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In this research, effects of hydrogen addition on a diesel engine were investigated in terms of engine performance and emissions for four cylinders, water cooled diesel engine. Hydrogen was added through the intake port of the diesel engine. Hydrogen effects on the diesel engine were investigated with different amount (0.20, 0.40, 0.60 and 0.80 lpm) at different engine load (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% load) and the constant speed, 1800 rpm. When hydrogen amount is increased for all engine loads, it is observed an increase in brake specific fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency due to mixture formation and higher flame speed of hydrogen gas according to the results. For the 0.80 lpm hydrogen addition, exhaust temperature and NOx increased at higher loads. CO, UHC and SOOT emissions significantly decreased for hydrogen gas as additional fuel at all loads. In this study, higher decrease on SOOT emissions (up to 0.80lpm) was obtained. In addition, for 0.80 lpm hydrogen addition, the dramatic increase in NOx emissions was observed.  相似文献   

Cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is a common way to control in-cylinder NOx production and is used on most modern high-speed direct injection (HSDI) diesel engines. However EGR has different effects on combustion and emissions production that are difficult to distinguish (increase of intake temperature, delay of rate of heat release (ROHR), decrease of peak heat release, decrease in O2 concentration (and thus of global air/fuel ratio (AFR)) and flame temperature, increase of lift-off length, etc.), and thus the influence of EGR on NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions is not perfectly understood, especially under high EGR rates. An experimental study has been conducted on a 2.0 l HSDI automotive diesel engine under low-load and part load conditions in order to distinguish and quantify some effects of EGR on combustion and NOx/PM emissions. The increase of inlet temperature with EGR has contrary effects on combustion and emissions, thus sometimes giving opposite tendencies as traditionally observed, as, for example, the reduction of NOx emissions with increased inlet temperature. For a purely diffusion combustion the ROHR is unchanged when the AFR is maintained when changing in-cylinder ambient gas properties (temperature or EGR rate). At low-load conditions, use of high EGR rates at constant boost pressure is a way to drastically reduce NOx and PM emissions but with an increase of brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and other emissions (CO and hydrocarbon), whereas EGR at constant AFR may drastically reduce NOx emissions without important penalty on BSFC and soot emissions but is limited by the turbocharging system.  相似文献   

The present study experimentally investigated the performance and emission characteristics of the diesel engine with hydrogen added to the intake air at late diesel-fuel injection timings. The diesel-fuel injection timing and the hydrogen fraction in the intake mixture were varied while the available heat produced by diesel-fuel and hydrogen per second of diesel fuel and hydrogen was kept constant at a certain value. NO showed minimum at specific hydrogen fraction. The maximum rate of incylinder pressure rise also showed minimum at 10 vol. % hydrogen fraction. However, it is desirable to set the maximum rate of incylinder pressure rise less than 0.5 MPa/deg. to realize low level of combustion noise and NO emission. We attempt to reduce further NO and smoke emissions by EGR. As the result, in the case of the diesel-fuel injection timing of −2 °. ATDC with 3.9 vol. % hydrogen addition, the smoke emission value was 0%, NO emission was low, the cyclic variation was low, and the maximum rate of incylinder pressure rise was acceptable under a nearly stoichiometric condition without sacrificing indicated thermal efficiency.  相似文献   

Through experiments conducted on a single cylinder direct injection (DI) diesel engine, effects of exhaust gas recirculatoin (EGR) on combustion and emission during cold start were investigated. Combustion of first firing cycle can be promoted significantly by introducing EGR. In experiments, when partially closed choking valve and partially or fully opened EGR valve, peak cylinder pressure of first firing cycle was about 45% higher than that under normal condition without EGR, and the start of combustion (SOC) was also much earlier. EGR also had effects on combustion stability. In the case, which kept 50% or 100% opening of EGR valve (OEV) and kept 100% opening of choking valve (OCV), more stable combustion process was achieved when common rail pressure decreased during cold start. However, excessive amount of EGR led to extreme unstable combustion and even misfiring. Opacity and NO emissions were also analyzed in detail. In the case with maximum EGR, the lowest average opacity, which was less than 4%, was achieved during initial several firing cycles of cold start. But in the later phase, excessive amount of EGR led to a great deal of white smoke emission. NO emission during initial phase of cold start is mainly affected by increase in fuel amount of injection. When combustion became stable gradually, EGR showed significant effect on NO reduction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of hydrogen addition on RCCI combustion of an engine running on landfill gas and diesel oil. A single cylinder heavy– duty diesel engine is set in operation at 9.4 bar IMEP. A certain amount of diesel fuel per cycle is fed into the engine and hydrogen is added to landfill gas while keeping fixed fuel energy content. The developed simulation results confirm that hydrogen addition which is the most environmental friendly fuel causes the fuel consumption per any cycle to reduce. Also, the peak pressure is increased while the engine load is reduced up to 4%. Landfill gas which is enriched with hydrogen improves the rate of methane dissociation and reduces the combustion duration at the same time the engine operation would not be exposed to diesel knock. Moreover, hydrogen addition to landfill gas would reduce engine emissions considerably.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of hydrogen (H2) on the combustion process and nitric oxide (NO) formation in a H2-diesel dual fuel engine was numerically investigated. The model developed using AVL FIRE as a platform was validated against the cylinder pressure and heat release rate measured with the addition of up to 6% (vol.) H2 into the intake mixture of a heavy-duty diesel engine with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The validated model was applied to further explore the effect of the addition of 6%–18% (vol.) H2 on the combustion process and formation of NO in H2-diesel dual fuel engines. When the engine was at N = 1200 rpm and 70% load, the simulation results showed that the addition of H2 prolonged ignition delay, enhanced premixed combustion, and promoted diffusion combustion of the diesel fuel. The maximum peak cylinder pressure was observed with addition of 12% (vol.) H2. In comparison, the maximum peak heat release rate was observed with the addition of 16% (vol.) H2. The addition of H2 was a crucial factor dominating the increased NO emissions. Meanwhile, the addition of H2 reduced soot emissions substantially, which may be due to the reduced diesel fuel burned each cycle. Furthermore, proper combination of adding H2 with EGR can improve combustion performance and reduce NO emissions.  相似文献   

The effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on combustion and emissions under different hydrogen ratios were studied based on an engine with a gasoline intake port injection and hydrogen direct injection. The peak cylinder pressure increases by 9.8% in the presence of a small amount of hydrogen. The heat release from combustion is more concentrated, and the engine torque can increase by 11% with a small amount of hydrogen addition. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions can be reduced by EGR dilution. Hydrogen addition offsets the blocking effect of EGR on combustion partially, therefore, hydrogen addition permits a higher original engine EGR rate, and yields a larger throttle opening, which improves the mechanical efficiency and decreases NOx emissions by 54.8% compared with the original engine. The effects of EGR on carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions are not obvious and CO and HC emissions can be reduced sharply with hydrogen addition. CO, HC, and NOx emissions can be controlled at a lower level, engine output torque can be increased, and fuel consumption can be reduced significantly with the co-control of hydrogen addition and EGR in a hydrogen gasoline engine.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of adding hydrogen to natural gas and EGR ratio was conducted on a diesel engine to investigate the engine performance and exhaust gases by AVL Fire multi-domain simulation software.For this investigation, a mixture of hydrogen fuel and natural gas replaced diesel fuel. The percentage of hydrogen in blend fuel changed from 0% to 40%. The compression ratio converted from 17:1 to 15:1. The EGR ratios were in three steps of 5%, 10%, and 15%, with different engine speeds from 1000 to 1800 RPM. The Gaussian process regression (GPR) was developed to model engine performance and exhaust emissions. The optimal values of EGR and the percentage of hydrogen in the blend of HCNG were extracted using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA).The results showed that by increasing EGR, thermal efficiency, the engine power, and specific fuel consumption decreased due to prolongation of combustion length while cumulative heat release increased but, its effect on cylinder pressure is insignificant. Adding hydrogen to natural gas increased the combustion temperature and, consequently NOx. While the amount of CO and HC decreased. The results of GPR and MOGA illustrated that at different engine speeds, the optimum values of EGR and HCNG were 6.35% and 31%, respectively.  相似文献   

The blended biodiesel with up to 20% biodiesel in petroleum diesel (B20) is considered nowadays as available in production. Previous studies investigating the effect of B20 on engine emissions led to some contradictory results. The present study continued the investigation on B20, 20% biodiesel (rapeseed methyl esters) blend effects and was also extended on B20 enriched with hydrogen. It was conducted on a conventional tractor diesel engine running alternatively with B20 and petroleum diesel at various speeds and full load and then, with the same fuels enriched with hydrogen, at 60% load and two speeds.  相似文献   

This study investigates the characteristics of combustion noise from a diesel engine with hydrogen added to intake air. The engine noise with hydrogen addition of 10 vol% to the intake air was lower than that with diesel fuel alone at late diesel-fuel injection timings. A transient combustion-noise-generation model was introduced to discuss noise characteristics based on energy conversion from combustion impact to noise via structure vibration. The results show that the maximum combustion impact energy had a predominant effect on the maximum engine noise power for each cycle. Therefore, the combustion noise largely contributed to the total engine noise in an early stage of the expansion stroke. The dependences of engine noise on the diesel-fuel injection timing for different hydrogen fractions are discussed considering the characteristics of maximum combustion impact energy for each frequency.  相似文献   

With an alarming enlargement in vehicular density, there is a threat to the environment due to toxic emissions and depleting fossil fuel reserves across the globe. This has led to the perpetual exploration of clean energy resources to establish sustainable transportation. Researchers are continuously looking for the fuels with clean emission without compromising much on vehicular performance characteristics which has already been set by efficient diesel engines. Hydrogen seems to be a promising alternative fuel for its clean combustion, recyclability and enhanced engine performance. However, problems like high NOx emissions is seen as an exclusive threat to hydrogen fuelled engines. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), on the other hand, is known to overcome the aforementioned problem. Therefore, this study is conducted to study the combined effect of hydrogen addition and EGR on the dual fuelled compression ignition engine on a single cylinder diesel engine modified to incorporate manifold hydrogen injection and controlled EGR. The experiments are conducted for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% loads with the hydrogen energy share (HES) of 0%, 10% and 30%. The EGR rate is controlled between 0%, 5% and 10%. With no substantial decrement in engine's brake thermal efficiency, high gains in terms of emissions are observed due to synergy between hydrogen addition and EGR. The cumulative reduction of 38.4%, 27.4%, 33.4%, 32.3% and 20% with 30% HES and 10% EGR is observed for NOx, CO2, CO, THC and PM, respectively. Hence, the combination of hydrogen addition and EGR is observed to be advantageous for overall emission reduction.  相似文献   

Overcoming diesel engine emissions trade-off effects, especially NOx and Bosch smoke number (BSN), requires investigation of novel systems which can potentially serve the automobile industry towards further emissions reduction. Enrichment of the intake charge with H2 + N2 containing gas mixture, obtained from diesel fuel reforming system, can lead to new generation low polluting diesel engines.  相似文献   

Biofuels are being investigated as potential substitutes for current high pollutant fuels obtained from the conventional sources. In the past, fuels were generally selected on the basis of lowest cost relating to the requirements of the engine, and no attention was given to the possible effects of their use on the environment. Recent concerns over the environment, increasing liquid fuel prices and scarcity of supply in the last decade have promoted interest in the development of alternative sources of liquid energy. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the potential of rapeseed methyl ester (RME) as a liquid fuel for diesel engines in relation to meeting emission requirements. The test results showed that RME and its blends with diesel fuel emitted high CO2 compared to test results on diesel fuel. A very significant reduction in emissions of hydrocarbon (HC) were recorded when running on RME and the blends. HC emissions were noted to increase with increased amount of diesel fuel in the blend. The fuel economy was a little worse when running on RME due to its low energy content. There were no marked difference noted for the exhaust temperatures of the blends, RME and diesel fuel at high speed operation. However, the diesel fuel operation produced high exhaust temperatures at low engine speed. Lubricating oil analysis showed reduction in viscosity indicating oil dilution.  相似文献   

DI diesel engines are well established today as the main powertrain solution for trucks and other relevant heavy duty vehicles. At the same time emission legislation (mainly for NOx and particulate matter) becomes stricter, reducing their limit to extremely low values. One efficient method to control NOx in order to achieve future emissions limits is the use of rather high exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rates accompanied by increased boost pressure to avoid the negative impact on soot emissions. The method is based on the reduction of gas temperature level and O2 availability inside the combustion chamber, but unfortunately it has usually an adverse effect on soot emissions and brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc). The use of high EGR rates creates the need for EGR gas cooling in order to minimize its negative impact on soot emissions especially at high engine load were the EGR flow rate and exhaust temperature are high. For this reason in the present paper it is examined, using a multi-zone combustion model, the effect of cooled EGR gas temperature level for various EGR percentages on performance and emissions of a turbocharged DI heavy duty diesel engine operating at full load. Results reveal that the decrease of EGR gas temperature has a positive effect on bsfc, soot (lower values) while it has only a small positive effect on NO. As revealed, the effect of low EGR temperature is stronger at high EGR rates.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrogen ratios on combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline engine were studied under different exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), ignition timing and ignition pressure. The test performed in a modified gasoline direct ignition engine at different hydrogen ratios of 0%, 5%, 10% and 25%. In addition, the EGR rate set to 0%, 5%, 10% and 20% to study the combustion and emission characteristics. Addition to the different hydrogen fractions, 5% of TiO2 is added to increase the combustion characteristics with reduced emission. Regarding the results of the current study, the engine torque increases by 15% due to the addition of hydrogen in gasoline, while mechanical efficiency is improved by achieving a large throttle opening. At the same time, NOx emission decreased by 62% compared to the unmodified engine due to the influence of EGR, hydrogen ratio and high oxygen concentration TiO2. Moreover, the emission of CO and HC also reduced due to the influence of hydrogen fuel. Additionally, few more tests are taken to monitor the effect of the injection pressure for the hydrogen fuel. Higher injection reports higher effective thermal efficiency at 4 MPa and lower NOx. Reasonable injection pressure results in shorten flame development period.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the effects of separate hydrogen and nitrogen addition on the emissions and combustion of a diesel engine was performed and the results are presented in the current paper.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to enhance hydrogen energy share in a RCCI engine. The engine under consideration is fueled with diesel oil and natural gas enriched with hydrogen or syngas and is set to operate at 9.4 bar gross indicated mean effective pressure (Mid- Load). The syngas used in this study consists of hydrogen and carbon monoxide which are mixed together on a volumetric ratio of 80:20. A fixed amount of diesel oil is injected per cycle into the combustion chamber of the RCCI engine. Based on two different strategies, hydrogen or syngas mixed with exhaust gas recirculation are admitted gradually along with natural gas while ensuring that always the low temperature combustion concept is fulfilled. The RCCI engine operation is simulated through commercial software coupled with chemical kinetics solver. The simulation results show that without any engine diesel knock occurrence, by adding hydrogen to natural gas, the share of hydrogen energy could be increased up to 40.43% while the engine power output is reduced only by about 1%. Also, syngas addition to natural gas causes that the share of hydrogen energy could be increased up to 27.05% while improves the engine power more than 4%. At the same time, by considering two mentioned strategies, the overall hydrocarbon fuel consumption per cycle can be reduced by up to 46.60% and 33.86%, respectively. Moreover, having the gross indicated efficiency of well over 50% and significant reduction in the engine emissions compared to RCCI combustion fueled solely with natural gas and diesel oil are achievable.  相似文献   

This paper experimentally investigates the influence of hydrogen enrichment on the combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel HCCI engine using a modified Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine. Three fuels, n-heptane and two middle distillates with cetane numbers of 46.6 and 36.6, are studied.The results show that hydrogen enrichment retards the combustion phasing and reduces the combustion duration of a diesel HCCI engine. Besides, hydrogen enrichment increases the power output and fuel conversion efficiency, and improves the combustion stability. However, hydrogen enrichment may narrow the operational compression ratio range and increase the knocking tendency. Both the overall indicated specific CO emissions (isCO) and CO emissions per unit burned diesel fuel mass are reduced by hydrogen enrichment. Although hydrogen enrichment decreases the overall indicated specific unburned hydrocarbon emissions (isHC), it does not significantly affect the HC emissions per unit burned diesel fuel mass.  相似文献   

In this study, waste tyre was pyrolyzed at different conditions such as temperature, heating rate and inert purging gas (N2) flow rate. Pyrolysis parameters were optimized. Optimum parameters were determined. The main objective of this study was to investigate combustion, performance and emissions of diesel and waste tyre oil fuel blend. Experimental investigation was performed in a single cylinder, direct injection, air cooled diesel engine at maximum engine torque speed of 2200 rpm and four different engine load including 3.75, 7.5, 11.25 and 15 Nm. The effects of waste tyre oil on combustion characteristics such as cylinder pressure, heat release rate, ignition delay (ID), combustion duration, engine performance were investigated. In-cylinder pressure and heat release rate increased with waste tyre oil fuel blend (W10) with the increase of engine load. In addition, ID was shortened with the increase of engine load for test fuels but it increased with the addition of waste tyre oil. Lower imep values were obtained because of the lower calorific value of waste tyre oil fuels. Maximum thermal efficiencies were determined as 28.27% and %25.12 with diesel and W10 respectively at 11.25 Nm engine load. When test results were examined, it was seen that waste tyre oil highly affected combustion characteristics, performance and emissions.  相似文献   

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