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Kakkar C  Thyagarajan K 《Applied optics》2005,44(12):2396-2401
We report here a broadband, lossless, dispersion-compensating asymmetrical twin-core fiber design with flat-gain Raman amplification that uses a single pump. Simulations show that broadband Raman amplification, with +/- 0.1-dB gain ripple, is achievable over a 31-nm bandwidth (1504-1535 nm) by use of a single pump. Amplifier characteristics have been modeled, with the effects of wavelength-dependent splice and background attenuation loss taken into account. The fiber also has a high negative-dispersion coefficient [-230 to -330 ps/(km nm)] over the operating wavelength range and, hence, only 12.5 km of this fiber can compensate for an accumulated dispersion of 240 km of standard transmission fiber. The device is thus proposed as a lossless dispersion-compensating module wherein lossless operation is achieved by use of inherently gain-flattened Raman amplification.  相似文献   

Helzel T  Martens G 《Applied optics》1986,25(5):775-779
A 0.9-m diam off-axis optical slip ring for a 140-Mbit/s data transmission between the fixed and rotating parts of a continuously rotating device has been made. A grazing incidence multiple reflection technique has been used in this data link for guiding the light around the circumference of the slip ring. The optical properties are discussed as well as a special arrangement for the compensation of pulse delay time effects.  相似文献   

Based on the hybrid cladding design, a single-mode photonic crystal fibre (PCF) is proposed to achieve an ultra-high birefringence and large negative dispersion coefficient using finite-element method. Simulation results reveal that with optimal design parameters, it is possible to achieve an ultra-high birefringence of 2.64 × 10?2 at the excitation wavelength of 1.55 μm. The designed structure also shows large dispersion coefficient about ?242.22 to ?762.6 ps/nm/km over the wavelength ranging from 1.30 to 1.65 μm. Moreover, residual dispersion, effective dispersion, effective area, confinement loss and nonlinear coefficient of the proposed PCF are discussed thoroughly.  相似文献   

The structure of a QAM radio system is explained. Some novel designs that demonstrate the current status of spectral shaping SAW (surface acoustic wave) filters are presented. Compensation of second-order effects is discussed. Experimental results for a filter for a 140-Mb/s 16 QAM cochannel system with a roll-off factor of 0.19 are shown. Two other examples of filters for a 140-Mb/s, 64 QAM system with a 35% relative bandwidth are also presented  相似文献   

Pande K  Pal BP 《Applied optics》2003,42(19):3785-3791
We report design optimization in terms of index-profile parameters of a dual-core dispersion-slope-compensating fiber suitable for broadband dispersion compensation in standard G.655 and G.655b single-mode fibers over the C and L bands of fiber amplifiers and additionally over the S band for the G.655b fibers. It takes into account profiles that can be achieved with state-of-the-art fabrication techniques such as modified chemical-vapor deposition. Relatively high mode effective areas ensure the reduced sensitivity of the fiber to detrimental nonlinear effects when the fiber is integrated into a dense wavelength-division-multiplexed network. The theoretical figures of merit of these DCFs were found to be > or = 700 (ps/dB)/nm; furthermore, the estimated bend losses were also quite low, even for bend radii as small as 16 mm.  相似文献   

Many studies regarded a power transmission network as a binary-state network and constructed it with several arcs and vertices to evaluate network reliability. In practice, the power transmission network should be stochastic because each arc (transmission line) combined with several physical lines is multistate. Network reliability is the probability that the network can transmit d units of electric power from a power plant (source) to a high voltage substation at a specific area (sink). This study focuses on searching for the optimal transmission line assignment to the power transmission network such that network reliability is maximized. A genetic algorithm based method integrating the minimal paths and the Recursive Sum of Disjoint Products is developed to solve this assignment problem. A real power transmission network is adopted to demonstrate the computational efficiency of the proposed method while comparing with the random solution generation approach.  相似文献   

Cao WH  Wai PK 《Applied optics》2005,44(35):7611-7620
Stable picosecond soliton transmission is demonstrated numerically by use of concatenated gain-distributed nonlinear amplifying fiber loop mirrors (NALMs). We show that, as compared with previous soliton transmission schemes that use conventional NALMs or nonlinear optical loop mirror and amplifier combinations, the present scheme permits a significant increase of loop-mirror (amplifier) spacing. The broad switching window of the present device and the high-quality pulses switched from it provide a reasonable stability range for soliton transmission. We also show that a soliton self-frequency shift can be suppressed by the gain-dispersion effect in the amplifying fiber loop and that soliton-soliton interactions can be partially reduced by using lowly dispersive transmission fibers.  相似文献   

对PCVD法制备的纯硅芯、掺氟硅芯、掺锗硅芯以及氟锗共掺硅芯光纤预制棒的芯区进行了紫外吸收谱测试,并考察了248nm紫外激光辐照及热处理后紫外吸收谱的变化。结果表明,纯硅芯深紫外区的强吸收尾部延伸至紫外波段,掺氟后使深紫外段的吸收限向短波方向移动,从而降低了其对紫外波段的影响,辐照后纯硅芯的紫外吸收增加而掺氟硅芯的吸收出现下降。掺锗硅芯、氟锗共掺硅芯中均在240nm附近出现了氧不足锗缺陷(GODC)引起的吸收峰,但后者吸收峰强度明显低于前者,因为氟能与GODC发生反应从而降低了GODC浓度,且氟同时还能愈合GeE’,辐照后氟锗共掺硅芯的吸收改变程度也要低于掺锗硅芯,表明掺氟能降低掺锗硅芯的紫外吸收。  相似文献   

We demonstrate a multicore multidopant fiber which, when pumped with a single pump source around approximately 800 nm, emits a more than one octave-spanning fluorescence spectrum ranging from 925 to 2300 nm. The fiber preform is manufactured from granulated oxides and the individual cores are doped with five different rare earths, i.e., Nd3+, Yb3+, Er3+, Ho3+, and Tm3+.  相似文献   

Lithography and patterning on a nanometre scale with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray radiation allow creation of high resolution, high density patterns independent of a substrate type. To realize the full potential of this method, especially for EUV proximity printing and interference lithography, a reliable technology for manufacturing of the transmission masks and gratings should be available. In this paper we present a development of broadband amplitude transmission masks and gratings for extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray lithography based on free-standing niobium membranes. In comparison with a standard silicon nitride based technology the transmission masks demonstrate high contrast not only for in-band EUV (13.5 nm) radiation but also for wavelengths below Si L-absorption edge (12.4 nm).The masks and filters with free standing areas up to 1000 × 1000 μm2 and 100 nm to 300 nm membrane thicknesses are shown. Electron beam structuring of an absorber layer with dense line and dot patterns with sub-50 nm structures is demonstrated. Diffractive and filtering properties of obtained structures are examined with EUV radiation from a gas discharge plasma source.  相似文献   

We present a novel periodic sub-wavelength metallic grating with parabolic walls fabricated on the silica substrate. With finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation, we find that the grating not only can realize broadband transmission in the visible range with TM-polarized incidence, but also can achieve higher transmission efficiency with TE-polarized light incidence. The transmission properties of the proposed grating strongly depend on the geometric parameters including the period, the thickness, the entrance width, and the exit width. The transmission spectra can be manipulated by tuning the parameters of the parabolic-wall grating. Transmission line theorem and the interaction between the surface plasmon waves on the slit walls are introduced to explain broadband extraordinary optical transmission of the grating proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) offers high optical resolution beyond the diffraction limit for various applications in imaging, sensing, and lithography; however, for many applications the very low brightness of NSOM aperture probes is a major constraint. Here, we report a novel NSOM aperture probe that gives a 100× higher throughput and 40× increased damage threshold than conventional near-field aperture probes. These brighter probes facilitate near-field imaging of single molecules with apertures as small as 45 nm in diameter. We achieve this improvement by nanostructuring the probe and by employing a novel variant of extraordinary optical transmission, relying solely on a single aperture and a coupled waveguide. Comprehensive electromagnetic simulations show good agreement with the measured transmission spectra. Due to their significantly increased throughput and damage threshold, these resonant configuration probes provide an important step forward for near-field applications.  相似文献   

Wu J  Chen L  Li Q  Wu W  Sun K  Wu X 《Applied optics》2011,50(20):3538-3546
Four non-zero-dispersion-shifted fibers with almost the same large effective area (A(eff)) and optimized dispersion properties are realized by novel index profile designing and modified vapor axial deposition and modified chemical vapor deposition processes. An A(eff) of greater than 71 μm(2) is obtained for the designed fibers. Three of the developed fibers with positive dispersion are improved by reducing the 1550 nm dispersion slope from 0.072 ps/nm(2)/km to 0.063 ps/nm(2)/km or 0.05 ps/nm(2)/km, increasing the 1550 nm dispersion from 4.972 ps/nm/km to 5.679 ps/nm/km or 7.776 ps/nm/km, and shifting the zero-dispersion wavelength from 1500 nm to 1450 nm. One of these fibers is in good agreement with G655D and G.656 fibers simultaneously, and another one with G655E and G.656 fibers; both fibers are beneficial to high-bit long-haul dense wavelength division multiplexing systems over S-, C-, and L-bands. The fourth developed fiber with negative dispersion is also improved by reducing the 1550 nm dispersion slope from 0.12 ps/nm(2)/km to 0.085 ps/nm(2)/km, increasing the 1550 nm dispersion from -4 ps/nm/km to -6.016 ps/nm/km, providing facilities for a submarine transmission system. Experimental measurements indicate that the developed fibers all have excellent optical transmission and good macrobending and splice performances.  相似文献   

进行了将Hyper Transport(HT)协议用于处理器光纤互连系统的研究,针对现有的处理器互连协议接口不能直接连接光纤传输系统的问题,设计了一种可配置的数据转换结构。该结构通过特定的3B/4B编码模块和相应的并转串电路,将原HT协议数据格式转换成适用于光纤互连的数据格式。该结构的特点是数据格式可配置,编码简单,电路可复用,直流电流平衡性能高,对传输协议透明和适于高速逻辑实现。该结构的提出解决了处理器光纤互连过程中遇到的并行总线多、单路速率低、电流不平衡等问题,为处理器光纤互连提供了简捷的解决方案。采用此方案解决处理器光纤互连的数据格式问题尚属首次。  相似文献   

Nihei E  Ishigure T  Koike Y 《Applied optics》1996,35(36):7085-7090
We describe graded-index polymer optical fibers with high bandwidth (5.12 GHz for 100-m transmission) and low loss in the near-infrared region (56 and 115 dB/km at wavelengths of 688 and 773 nm, respectively) that we successfully obtained with a new interfacial-gel polymerization technique using an all-deuterated methyl methacrylate monomer and a partially fluorinated acrylate monomer. The necessity for both low attenuation and high bandwidth for a polymer optical fiber is described for its use as a physical media in a high-speed multimedia network.  相似文献   

Experimental results of fiber Bragg gratings fabricated with halftone amplitude transmission masks and 10-cm-long phase masks are presented for the first time to our knowledge. The performance of the devices is evaluated in terms of their spectral characteristics and deviation from linear group delay. Good out-of-band sidelobe suppression of -27 dB and group-delay ripple of ?9.5 ps is achieved for fully apodized grating devices.  相似文献   

基于光纤的频率传递在时频同步体系的构建与应用中占据着重要地位。为了在射频稳相传输系统中定量研究由于温度不对称和波长不对称所引入的延迟波动和色散残余等因素对系统稳定性的影响,使用光学仿真软件搭建了简易频率传递系统与3 000 km光纤链路进行10 GHz射频信号传递的仿真分析。通过分析发现链路中引入的温度不对称对系统频率稳定性影响较小,而波长不对称所导致的影响较大,随着正反向波长的差异增大,系统频率稳定性恶化量级在10-13/ s以上。此研究分析对实际环境下的长距离光纤频率传递系统的建设及优化具有实际指导作用。  相似文献   

One-way transmission of a multipixel image through the multimode optical fiber based on the phase-conjugation principle is realized. Adistortion-compensating hologram for each pixel of an image to be transmitted is superposed on a photoplate. Each hologram is recorded with a reference beam of different beam incidence angle to provide proper wave-front correction for each pixel without any interference from other pixels. The reference beams are holographically generated from a photoplate in which small holographic lenslets are aligned in a matrix pattern. Images of up to 25 pixels are transmitted through the fiber experimentally.  相似文献   

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