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通过简要介绍米定义发展的历史,人们从中得到的启示是:这样严密的定义,还在不断地进行修改,使其更加完善。诸如量块长度的定义、测量方法、测量原理和测量可靠性的评估等原来的定义和规定也断地更晚是理所当然的事。  相似文献   

自然之美——日本传统包装的启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
许开强  杨仲林 《包装工程》2002,23(6):130-131
传统包装在包装设计领域起着承前启后的作用,中国的包装设计应在追求现代化的进程中不丢掉优秀的民族传统和民族特色。日本的包装设计值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation into aspects of the off-contact screen-printing process is presented. A mathematical model for the printing of a thin film of Newtonian fluid is proposed, in which the screen is modelled as a permeable membrane, and the entire region above and below the screen is flooded. By drawing upon widely used industrial circuit printing practices, the distinguished limit of greatest interest to this industry is identified. Numerical and asymptotic solutions of this distinguished limit are presented that reproduce many of the features observed in industrial screen-printing  相似文献   

The contributions of John Bardeen to the theory of quantum tunneling are reviewed.  相似文献   

A biographical narrative of John Bardeen’s study of superconductivity from the 1930s through 1957, when he and his postdoc Leon Cooper and his graduate student J. Robert Schrieffer put forth BCS theory. This paper, adapted from L. Hoddeson and V. Daitch [1].  相似文献   

This article is prompted by the remarkable characteristic of nineteenth-century Scotland that circumstances congregate to give an unprecedentedly generous or democratic view of life. Four forms of communication – the statistical accounts, which were followed by the British census records, the boom in publishing, especially in newspapers and journals, and inexpensive communication promoted by the penny post, even the information in street directories and advertisements – all combine with the exploitation of photography to give us insights, which can be disconcertingly specific, acting as occasional spotlights on the landscape. This article is prompted by one particular letter from Robert Louis Stevenson, written when he was a young man, and is followed through two lines of connected thought: the practice of studio photography in Scotland and Stevenson's continuing interest in the photographic portrait.  相似文献   

林曦 《包装工程》2006,27(4):290-292
"工艺美术"运动是起源于英国19世纪下半叶的一场设计运动,是莫里斯学说的直接成果."工艺美术"运动最主要的代表和奠基人威廉·莫里斯,受到拉斯金的民主主义、社会主义思想的影响,在设计上强调设计的服务对象,希望能够重新振兴工艺美术的民族传统,反对矫揉造作的维多利亚风格.本文试着梳理工艺美术运动产生的背景,分析它产生的条件,以便对现代设计的产生有一个更透彻的理解.  相似文献   

目的通过理论建模分析涂膜厚度的成型机理,从而实现对涂膜厚度的精确控制。方法针对牛顿流体在五辊涂布系统存胶辊与计量辊之间微间隙处的流动过程,在机理分析与适当假设的基础上,建立流体流动的数学模型,推导出涂膜厚度与其影响因子之间的关系方程,并分析影响液膜厚度的关键因子。应用CFD软件对流体的流动过程进行数值仿真,通过仿真流场对理论模型与理论推导的边界条件及结果的合理性进行分析。结果表明理论模型与仿真流场一致,理论结果与仿真结果吻合度较高,该理论建模具有相当的合理性。理论结果表明,影响涂膜厚度的因素有涂液粘度和表面张力、计量辊转速、辊径以及辊间间隙,它们与涂膜厚度之间存在较复杂的关系方程。结论有助于在工程实际中快速找到获得理想涂膜厚度的有效工艺参数。  相似文献   

In this paper, goal-oriented a posteriori error estimators of the averaging type are presented for the error obtained while approximately evaluating theJ-integral in nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics. Since the value of the J-integral is one component of the material force acting on the crack tip of a pre-cracked elastic body, the appropriate mechanical framework to be chosen is the one named after Eshelby rather than classical Newtonian mechanics. However, in a finite element setting, the discretized Eshelby problem is generally not solved explicitly. Rather, its solution is approximated by the finite element solution of the corresponding discretized dual Newton problem. As a consequence, discrete material forces arise not only at the crack tip but also at other nodes of the current finite element mesh. It is the objective of this paper to establish goal-oriented a posteriori error estimators in both the framework of Eshelbian and Newtonian mechanics and to elaborate their dual relations. This allows to control the error of the J-integral while, at the same time, no further discrete material forces arise during the adaptive mesh refinement process which could lead to misleading mechanical interpretations of the results obtained by the finite element method. The paper is concluded by numerical examples that illustrate our theoretical results. Dedicated to the memory of the esteemed colleague Professor Karl Popp, University of Hannover, who unexpectedly passed away on April 24, 2005.  相似文献   


During the mid-19th century, the name Lola Montez was a household word in a surprisingly wide range of circles. A London sculptor went so far as to display, in private, her bust side-by-side with that of Queen Victoria1, and while Her Majesty's response to this gesture remained unrecorded, Lola could have drawn comfort from the fact that she herself was enjoyed and admired by large numbers of people in less exalted positions. Her status derived in the first place from her beauty, in the second place from her notoriety, the latter being by far the most potent and enduring stimulus. Photographers flocked to take her picture, not only in Europe but also in America (Figure 1), and popular journals everywhere published her likeness, either in the form of engravings or else as photographs, when that became possible. Lola thus shared with Jenny Lind the distinction of being one of the first to be made into a ‘celebrity’ directly or indirectly through the action of the camera. Lola became the inspiration for plays, novels, music and even a film2.  相似文献   

本文采用奇异摄动方法的匹配法和Fourier变换方法,求出了小球在两平行平壁之间的牛顿流体中下落所受的阻力,并给出了在小球不同程度偏向一壁情况下的数值计算结果.  相似文献   

One of the most ambitious photographic projects the world has ever seen was announced at the 1887 International Astronomical Conference. Known as the Carte du Ciel’ or ‘Mapping the Stars’ project, its grand aim was to record on photographic plates the stars in the night sky. Worked on by eighteen observatories around the world, it was estimated that it would require 22,154 photographic plates. Although little known today, this project cemented the role of photography as a tool for astronomers and was in particular a major accomplishment for the Sydney Observatory, where it was worked on for over seventy years.  相似文献   

标准化教育问题近年来得到了国际标准化组织(ISO)和国外标准机构的高度关注和重视,教育体系不断完善,教育模式不断创新,积累了一些经验和做法。本文在梳理总结国际标准组织(ISO)和国外标准机构的经验和做法的基础上,提出进一步推进我国标准化教育发展的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the circulation of George Shiras 3rd's Midnight Series of deer photographs. The photographs were taken in 1896 as part of Shiras's experiments with night‐time flash photography and were part of the North American practice of camera hunting. The article traces the photograph's circulation from their display at the 1900 Paris Exposition through their publication in National Geographic Magazine. It argues that the meaning of the images shifted as the moved through these different contexts, ultimately helping to frame the genre of wildlife photography.  相似文献   

The 3D flow around a rigid spherical particle suspended in a Newtonian fluid and submitted to simple shear is numerically studied using Rem3D® finite element code. The sphere motion is imposed by a sticking contact between the sphere and the fluid. The effect of the particle size as compared with the finite dimension of the shear cell was investigated. The direct calculations show that 3D modelling is necessary to correctly predict the sphere behaviour. The proximity of the particle and the cell walls strongly affects the flow velocities, the sphere motion (increase of the rotation period of the sphere) and the stress field (change of orientation angle and increase of maximal local stresses).  相似文献   

薛蓬  王竞楠 《标准科学》2016,(11):110-113
近年来,中国与阿位伯国家贸易总体保持高速发展势头。2004~2014年,中国对阿盟进出口额年均增长率为28.3%。同时,阿拉伯国家出于保障国家安全,保证食品安全等目的,频频制定技术性贸易措施,出台了大量的技术法规和标准,以及密集调整检验检测及认证认可等合格评定程序。这些政策对我国向阿出口产生了巨大的影响,我们需要更加关注阿拉伯国家发布的通报信息,做好出口前的准备工作。  相似文献   

中国封建王朝下官吏贪贿犯罪的产生有其特定的原因,专制统治者虽制定了种种对策却收效甚微。文章总结了古代贪贿犯罪产生的原因和反贪的经验,阐述了古代政制、法制和贪贿的本质,有助干我们在当代特殊的历史条件下有效地完善各项法律和制度,最终取得反腐败斗争的胜利。  相似文献   

朱茗茗 《包装工程》2005,26(5):228-229
经济的快速发展给中国包装设计带来了某些负面影响.论述了庄子的"天人合一"、"作忘"、"逍遥游"思想,启示现代包装设计应朝着可持续发展的、健康诚信的,关注情感的方向迈进.  相似文献   

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