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Response of thermoluminescence (TL) discs under different filter regions of a CaSO(4):Dy based TL dosemeter system was simulated to high-energy photon beams in the energy range of 1.25 MeV to 24 MV ( approximately 9 MeV). This was done using FLUKA Monte Carlo code and also experimentally verified for some energy points. Response of disc D1 under metal filter combination was found to increase with photon energy, whereas that for the discs under polystyrene filter and open window regions of the dosemeter decreases continuously. The changes in the response of the discs under polystyrene filter and open window were attributed to the lack of build-up material. The increase in the response of disc D1 was due to the contribution from secondary electrons produced through Compton and pair production processes mainly arising out from the metal filter combination. The knowledge of the change in the response of individual discs and the ratio of discs' responses under different filter regions of the dosemeter system could be used for the measurement of energy of bremsstrahlung radiation that exists in and around high-energy electron accelerator and could be used for accurate evaluation of personal dose equivalent in high-energy photon field.  相似文献   

The study is aimed at optimising the glow curve structure of CaSO4:Dy phosphor for dosimetric purpose and also to understand the observed changes owing to thermal treatment in the thermoluminescence (TL) sensitivity and glow curve structure. The reversible changes in the intensities of the lower temperature satellite peak and the main dosimetric glow peak with temperature of thermal treatment in the temperature range 400-700 degrees C indicates the interconversion of defect complexes responsible for the glow peaks in CaSO4:Dy. Phosphor samples subjected to thermal treatment in temperature range beyond 800 degrees C, showed irreversible changes in the intensities of the lower temperature and dosimetric peaks. The changes in TL characteristics of the phosphor for thermal treatments >800 degrees C are attributed to the partial phase transition in the phosphor as confirmed by the XRD and TG/DTA analysis of the phosphor.  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence (TL) glow peak height ratio of the main dosimetric peak (at about 240 degrees C) and the lower temperature satellite peak (at about 140 degrees C) of CaSO4:Dy was found to vary between 1.4 and 11.5 in more than 100 batches of CaSO4:Dy TLD tested in the last 5 years. Efforts were made to minimise the batch-to-batch variation. In most of the batches (90% of cases), the peak height ratio was more than 5 and the variation in the TL sensitivity (with respect to the reference batch) rarely exceeded 10%. The study of the grain size dependence of the peak height ratio of ground and unground and with and without acid wash of phosphor grains indicated that the surface effects contribute significantly to the batch-to-batch variation. Crystallisation of phosphor grains was found to be affected considerably by the interruptions in the process of evaporation of acid during the preparation. Phosphor grain size was found to be an important parameter for maintaining the quality of production of CaSO4:Dy TLD phosphor.  相似文献   

High-energy bremsstrahlung X rays constitute the major radiation hazard to working personnel around the high-energy electron accelerators. Thermoluminescent (TL) dosemeter system based on CaSO4:Dy Teflon disc used in the routine individual monitoring was used to estimate the bremsstruhlung photon energy at different locations of the experimental hall of 450-MeV synchrotron accelerator. The response of TL discs under different filter regions of the dosemeter system undergo change with photon energy due to the lack of build up and interaction of photon in the metal filters. This change in the response of the discs used to estimate the energy of the bremsstrauhlung photon in conjunction with suitable calibration curve generated using known photon energy from medical linear accelerator. The photon energies estimated were in the range 1-4 MeV, depending on the locations.  相似文献   

采用传统的液相沉淀法制备了CaSO4:Eu和CaSO4:Dy粉体,研究并对比了产品的光致发光性能.光谱测试表明,CaSO4:Eu呈近紫外窄带发射.Dy3 掺杂碱土金属硫酸盐因基质不同,发射带有所不同,以CaSO4为基质,Dy3 占据高对称的格位,具有反演对称中心,发射光谱以蓝光发射为主.  相似文献   

In order to have a better idea of the interaction of the defect centres produced by y-irradiation with dislocation in the processes of deformation destruction, mechanoluminescence (ML) and thermoluminescence (TL) of gamma-irradiated CaSO4:Dy, these phosphors have been investigated. CaSO4:Dy phosphors were prepared by dissolving CaSO4.2H2O in sulphuric acid and evaporating the excess acid around 300 degrees C. ML was excited impulsively by dropping a load on to the sample. Two peaks have been observed in the ML intensity against time curve. The total light output, i.e. integrated ML intensity, increases with concentration of dopant, strain rate and with irradiation doses. The TL glow curves of CaSO4:Dy phosphors at different concentrations of dopant and irradiation doses were also recorded. Studies of the influence of post-irradiation annealing on the ML of CaSO4:Dy show that with the removal of the TL dosemetric peak (approximately 210 degrees C) the ML intensity decreases markedly. A spectroscopic study of ML and TL has also been carried out to elucidate the mechanism of ML. Correlation between ML and TL has also been found.  相似文献   

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is manufacturing CaSO4:Dy Teflon TL pellets which have more sensitivity and stability than commercial TLD. A method is presented of preparing the CaSO4:Dy phosphor-embedded Teflon powder, which is then compressed to a thin pellet form used as the TLD element. Investigations are made to determine optimum preparation conditions and dosimetric characteristics of the CaSO4:Dy Teflon pellet such as the sensitivity, energy response, dose response, fading, re-usability, and lowest level of detection. The results show that the sensitivity of the CaSO4:Dy pellet is 2 times higher than that of the commercial Teledyne CaSO4:Dy pellet. A dose-response was observed to be linear in the range from 10(-5) to 10 Gy. The relative energy response in the low energy region was 9.6 (normalised to the 137Cs gamma source), and the fading rate was about 10% for five months. The re-usability was estimated to be more than 60 cycles, and the low level of detection dose was 22 microGy. From the results, the CaSO4:Dy pellet developed in KAERI can be successfully used in personal dosemeters through appropriate filter design for compensating the energy response.  相似文献   

Homemade solid state CaSO4:Dy detectors were tested to evaluate their response to gamma radiation at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). The dosemeters were irradiated with doses between 12 and 1071 Gy. For this study these dosemeters were exposed to gamma rays with a dose rate of 1.19 Gy.min(-1). The analysis for these crystals was made by thermoluminiscence. The dose response at liquid nitrogen temperature was linear in the dose range studied and it is about 20% lower with respect to the response at room temperature. The response is reproducible with the same geometric set-up.  相似文献   

Single event spectra of a clinical carbon beam have been measured by an ultra-miniature tissue-equivalent proportional counter (UMC). In order to cover the energy range of the Bragg peak, the incident energy of the carbon beam was degraded by aluminium plates. Single event spectra for carbon-events incident to the UMC were analysed and selected at several carbon energies using thin scintillation counters. It was found that the dose weighted lineal energy distributions have a doublet peak structure due to incident carbon beam and fragment contributions.  相似文献   

Single crystals of CaSO4:Dy, with and without charge compensator were grown by the solution growth technique. Electrical conductivity was studied at room temperature for diverse concentrations of Dysprosium and showed that it increases upto 0.2 wt % of Dy, beyond which saturation sets in. Electrical conductivity was studied in the region 400 to 700°K and the migration energies estimated for various dopant concentrations. The variation of electrical conductivity and migration energy with diverse dopent concentration is explained on the basis of the theory of defects. The thermoelectric power measurements reveal that the crystals grown are ofP type.  相似文献   

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