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A systematic approach to design a nonlinear controller using minimax linear quadratic Gaussian regulator (LQG) control is proposed for a class of multi‐input multi‐output nonlinear uncertain systems. In this approach, a robust feedback linearization method and a notion of uncertain diffeomorphism are used to obtain an uncertain linearized model for the corresponding uncertain nonlinear system. A robust minimax LQG controller is then proposed for reference command tracking and stabilization of the nonlinear system in the presence of uncertain parameters. The uncertainties are assumed to satisfy a certain integral quadratic constraint condition. In this method, conventional feedback linearization is used to cancel nominal nonlinear terms and the uncertain nonlinear terms are linearized in a robust way. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a minimax LQG‐based robust controller is designed for a nonlinear uncertain model of an air‐breathing hypersonic flight vehicle (AHFV) with flexibility and input coupling. Here, the problem of constructing a guaranteed cost controller which minimizes a guaranteed cost bound has been considered and the tracking of velocity and altitude is achieved under inertial and aerodynamic uncertainties. 相似文献
The robust tracking and model following problem of linear uncertain time‐delay systems is investigated in this paper. By using the solution of the algebraic Riccati equation, this paper presents a direct approach to the design of robust tracking controllers. The system is controlled to track dynamic inputs generated from a reference model. In the case of matched uncertainties, the proposed controller ensures uniform ultimate boundedness of tracking errors and, furthermore, the bounds can be made arbitrarily small. In the case of mismatched uncertainties, a sufficient condition is presented such that the controller guarantees uniform ultimate boundedness of tracking errors. Compared with existing results, the main feature of the approach proposed in this paper is that it does not require any precompensator even for the non‐Hurwitz nominal system and, obviously, it is a direct method. It also employs linear controllers rather than nonlinear ones. Therefore, the designing method is simple for use and the resulting controller is easy to implement. Numerical examples show that this scheme can accommodate larger uncertainties and is likely to produce less conservative results. 相似文献
一种模型参考鲁棒控制的跟踪性能改善 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper considers the tracking performance problem of a model reference robust control (MRRC) for plants with relative degree greater than one. A new algorithm is proposed based on the earlier research. It is shown that by applying a special transformation to the tracking system, the L1 bound of the tracking error can be achieved even when the high frequency gain is unknown, and both the tracking performance and the control effort can be improved significantly. Furthermore, the strictly positive real (SPR) condition, which is an essential assumption of the earlier design, can be removed. 相似文献
LIN Yan JIANG Xu CHENG Peng 《自动化学报》2005,(2)
This paper considers the tracking performance problem of a model reference robust control (MRRC) for plants with relative degree greater than one. A new algorithm is proposed based on the earlier research. It is shown that by applying a special transformation to the tracking system, the L∞ bound of the tracking error can be achieved even when the high frequency gain is unknown, and both the tracking performance and the control effort can be improved significantly. Furthermore, the strictly positive real (SPR) condition, which is an essential assumption of the earlier design, can be removed. 相似文献
The paper addresses a LQG optimal control problem involving bit-rate communication capacity constraints. A discrete-time partially observed system perturbed by white noises is studied. Unlike the classic LQG control theory, the control signal must be first encoded, then transmitted to the actuators over a digital communication channel with a given bandwidth, and finally decoded. Both the control law and the algorithms of encoding and decoding should be designed to archive the best performance. The optimal control strategy is obtained. It is shown that where the estimator-coder separation principle holds, the controller-coder one fails to be true. 相似文献
We consider a problem of robust linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control for discrete-time stochastic uncertain systems with partial state measurements. For a finite-horizon case, the problem was recently introduced by Petersen et al. (IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 45 (2000) 398). In this paper, an infinite horizon extension of the results of Petersen et al. (IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 45 (2000) 398) is discussed. We show that for a broad class of uncertain systems under consideration, a controller constructed in terms of the solution to a specially parameterized risk-sensitive stochastic control problem absolutely stabilizes the stochastic uncertain system. 相似文献
Fucheng Liao Chen Jia Usman Malik Xiao Yu Jiamei Deng 《International journal of systems science》2019,50(5):1017-1027
In the fault-tolerant control theory based on model following control, the desired signal of the control system is the output of a reference system. This paper is concerned with the design of the preview controller for a class of fault systems. A composite vector is introduced by including error vector, fault system state vector and reference system state vector. Then, we derived an augmented system from the known system equation, in which the reference input has equal status with the desired signal in the traditional preview control theory. Therefore, we can use the known theory to design the preview controller for the augmented system, then the preview controller of the original fault system can be obtained by the integration method. This paper strictly discusses the connection between stabilisation and detectability of the augmented system and the corresponding characteristics of the original system. Finally, by applying this theory to a real steam generator water level control system, it is found that the actions of the reference input preview and the fault signal preview can effectively eliminate the effect of the fault signal on the water level of the steam generator. The simulation shows the effectiveness of the controller designed. 相似文献
In our early work, we show that one way to solve a robust control problem of an uncertain system is to translate the robust control problem into an optimal control problem. If the system is linear, then the optimal control problem becomes a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem, which can be solved by solving an algebraic Riccati equation. In this article, we extend the optimal control approach to robust tracking of linear systems. We assume that the control objective is not simply to drive the state to zero but rather to track a non-zero reference signal. We assume that the reference signal to be tracked is a polynomial function of time. We first investigated the tracking problem under the conditions that all state variables are available for feedback and show that the robust tracking problem can be solved by solving an algebraic Riccati equation. Because the state feedback is not always available in practice, we also investigated the output feedback. We show that if we place the poles of the observer sufficiently left of the imaginary axis, the robust tracking problem can be solved. As in the case of the state feedback, the observer and feedback can be obtained by solving two algebraic Riccati equations. 相似文献
Robust stability and performance via fixed-order dynamic compensation with guaranteed cost bounds 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dennis S. Bernstein Wassim M. Haddad 《Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)》1990,3(2):139-163
A feedback control-design problem involving structured plant parameter uncertainties is considered. Two robust control-design
issues are addressed. The Robust Stability Problem involves deterministic bounded structured parameter variations, while the
Robust Performance Problem includes, in addition, a quadratic performance criterion averaged over stochastic disturbances
and maximized over the admissible parameter variations. The optimal projection approach to fixed-order, dynamic compensation
is merged with the guaranteed cost control approach to robust stability and performance to obtain a theory of full- and reduced-order
robust control design. The principle result is a sufficient condition for characterizing dynamic controllers of fixed dimension
which are guaranteed to provide both robust stability and performance. The sufficient conditions involve a system of modified
Riccati and Lyapunov equations coupled by an oblique projection and the uncertainty bounds. The full-order result involves
a system of two modified Riccati equations and two modified Lyapunov equations coupled by the uncertainty bounds. The coupling
illustrates the breakdown of the separation principle for LQG control with structured plant parameter variations.
Supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Contract F49620-86-C-0002. 相似文献
针对最常用的2自由度内模控制系统,利用基于传递函数互质分解的频域理论,推导了存在模型失配且参考输入和扰动为任意已知函数时,所有能实现稳态无差跟踪的前馈控制器和反馈滤波器的参数化表达式.所得结论同时适用干连续和离散时间系统,并可在参数化基础上实现频域的优化控制. 相似文献
Adaptive optic (AO) systems are now routinely used in ground‐based telescopes to counter the effects of atmospheric turbulence. A deformable mirror (DM) generates a correction wavefront, which is subtracted from the turbulent wavefront using measurements of the residual phase provided by a wavefront sensor (WFS). Minimizing the variance of the residual phase defines a sampled data control problem combining a continuous time minimum‐variance (MV) performance criterion with a discrete‐time controller. For a fairly general class of linear time‐invariant DM and turbulence WFS models, this control problem can be transformed into an equivalent discrete‐time LQ optimization problem involving a set of (discrete‐time) control‐sufficient statistics of the incoming continuous‐time turbulence. This paper shows how to constructively solve this MV problem in the presence of DM's dynamics, starting from continuous‐time models of DM and turbulence. This result is extended to the case of asynchronous DM/WFS sampling. An illustrative application to optimal control of tip‐tilt turbulent modes for the European extremely large telescope in the presence of first‐order DM's dynamics is presented. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
对车辆追踪运行进行控制,是实现车辆安全、快捷运行的重要手段之一.将车辆追踪运行控制问题归结为“速度差”调节和标准车距跟踪的混合系统进行研究.建立了离散模型,分析了其能控性和能观性,运用最优控制理论求解其反馈控制律,给出了算法步骤.对具体算例进行了仿真实现. 相似文献
We consider the optimal income tax problem when income differences are due to differences in abilities and in preferences between consumption and leisure among individuals. We model this problem as an optimal control problem and develop a numerical method for solving it. The method is based on the expansion of state and control variables in Lagrange series and on a spectral collocation method for approximating state equations. In this way the optimal control problem is reduced to a parameter optimization problem. The problem is difficult to solve, but we managed to do so with some limitations. On the basis of our calculations we conclude that the tax system in the two-dimensional case is more redistributive compared to that obtained from the one-dimensional model. 相似文献
随着我国智能电网的建设以及电力市场的逐步推行,传统的集中式大电网供电模式已经无法满足当今社会对电力的需求,分布式电源的引入就成为了未来电网发展的一个新趋势。分布式发电技术的引入不仅可以解决集中式发电投资大、建设周期长、调节不灵活及事故范围大等弊端,还能有效地解决全世界所面临的能源危机和环境污染等问题。由于分布式电源的引入,配电网中将会出现很多新的节点类型,处理这些节点时如果采用传统的潮流算法往往难以达到预期的效果,而潮流计算是开展配电网其它研究工作的基础,因此,研究含分布式电源的配电网潮流计算显得尤为重要。本文详细论述了分布式发电的意义以及国内外对于含分布式电源的配电网潮流算法的研究现状。 相似文献
内模控制系统的参数优化对提高工业生产效率意义重大.内模控制系统的产生随控制对象的状态变化而发生变化,随着控制过程复杂程度的增加,控制对象的不稳定状态极具增加,控制参数发生不可控突变.传统的参数控制方法采用补偿技术控制参数突变,但是,这种补偿存在较为明显的滞后性,属于后发式控制,容易形成过控制和欠控制等弊端.为解决上述问题,提出一种控制器和稳定器的参数化设计方法,针对对象不稳定的改进内模控制系统,利用基于传递函数互质分解的频域理论,在保证内稳定性及鲁棒无差跟踪一般性结论的基础上,推导得到所有满足条件的控制器和稳定器的参数化表达式,在众多满足一般性结论的控制器集合中找寻最优控制器,进一步实现系统跟踪性能,抗扰性及鲁棒性能上的优化,最后通过Matlab/Simulink仿真平台进行仿真,验证了所得结论的真实性和可靠性.提出的参数化优化方法可进一步应用于其它内模控制系统的扩展中,优化了参数控制过程. 相似文献
In this paper a novel robust model predictive control (RMPC) algorithm is proposed, which is guaranteed to stabilize any linear time-varying system in a given convex uncertainty region while respecting state and input constraints. Moreover, unlike most existing RMPC algorithms, the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to remove steady-state offset in the controlled variables for setpoints (possibly) different from the origin when the system is unknown linear time-invariant. The controller uses a dual-mode paradigm (linear control law plus free control moves to reach an appropriate invariant region), and the key step is the design of a robust linear state feedback controller with integral action and the construction of an appropriate polyhedral invariant region in which this controller is guaranteed to satisfy the process constraints. The proposed algorithm is efficient since the on-line implementation only requires one to solve a convex quadratic program with a number of decision variables that scale linearly with the control horizon. The main features of the new control algorithm are illustrated through an example of the temperature control of an open-loop unstable continuous stirred tank reactor. 相似文献