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Polyomaviruses have proven oncogenicity in nonhost experimental animals; however, studies concerning the association between human brain tumors and simian and human polyomaviruses have yielded inconclusive results. We examined the relationship of SV40 to a malignant astrocytoma found in the right frontal lobe of a pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina) infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Consistent with the histologic diagnosis, the tumor was immunoreactive with antibodies to S-100 protein, vimentin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein, but negative for neurofilament protein, synaptophysin, neuron-specific enolase, and chromogranin A. At the time of SIV inoculation, the animal was seropositive for SV40. Polymerase chain reaction assay of tumor DNA, but not normal brain DNA, yielded a 300 base-pair fragment corresponding to the carboxy-terminal coding region (C-terminus) of the large T antigen gene of SV40, suggesting an association with the tumor.  相似文献   

The study of immortalization and other alterations associated with neoplastic transformation of endometrial stromal cells is important to understanding the development of uterine sarcomas and mixed tumors. Because stromal cells are important regulators of associated epithelial cells, alterations in the regulation of stromal cell proliferation that influence epithelial cells may also contribute to the development of endometrial carcinomas. To study immortalization and associated phenotypic and genetic alterations of human endometrial stromal cells, cultures were transfected with a plasmid containing an ori-, temperature-sensitive mutant SV40, A209 (tsSV40). Morphologically transformed colonies were selected and propagated at the permissive temperature until they entered 'crisis'. In contrast to human fibroblasts, every clone tested was immortalization competent. The frequency of immortalization was approximately 1 x 10(-6). One uncloned and six cloned cell lines escaped from crisis and appear to be immortal. Two clones, M4 and B10T1, were selected for further study. Immortalization is conditional; proliferative arrest occurs at the restrictive temperature for large T antigen function. Furthermore, withdrawal of the large T antigen results in expression of the senescent phenotype of enlarged, flattened cells. Colony-forming efficiency at the restrictive temperature was undetectable. Immortalization is also associated with several genetic alterations. The DNA content of tsSV40 transfected cells was either diploid or tetraploid in the precrisis stage of proliferation, but became aneuploid upon immortalization. Several structural rearrangements of chromosomes were detected in the immortalized stromal cells which differ from those found in SV40 immortalized fibroblasts. Although their capacity for anchorage-independent proliferation (AIP) is variable, tsSV40-immortalized endometrial stromal cells have a higher capacity for AIP than their tsSV40-transfected progenitor cells in the period of proliferation prior to 'crisis'.  相似文献   

DNA replication is a complicated process that is largely regulated during stages of initiation. The Siman Virus 40 in vitro replication system has served as an excellent model for studies of the initiation of DNA replication, and its regulation, in eukaryotes. Initiation of SV40 replication requires a single viral protein termed T-antigen, all other proteins are supplied by the host. The recent determination of the solution structure of the T-antigen domain that recognizes the SV40 origin has provided significant insights into the initiation process. For example, it has afforded a clearer understanding of origin recognition, T-antigen oligomerization, and DNA unwinding. Furthermore, the Simian virus 40 in vitro replication system has been used to study nascent DNA formation in the vicinity of the viral origin of replication. Among the conclusions drawn from these experiments is that nascent DNA synthesis does not initiate in the core origin in vitro and that Okazaki fragment formation is complex. These and related studies demonstrate that significant progress has been made in understanding the initiation of DNA synthesis at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases provide the unlinking activity necessary for replication fork movement during DNA replication. It is uncertain, however, whether topoisomerases are also required for the initiation of replication. To investigate this point, we have performed pulse-chase experiments with SV40 minichromosomes as template to distinguish between the initiation and the elongation of replication. Using an unfractionated cytosolic extract as a source of replication functions, we found that the addition of topoisomerases at the initiation step significantly increased the number of active chromatin templates, whereas addition of topoisomerases at the elongation step had only minor effects. Minichromosomes with an extended chromatin structure as well as protein-free DNA required less topoisomerase for effective replication initiation. We could exclude the possibility that topoisomerases enhance the origin binding of T antigen, the SV40 replication initiator, and propose instead that the arrangement of nucleosomes influences the diffusion of supercoils during initial DNA unwinding. Efficient initiation therefore requires a high local concentration of topoisomerases to relax the torsional stress.  相似文献   

All animal DNA viruses except pox virus utilize the cell nucleus as the site for virus reproduction. Yet, a critical viral infection process, nuclear targeting of the viral genome, is poorly understood. The role of capsid proteins in nuclear targeting of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, which is assessed by the nuclear accumulation of large tumor (T) antigen, the initial sign of the infectious process, was tested by two independent approaches: antibody interception experiments and reconstitution experiments. When antibody against viral capsid protein Vp1 or Vp3 was introduced into the cytoplasm, the nuclear accumulation of T antigen was not observed in cells either infected or cytoplasmically injected with virion. Nuclearly introduced anti-Vp3 IgG also showed the inhibitory effect. In the reconstitution experiments, SV40 DNA was allowed to interact with protein components of the virus, either empty particles or histones, and the resulting complexes were tested for the capability of protein components to target the DNA to the nucleus from cytoplasm as effectively as the targeting of DNA in the mature virion. In cells injected with empty particle-DNA, but not in minichromosome-injected cells, T antigen was observed as effectively as in SV40-injected cells. These results demonstrate that SV40 capsid proteins can facilitate transport of SV40 DNA into the nucleus and indicate that Vp3, one of the capsid proteins, accompanies SV40 DNA as it enters the nucleus during virus infection.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40), a polyomavirus of rhesus macaque origin, was discovered in 1960 as a contaminant of polio vaccines that were distributed to millions of people from 1955 through early 1963. SV40 is a potent DNA tumor virus that induces tumors in rodents and transforms many types of cells in culture, including those of human origin. This virus has been a favored laboratory model for mechanistic studies of molecular processes in eukaryotic cells and of cellular transformation. The viral replication protein, named large T antigen (T-ag), is also the viral oncoprotein. There is a single serotype of SV40, but multiple strains of virus exist that are distinguishable by nucleotide differences in the regulatory region of the viral genome and in the part of the T-ag gene that encodes the protein's carboxyl terminus. Natural infections in monkeys by SV40 are usually benign but may become pathogenic in immunocompromised animals, and multiple tissues can be infected. SV40 can replicate in certain types of simian and human cells. SV40-neutralizing antibodies have been detected in individuals not exposed to contaminated polio vaccines. SV40 DNA has been identified in some normal human tissues, and there are accumulating reports of detection of SV40 DNA and/or T-ag in a variety of human tumors. This review presents aspects of replication and cell transformation by SV40 and considers their implications for human infections and disease pathogenesis by the virus. Critical assessment of virologic and epidemiologic data suggests a probable causative role for SV40 in certain human cancers, but additional studies are necessary to prove etiology.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected CV1 cells transiently exposed to hypoxia show a burst of viral replication immediately after reoxygenation. DNA precursor incorporation and analysis of growing daughter strands by alkaline sedimentation demonstrated that SV40 DNA synthesis began with a lag of about 3 to 5 min after reoxygenation followed by a largely synchronous viral replication round. Viral RNA-DNA primers complementary to the SV40 origin region were not detectable before 3 min upon reoxygenation. A distinct form of circular closed, supercoiled SV40 DNA was detectable as soon as 3 min after reoxygenation but not under hypoxia. Sensitivity to the DNA nuclease Bal 31 and migration behavior in chloroquine-containing agarose gels suggested that this DNA species was highly underwound compared to other SV40 topoisomers and was probably related to the highly underwound form U DNA first described by Dean et al. (F. B. Dean, P. Bullock, Y. Murakami, C. R. Wobbe, L. Weissbach, and J. Hurwitz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:16-20, 1987), in vitro. 3'-OH ends of presumed RNA-DNA primers could be detected in form U by 3' end labeling with T7 polymerase. Addition of aphidicolin to the cells before reoxygenation led to a pronounced accumulation of form U DNA containing RNA-DNA primers. In vivo pulse-chase kinetic studies performed with aphidicolin-treated SV40-infected cells showed that form U is an initial intermediate of SV40 DNA replication which matures into higher-molecular-weight replication intermediates and into SV40 form I DNA after removal of the inhibitor. These results suggest that in vivo initiation of SV40 replication is arrested by hypoxia before origin unwinding and primer synthesis.  相似文献   

Recent reports of the detection of simian virus 40 (SV40) nucleotide sequences in ependymomas, choroid plexus tumors, osteosarcomas, and mesotheliomas have raised the possibility that SV40, which naturally infects Asian macaques, is circulating among humans. This possibility was examined by performing polymerase chain reaction assays on urine samples of 166 homosexual men, 88 of them human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive, for genomic sequences of SV40 as well as of human polyomaviruses BK virus (BKV) and JC virus (JCV). Tests with masked urine specimens spiked with SV40-transformed cells were included to monitor the SV40 assay. SV40, BKV, and JCV sequences were identified, respectively, in 0, 14%, and 34% of the urine specimens. JCV viruria was far more common (37%) than BKV viruria (5%) in HIV-seronegative persons. HIV infection and more severe immunosuppression were associated with a higher frequency of BKV viruria. In summary, SV40 viruria was not detected among homosexual men who shed human polyomaviruses at a high frequency.  相似文献   

Immunoaffinity-purified paired helical filaments (PHFs) from Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain homogenates contain an associated protein kinase activity that is able to induce the phosphorylation of PHF proteins on addition of exogenous MgCl2 and ATP. PHF kinase activity is shown to be present in immunoaffinity-purified PHFs from both sporadic and familial AD, Down's syndrome, and Pick's disease but not from normal brain homogenates. Although initial studies failed to show that the kinase was able to induce the phosphorylation of tau, additional studies presented in this article show that only cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase-pretreated recombinant tau is a substrate for the PHF kinase activity. Deletional mutagenesis, phosphopeptide mapping, and site-directed mutagenesis have identified the PHF kinase phosphorylation sites as amino acids Thr361 and Ser412 in htau40. In addition, the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites that direct the PHF kinase have been mapped to amino acids Ser356 and Ser409 in htau40. Additional data demonstrate that these hierarchical phosphorylations in the extreme C terminus of tau allow for the incorporation of recombinant tau into exogenously added AD-derived PHFs, providing evidence that certain unique phosphorylations of tau may play a role in the pathogenesis of neurofibrillary pathology in AD.  相似文献   

At least three regions of the simian virus 40 small-t antigen (small-t) contribute to the protein's ability to enhance cellular transformation. As we showed previously for rat F111 cells, one region includes sequences from residues 97 to 103 that are involved in the binding and inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A. In the present study, the role of the protein phosphatase 2A binding region was confirmed in two additional small-t-dependent transformation systems. Second, small-t was found to provide a function previously identified as a large-T transformation domain. Mutations in residues 19 to 28 of large-T affected its transforming ability, but these mutations were complemented by a wild-type small-t. A third region of small-t was also required for efficient transformation. This region, the 42-47 region, is shared by large-T and small-t and contains a conserved HPDKGG hexapeptide. The 42-47 region function could be provided by either small-t or large-T in small-t-dependent systems. Mutations in the 42-47 region reduced the ability of small-t to transactivate the cyclin A promoter, of interest because small-t increased endogenous cyclin A mRNA levels in both human and monkey cells, as well as transactivating the promoter in transient assays.  相似文献   

Exposure to the carcinogen asbestos is a major factor in the development of malignant mesothelioma. However, not all mesotheliomas are associated with asbestos exposure, and only a small minority of people exposed to asbestos develop mesothelioma. Therefore, the identification of the cofactors that render certain individuals more susceptible to asbestos or that cause mesothelioma in people not exposed to asbestos has been a major priority of the International Mesothelioma Interest Group. The possible association of SV40 with mesothelioma was recently discussed in a special session at the Fourth International Mesothelioma Interest Group Conference, and it was decided to conduct a multi-institutional study to independently verify the presence of this tumor virus in mesotheliomas. We report the results of this investigation: (a) DNA and protein analyses revealed SV40 sequences and SV40 large T antigen expression in 10 of 12 mesotheliomas tested (83%); and (b) electron microscopy demonstrated variable amounts of asbestos fibers in 5 (71%) of 7 corresponding lung tissues available for analysis. Our results demonstrate that SV40 DNA is frequently present and expressed in mesotheliomas in the United States. Because our data demonstrate that some patients test positive for both SV40 and asbestos, the possibility that these two carcinogens interact should be investigated in future studies.  相似文献   

Initiation of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is dependent upon the assembly of two T-antigen (T-ag) hexamers on the SV40 core origin. To further define the oligomerization mechanism, the pentanucleotide requirements for T-ag assembly were investigated. Here, we demonstrate that individual pentanucleotides support hexamer formation, while particular pairs of pentanucleotides suffice for the assembly of T-ag double hexamers. Related studies demonstrate that T-ag double hexamers formed on "active pairs" of pentanucleotides catalyze a set of previously described structural distortions within the core origin. For the four-pentanucleotide-containing wild-type SV40 core origin, footprinting experiments indicate that T-ag double hexamers prefer to bind to pentanucleotides 1 and 3. Collectively, these experiments demonstrate that only two of the four pentanucleotides in the core origin are necessary for T-ag assembly and the induction of structural changes in the core origin. Since all four pentanucleotides in the wild-type origin are necessary for extensive DNA unwinding, we concluded that the second pair of pentanucleotides is required at a step subsequent to the initial assembly process.  相似文献   

Treatment of primary cultured rat hepatocytes with hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) gives rise to inositol phosphate formation, cytosolic calcium oscillation, activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and phospholipase D (PLD), and arachidonic acid release, leading to DNA synthesis. Pretreatment of cultured hepatocytes with pertussis toxin (PT), which is known to adenosine diphosphate-ribosylate Gi and Go guanine nucleotide -binding proteins and to inhibit their functions, partially inhibited HGF-induced [3H]thymidine incorporation in a concentration-dependent manner. These results suggest that HGF-mediated DNA synthesis of hepatocytes is partly regulated via PT-sensitive guanine nucleotide-binding protein. Therefore, the effects of PT treatment on HGF-induced signal-transduction pathways were investigated. HGF-induced MAP kinase activation and arachidonic acid release were decreased by PT treatment, whereas PLD activation was diminished by PT to the level of unstimulated control. PT also interfered with HGF-induced inositol phosphate formation and cytosolic calcium oscillation. These results suggest that both PT-sensitive and PT-insensitive pathways are involved in HGF-induced signaling.  相似文献   

Autographica californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) has been shown to encode many of the enzymes involved in the replication of its own DNA. Although the AcMNPV genome contains multiple sets of reiterated sequences that are thought to function as origins of DNA replication, no initiator protein has yet been identified in the set of viral replication enzymes. In this study, the ability of a heterologous origin initiator system to promote DNA replication in AcMNPV-infected cells was examined. A recombinant AcMNPV that expressed the simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen was surprisingly found to induce the efficient replication of a transfected plasmid containing an SV40 origin. This replication was subsequently found to involve three essential components: (i) T antigen, since replication of SV40 origin-containing plasmids was not induced by wild-type AcMNPV which did not express this protein; (ii) an intact SV40 core origin, since deletion of specific functional motifs within the origin resulted in a loss of replicative abilities; and (iii) one or more AcMNPV-encoded proteins, since viral superinfection was required for plasmid amplification. Characterization of the replicated DNA revealed that it existed as a high-molecular-weight concatemer and underwent significant levels of homologous recombination between inverted repeat sequences. These properties were consistent with an AcMNPV-directed mode of DNA synthesis rather than that of SV40 and suggested that T antigen-SV40 origin complexes may be capable of initiating DNA replication reactions that can be completed by AcMNPV-encoded enzymes.  相似文献   

The pattern of expression of the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen gene and resultant dysplasia were re-examined in a line of transgenic mice in which the T antigen gene was under the control of the SV40 early promoter. We found that T antigen expression in the kidney, and resulting dysplastic lesions, occurred exclusively in the distal convoluted tubules and the ascending limbs of Henle. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) expression in the kidney of normal mice was similarly immunolocalized. The correlation between high EGF immunoreactivity in normal mouse tissues and T antigen expression in the transgenic counterpart was also seen in the choroid plexus epithelium and in the submandibular glands of male mice. T antigen was not found in the submandibular gland of transgenic females. Similarly, EGF was only rarely detected in the normal female submandibular gland. In contrast to the correlation between T antigen expression in the transgenic mice and EGF expression in the corresponding tissues of the normal mice, within the dysplastic lesions of the transgenic mice EGF expression was severely diminished. Adenocarcinomas of the male submandibular gland from another line of transgenic mice that expresses the Int-1 transgene, showed similarly reduced levels of immunostaining for EGF. Thus, reduced expression of EGF might be a general feature of dysplasia and tumorigenesis in those tissues that normally express EGF.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr viral nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) is required for the stable replication of plasmids that contain oriP, the origin of DNA synthesis used during the latent phase of the Epstein-Barr virus life cycle. EBNA-1 acts post-synthetically through unknown mechanisms to facilitate the continued synthesis of oriP plasmids in ensuing S phases. In contrast to viral replicons such as that of SV40, DNA synthesis of oriP is restricted to a single round during each cell cycle. Large T-antigen of SV40 is a DNA helicase and activates the synthesis of SV40 DNA by recruiting cellular proteins required for DNA synthesis to the origin of SV40. Using fusion proteins of EBNA-1 and large T-antigen, we tested whether tethering large T-antigen to oriP is sufficient to initiate multiple rounds of DNA synthesis from oriP during each cell cycle. We report here that, although these fusion proteins retain the biological activities of both EBNA-1 and large T-antigen, their constituent proteins do not confer the properties of one on the other. Thus, it is not possible to subvert the cellular controls that restrict DNA synthesis from oriP to a single round per cell cycle. These results also provide insights into architectural constraints at oriP and at the SV40 ori.  相似文献   

The qualities of a peripheral Ag that determine whether T cells will be tolerant of or responsive to it are poorly understood. To approach this problem, we studied the T cell response in a line of transgenic mice selectively expressing an oncoprotein in the islets of Langerhans. The SV40 large tumor Ag (SV40-T) is directed to islet beta-cells in Rip1-Tag3 (RT3) mice by a hybrid insulin promoter-SV40-T construct. Ag is first detected on these cells between 10 and 12 wk after birth. RT3 mice were bred with mice expressing a transgenic rearranged TCR recognizing SV40-T in the context of the class I MHC molecule, H-2Kk. T cell response in the resultant RT3/TCR-double transgenic mice was then analyzed. T cells are fully responsive to SV40-T in RT3/TCR-transgenic mice, and T cells infiltrate the islets of both RT3 and RT3/TCR-transgenic mice. This work demonstrates that T cells may remain responsive to self-Ag expressed outside the thymus, and that this responsiveness may result in autoimmunity. The developmentally delayed expression or the oncogenic nature of SV40-T in the RT3-transgenic mice may be important in determining this T cell response.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication requires the coordinated action of multiple biochemical activities intrinsic to the virus-encoded large tumor antigen (T antigen). We report the preliminary biochemical characterization of the T antigens encoded by three SV40 mutants, 5030, 5031, and 5061, each of which have altered residues within or near the ATP binding pocket. All three mutants are defective for viral DNA replication in cultured cell lines. However, while 5030 and 5031 can be complemented in vivo by providing a wild-type T antigen in trans, 5061 exhibits a strong trans-dominant-negative phenotype. In order to determine the basis for their replication defects and to explore the mechanisms of trans dominance, we purified the T antigens encoded by each of these mutants and examined their activities in vitro. The 5061 T antigen had no measurable ATPase activity and failed to hexamerize in response to ATP, and its affinity for the SV40 origin of DNA replication (ori) DNA was not increased by ATP. In contrast, the 5030 and 5031 T antigens exhibited at least some ATPase activity and both readily formed hexamers in the presence of ATP. These mutants differed in that 5030 was very defective in an ori-dependent unwinding assay while 5031 retained significant activity. Both the 5030 and 5031 T antigens bound to ori-containing DNA, but the binding was less efficient than that of wild-type T antigen and was not affected by the presence of ATP. These results suggest that 5030 and 5031 are defective in some aspect of communication between the ATP binding and DNA binding domains and that the ability of ATP to induce T-antigen hexamerization is distinct from its action to increase the affinity for ori. Finally, all three mutants were defective for the ability to support SV40 DNA replication in vitro. Both the 5031 and 5061 T antigens inhibited wild-type-T-antigen-stimulated replication in vitro, while the 5030 T antigen did not. The fact that the 5031 T antigen was trans dominant in the in vitro assays but not in vivo indicates that the in vitro system does not accurately reflect events occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

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