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Transgenic mice carrying antisense sequences common to the retinoic acid receptors (RAR) beta1 and beta3 were produced to examine roles of RARbeta1 and beta3 in the immune system. There were no significant changes of endogenous RARbeta1/beta3 expression at the mRNA level in T cells, B cells, and macrophages of the transgenic mice (AS-RARbeta1/beta3 mice). However, there was a decrease of RARbeta1/beta3 protein in the T cells, as expected. Interestingly, a drastic up-regulation (7-10 fold) of RARbeta2 messages and a significant decrease of RARbeta4 messages in AS-RARbeta1/beta3 macrophages were observed compared with that of nontransgenic macrophages. RARbeta2 protein in the transgenic macrophages was also up-regulated. This suggests that there is a dual feedback control for the RARbeta expression. A repressed RARbeta1 and beta3 expression, presumably at the protein level, likely leads to a compensatory up-regulation of RARbeta2 and repression of RARbeta4, which is less active than RARbeta2. The AS-RARbeta1/beta3 mice had no gross abnormality. However, they had compromised rejection response to cardiac allografts. The alloantigen-specific T cell cytotoxicity was reduced, and the macrophage population in the spleen was decreased in these mice. These defects likely contribute to the slower rejection response in the AS-RARbeta1/beta3 mice, the existence of other defects not being excluded. Our study has suggested that RARbeta1 and RARbeta3 are necessary to optimize immune responses.  相似文献   

We previously showed the involvement of retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) in the induction of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) synthesis by RA in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). However, the rather slow onset of this induction of t-PA synthesis suggested an indirect role of RAR alpha. Here, we show that the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide completely blocks the induction of t-PA by RA, which points to the need of an intermediary protein in t-PA stimulation. This intermediary protein is likely to be RAR beta 2 on the basis of the following findings: (1) the induction of RAR beta by RA exactly precedes that of t-PA; (2) HUVECs with elevated RAR beta mRNA levels show an undelayed t-PA induction on stimulation with RA, and this response can be almost completely inhibited with an RAR antagonist; and (3) an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide against the translation initiation site of RAR beta 2 mRNA greatly reduces the t-PA induction by RA. Thus, induction of t-PA by RA in HUVECs involves a 2-step mechanism requiring induction of RAR beta 2 via RAR alpha, followed by induction of t-PA synthesis via RAR beta 2. Each of these steps is shown to have a different activation profile with RA and 9 cis RA.  相似文献   

Our aim was to identify new genes involved in the cellular aspects of defense mechanism of Drosophila, as well as in melanotic tumor formation processes that are linked to blood cell disregulation. We have screened 1341 enhancer detector fly lines for expression of the lacZ reporter gene in larval hemocytes at the end of the third instar. We have selected 21 lines in which we observed a reproducible lacZ expression in blood cells. These lines were classified according to the subsets of hemocytes in which lacZ was expressed, and we identified five lines that can be used as lamellocyte markers. Three lines were selected for further analysis. The first exhibited strong lacZ expression in all lamellocytes. The second expressed lacZ in plasmatocytes and lamellocytes, and exhibited a melanotic tumor phenotype in larvae homozygous for the insertion. A third line showed a striking insertion-linked phenotype of melanized lymph glands (the hematopoietic organ), which resulted in the total absence of circulating hemocytes in the mutant larvae. We anticipate that this mutation, which we named domino, will prove a useful tool in the analysis of the role of hemocytes during the various aspects of immune response and melanotic tumor formation.  相似文献   

The oxygenated metabolite of linoleic acid, 13(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid has recently been shown to play a role in cellular regulation. To detect this molecule in biological systems, we recently developed a specific polyclonal antibody. Using this antibody, we report the presence of 13(S)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid in human urine, cell culture media, and untreated goat serum for the first time by a specific, sensitive, and rapid enzyme immunoassay. Furthermore, the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay data are verified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of the same samples.  相似文献   

The diverse biological functions of retinoic acid (RA) are mediated through retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors. RARs contain a high affinity binding site for RA which is sensitive to treatment with sulfhydryl modification reagents. In an attempt to identify which Cys residues are important for this loss of binding, we created three site-specific RARbeta mutants: C228A, C258A, and C267A. The affinity for RA of all three mutant receptors was in the range of that of the wild type protein, suggesting that none of these Cys residues are critical for RA binding. Rather, these modified Cys residue(s) function to sterically hinder RA binding; however, the modified Cys residues critical for the inhibition of binding differ depending on the reagent employed. Only modification of Cys228 is necessary to inhibit RA binding when RARbeta is modified by reagents which transfer large bulky groups while both Cys228 and Cys267 must be modified when a small functional group is transferred. These data suggest that both Cys228 and Cys267 but not Cys258 lie in the ligand binding pocket of RARbeta. However, Cys228 lies closer to the opening of the RARbeta ligand binding pocket whereas Cys267 lies more deeply buried.  相似文献   

The DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes is organized into a series of loops that are permanently attached at their bases to the nuclear scaffold or matrix at sequences known as scaffold-attachment or matrix-attachment regions. At present, it is not clear what effect affixation to the nuclear matrix has on chromatin architecture in important regulatory regions such as origins of replication or the promoter regions of genes. In the present study, we have investigated cell-cycle-dependent changes in the chromatin structure of a well characterized replication initiation zone in the amplified dihydrofolate reductase domain of the methotrexate-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHOC 400. Replication can initiate at any of multiple potential sites scattered throughout the 55-kilobase intergenic region in this domain, with two subregions (termed ori-beta and ori-gamma) being somewhat preferred. We show here that the chromatin in the ori-beta and ori-gamma regions undergoes dramatic alterations in micrococcal nuclease hypersensitivity as cells cross the G1/S boundary, but only in those copies of the amplicon that are affixed to the nuclear matrix. In contrast, the fine structure of chromatin in the promoter of the dihydrofolate reductase gene does not change detectably as a function of matrix attachment or cell-cycle position. We suggest that attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrix plays an important role in modulating chromatin architecture, and this could facilitate the activity of origins of replication.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16)-immortalized human ectocervical epithelial cells and cells derived from tumors which express HPV16 oncogenes express high levels of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) compared to normal cervical cells. We have also shown that proliferation of these cells is inhibited by retinoid treatment. We have hypothesized that the retinoid inhibition of cell proliferation may be due to the retinoid-dependent reduction in EGFR level. In this study we examine the regulation of EGFR expression in cervical cells with emphasis on two aspects: (1) the mechanism of retinoid-dependent suppression of EGFR levels in HPV16-positive cells and (2) the mechanism of EGFR upregulation by HPV16. EGFR levels were found to be elevated 5-, 3. 7-, and 1.25-fold in the HPV16-immortalized ECE16-1, ECE16-D1, and ECE16-D2 cells, respectively, compared to normal cervical cells. Treatment of ECE16-1 and ECE16-D1 cells with retinoic acid suppresses proliferation, EGFR level, EGFR mRNA level, and EGFR promoter activity. The reduction in EGFR promoter activity appears to account for the reduction in EGFR protein and mRNA levels. In contrast, retinoic acid does not affect cell growth or EGFR level in ECE16-D2 cells or normal cervical cells. To study the mechanisms regulating EGFR expression in HPV16-positive cells, normal ECE cells were cotransfected with an EGFR promoter reporter plasmid and an expression plasmid encoding the HPV16 E6/E7 open reading frames. In the presence of E6/E7, EGFR promoter activity was increased by 2- to 3-fold, suggesting that the E6/E7 proteins are directly or indirectly responsible for the increased EGFR level and that the EGFR promoter contains the DNA elements necessary to mediate this response. Nevertheless expression of E6/E7 proteins did not confer retinoic acid regulation, as EGFR promoter activity remained elevated in normal cells cotransfected with pHPVE6/E7 and treated with retinoic acid. These results suggest that human papillomavirus and retinoic acid regulate EGFR levels by independent effects on the EGFR promoter.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative contribution of retinoic acid receptor (RAR)beta isoforms in conotruncal septation, RAR beta 1 and beta 3 were inactivated in the mouse. Mice lacking RAR beta 1 and beta 3 appear normal. Disruption of these isoforms in RAR alpha or RAR gamma null genetic backgrounds results in a high postpartum lethality. However, except for ocular defects found in RAR beta 1-3/RAR gamma compound mutants, the double null mutants display only abnormalities seen in single null mutants. This probably reflects a functional redundancy with other RARs, most notably with RAR beta 2 which is five- to sixfold more abundant than RAR beta 1 and beta 3 and whose domain of expression is largely overlapping. The conotruncal ridges form normally in retinoid X receptor (RXR)alpha/RAR beta compound mutants but fail to fuse, apparently as a result of excessive apoptosis of mesenchymal cells. Additionally, many cardiomyocytes in the conotruncal wall of these mutants appear necrotic. Although RAR beta 1 and beta 3 are expressed specifically in the conotruncal ridges, failure of fusion of these structures is not more frequent in RXR alpha/RAR beta 1-3 double null mutants than in RXR alpha single null mutants. Similarly, the disruption of the sole RAR beta 2 isoform in a RXR alpha null genetic background does not result in an increase of the frequency of conotruncal septum agenesis. However, this agenesis is fully penetrant in RXR alpha/RAR beta +/- mutants, which reflects distinct role of RXR alpha:RAR beta 1 (and beta 3) and RXR alpha:RAR beta 2 heterodimers in promoting the survival of conotruncal mesenchymal cells. Unexpectedly, we discovered that, in wild-type embryos, the conotruncal mesenchyme is a major site of morphogenetic cell death and that conotruncal myocytes are occasionally necrotic. Thus, excessive cell death in the conotruncus is a potential cause of ventricular septal defects in humans.  相似文献   

We tested the model that neurons and epithelial cells use a shared mechanism for polarized protein sorting by comparing the pathways for localizing basolateral and postsynaptic proteins in C. elegans. GLR-1 glutamate receptors are localized to postsynaptic elements of central synapses and, when ectopically expressed, to basolateral membranes of epithelial cells. Proper localization of GLR-1 in both neurons and epithelia requires the PDZ protein LIN-10, defining LIN-10 as a shared component of the basolateral and postsynaptic localization pathways. Changing the GLR-1 carboxy-terminal sequence from a group I PDZ-binding consensus (-TAV) to a group II consensus (-FYV) restores GLR-1 synaptic localization in lin-10 mutants. Thus, these interneurons utilize at least two separate postsynaptic localization pathways.  相似文献   

Parkinsonism is a feature not only of Parkinson's disease but also of many other diseases affecting basal ganglia function. Functional imaging (PET and SPECT) can demonstrate the various resting patterns of disruption of regional cerebral blood flow, metabolism, and neuropharmacology associated with different parkinsonian disorders. 18F-dopa PET also has the potential to detect subclinical dysfunction of dopaminergic terminals in at-risk subjects. Finally, functional imaging can help us understand the nature of the networks involved in performing different motor tasks, and can reveal how these networks malfunction in the presence of bradykinesia or parkinsonian tremor.  相似文献   

Dye transfer between lens fiber cells and between lens epithelial cells and underlying fiber cells was studied using a wide dynamic range-cooled CCD camera, H2O immersion objectives and image analysis techniques. Each lens was decapsulated by a new technique which leaves the epithelial cells adherent to the lens fiber mass. Lucifer Yellow CH was injected into either single epithelial cells or single fiber cells using the standard whole cell configuration of the patch voltage clamp technique. The results demonstrate extensive dye communication between fiber cells at the lens posterior surface, anterior surface, and equatorial surface. Dye transfer between deep fiber cells was also observed. Dye transfer between approximately 10% of epithelial cells and their underlying fiber cells was apparent when care was taken to yield wide dynamic range images. This was required because the relatively high concentration of dye in the epithelial cell masks the presence of much lower dye concentrations in the underlying fiber cell. A mathematical model which includes dye concentration, time, and spatial spread suggests that those epithelial cells that are coupled to an underlying fiber cell are about as well dye coupled as the epithelial cells themselves. The relatively low dye concentration in a fiber cell is due to its larger volume and diffusion of the dye along the axis of the fiber away from the fiber/epithelial junction.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is an extracellular ligand that binds to a heterodimeric receptor, initiating signals that regulate growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Many cancers, including pancreatic cancer, harbor defects in TGF-beta signaling and are resistant to TGF-beta-mediated growth suppression. Genetic alterations of DPC4, which encodes a DNA binding protein that is a downstream component of the pathway, most frequently occur in pancreatic and biliary carcinomas. We searched for other targets of mutation of the TGF-beta pathway in these cancers. We report somatic alterations of the TGF-beta type I receptor gene ALK-5. Homozygous deletions of ALK-5 were identified in 1 of 97 pancreatic and 1 of 12 biliary adenocarcinomas. A germ-line variant of ALK-5, presumably a polymorphism, was identified, but no somatic intragenic mutations were identified upon sequencing of all coding regions of ALK-5. Somatic alterations of the TGF-beta type II receptor gene (TGFBR2) were identified in 4 of 97 (4.1%) pancreas cancers, including a homozygous deletion in a replication error-negative cancer and three homozygous frameshift mutations of the poly(A) tract of the TGF-beta type II receptor in replication error-positive cancers. We also studied other related type I receptors of the TGF-beta superfamily. In a panel of pancreas cancers preselected for loss of heterozygosity at the ALK-1 locus, sequencing of all coding exons of the ALK-1 gene revealed no alterations. No homozygous deletions were detected in the ALK-1, ALK-2, ALK-3, or ALK-6 genes in a panel of 86 pancreatic cancer xenografts and 11 pancreatic cancer and 22 breast cancer cell lines. The rate of genetic inactivation of TGF-beta pathway members was determined in 45 pancreatic cancers. Eighty-two % of these pancreatic cancers had genetic inactivation of the DPC4, p15, ALK-5, or TGFBR2 genes. Our results indicate that the TGF-beta type I and type II receptor genes are selective targets of genetic inactivation in pancreatic and biliary cancers.  相似文献   

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