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杨青玲 《包钢科技》2008,34(1):73-75
文章介绍了绩效管理的概念, 并结合实际谈了绩效管理的环节,以及完善绩效管理的建议,为现代企业发展提供有力的保障.如今,焦化厂已经成为我国西北地区最大的煤化工专业生产基地.  相似文献   

马晓莉 《铝镁通讯》2007,(3):58-58,45
企业管理创新是企业发展的源动力,本文着重讲了在绩效管理实施过程中经常出现的五种问题并加以分析,其中有正确区分绩效考核与绩效管理、绩效指标的制定要科学合理、绩效考核角度要避免单一、取得部门的配合和领导层的支持、重视绩效反馈。  相似文献   

本文对铜陵有色矿产资源中心绩效管理体系构建进行了深入研究,确定了体系运行的基本原则、PDCA循环系统;选择关键绩效指标法,作为企业考绩方式,建立考核指标体系。通过绩效管理体系运行,实现企业的发展战略。铜陵有色矿产资源中心(以下简称:资源中心)是铜陵有色集团公司旗下专业从事地质找矿、地质勘察企业。主要服务于集团公司资源开发战略,寻找接替资源,组织矿山深边部找矿,开展综合地质科研。中心自成立以来,在寻找矿产资源方面取得丰硕成果,实现了由勘探业务为主向以地质科研和地质找矿为主的转型。随着企业不断发展,构建与企业发展相适应的绩效管理体系成为当务之急。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的到来和市场竞争的加剧,人们越来越认识到,人力资源是企业生产的"第一资源".一个企业的成长是由每一位员工成长的合力推动的.纵观世界,我们可以看到,优秀的人才创造优秀的企业.我们也意识到,评价、衡量企业的指标多种多样,"世界五百强排行版"就是各大公司的竞技场,他们在那里被认知、赞扬、崇拜,也被遗忘、冷落、淘汰.在这大浪淘沙、百舸争流、千变万化的过程中,企业中最重要的资源--人力资源是惟一不变的,它使企业起死回生,它使企业走向辉煌.  相似文献   

人力资源管理对企业的重要程度是毋庸置疑的.本文根据企业文化与企业人力资源管理的关系,在前辈的理论研究指导下,探讨如何通过建立适合公路施工单位的企业文化,改善公路施工单位的管理问题,最终迭到提升公路施工单位人力资源管理绩效的目的.  相似文献   

对绩效管理的理念、原理以及绩效管理在企业中应用的现状进行分析,并对改进方法、采取的对策提出浅略观点。  相似文献   

在企业的发展过程中往往积累了大量的运营数据,如何对这些数据进行分析处理,成为了企业管理者的难题.随着企业的壮大,如何反应企业的实际业绩、精确的提供整体运营数据,越来越成为企业的迫切需求,正是由于这种需求驱动企业绩效管管理软件市场迅猛发展.本文在传统的企业绩效管理基础上,分析了商务智能在企业绩救管理中的应用模式,认为商务智能和企业绩效管理的结合,可以帮助企业进行有效的资源规划和运营控制.  相似文献   

绩效管理已被企业家们纷纷应用到企业管理的实践中,并成为企业管理中的重要组成部分.本文从企业实际出发,借鉴具体企业的实践做法,给出绩效管理在其企业监管理实践中的运用建议.  相似文献   

企业核心价值观是企业为达成愿景所必须遵循的基本信念和核心准则。它是企业文化最核心的要素,是企业文化之魂。可以说,因其侧重点不同,可以表现出不同形式的价值观。  相似文献   

刘元江 《包钢科技》2006,32(5):62-64
通过多年来监理工作的实践,详细论述了工程建设中安全管理与安全监理的辩证关系.认为,在建设行政主管部门的有力支持和指导下,只要参建各方主体认真按<建设工程安全生产管理条例>的要求齐抓共管、发现缺陷和不足立即进行调整和纠正,就可以有效地避免非自然因素造成的危害.  相似文献   

Although corporate governance has emerged as an issue of considerable importance in shaping the organizational structure and the vision of the firm, this entity has yet to receive sufficient scrutiny in the construction industry. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent by which the configuration of corporate governance may impact on the financial performance of construction firms. The investigation utilizes 100 companies of differing sizes. The analysis reveals that a critical mass of outside independent directors and the dissociation of the roles of CEO and Chairmanship of the board do translate into superior financial market returns for the firms. Other corporate governance variables have no apparent impact on the financial performance of the firms. These findings are significant to construction firms that are already established or in the process of being formed.  相似文献   

Management’s Perception of Key Performance Indicators for Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a great need in the construction industry for identifying a set of common indicators to be used by construction executive and project managers in measuring construction performance at the project level. The focus of this research was to collect management perceptions of the key performance indicators currently utilized in the construction industry. Both quantitative performance indicators and qualitative performance indicators are represented. A literature search was used to generate the initial set of perceived key performance indicators, which were administered to the construction industry via a survey. A statistical analysis of the collected survey responses provided information for the identification of a common set of perceived Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by construction sector, management level, and experience level. Correlations were performed for both the quantitative and qualitative indicators to determine which type of indicator is used most extensively. Basic statistical analyses and frequency distributions provided evidence in support of some of the hypotheses of the research. The results of the survey data analysis support the hypothesis that KPIs vary according to management’s perspective. Further analysis displayed a substantial difference between construction executive and project management’s perceptions. However, six indicators were reported as being most useful by every segment of the construction industry involved in this study. The correlation between quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators proved to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

论企业客户关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章着重阐述了客户关系管理的由来、概念、产生背景及CRM的作用,客户关系管理的内容、实施步骤、注意事项;客户关系管理的适用范围、实施效果、发展前景及我国企业CRM的实施情况;最后对CRM的发展趋势做了论述。  相似文献   

One of the prominent trends in business organizations today is the attention placed on individual personality traits as a means of predicting job performance. As such, the current study investigates the relationship of personality traits with critical success behaviors in the engineering and architectural professions’ project design services. The four project service categories measured are: conceptual design, contract documents, construction administration, and firm management duties. The measuremnt of the individual personalities is accomplished through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This research found that those possessing a preference for Intuitive data collection (MBTI, N) and Perceiving structure (MBTI, P) outperformed individuals with preferences for Sensing and Judging, in both planning and construction. However, professionals with a personality favoring Judging (MBTI, J) outperformed in the duties associated with the design phase. Contrary to predictions, the decision processes captured in the Thinking/Feeling dimension (MBTI, T/F) did not influence the performance in any of the four service categories. The implications of the results of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

技术管理工作的主要任务是运用管理的职能与科学的方法,去促进技术工作的开展.实践证明,施工技术管理工作是施工企业的重要组成部分.注重技术管理,提高管理水平对企业经营管理好坏与否具有非常重要的意义.不重视工程技术管理所产生的严重后果,足以说明技术管理在建筑企业中所处的重要地位.  相似文献   

Management of Construction Firm Performance Using Benchmarking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In today’s highly competitive construction industry, there is a critical need for managers to continuously improve their firm’s efficiency and effectiveness. More specifically, managers need to know which performance measures are most critical in determining their firm’s overall success. Benchmarking, when done properly, can accurately identify both successful companies and the underlying reasons for their success. However, rigorous benchmarking within the construction industry still remains an embryonic field. This paper analyzes and critiques both the performance measures and metrics used traditionally in the construction industry and the benchmarking models developed to date for the industry. Based on the results of this analysis, benchmarking models using data envelope analysis are proposed that offer significant improvements over current models. The proposed models measure construction firm performance on a company-wide basis, foster trade-off analyses among various performance metrics, and tie the resources expended by construction firms to how well those firms perform overall. The models also provide managers guidance in determining how specific company resources can be reallocated to improve overall company performance.  相似文献   

No validated model of worker motivation and performance exists for the construction industry. Reasons for this are examined. Such a model has been developed outside of construction. The model is presented and discussed. Research that is needed to develop and validate the model for use in the construction industry is discussed. The need for this research to be interdisciplinary in nature, to encompass construction researchers and industrial∕organizational psychologists or organizational behaviorists, is analyzed.  相似文献   

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