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目前数据流分类算法大多是基于类分布这一理想状态,然而在真实数据流环境中数据分布往往是不均衡的,并且数据流中往往伴随着概念漂移。针对数据流中的不均衡问题和概念漂移问题,提出了一种新的基于集成学习的不均衡数据流分类算法。首先为了解决数据流的不均衡问题,在训练模型前加入混合采样方法平衡数据集,然后采用基分类器加权和淘汰策略处理概念漂移问题,从而提高分类器的分类性能。最后与经典数据流分类算法在人工数据集和真实数据集上进行对比实验,实验结果表明,本文提出的算法在含有概念漂移和不均衡的数据流环境中,其整体分类性能优于其他算法的。  相似文献   

由于在信用卡欺诈分析等领域的广泛应用,学者们开始关注概念漂移数据流分类问题.现有算法通常假设数据一旦分类后类标已知,利用所有待分类实例的真实类别来检测数据流是否发生概念漂移以及调整分类模型.然而,由于标记实例需要耗费大量的时间和精力,该解决方案在实际应用中无法实现.据此,提出一种基于KNNModel和增量贝叶斯的概念漂移检测算法KnnM-IB.新算法在具有KNNModel算法分类被模型簇覆盖的实例分类精度高、速度快优点的同时,利用增量贝叶斯算法对难处理样本进行分类,从而保证了分类效果.算法同时利用可变滑动窗口大小的变化以及主动学习标记的少量样本进行概念漂移检测.当数据流稳定时,半监督学习被用于扩大标记实例的数量以对模型进行更新,因而更符合实际应用的要求.实验结果表明,该方法能够在对数据流进行有效分类的同时检测数据流概念漂移及相应地更新模型.  相似文献   

互联网环境日新月异,使得网络数据流中存在概念漂移,对数据流的分类也由传统的静态分类变为动态分类,而如何对概念漂移进行检测是动态分类的关键。本文提出一种基于概念漂移检测的网络数据流自适应分类算法,通过比较滑动窗口中数据与历史数据的分布差异来检测概念漂移,然后将窗口中数据过采样来减少样本间的不均衡性,最后将处理后的数据集输入到OS-ELM分类器中进行在线学习,从而更新分类器使其应对数据流中的概念漂移。本文在MOA实验平台中使用合成数据集和真实数据集对提出的算法进行验证,结果表明,该算法较集成学习算法在分类准确率和稳定性上有一定的提升,并且随着数据流量的增加,时间性能上的优势开始体现,适合复杂多变的网络环境。  相似文献   

基于实例加权方法的概念漂移问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数据流上的漂移概念发现已成为数据挖掘领域的研究热点之一。针对存在概念漂移的数据流分类问题,提出一种基于实例加权方法的数据流分类算法(EWAMDS),根据基分类器在训练实例上的分类结果调整该实例的权值,以增强漂移实例在新分类器中的影响,同时引入动态的权值修改因子以提高算法的适应性。实验结果表明,动态地调整实例的权值时算法的适应性更强;与weighted-bagging相比,EWAMDS的时间开销显著降低、分类正确率显著提高。  相似文献   

获取数据流上样本的真实类别的代价很高,因此标记所有样本的方式缺乏实用性,而随机标记部分样本又会导致模型的不稳定.针对上述问题,文中提出基于聚类假设的数据流分类算法.基于通过聚类算法分到同类中的样本可能具有相同类别这一聚类假设,利用训练数据集上的聚类结果拟合样本的分布情况,在分类阶段有目的性地选取很难分类或潜在概念漂移的样本更新模型.为了训练数据集上每个类别的样本,建立各自对应的基础分类器,当数据流中样本的类别消失或重现时,只需要冻结或激活与之对应的基础分类器,而无需再重新学习之前已经掌握的知识.实验表明,文中算法能够在适应概念漂移的前提下,减少更新模型需要的样本数量,并且取得和当前数据流上的分类算法相当或更好的分类效果.  相似文献   

数据流分类是数据挖掘领域的重要研究任务之一,已有的数据流分类算法大多是在有标记数据集上进行训练,而实际应用领域数据流中有标记的数据数量极少。为解决这一问题,可通过人工标注的方式获取标记数据,但人工标注昂贵且耗时。考虑到未标记数据的数量极大且隐含大量信息,因此在保证精度的前提下,为利用这些未标记数据的信息,本文提出了一种基于Tri-training的数据流集成分类算法。该算法采用滑动窗口机制将数据流分块,在前k块含有未标记数据和标记数据的数据集上使用Tri-training训练基分类器,通过迭代的加权投票方式不断更新分类器直到所有未标记数据都被打上标记,并利用k个Tri-training集成模型对第k+1块数据进行预测,丢弃分类错误率高的分类器并在当前数据块上重建新分类器从而更新当前模型。在10个UCI数据集上的实验结果表明:与经典算法相比,本文提出的算法在含80%未标记数据的数据流上的分类精度有显著提高。  相似文献   

基于子空间集成的概念漂移数据流分类算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
具有概念漂移的复杂结构数据流分类问题已成为数据挖掘领域研究的热点之一。提出了一种新颖的子空间分类算法,并采用层次结构将其构成集成分类器用于解决带概念漂移的数据流的分类问题。在将数据流划分为数据块后,在每个数据块上利用子空间分类算法建立若干个底层分类器,然后由这几个底层分类器组成集成分类模型的基分类器。同时,引入数理统计中的参数估计方法检测概念漂移,动态调整模型。实验结果表明:该子空间集成算法不但能够提高分类模型对复杂类别结构数据流的分类精度,而且还能够快速适应概念漂移的情况。  相似文献   

李南  郭躬德  陈黎飞 《计算机应用》2012,32(8):2176-2185
传统的概念漂移数据流分类算法通常利用测试数据的真实类标来检测数据流是否发生概念漂移,并根据需要调整分类模型。然而,真实类标的标记需要耗费大量的人力、物力,而持续不断到来的高速数据流使得这种解决方案在现实中难以实现。针对上述问题,提出一种基于少量类标签的概念漂移检测算法。它根据快速KNNModel算法利用模型簇分类的特点,在未知分类数据类标的情况下,根据当前数据块不被任一模型簇覆盖的实例数目较之前数据块在一定的显著水平下是否发生显著增大,来判断是否发生概念漂移。在概念漂移发生的情况下,让领域专家针对那些少量的不被模型簇覆盖的数据进行标记,并利用这些数据自我修正模型,较好地解决了概念漂移的检测和模型自我更新问题。实验结果表明,该方法能够在自适应处理数据流概念漂移的前提下对数据流进行快速的分类,并得到和传统数据流分类算法近似或更高的分类精度。  相似文献   

现有概念漂移处理算法在检测到概念漂移发生后,通常需要在新到概念上重新训练分类器,同时“遗忘”以往训练的分类器。在概念漂移发生初期,由于能够获取到的属于新到概念的样本较少,导致新建的分类器在短时间内无法得到充分训练,分类性能通常较差。进一步,现有的基于在线迁移学习的数据流分类算法仅能使用单个分类器的知识辅助新到概念进行学习,在历史概念与新到概念相似性较差时,分类模型的分类准确率不理想。针对以上问题,文中提出一种能够利用多个历史分类器知识的数据流分类算法——CMOL。CMOL算法采取分类器权重动态调节机制,根据分类器的权重对分类器池进行更新,使得分类器池能够尽可能地包含更多的概念。实验表明,相较于其他相关算法,CMOL算法能够在概念漂移发生时更快地适应新到概念,显示出更高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

李南 《计算机系统应用》2016,25(12):187-192
现有数据流分类算法大多使用有监督学习,而标记高速数据流上的样本需要很大的代价,因此缺乏实用性.针对以上问题,提出了一种低代价的数据流分类算法2SDC.新算法利用少量已标记类别的样本和大量未标记样本来训练和更新分类模型,并且动态监测数据流上可能发生的概念漂移.真实数据流上的实验表明,2SDC算法不仅具有和当前有监督学习分类算法相当的分类精度,并且能够自适应数据流上的概念漂移.  相似文献   

已有的数据流分类算法多采用有监督学习,需要使用大量已标记数据训练分类器,而获取已标记数据的成本很高,算法缺乏实用性。针对此问题,文中提出基于半监督学习的集成分类算法SEClass,能利用少量已标记数据和大量未标记数据,训练和更新集成分类器,并使用多数投票方式对测试数据进行分类。实验结果表明,使用同样数量的已标记训练数据,SEClass算法与最新的有监督集成分类算法相比,其准确率平均高5。33%。且运算时间随属性维度和类标签数量的增加呈线性增长,能够适用于高维、高速数据流分类问题。  相似文献   

在开放环境下,数据流具有数据高速生成、数据量无限和概念漂移等特性.在数据流分类任务中,利用人工标注产生大量训练数据的方式昂贵且不切实际.包含少量有标记样本和大量无标记样本且还带概念漂移的数据流给机器学习带来了极大挑战.然而,现有研究主要关注有监督的数据流分类,针对带概念漂移的数据流的半监督分类的研究尚未引起足够的重视....  相似文献   

The problem addressed in this study concerns mining data streams with concept drift. The goal of the article is to propose and validate a new approach to mining data streams with concept-drift using the ensemble classifier constructed from the one-class base classifiers. It is assumed that base classifiers of the proposed ensemble are induced from incoming chunks of the data stream. Each chunk consists of prototypes and information about whether the class prediction of these instances, carried-out at earlier steps, has been correct. Each data chunk can be updated by using the instance selection technique when new data arrive. When a new data chunk is formed, the ensemble model is also updated on the basis of weights assigned to each one-class classifier. In this article, two well-known instance-based learning algorithms—the CNN and the ENN—have been adopted to solve the one-class classification problems and, consequently, update the proposed classifier ensemble. The proposed approaches have been validated experimentally, and the computational experiment results are shown and discussed. The experiment results prove that the proposed approach using the ensemble classifier constructed from the one-class base classifiers with instance selection for chunk updating can outperform well-known approaches for data streams with concept drift.  相似文献   

Recent approaches for classifying data streams are mostly based on supervised learning algorithms, which can only be trained with labeled data. Manual labeling of data is both costly and time consuming. Therefore, in a real streaming environment where large volumes of data appear at a high speed, only a small fraction of the data can be labeled. Thus, only a limited number of instances will be available for training and updating the classification models, leading to poorly trained classifiers. We apply a novel technique to overcome this problem by utilizing both unlabeled and labeled instances to train and update the classification model. Each classification model is built as a collection of micro-clusters using semi-supervised clustering, and an ensemble of these models is used to classify unlabeled data. Empirical evaluation of both synthetic and real data reveals that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art stream classification algorithms that use ten times more labeled data than our approach.  相似文献   

Yan  Zhang  Hongle  Du  Gang  Ke  Lin  Zhang  Chen  Yeh-Cheng 《The Journal of supercomputing》2022,78(4):5394-5419

Data stream mining is one of the hot topics in data mining. Most existing algorithms assume that data stream with concept drift is balanced. However, in real-world, the data streams are imbalanced with concept drift. The learning algorithm will be more complex for the imbalanced data stream with concept drift. In online learning algorithm, the oversampling method is used to select a small number of samples from the previous data block through a certain strategy and add them into the current data block to amplify the current minority class. However, in this method, the number of stored samples, the method of oversampling and the weight calculation of base-classifier all affect the classification performance of ensemble classifier. This paper proposes a dynamic weighted selective ensemble (DWSE) learning algorithm for imbalanced data stream with concept drift. On the one hand, through resampling the minority samples in previous data block, the minority samples of the current data block can be amplified, and the information in the previous data block can be absorbed into building a classifier to reduce the impact of concept drift. The calculation method of information content of every sample is defined, and the resampling method and updating method of the minority samples are given in this paper. On the other hand, because of concept drift, the performance of the base-classifier will be degraded, and the decay factor is usually used to describe the performance degradation of base-classifier. However, the static decay factor cannot accurately describe the performance degradation of the base-classifier with the concept drift. The calculation method of dynamic decay factor of the base-classifier is defined in DWSE algorithm to select sub-classifiers to eliminate according to the attenuation situation, which makes the algorithm better deal with concept drift. Compared with other algorithms, the results show that the DWSE algorithm has better classification performance for majority class samples and minority samples.


The last decade has seen a surge of interest in adaptive learning algorithms for data stream classification, with applications ranging from predicting ozone level peaks, learning stock market indicators, to detecting computer security violations. In addition, a number of methods have been developed to detect concept drifts in these streams. Consider a scenario where we have a number of classifiers with diverse learning styles and different drift detectors. Intuitively, the current ‘best’ (classifier, detector) pair is application dependent and may change as a result of the stream evolution. Our research builds on this observation. We introduce the Tornado framework that implements a reservoir of diverse classifiers, together with a variety of drift detection algorithms. In our framework, all (classifier, detector) pairs proceed, in parallel, to construct models against the evolving data streams. At any point in time, we select the pair which currently yields the best performance. To this end, we introduce the CAR measure, which is employed to balance classification, adaptation and resource utilization requirements. We further incorporate two novel stacking-based drift detection methods, namely the FHDDMS and \(\hbox {FHDDMS}_{\mathrm{add}}\) approaches. The experimental evaluation confirms that the current ‘best’ (classifier, detector) pair is not only heavily dependent on the characteristics of the stream, but also that this selection evolves as the stream flows. Further, our FHDDMS variants detect concept drifts accurately in a timely fashion while outperforming the state-of-the-art.  相似文献   

集成式数据流挖掘是对存在概念漂移的数据流进行学习的重要方法。对于类别分布严重不均衡的应用,集成式数据流挖掘中数据块的学习方式导致样本数多的类别的分类精度高,样本数少的类别的分类精度低的问题,现有算法无法满足此类应用的需求。针对上述问题,对基于回忆机制的集成式数据流学习算法MAE(Memorizing based Adaptive Ensemble)进行改进,提出面向类别严重不均衡应用的在线数据流学习算法UMAE(Unbalanced data Lear-ning based on MAE)。UMAE算法为每个类别设置了一个样本滑动窗口,对于新到达的数据块,其样本依据自身的类别分别进入相应的滑动窗口,最后利用各类别滑动窗口内的样本构建用于在线学习的数据块。与5种典型的数据流挖掘算法的比较结果表明,UMAE算法在满足实时性的同时,不仅整体分类精度高,而且对于样本数很少的小类别的分类精度有大幅度提高;对于异常检测等类别分布严重不均衡的应用,UMAE算法的实用性明显优于其他算法。  相似文献   

Incremental learning has been used extensively for data stream classification. Most attention on the data stream classification paid on non-evolutionary methods. In this paper, we introduce new incremental learning algorithms based on harmony search. We first propose a new classification algorithm for the classification of batch data called harmony-based classifier and then give its incremental version for classification of data streams called incremental harmony-based classifier. Finally, we improve it to reduce its computational overhead in absence of drifts and increase its robustness in presence of noise. This improved version is called improved incremental harmony-based classifier. The proposed methods are evaluated on some real world and synthetic data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed batch classifier outperforms some batch classifiers and also the proposed incremental methods can effectively address the issues usually encountered in the data stream environments. Improved incremental harmony-based classifier has significantly better speed and accuracy on capturing concept drifts than the non-incremental harmony based method and its accuracy is comparable to non-evolutionary algorithms. The experimental results also show the robustness of improved incremental harmony-based classifier.  相似文献   

概念漂移是数据流学习领域中的一个难点问题,同时数据流中存在的类不平衡问题也会严重影响算法的分类性能。针对概念漂移和类不平衡的联合问题,在基于数据块集成的方法上引入在线更新机制,结合重采样和遗忘机制提出了一种增量加权集成的不平衡数据流分类方法(incremental weighted ensemble for imbalance learning, IWEIL)。该方法以集成框架为基础,利用基于可变大小窗口的遗忘机制确定基分类器对窗口内最近若干实例的分类性能,并计算基分类器的权重,随着新实例的逐个到达,在线更新IWEIL中每个基分器及其权重。同时,使用改进的自适应最近邻SMOTE方法生成符合新概念的新少数类实例以解决数据流中类不平衡问题。在人工数据集和真实数据集上进行实验,结果表明,相比于DWMIL算法,IWEIL在HyperPlane数据集上的G-mean和recall指标分别提升了5.77%和6.28%,在Electricity数据集上两个指标分别提升了3.25%和6.47%。最后,IWEIL在安卓应用检测问题上表现良好。  相似文献   

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