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A gene coding for the Nereis sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein(NSCP) was synthesized and expressed in Escherichia coli. Thesequence of the gene was derived from the protein sequence byreverse translation. It possesses a number of unique, regularlyspaced, restriction endonuclease cleavage sites to facilitatefuture site-directed mutagenesis. For the cloning strategy thegene sequence was divided into four parts. Three parts werecloned by ligation of hybridized oligomers and one part by inversePCR. The protein was expressed as a fusion protein with thebacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT), which couldbe easily purified by affinity chromatography. At the junctionof the CAT and NSCP moieties a recognition site for the proteolyticenzyme factor Xa was built in. However, the distance betweenthe moieties appeared to be crucial to warrant cleavage. A kineticanalysis showed that NSCP prepared from the sandworm and theone expressed by E.coli behaved in the same way. This systemprovides a basis for site-specific mutagenesis studies, in orderto elucidate the molecular mechanism of cation binding and concomitantconformational changes  相似文献   

The pyrrolidine ring of the amino acid proline reduces the conformational freedom of the protein backbone in its unfolded form and thus enhances protein stability. The strategy of inserting proline into regions of the protein where it does not perturb the structure has been utilized to stabilize many different proteins including enzymes. However, most of these efforts have been based on trial and error, rather than rational design. Here, we try to understand proline's effect on protein stability by introducing proline mutations into various regions of the B1 domain of Streptococcal protein G. We also applied the Optimization of Rotamers By Iterative Techniques computational protein design program, using two different solvation models, to determine the extent to which it could predict the stabilizing and destabilizing effects of prolines. Use of a surface area dependent solvation model resulted in a modest correlation between the experimental free energy of folding and computed energies; on the other hand, use of a Gaussian solvent exclusion model led to significant positive correlation. Including a backbone conformational entropy term to the computational energies increases the statistical significance of the correlation between the experimental stabilities and both solvation models.  相似文献   

Hybrid MalE–GVP is a bifunctional protein in vitro sinceit binds maltose as protein MalE of Escherichia coli and sinceit is dimeric and specifically binds single-stranded DNA asprotein GVP of phage M13. The oxidation rate of a unique cysteineresidue was used to compare the stabilities of GVP in its freeand hybrid forms, under conditions where MalE was either foldedor unfolded by a denaturing agent. The results showed that boththe covalent link and tertiary non-covalent interactions betweenMalE and GVP destabilized GVP in MalE–GVP. To test whetherGVP had identical structures in its free and hybrid forms, mutationswere used as local conformational probes. The effects of thesemutations on the capabilities of MalE–GVP to dimerizeand to bind single-stranded DNA were assayed in vitro. Theywere compatible with the effects of the same mutations on theglobal activity of free GVP in vivo and with the effects thatcould be predicted from the known data on free GVP, in particularits crystal structure. Thus, one partner of a hybrid proteincan be destabilized by the other partner while maintaining itsstructural and functional characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper reports the expression of an artificial functionalpolypeptide in bacteria. The gene of a designed 24-residue DDT-bindingpolypeptide (DBP) was inserted between the BamHI and PstI cleavagesites of plasmid pUR291. The hybrid plasmid, pUR291-DBP, wascloned in Escherichia coli JM109. After induction by isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactopyranosidea fusion protein was expressed in which DBP was linked to theCOOH-termiuus of ß-galactosidase. DBP, which is stableto trypsin, was obtained by tryptic digestion of the fusionprotein and subsequent fractionation of the tryptic peptidesby reversed-phase h.p.l.c. Recombinant and chemically synthesizedDBP showed identical chromatographic properties, amino acidcomposition, and chymotryptic digestion patterns. Both the ß-galactosidase-DBPfusion and isolated recombinant DBP bound DDT. The fusion proteinwas 25 times as potent as the designed 24-residue DBP in activatinga cytochrome P-450 model system using equimolar catalytic amountsof the two proteins.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach to the selection of Escherichia coli bacterial strains improved for the production of recombinant functional proteins. This approach is based on aggregation-induced toxicity of recombinant proteins. We show that selection of clones displaying a reduced toxicity is an efficient means of isolating bacteria producing recombinant protein with reduced aggregation in favour of correct folding. For an efficient selection, we found that time of toxicity induction must be precisely determined and recombinant protein must be expressed as a fusion with a protein whose activity is easily detectable on plates, thus allowing elimination of non-productive mutants. Choosing the expression to the periplasmic space of an scFv fragment fused to the N-terminus of alkaline phosphatase as a model, we selected chromosomal mutations that reduce aggregation-induced toxicity and showed that they concomitantly improve production of a functional recombinant hybrid. The effects of the mutations isolated could then be cumulated with those of other strategies used for recombinant scFv production. Thus, we could ensure a 6- to 16-fold increase in production of a functional scFv-PhoA hybrid. This is the first report demonstrating the possibility of directly selecting on agar plates E.coli strains improved for functional recombinant protein production from a large bacterial mutant library.  相似文献   

A monomeric variant of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) witha new engineered binding groove has been characterized further.In this variant (ml8bTIM), the phosphate binding loop had beenshortened, causing the binding site to be much more extended.Here, it is reported that in the V233A variant of ml8bTIM (A-TIM),three important properties of the wild-type TIM active sitehave been restored: (i) the structural properties of loop-7,(ii) the binding site of a conserved water molecule betweenloop-7 and loop-8 and (iii) the binding site of the phosphatemoiety. It is shown that the active site of A-TIM can bind TIMtransition state analogs and suicide inhibitors competently.It is found that the active site geometry of the A-TIM complexesis less compact and more solvent exposed, as in wild-type TIM.This correlates with the observation that the catalytic efficiencyof A-TIM for interconverting the TIM substrates is too low tobe detected. It is also shown that the A-TIM active site canbind compounds which do not bind to wild-type TIM and whichare completely different from the normal TIM substrate, likea citrate molecule. The binding of this citrate molecule isstabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions with the new bindinggroove.  相似文献   

Both freezing tolerance and NaCI tolerance are improved whenantifreeze proteins are expressed as fusion proteins with twodomains of staphylococcal protein A (SPA) in Escherichia coli.To characterize these properties further we created a randomlymutated expression library in E.coli, based on the winter flounderantifreeze protein HPLC-8 component gene. Low-fidelity PCR productsof this gene were fused to the spa gene encoding two domainsof the SPA. The library was screened for enhanced NaCl toleranceand four clones were selected. The freezing tolerance of eachof the selected clones was enhanced to varying extents. DNAsequencing of the isolated mutants revealed that the amphiphilicproperties of the native antifreeze protein were essentiallyconserved. Furthermore, by studying the primary sequence ofthe randomly mutated clones, in comparison with the degree offreezing tolerance, we have identified clues which help in understandingthe relationship between salt and freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the expression system that enabledus to produce in Escherichia coli the Fab fragment of a mouseIgM that has previously been shown to inhibit the binding ofIgG to autoantigens by interacting with their variable regions.In our system, both light chain and heavy chain fragments wereput under the control of the malE promoter. The light chainwas fused to the MalE signal sequence, while the heavy chainvariable and first constant region were fused to the alkalinephosphatase signal sequence. In this system, after inductionof the promoter with maltose, the Fab fragment could be detectedin a periplasmic extract of the bacteria by Western blottingand also by ELISA. This Fab fragment was purified on a goatanti-mouse immunoglobulin immunoadsorbent and biotinylated.The Fab fragment produced by E.coli reacted with the trinitrophenyl(TNP) hapten and F(ab')2 fragments of mouse IgG and these reactivitiescould be specifically inhibited by the corresponding solubleantigens. The dissociation constants of this Fab were 1.65 x10–6 M for TNP and 5 x 10–6 M for IgG F(ab')2 fragments,indicating that the affinity of the Fab fragment compared withthat of the whole IgM molecule was similar for TNP but was lowerfor IgG F(ab')2 fragments  相似文献   

A gene encoding a bacterial IgG Fc binding domain was designedand synthesized. The synthetic DNA fragment was cloned 3' toan inducible trpE promoter such that expression of the genein Escherichia coli produced abundant Fc binding protein fusedto the first seven amino acids of the trpE protein. The recombinantprotein contained a single Fc binding domain and demonstratedefficient binding to'human IgG in Western blot analysis. Thisprotein degraded rapidly following cell lysis in the absenceof protease inhibitors, but could be effectively protected bythe addition of protease inhibitor. After purification of theprotein by IgG affinity chromatography, IgG Fc binding abilitywas retained for at least 24 h at either 23 or 37°C andon heating for 15 min at temperatures up to 65°C. No immunoprecipitationwas observed in interactions between the monodomain Fc bindingprotein and IgG molecules. Unlike staphylococcal protein A,no detectable binding of the monodomain IgG Fc binding proteinwas observed to either IgM or IgA. Truncated proteins, expressedfrom a series of 3' deletions of the synthetic gene, were usedto estimate the minimum portion of a monodomain Fc binding proteinthat retained Fc binding ability.  相似文献   

A novel gene fusion system to express and purify small recombinantproteins in Escherichia coli has been constructed. The conceptallows for affinity purification of soluble gene products bysequential albumin- and Zn2+-affinity chromatography. The dual-affinitysystem is well suited for expression of unstable proteins asonly full-length protein is obtained after purification andproteins gain proteolytic stability in the fusion protein. Herewe show that the dual-affinity approach can be used for theexpression of various unstable derivatives of a single IgG-bindingdomain based on staphylococcal protein A. Analysis of the proteolyticstabilities and the IgG-binding properties of the differentmutant proteins suggest that the model for the structure ofan IgG-binding domain must be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Protein thermal stability is important for therapeutic proteins, both influencing the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and for stability during production and shelf-life of the final product. In this paper we show the redesign of a therapeutically interesting trimeric all-beta-sheet protein, the cytokine TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), yielding variants with improved thermal stability. A combination of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family alignment information and the computational design algorithm PERLA was used to propose several mutants with improved thermal stability. The design was focused on non-conserved residues only, thus reducing the use of computational resources. Several of the proposed mutants showed a significant increase in thermal stability as experimentally monitored by far-UV circular dichroism thermal denaturation. Stabilization of the biologically active trimer was achieved by monomer subunit or monomer-monomer interface modifications. A double mutant showed an increase in apparent T(m) of 8 degrees C in comparison with wild-type TRAIL and remained biologically active after incubation at 73 degrees C for 1 h. To our knowledge, this is the first study that improves the stability of a large multimeric beta-sheet protein structure by computational redesign. A similar approach can be used to alter the characteristics of other multimeric proteins, including other TNF ligand family members.  相似文献   

Protein scaffolds derived from non-immunoglobulin sources are increasingly being adapted and engineered to provide unique binding molecules with a diverse range of targeting specificities. The ColE7 immunity protein (Im7) from Escherichia coli is potentially one such molecule, as it combines the advantages of (i) small size, (ii) stability conferred by a conserved four anti-parallel alpha-helical framework and (iii) availability of variable surface loops evolved to inactivate members of the DNase family of bacterial toxins, forming one of the tightest known protein-protein interactions. Here we describe initial cloning and protein expression of Im7 and its cognate partner the 15 kDa DNase domain of the colicin E7. Both proteins were produced efficiently in E.coli, and their in vitro binding interactions were validated using ELISA and biosensor. In order to assess the capacity of the Im7 protein to accommodate extensive loop region modifications, we performed extensive molecular modelling and constructed a series of loop graft variants, based on transfer of the extended CDR3 loop from the IgG1b12 antibody, which targets the gp120 antigen from HIV-1. Loop grafting in various configurations resulted in chimeric proteins exhibiting retention of the underlying framework conformation, as measured using far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. Importantly, there was low but measurable transfer of antigen-specific affinity. Finally, to validate Im7 as a selectable scaffold for the generation of molecular libraries, we displayed Im7 as a gene 3 fusion protein on the surface of fd bacteriophages, the most common library display format. The fusion was successfully detected using an anti-Im7 rabbit polyclonal antibody, and the recombinant phage specifically recognized the immobilized DNase. Thus, Im7 scaffold is an ideal protein display scaffold for the future generation and for the selection of libraries of novel binding proteins.  相似文献   

We have developed a high-level production system for the C-terminaldomain of secretory leukoprotease inhibitor (SLPI) to investigateits pharmacological activities. A gene for the C-terminal domainof SLPI, (Asn55-AlalO7)SLPI, was constructed from chemicallysynthesized deoxyoligonucleotides. It was fused to a gene forthe N-terminal portion of human growth hormone via a DNA sequenceencoding Leu-Val-Pro-Arg, which can he cleaved by thrombin.The fused gene was expressed in Escherichia coli under the controlof a trp promoter, and the fusion protein was obtained as aninclusion body. After sulfonation of the cysteine residues,the sulfonated fusion protein was cleaved at the desired siteby thrombin. Sulfonated (Asn55-Ala107)SLPI was refolded in Trisbuffer containing reduced and oxidized glutathione. The resulting(Asn55-Ala107) SLPI was purified by cation-exchange chromatographyand reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Thefinal yield was 50 mg/l culture. (Asn55-Ala107)SLPI was as activeagainst elastase as, but had less trypsin inhibitory activitythan, native SLPI. This system is suitable for the large-scaleproduction of the C-terminal domain of SLPI, which is an elastase-specificinhibitor.  相似文献   

A successful approach to the development of a safe and effectivesynthetic vaccine requires that different B and T cell epitopesof the infectious agent be included in the vaccine construction.In this paper we suggest a new approach to vaccine design inthe form of an artificial protein with a predetermined tertiarystructure (PTS vaccines). Based on B and T cell epitope properties,we substantiate the possible use for vaccine construction ofone well-known protein spatial motifthe four-a-helix bundle.Antigenk determinants of cellular immunity (amphipathic a-helkes)and humoral immunity (flexible hydrophilk loop regions) areused as blocks for vaccine design. General principles of PTSvaccine construction have been applied to anti-HTV-1 vaccinedesign.  相似文献   

The L-arabinose binding protein (ABP) of Escherichia coli naturallybinds L-arabinose and D-galactose with very high affinity and,with reduced affinity, a variety of other sugars that differonly at the C5 position of the pyranose ring.However, thereare stringent specificity requirements at the 1, 2, 3 and 4positions. Based on the high resolution crystallographic structureof the Ugand-protein complex, remodelling of the binding pocketwas attempted to shift the specificity towards Cl-substitutedgalactosides. To create space in the vicinity of the reducingend of bound galactose, four residues, LyslO, Asp90, Thrl47and Leul45, have been mutated for residues with smaller sidechains. Forty-seven mutants containing different combinationsof these mutations were tested by fluorometry for their abilityto bind methylß-D-galactoside (met-ß-Gal)or iso-propyl-ß-D-thio-galactoside (IPTG). Two double-residuemutants carrying Ser at position 147 and Ala or Gly at position90 appeared of particular interest for being able to bind met-ß-Galor IPTG, respectively, and no longer galactose. Fluorescenceexperiments and molecular modelling indicate that the mode ofbinding of the new substrates to the mutant proteins might besimilar to that of the natural ligands to wild-type ABP.  相似文献   

Design of four-helix bundle protein as a candidate for HIV vaccine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To be efficient, a synthetic vaccine should contain differentT and B cell epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)antigens, and the B epitope regions in the vaccine and in theHIV should be conformationally similar. We have suggested previouslythe construction of vaccines in the form of a protein with apredetermined tertiary structure, namely a four--helix bundle.Antigenic determinants of cellular and humoral immunity areblocks for the vaccine design. From experimentally studied HIV-1T and B cell epitopes, we constructed a sequence of a four-helixprotein TBI (T and B cell epitopes containing immunogen). Thegene of the protein was synthesized and the protein was producedin C600 Escherichia coli cells under recA promoter from Proteusmirabelis. CD spectroscopy of the protein demonstrated that30% of amino acid residues adopt an -helical conformation. Miceimmunized with TBI have shown both humoral and cellular immuneresponses to HIV-1. The obtained data show that the design ofTBI was successful. The synthesized gene structure makes possiblefurther reconstruction and improvement of the protein vaccinestructure.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the retrovirus integration protein(IN) was predicted from seven inferred retrovirus IN sequences.The IN sequences were aligned by computer and the phylogeneticrelationships between them were determined. The secondary structureof the aligned IN sequences was predicted by two consensus predictionmethods. The predicted secondary structural patterns from thetwo consensus prediction schemes were compared with and superimposedon a composite structural profile of hydropathic/chain flexibility/amphipathicindexes with each index profile being calculated independentlyfor the aligned IN sequences. The use of this composite structuralprofile not only enhanced the prediction accuracy but also helpedin defining the surface loop regions which would be otherwiseunpredictable by the use of consensus prediction methods alone.An amphipathic helix was identified by these united structuralprediction-chain property profiles. Helical wheel analysis gavethe amphipathic helix a coiled-coil like pattern which was similarto the leucine zipper discovered for some eukaryotic gene regulatoryproteins. The proposed amphipathic helix may play an essentialrole in defining the biological properties of IN.  相似文献   

Site-directed protein recombination as a shortest-path problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein function can be tuned using laboratory evolution, in which one rapidly searches through a library of proteins for the properties of interest. In site-directed recombination, n crossovers are chosen in an alignment of p parents to define a set of p(n + 1) peptide fragments. These fragments are then assembled combinatorially to create a library of p(n+1) proteins. We have developed a computational algorithm to enrich these libraries in folded proteins while maintaining an appropriate level of diversity for evolution. For a given set of parents, our algorithm selects crossovers that minimize the average energy of the library, subject to constraints on the length of each fragment. This problem is equivalent to finding the shortest path between nodes in a network, for which the global minimum can be found efficiently. Our algorithm has a running time of O(N(3)p(2) + N(2)n) for a protein of length N. Adjusting the constraints on fragment length generates a set of optimized libraries with varying degrees of diversity. By comparing these optima for different sets of parents, we rapidly determine which parents yield the lowest energy libraries.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to determine the solution structures of homodimeric'leucine zippers' using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopyhave been impeded by the complete symmetry of these coiled-coilmolecules, which makes it impossible a priori to distinguishbetween intra- and intermonomer dipolar connectivities. Consequently,a number of ad hoc approaches have been used in an attempt toderive tertiary solution structures of these molecules fromthe NMR data. In this paper we present a more rigorous approachfor analysing the NMR spectra of symmetric coiled-coil proteins.This analysis is based on calculations of intra- and intermonomerinterproton distances in the recently determined crystal structureof the GCN4 leucine zipper [O'Shea.E.K., KlemmJ.D., Kim.P.S.and Alber.T. (1991) Science, ISA, 539–543] and in symmetriccoiled-coil models of the leucine zippers of GCN4 and the humanoncoprotein Jun which we constructed using a dynamic simulatedannealing approach. This analysis has enabled the formulationof a set of rules for interpreting the NMR spectra of symmetriccoiled-coil proteins and has also led to the prediction of noveldipolar connectivities which we demonstrate in a 2-D NMR spectrumof the homodimeric Jun leucine zipper  相似文献   

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