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通过自行设计的测量装置,用专用探测器对173 nm介质阻挡放电产生的紫外光进行辐照度的测试.对着火电压与pd值、紫外光源的辐照度之间的关系进行测量分析,并对试验中所用MgF2晶体的透过率进行测量和计算.实验结果表明对于单个的紫外灯,当介质的厚度、气体气压均为常量的时候,介质阻挡放电强度随电压的增加而增加,放电强度呈非线性增加;在气体种类、介质材料的种类和厚度、电极材料的种类确定的情况下,紫外灯的点火电压与pd值会有一个最小值;在大气压下,通过特殊方法测得厚度为2 mm的MgF2晶体对173 nm真空紫外光的透过率为88%.  相似文献   

一种新型的紫外光源—准分子紫外灯   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
非相干性紫外或真空紫外光源的应用已成为众多工业部门中一项基础性和关键性的技术,本着重介绍一种使用介质阻挡放民激发紫外或真空紫外辐射的新型光源--准分子此外灯,包括准分子的形成以及光源的紫外辐射效率,最后,对影响准分子辐射的因素如气压,气体组成,温度及电源频率和电压进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

一种新型的紫外光源--准分子紫外灯   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
非相干性紫外或真空紫外光源的应用已成为众多工业部门中一项基础性和关键性的技术.本文着重介绍一种使用介质阻挡放电激发紫外或真空紫外辐射的新型光源--准分子紫外灯,包括准分子的形成以及光源的紫外辐射效率.最后,对影响准分子辐射的因素如气压、气体组成、温度及电源频率和电压进行了初步的分析.  相似文献   

通过改进电极引出线以及氟化镁光窗的封接工艺,提高了真空紫外光源器件的可靠性,按照新的工艺流程设计并制作了新型172 nm真空紫外光源.在此基础上为了提高真空紫外光源的效率,对方波脉冲及正弦波形激励下的真空紫外光源的放电特性以及辐射特性进行了分析与研究.研究结果表明,172 nm真空紫外光源的辐射强度随气压、输入电压以及电源工作频率的升高而升高;采用方波驱动时器件的着火电压较低;在输入功率6.8~8.2 W范围内,采用方波驱动时的真空紫外辐射强度是正弦波驱动时的5.5倍.  相似文献   

新型紫外光源研制成功   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以GaN为代表的第三代半导体材料,是制造短波长高功率发光器件和高温大功率电子器件的具有代表性的半导体材料。到目前为止,国际上高功率蓝色发光二极管(LED)、绿色LED、白光LED、蓝紫色LED及激光器等已实现了批量生产,走向了商业市场。 GaN半导体材料与器件的研究已历时30多年。前20年进展缓慢,未能研制出实用化的器件。近十年来,在日本获得了突  相似文献   

采用阳极氧化铝作为介质层,设计制作了共面介质阻挡放电等离子体平板光源,研究了高温烘焙、电源频率和气体压强等对光源着火电压和发光效率的影响。结果表明,高温烘焙电极装置和高脉冲电源频率可以使共面介质阻挡放电光源放电更稳定,放电着火电压更低;当电极宽度为0.5 mm、间距为4.5 mm、介质层厚度约为20μm、气体压强为20 Torr时,共面介质阻挡放电等离子体光源的放电稳定,亮度为7200 cd/m2,白光发光效率为4.92 lm/W。  相似文献   

介质阻挡放电照相机理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了介质阻挡放电照相的物理过程,并建立了相应数学模型。在此基础上得出了介质阻挡放电照相的衬度曲线,以此探讨了介质阻挡放电照相的机理,并用实验对此进行了验证。论文工作是对Kirlianphotography和coronadischargephotography的完善和发展。  相似文献   

本文对电源参数如电压幅值,频率及正负电压对介质阻挡放电激发准分子XeCl紫外(308nm)辐射的影响进行实验研究,结果表明,UV辐射随电压幅度的增加而增加,但效率下降,提高频率,增加了放电次数,导致UV辐射的增强;此外,在较高的频率下,电压上升沿变陡,使得电子获得的能量主要用于原子的激发和电离,正、负电压放电的不对称源于电极结构的不对称而引起的放电过程的差异,负电压内电极可向放电管中馈入更多的能量;比较发光光谱可判断生成准分子的等离子体化学过程中没有明显的差别。  相似文献   

讨论了介质阻挡放电照相的物理过程,并建立了相应数学模型,在此基础上和出了介质阻挡放电照相的衬度曲线,以此探讨了介质阻挡放电照相的机理,并用实验对此进行了验证,论工作是对Kirlian photography和Corona discharge photography的完善和发展。  相似文献   

介质阻挡放电是放电与淬灭的交替过程。通过电极表面电荷积累效应的一个简单模型,建立了玫组自洽方程用来描述这种介质阻挡放电的暂态过程。然后通过数值解给出了氦气放电的暂态电流曲线。此方法同样可以用于其它气体的介质阻挡放电过程。  相似文献   

气囊气缸式真空紫外纳米压印设备研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了紫外纳米压印技术原理,以及工艺中模板与基片的平行度对压印质量的影响.研制了气囊气缸式真空紫外纳米压印设备,其通过气囊气缸使模板与基片平行,从而可在大面积基片上确保压力均匀.研制了相应的光学系统,着重讨论了如何实现紫外纳米压印以及光学系统的设计和调整.制备了石英玻璃模板,实现了在商用紫外固化聚合物OG154上的紫外纳米压印,转移复制了具有100rim特征的5cmx5cm面积的纳米结构图形.  相似文献   

The sources desCrIbed ore powered by small capaCllors ar shart transmlssian lines. Light flashes have been abtained whIch have half-peak duratIons of 8 to 50 nanoseconds. Energies greater than one-tenth of a Jaule have been dIscharged. Facwrs influencing flash duratIon are discussed.  相似文献   

Zelenina  E. V.  Sychov  M. M.  Kostylev  A. I.  Ogurtsov  K. A. 《Radiochemistry》2019,61(1):55-60

An idea of developing domestic solid-state radioluminescent light sources (RLSs) based on bound tritium is put forward, and the existing ways of its implementation are described. Materials for the development of solid-state RLSs were chosen, and their comparative tests were performed. The emission intensity and brightness for different phosphors under excitation with bound tritium were determined, and comparative statistical data on the surface density of the phosphor distribution were obtained.


A shape of reflector is calculated to produce a cylindrical radiation pattern over a finite angle, utilizing all the radial radiation from a line source.  相似文献   

The primary task of light sources is illumination, i.e., the emission of visible radiation??light. However, depending on the generation principle, besides light, also heat will be dissipated to the surroundings. Traditional thermal light sources generate light by the electrical heating of a tungsten wire to temperatures of about 3000 K. Even at this high temperature, the majority of the emitted thermal radiation is within the long wavelength range of the spectrum, i.e., not in the visible range of the optical spectrum. Generation of light with discharge lamps is completely different and non-thermal; however, even in this case the electrodes are heated to temperatures well above 2000 K. Thus, discharge lamps also suffer from thermal problems. In the case of solid-state light sources, also non-thermal light sources, the driving electrical current causes heating of the device, for which the temperature is, or should usually be, below 420 K for proper operation. Contrary to thermal or discharge light sources, such relatively low temperatures of solid-state light sources prevent efficient cooling by thermal radiation, requiring convective or conductive cooling. However, for all mentioned light sources, the thermal management, i.e., the adjusting and maintaining of an optimum operation temperature are vital for the efficiency and lifetime of the light sources. This paper deals with the methods of generation and measurement of the thermal load in the respective light sources and discusses ways to optimize the efficiency and lifetime of such light sources. Also, some practical examples are given to emphasize the relevance of such thermal management for industry, pointing out the potential for future more energy-efficient light source concepts.  相似文献   

Vacuum arc plasma sources based on the self‐maintained discharge developing in the cathode material vapor enable plasmochemical synthesis of nitride and carbide compounds. Reactive gas is injected in the metal plasma flux to implement the plasmochemical synthesis of compounds. By controlling the plasma flux parameters and taking into account the ion current density distribution in the active volume, properties of the formed coating may be managed. The development of plasma technology leads to possibility of fine controlling of gas pressure and reactive gas composition, degree of plasma flux focusing, flux separation from the drop fraction. If the plasma flux is free of droplets the composition and structure of a coating can be effectively controlled by varying technological parameters.  相似文献   

罗茨真空泵噪声源识别的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机器噪声源的定位和识别是机器低噪声设计的基础.本文以真空行业广为使用的ZJ-150A型罗茨真空泵为对象,采用先进的声强测量技术,对罗茨真空泵各主要部件产生的噪声进行了分离和排队,找出了主要声源辐射噪声声功率的优势频率.并通过对主要声源的主要噪声辐射部位的定位研究,找出优势频率辐射产生的原因,为进一步进行噪声源机理研究和低噪声设计提供依据.  相似文献   

Light sources particularly suited to application in high-speed photography are surveyed, with intention to include the majority that have become established as useful in practice. The particular advantages of continuous sources and of the rather neglected chemical sources, are given due stress. Electronic “flash” sources are dealt with in more detail, and numerous examples illustrated by particular apparatus and pictures token therewith. It was intended that the paper read, should present a brief account of the state of the art prior to the sixth International Conference on High Speed Photography. The text therefore arbitrarily omits mention of some sources which have enjoyed rather restricted popularity, or have (like the latter) involved such recent and rapid development that objective comment is hardly possible.  相似文献   

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