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CONRO: Towards Deployable Robots with Inter-Robots Metamorphic Capabilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Metamorphic robots are modular robots that can reconfigure their shape. Such capability is desirable in tasks such as earthquake search and rescue and battlefield surveillance and scouting, where robots must go through unexpected situations and obstacles and perform tasks that are difficult for fixed-shape robots. The capabilities of the robots are determined by the design specification of their modules. In this paper, we present the design specification of a CONRO module, a small, self-sufficient and relatively homogeneous module that can be connected to other modules to form complex robots. These robots have not only the capability of changing their shape (intra-robot metamorphing) but also can split into smaller robots or merge with other robots to create a single larger robot (inter-robot metamorphing), i.e., CONRO robots can alter their shape and their size. Thus, heterogeneous robot teams can be built with homogeneous components. Furthermore, the CONRO robots can separate the reconfiguration stage from the locomotion stage, allowing the selection of configuration-dependent gaits. The locomotion and automatic inter-module docking capabilities of such robots were tested using tethered prototypes that can be reconfigured manually. We conclude the paper discussing the future work needed to fully realize the construction of these robots.  相似文献   

Coordinated multirobot exploration involves autonomous discovering and mapping of the features of initially unknown environments by using multiple robots. Autonomously exploring mobile robots are usually driven, both in selecting locations to visit and in assigning them to robots, by knowledge of the already explored portions of the environment, often represented in a metric map. In the literature, some works addressed the use of semantic knowledge in exploration, which, embedded in a semantic map, associates spatial concepts (like ‘rooms’ and ‘corridors’) with metric entities, showing its effectiveness in improving the total area explored by robots. In this paper, we build on these results and propose a system that exploits semantic information to push robots to explore relevant areas of initially unknown environments, according to a priori information provided by human users. Discovery of relevant areas is significant in some search and rescue settings, in which human rescuers can instruct robots to search for victims in specific areas, for example in cubicles if a disaster happened in an office building during working hours. We propose to speed up the exploration of specific areas by using semantic information both to select locations to visit and to determine the number of robots to allocate to those locations. In this way, for example, more robots could be assigned to a candidate location in a corridor, so the attached rooms can be explored faster. We tested our semantic-based multirobot exploration system within a reliable robot simulator and we evaluated its performance in realistic search and rescue indoor settings with respect to state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Mobile robots are becoming more heavily used in environments where human involvement is limited, impossible, or dangerous. These robots perform some of the more laborious human tasks on Earth and throughout the solar system, simultaneously saving resources and offering automation. Higher levels of autonomy are also being sought in these applications, such as distributed exploration and mapping of unknown areas. Smaller, less expensive mobile robots are becoming more prevalent, which introduces unique challenges in terms of limited sensing accuracy and onboard computing resources. This paper presents a novel low-cost, limited-resource approach to autonomous multi-robot mapping and exploration in unstructured environments. Design and implementation details are presented, along with results from two planetary style environments. Results demonstrate that low-cost ($ 1250) mobile robots capable of simultaneous localization and mapping can be successfully constructed. The multi-robot system presented in this paper participated in the 2008 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Space Robotics Challenge, receiving two awards for successfully completing the ’Onto the Surface’ and ’Map the Environment’ events in a simulated planetary environment. This work demonstrates not only that such systems are possible, but also that this direction of research is important and needs attention.  相似文献   

As the applications of mobile robotics evolve it has become increasingly less practical for researchers to design custom hardware and control systems for each problem. This paper presents a new approach to control system design in order to look beyond end-of-lifecycle performance, and consider control system structure, flexibility, and extensibility. Towards these ends the Control ad libitum philosophy was proposed, stating that to make significant progress in the real-world application of mobile robot teams the control system must be structured such that teams can be formed in real-time from diverse components. The Control ad libitum philosophy was applied to the design of the HAA (Host, Avatar, Agent) architecture: a modular hierarchical framework built with provably correct distributed algorithms. A control system for mapping, exploration, and foraging was developed using the HAA architecture and evaluated in three experiments. First, the basic functionality of the HAA architecture was studied, specifically the ability to: (a) dynamically form the control system, (b) dynamically form the robot team, (c) dynamically form the processing network, and (d) handle heterogeneous teams and allocate robots between tasks based on their capabilities. Secondly, the control system was tested with different rates of software failure and was able to successfully complete its tasks even when each module was set to fail every 0.5–1.5 min. Thirdly, the control system was subjected to concurrent software and hardware failures, and was still able to complete a foraging task in a 216 m2 environment.  相似文献   

Robotic urban search and rescue (USAR) is a challenging yet promising research area which has significant application potentials as has been seen during the rescue and recovery operations of recent disaster events. To date, the majority of rescue robots used in the field are teleoperated. In order to minimize a robot operator’s workload in time-critical disaster scenes, recent efforts have been made to equip these robots with some level of autonomy. This paper provides a detailed overview of developments in the exciting and challenging area of robotic control for USAR environments. In particular, we discuss the efforts that have been made in the literature towards: 1) developing low-level controllers for rescue robot autonomy in traversing uneven terrain and stairs, and perception-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms for developing 3D maps of USAR scenes, 2) task sharing of multiple tasks between operator and robot via semi-autonomous control, and 3) high-level control schemes that have been designed for multi-robot rescue teams.  相似文献   

陆国庆  孙昊 《计算机应用》2021,41(7):2121-2127
机器人在未知环境自主探索时,需要快速准确地获取环境地图信息。针对高效探索和未知环境的地图构建问题,将随机行走算法应用于群机器人的探索中,机器人模拟布朗运动,对搜索区域建图。然后,改进了布朗运动算法,通过设置机器人随机行走时的最大旋转角度,来避免机器人重复性地搜索一个区域,使机器人在相同时间内探索更多的区域,提高机器人的搜索效率。最后,通过搭载激光雷达的多个移动机器人进行了仿真实验,实验分析了最大转角增量、机器人数量以及机器人运动步数对搜索区域的影响。  相似文献   

This paper focusses on the development of a customised mapping and exploration task for a heterogeneous ensemble of mobile robots. Many robots in the team may have limited processing and sensing abilities. This means that each robot may not be able to execute all components of the mapping and exploration task. A hierarchical system is proposed that consists of computationally powerful robots (managers) at the upper level and limited capability robots (workers) at the lower levels. This enables resources (such as processing) to be shared and tasks to be abstracted. The global environment containing scattered obstacles is divided into local environments by the managers for the workers to explore. Worker robots can be assigned planner and/or explorer tasks and are only made aware of information relevant to their assigned tasks.  相似文献   

The efficient coordination of a team of heterogeneous robots is an important requirement for exploration, rescue, and disaster recovery missions. In this paper, we present a novel approach to target assignment for heterogeneous teams of robots. It goes beyond existing target assignment algorithms in that it explicitly takes symbolic actions into account. Such actions include the deployment and retrieval of other robots or manipulation tasks. Our method integrates a temporal planning approach with a traditional cost-based planner. The proposed approach was implemented and evaluated in two distinct settings. First, we coordinated teams of marsupial robots. Such robots are able to deploy and pickup smaller robots. Second, we simulated a disaster scenario where the task is to clear blockades and reach certain critical locations in the environment. A similar setting was also investigated using a team of real robots. The results show that our approach outperforms ad-hoc extensions of state-of-the-art cost-based coordination methods and that the approach is able to efficiently coordinate teams of heterogeneous robots and to consider symbolic actions.  相似文献   

It is assumed that future robots must coexist with human beings and behave as their companions. Consequently, the complexities of their tasks would increase. To cope with these complexities, scientists are inclined to adopt the anatomical functions of the brain for the mapping and the navigation in the field of robotics. While admitting the continuous works in improving the brain models and the cognitive mapping for robots’ navigation, we show, in this paper, that learning by imitation leads to a positive effect not only in human behavior but also in the behavior of a multi-robot system. We present the interest of low-level imitation strategy at individual and social levels in the case of robots. Particularly, we show that adding a simple imitation capability to the brain model for building a cognitive map improves the ability of individual cognitive map building and boosts sharing information in an unknown environment. Taking into account the notion of imitative behavior, we also show that the individual discoveries (i.e. goals) could have an effect at the social level and therefore inducing the learning of new behaviors at the individual level. To analyze and validate our hypothesis, a series of experiments has been performed with and without a low-level imitation strategy in the multi-robot system.  相似文献   

Safety, security, and rescue robotics can be extremely useful in emergency scenarios such as mining accidents or tunnel collapses where robot teams can be used to carry out cooperative exploration, intervention, or logistic missions. Deploying a multirobot team in such confined environments poses multiple challenges that involve task planning, motion planning, localization and mapping, safe navigation, coordination, and communications among all the robots. To complete their mission, robots have to be able to move in the environment with full autonomy while at the same time maintaining communication among themselves and with their human operators to accomplish team collaboration. Guaranteeing connectivity enables robots to explicitly exchange information needed in the execution of collaborative tasks and allows operators to monitor and teleoperate the robots and receive information about the environment. In this work, we present a system that integrates several research aspects to achieve a real exploration exercise in a tunnel using a robot team. These aspects are as follows: deployment planning, semantic feature recognition, multirobot navigation, localization, map building, and real‐time communications. Two experimental scenarios have been used for the assessment of the system. The first is the Spanish Santa Marta mine, a large mazelike environment selected for its complexity for all the tasks involved. The second is the Spanish‐French Somport tunnel, an old railway between Spain and France through the Central Pyrenees, used to carry out the real‐world experiments. The latter is a simpler scenario, but it serves to highlight the real communication issues.  相似文献   

Dynamic task allocation for multi-robot search and retrieval tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many application domains require search and retrieval, which is also known in the robotic domain as foraging. For example, in a search and rescue domain, a disaster area needs to be explored and transportation of survivors to a safe area needs to be arranged. Performing such a search and retrieval task by more than one robot increases performance if they are able to distribute their workload efficiently and evenly. In this work, we study the Multi-Robot Task Allocation (MRTA) problem in the search and retrieval domain, where a team of robots is required to cooperatively search for targets of interest in an environment and also retrieve them back to a home base. In comparison with typical foraging tasks, we look at a more general search and retrieval task in which the targets are distinguished with various types, and task allocation also requires taking into account temporal constraints on the team goal. As usual, robots have no prior knowledge about the location of targets in the environment but in addition they need to deliver targets to the home base in a specific order according to their types, which significantly increases the complexity of a foraging problem. We first use a graph-based model to analyse the search and retrieval problem and the dynamics of exploration and retrieval within a cooperative team. We then proceed to present an extended auction-based approach, as well as a prediction approach. The essential difference between these two approaches is that the task allocation and execution procedures in the auction approach are running in parallel, whereas a robot in the prediction approach only needs to choose a task to perform when it has no thing to do. The auction approach uses a winner determination mechanism to allocate tasks to each robot, whereas the robots in the prediction approach implicitly coordinate their activities by team reasoning that leads to consensuses about task allocation. We use the Blocks World for Teams (BW4T) simulator to evaluate the two approaches in our experimental study.  相似文献   

A system procedure is proposed for a multi-robot rescue system that performs real-time exploration over disaster areas. Real-time exploration means that every robot exploring the area always has a communication path to human operators standing by at a base station and that the communication path is configured by ad hoc wireless networking. Real-time exploration is essential in multi-robot systems for USAR (urban search and rescue) because operators must communicate with every robot to support the victim detection process and ad hoc networking is suitable to configure a communication path among obstacles. The proposed system procedure consists of the autonomous classification of robots into search and relay types and behavior algorithms for each class of robot. Search robots explore the areas and relay robots act as relay terminals between search robots and the base station. The rule of the classification and the behavior algorithm refer to the forwarding table of each robot constructed for ad hoc networking. The table construction is based on DSDV (destination-sequenced distance vector) routing that informs each robot of its topological position in the network and other essentials. Computer simulations are executed with a specific exploration strategy of search robots. The results show that a multi-robot rescue system can perform real-time exploration with the proposed system procedure and reduce exploration time in comparison with the case where the proposed scheme is not adopted.  相似文献   

The ability of robots to autonomously perform tasks is increasing. More autonomy in robots means that the human managing the robot may have available free time. It is desirable to use this free time productively, and a current trend is to use this available free time to manage multiple robots. We present the notion of neglect tolerance as a means for determining how robot autonomy and interface design determine how free time can be used to support multitasking, in general, and multirobot teams, in particular. We use neglect tolerance to 1) identify the maximum number of robots that can be managed; 2) identify feasible configurations of multirobot teams; and 3) predict performance of multirobot teams under certain independence assumptions. We present a measurement methodology, based on a secondary task paradigm, for obtaining neglect tolerance values that allow a human to balance workload with robot performance.  相似文献   

The master-followed multiple robots interactive cooperation simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) schemes were designed in this paper, which adapts to search and rescue (SAR) cluttered environments. In our multi-robots SLAM, the proposed algorithm estimates each of multiple robots’ current local sub-map, in this occasion, a particle represents each of moving multi-robots, and simultaneously, also represents the pose of a motion robot. The trajectory of the robot’s movement generated a local sub-map; the sub-maps can be looked on as the particles. Each robot efficiently forms a local sub-map; the global map integrates over these local sub-maps; identifying SAR objects of interest, in which, each of multi-robots acts as local-level features collector. Once the object of interest (OOI) is detected, the location in the global map could be determined by the SLAM. The designed multi-robot SLAM architecture consists of PC remote control center, a master robot, and multi-followed robots. Through mobileRobot platform, the master robot controls multi-robots team, the multiple robots exchange information with each other, and then performs SLAM tasks; the PC remote control center can monitor multi-robot SLAM process and provide directly control for multi-robots, which guarantee robots conducting safety in harsh SAR environments. This SLAM method has significantly improved the objects identification, area coverage rate and loop-closure, and the corresponding simulations and experiments validate the significant effects.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous Teams of Modular Robots for Mapping and Exploration   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In this article, we present the design of a team of heterogeneous, centimeter-scale robots that collaborate to map and explore unknown environments. The robots, called Millibots, are configured from modular components that include sonar and IR sensors, camera, communication, computation, and mobility modules. Robots with different configurations use their special capabilities collaboratively to accomplish a given task. For mapping and exploration with multiple robots, it is critical to know the relative positions of each robot with respect to the others. We have developed a novel localization system that uses sonar-based distance measurements to determine the positions of all the robots in the group. With their positions known, we use an occupancy grid Bayesian mapping algorithm to combine the sensor data from multiple robots with different sensing modalities. Finally, we present the results of several mapping experiments conducted by a user-guided team of five robots operating in a room containing multiple obstacles.  相似文献   

To achieve efficient and objective search tasks in an unknown environment, a cooperative search strategy for distributed autonomous mobile robots is developed using a behavior‐based control framework with individual and group behaviors. The sensing information of each mobile robot activates the individual behaviors to facilitate autonomous search tasks to avoid obstacles. An 802.15.4 ZigBee wireless sensor network then activates the group behaviors that enable cooperative search among the mobile robots. An unknown environment is dynamically divided into several sub‐areas according to the locations and sensing data of the autonomous mobile robots. The group behaviors then enable the distributed autonomous mobile robots to scatter and move in the search environment. The developed cooperative search strategy successfully reduces the search time within the test environments by 22.67% (simulation results) and 31.15% (experimental results).  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of autonomous navigation of a micro air vehicle (MAV) in GPS‐denied environments. We present experimental validation and analysis for our system that enables a quadrotor helicopter, equipped with a laser range finder sensor, to autonomously explore and map unstructured and unknown environments. The key challenge for enabling GPS‐denied flight of a MAV is that the system must be able to estimate its position and velocity by sensing unknown environmental structure with sufficient accuracy and low enough latency to stably control the vehicle. Our solution overcomes this challenge in the face of MAV payload limitations imposed on sensing, computational, and communication resources. We first analyze the requirements to achieve fully autonomous quadrotor helicopter flight in GPS‐denied areas, highlighting the differences between ground and air robots that make it difficult to use algorithms developed for ground robots. We report on experiments that validate our solutions to key challenges, namely a multilevel sensing and control hierarchy that incorporates a high‐speed laser scan‐matching algorithm, data fusion filter, high‐level simultaneous localization and mapping, and a goal‐directed exploration module. These experiments illustrate the quadrotor helicopter's ability to accurately and autonomously navigate in a number of large‐scale unknown environments, both indoors and in the urban canyon. The system was further validated in the field by our winning entry in the 2009 International Aerial Robotics Competition, which required the quadrotor to autonomously enter a hazardous unknown environment through a window, explore the indoor structure without GPS, and search for a visual target. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Some applications require autonomous robots to search an initially unknown environment for static targets, without any a priori information about environment structure and target locations. Targets can be human victims in search and rescue or materials in foraging. In these scenarios, the environment is incrementally discovered by the robots exploiting exploration strategies to move around in an autonomous and effective way. Most of the strategies proposed in literature are based on the idea of evaluating a number of candidate locations on the frontier between the known and the unknown portions of the environment according to ad hoc utility functions that combine different criteria. In this paper, we show some of the advantages of using a more theoretically-grounded approach, based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), to define exploration strategies for robots employed in search and rescue applications. We implemented some MCDM-based exploration strategies within an existing robot controller and we evaluated their performance in a simulated environment.  相似文献   

The availability of efficient mapping systems to produce accurate representations of initially unknown environments is recognized as one of the main requirements for autonomous mobile robots. In this paper, we present an efficient mapping system that has been implemented on a mobile robot equipped with a laser range scanner. The system builds geometrical point-based maps of environments employing an information-based exploration strategy that determines the best observation positions by taking into account both the distance travelled and the information gathered. Our exploration strategy, being based on solid mathematical foundations, differs from many ad hoc exploration strategies proposed in literature. We present: (a) the theoretical aspects of the criterion for determining the best observation positions for a robot building a map, (b) the implementation of a mapping system that uses the proposed criterion, and (c) the experimental validation of our approach.  相似文献   

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