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Permeable reactive barriers (PRB) are being used to engineer favorable field conditions for in-situ remediation efforts. Two redox adjustment barriers were installed to facilitate a 10-month research effort on the fate and transport of MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) at a site called the Michigan Integrated Remediation Technology Laboratory (MIRTL). Thirty kilograms of whey were injected as a slurry into an unconfined aquifer to establish an upgradient reductive zone to reduce O2 concentration in the vicinity of a contaminant injection source. To minimize the impact of contaminant release, 363 kg of oxygen release compound (ORC) were placed in the aquifer as a downgradient oxidative barrier. Dissolved oxygen and other chemical species were monitored in the field to evaluate the effectiveness of this technology. A transient one-dimensional advective-dispersive-reaction (ADR) model was proposed to simulate the dissolved oxygen transport. The equations were solved with commonly encountered PRB initial and constant/variable boundary conditions. No similar previous solution was found in the literature. The in-situ lifetimes, based on variable source loading, were estimated to be 1,661 and 514 days for the whey barrier and ORC barrier, respectively. Estimates based on either maximum O2 consumption/production or measured O2 curves were found to under- or overestimate the lifetime of the barriers. The pseudo-first-order rate constant of whey depletion was estimated to be 0.303/d with a dissolution rate of 0.04/d. The oxygen release rate constant in the ORC barrier was estimated to be 0.03/d. This paper provides a means to design and predict the performance of reactive redox barriers, especially when only limited field data are available.  相似文献   

一、国外高阻隔材料和处理技术 对于啤酒容器来说,一些潜在技术的应用带给PET瓶供应商新的机遇。以啤酒用包装材料来看,过半数的业者在3~10年间有1~5%啤酒容器将会被塑料包装材料所取代。 *Eastman化学公司针对啤酒、果汁、蕃茄酱产品用的包装材料,开发出具高阻隔PET用的聚合物Nanocomposites。使用此聚合物不需改变加工成形的过程,利用现有吹瓶成形机即可生产各种形状的瓶子。使用少量的Clay platelets可维持瓶身透明且无色。  相似文献   

磷化是防止钢丝绳微动损伤措施之一。磷化钢丝绳专利技术是将制绳钢丝进行磷化处理并将磷化膜面质量控制在3~60 g/m2,使用磷化后的钢丝捻股合绳。磷化膜与润滑脂共同作用,可以大幅提高钢丝间的润滑效果和钢丝的耐磨损防氧化能力。对比拉拔用磷化钢丝和制绳用磷化钢丝的技术要求,指出制绳用磷化钢丝属于重膜磷化,磷化膜面质量控制在15~30 g/m2,磷化温度一般在90~95℃。由于钢丝力学性能在磷化前后无明显变化,磷化钢丝绳几乎适用于所有种类的钢丝绳产品,尤其是对耐疲劳性能有较苛刻要求的产品。介绍制绳用磷化钢丝的生产及磷化废水的主要处理方法。  相似文献   

Based on results of field testing conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL), this article provides preliminary costs for mercury control via conventional activated carbon injection (ACI), brominated ACI, and conventional ACI coupled with the application of a sorbent enhancement additive (SEA) to coal prior to combustion. The economic analyses are reported on a plant-specific basis in terms of the cost required to achieve low (50%), mid (70%), and high (90%) levels of mercury removal "above and beyond" the baseline mercury removal achieved by existing emission control equipment. In other words, the levels of mercury control are directly attributable to ACI. Mercury control costs via ACI have been amortized on a current dollar basis. Using a 20-year book life, levelized costs for the incremental increase in cost of electricity (COE), expressed in mills per kilowatt-hour (mills/kWh), and the incremental cost of mercury control, expressed in dollars per pound of mercury removed ($/lb Hg removed), have been calculated for each level of ACI mercury control. For this analysis, the increase in COE varied from 0.14 mills/kWh to 3.92 mills/kWh. Meanwhile, the incremental cost of mercury control ranged from $3810/lb Hg removed to $166000/lb Hg removed.  相似文献   

2008年9月26日,由CIFST中国大豆食品学会发起,中国营养学会临床营养分会、儿童食品学会、中国三农研究院等各行业协会团体支持,展太农庄承办,人民网健康频道全程支持的大豆食品营养科普工程在北京正式启动.该项工程提出了"读一本科普书,听一堂营养课,吃一份大豆食品"的口号.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work is to demonstrate the adequacy of Design of Experiments as a reliable tool in the process optimization of dyeing fixing by steaming of pre-printed silk fabrics. The experimental campaign was conducted on a lab-size pilot plant, which re-creates the same operating conditions as in a common industrial case. The steam flow rate and the time spent by the fabric in the steaming chamber were chosen as controlled process parameters. Several samples were extracted and washed. The resulting washing solution of water, released dye and cleaning agent underwent spectrophotometric analysis, whose peak of absorbance was chosen as response for the statistical analysis. The obtained predictive models have shown the high influence of time spent by the fabric in the steaming chamber, while the one of the steam flow rate could be considered negligible. The developed regression equations can be used to predict the absorbance peaks and, consequently, the dyeing persistency, at 90% confidence level and have been useful employed to optimize the permanence of the silk fabric inside the steaming chamber at 13.7 minutes.  相似文献   

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