were, respectively, 2 to 3 times and 10 to 30 times less infectious than the wild-type virus. Overall, this study demonstrated the successful transfer of resistance to HIV replication in tissue cultures by use of Vpr-based antiviral genes.  相似文献   

Although typical primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are relatively neutralization resistant, three human monoclonal antibodies and a small number of HIV-1(+) human sera that neutralize the majority of isolates have been described. The monoclonal antibodies (2G12, 2F5, and b12) represent specificities that a putative vaccine should aim to elicit, since in vitro neutralization has been correlated with protection against primary viruses in animal models. Furthermore, a neutralization escape mutant to one of the antibodies (b12) selected in vitro remains sensitive to neutralization by the other two (2G12 and 2F5) (H. Mo, L. Stamatatos, J. E. Ip, C. F. Barbas, P. W. H. I. Parren, D. R. Burton, J. P. Moore, and D. D. Ho, J. Virol. 71:6869-6874, 1997), supporting the notion that eliciting a combination of such specificities would be particularly advantageous. Here, however, we describe a small subset of viruses, mostly pediatric, which show a high level of neutralization resistance to all three human monoclonal antibodies and to two broadly neutralizing sera. Such viruses threaten antibody-based antiviral strategies, and the basis for their resistance should be explored.  相似文献   

We tested chemokine receptor subset usage by diverse, well-characterized primary viruses isolated from peripheral blood by monitoring viral replication with CCR1, CCR2b, CCR3, CCR5, and CXCR4 U87MG.CD4 transformed cell lines and STRL33/BONZO/TYMSTR and GPR15/BOB HOS.CD4 transformed cell lines. Primary viruses were isolated from 79 men with confirmed human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection from the Chicago component of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study at interval time points. Thirty-five additional well-characterized primary viruses representing HIV-1 group M subtypes A, B, C, D, and E and group O and three primary simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) isolates were also used for these studies. The restricted use of the CCR5 chemokine receptor for viral entry was associated with infection by a virus having a non-syncytium-inducing phenotype and correlated with a reduced rate of disease progression and a prolonged disease-free interval. Conversely, broadening chemokine receptor usage from CCR5 to both CCR5 and CXCR4 was associated with infection by a virus having a syncytium-inducing phenotype and correlated with a faster rate of CD4 T-cell decline and progression of disease. We also observed a greater tendency for infection with a virus having a syncytium-inducing phenotype in men heterozygous for the defective CCR5 Delta32 allele (25%) than in those men homozygous for the wild-type CCR5 allele (6%) (P = 0.03). The propensity for infection with a virus having a syncytium-inducing phenotype provides a partial explanation for the rapid disease progression among some men heterozygous for the defective CCR5 Delta32 allele. Furthermore, we did not identify any primary viruses that used CCR3 as an entry cofactor, despite this CC chemokine receptor being expressed on the cell surface at a level commensurate with or higher than that observed for primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Whereas isolates of primary viruses of SIV also used STRL33/BONZO/TYMSTR and GPR15/BOB, no primary isolates of HIV-1 used these particular chemokine receptor-like orphan molecules as entry cofactors, suggesting a limited contribution of these other chemokine receptors to viral evolution. Thus, despite the number of chemokine receptors implicated in viral entry, CCR5 and CXCR4 are likely to be the physiologically relevant chemokine receptors used as entry cofactors in vivo by diverse strains of primary viruses isolated from blood.  相似文献   

The differential use of CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) and CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) may be intimately involved in the transmission and progression of human immunodeficiency virus infection. Changes in coreceptor utilization have also been noted upon adaptation of primary isolates (PI) to growth in established T-cell lines. All of the T-cell line-adapted (TCLA) viruses studied to date utilize CXCR4 but not CCR5. This observation had been suggested as an explanation for the sensitivity of TCLA, but not PI, viruses to neutralization by recombinant gp120 antisera and V3-directed monoclonal antibodies, but recent studies have shown coreceptor utilization to be independent of neutralization sensitivity. Here we describe a newly isolated TCLA virus that is sensitive to neutralization but continues to utilize both CXCR4 and CCR5 for infection. This finding further divorces coreceptor specificity from neutralization sensitivity and from certain changes in cell tropism. That the TCLA virus can continue to utilize CCR5 despite the changes that occur upon adaptation and in the apparent absence of CCR5 expression in the FDA/H9 T-cell line suggests that the interaction between envelope protein and coreceptor may be mediated by multiple weak interactions along a diffuse surface.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship between coreceptor utilization and sensitivity to neutralization in a primary isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and its T-cell line-adapted (TCLA) derivative. We determined that adaptation of the primary-isolate (PI) virus 168P results in the loss of the unique capacity of PI viruses to utilize the CCR5 coreceptor and in the acquisition by the TCLA 168C virus of sensitivity to neutralization by V3-directed monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). In experiments wherein infection by 168P is directed via either the CCR5 or the CXCR4 pathway, we demonstrate that the virus, as well as pseudotyped virions bearing a molecularly cloned 168P envelope protein, remains refractory to neutralization by MAbs 257-D, 268-D, and 50.1 regardless of the coreceptor utilized. This study suggests that coreceptor utilization is not a primary determinant of differential neutralization sensitivity in PI and TCLA viruses.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes bearing electroinserted full-length CD4 (RBC-CD4) can bind and fuse with a laboratory strain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) or with T cells infected by HIV-1. Here we show that RBC-CD4 neutralize primary HIV-1 strains in an assay of cocultivation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HIV-1-infected persons with uninfected PBMC. RBC-CD4 inhibited viral p24 core antigen accumulation in these cocultures up to 10,000-fold compared with RBC alone. Viral p24 accumulation was inhibited equally well when measured in culture supernatants or in call extracts. The inhibition was dose-dependent and long-lived. Two types of recombinant CD4 tested in parallel were largely ineffective. The neutralization of primary HIV-1 by RBC-CD4 in vitro was demonstrated in PBMC cultures from 21 of a total of 23 patients tested at two independent sites. RBC-CD4 may offer a route to blocking HIV-1 infection in vivo.  相似文献   

Infection of T lymphocytes by the human immunodeficiency virus causes drastic alterations in the intracellular cation content of the infected cells. The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genome encodes several accessory proteins, including Vpu, an integral membrane protein that forms ion channels in planar lipid bilayers. The effect of Vpu on the permeability of the plasma membrane to several molecules has been analyzed. Expression of vpu in Escherichia coli cells increases membrane permeability to a number of molecules such as 2-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactopyranoside, uridine, the impermeable translation inhibitor hygromycin B, and lysozyme. In addition, transient expression of Vpu in eukaryotic COS cells enhances entry of charged molecules such as hygromycin B and neurobiotin into these cells. The effect of Vpu on cell membrane permeability resembles that reported for other membrane-active proteins from different animal viruses, including influenza M2, Semliki Forest virus 6K, and poliovirus 2B and 3A proteins.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) employs a number of complex strategies to interfere with the synthesis, stability, and subcellular localization of its specific cellular receptor CD4. To define better the mechanisms of inhibition of CD4 expression, we used a rabbit reticulocyte lysate in vitro system, in which cDNAs derived from HIV-1-infected cells were used to generate mRNA for the Tat, Vpu, and gp160 envelope proteins that were translated together with CD4-encoding mRNA. In the presence of microsomal membranes, we observed that cotranslation of Env mRNA resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of CD4 translation. This effect was enhanced further when an mRNA-encoding Vpu in addition to Env mRNA was utilized. However, the activity of Vpu was mostly post-translational, since translation of Vpu alone, but not Env, was able to destabilize CD4 molecules presynthesized into microsomes. The Env-mediated inhibitory effect was specifically targeted at CD4 and did not affect the synthesis or stability of the CD8 molecule. Interestingly, mutated CD4 species, with a 20-fold lower affinity for HIV-1 Env than wild-type, were less sensitive to cotranslational inhibition. Our report identifies the envelope as the HIV-1 protein responsible for down-regulation of CD4 translation. We further propose a mechanism whereby direct interactions between gp160 and nascent CD4 molecules can cause interference with and premature termination of CD4 protein elongation.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag and the cellular protein cyclophilin A form an essential complex in the virion core: virions produced by proviruses encoding Gag mutants with decreased cyclophilin A affinity exhibit attenuated infectivity, as do virions produced in the presence of the competitive inhibitor cyclosporine. The A224E Gag mutant has no effect on cyclophilin A affinity but renders HIV-1 replication cyclosporine resistant in Jurkat T cells. In contrast, A224E mutant virus is dead in H9 T cells, although replication is rescued by cyclosporine or by expression in cis of a Gag mutant that decreases cyclophilin A-affinity. The observation that disruption of the Gag-cyclophilin A interaction rescues A224E mutant replication in H9 cells prompted experiments which revealed that, relative to Jurkat cells, H9 cells express greater quantities of cyclophilin A. The resulting larger quantity of cyclophilin A shown to be packaged into virions produced by H9 cells is presumably disruptive to the A224E mutant virion core. Further evidence that increased cyclophilin A expression in H9 cells is of functional relevance was provided by the finding that Gag mutants with decreased cyclophilin A affinity are dead in Jurkat cells but capable of replication in H9 cells. Similarly, cyclosporine concentrations which inhibit wild-type HIV-1 replication in Jurkat cells stimulate HIV-1 replication in H9 cells. These results suggest that HIV-1 virion infectivity imposes narrow constraints upon cyclophilin A stoichiometry in virions and that infectivity is finely tuned by host cyclophilin A expression levels.  相似文献   

High mutation rates and strong selective pressures imposed on human immunodeficiency viruses in vivo result in the formation of pools of genetic variants known as quasispecies. DNA heteroduplex mobility and tracking analyses were used to monitor the generation of HIV sequence diversity, to estimate quasispecies complexity, and to assess the turnover of genetic variants to approach an understanding of the relationship between viral quasispecies evolution in vivo and disease progression. Proviral DNA pools were nearly homogeneous soon after sexual transmission. The emergence and clearance of individual variants then occurred at different rates in different individuals. High quasispecies complexity was found in long-term-infected, asymptomatic individuals, while rapid CD4+ cell decline and AIDS were often, but not always, associated with lower quasispecies complexity. Proviral genetic variation was often low following in vitro culture, because of the outgrowth of one or a few variants that often became more abundant only later as proviruses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. These studies provide insight into the dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus sequence changes in vivo and illustrate the utility of heteroduplex analysis for the study of phenomena associated with rapid genetic changes.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 matrix protein (p17MA) plays a central role at both the early and late stages of the virus life cycle. During viral assembly, the p17MA domain of Pr55gag promotes membrane association, which is essential for the formation of viral particles. When viral infection occurs, the mature p17MA dissociates from the plasma membrane and participates in the nuclear targeting process. Thus, p17MA contains a reversible membrane binding signal to govern its differential subcellular localization and biological functions. We previously identified a membrane binding signal within the amino-terminal 31 amino acids of the matrix domain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag, consisting of myristate and a highly basic region (W. Zhou, L. J. Parent, J. W. Wills, and M. D. Resh, J. Virol. 68:2556-2569, 1994). Here we show that exposure of this membrane binding signal is regulated in different Gag protein contexts. Within full-length Pr55gag, the membrane targeting signal is exposed and can direct Pr55gag as well as heterologous proteins to the plasma membrane. However, in the context of p17MA alone, this signal is hidden and unable to confer plasma membrane binding. To investigate the molecular mechanism for regulation of membrane binding, a series of deletions within p17MA was generated by sequentially removing alpha-helical regions defined by the nuclear magnetic resonance structure. Removal of the last alpha helix (amino acids 97 to 109) of p17MA was associated with enhancement of binding to biological membranes in vitro and in vivo. Liposome binding experiments indicated that the C-terminal region of p17MA exerts a negative effect on the N-terminal MA membrane targeting domain by sequestering the myristate signal. We propose that mature p17MA adopts a conformation different from that of the p17MA domain within Pr55gag and present evidence to support this hypothesis. It is likely that such a conformational change results in an N-terminal myristyl switch which governs differential membrane binding.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of food insufficiency in the United States and to examine sociodemographic characteristics related to food insufficiency. METHODS: Data were analyzed from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a cross-sectional representative sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized population living in households. Individuals were classified as "food insufficient" if a family respondent reported that the family sometimes or often did not get enough food to eat. RESULTS: From 1988 through 1994, the overall prevalence of food insufficiency was 4.1% and was primarily related to poverty status. In the low-income population, food insufficiency was positively associated with being Mexican American, being under the age of 60, having a family head who had not completed high school, participating in the Food Stamp Program, and not having health insurance. It was not related to family type or employment status of the family head. Over half of food-insufficient individuals lived in employed families. CONCLUSIONS: Food insufficiency is not limited to very low-income persons, specific racial/ethnic groups, family types, or the unemployed. Understanding food insufficiency is critical to formulating nutrition programs and policies.  相似文献   

Lentiviruses are potentially advantageous compared to oncoretroviruses as gene transfer agents because they can infect nondividing cells. We demonstrate here that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-based vectors were highly efficient in transducing purified human hematopoietic stem cells. Transduction rates, measured by marker gene expression or by PCR of the integrated provirus, exceeded 50%, and transduction appeared to be independent of mitosis. Derivatives of HIV-1 were constructed to optimize the vector, and a deletion of most of Vif and Vpr was required to ensure the long-term persistence of transduced cells with relatively stable expression of the marker gene product. These results extend the utility of this lentivirus vector system.  相似文献   

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