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微波放大器的非线性失真分析及线性化技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
盖儒虎 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》2007,5(1):36-39
针对当前第三代通信技术对微波放大器的线性度的要求,分析了微波放大器的非线性失真特性,介绍了几种提高线性化特性的技术方案,并比较了各自的优缺点。最后,基于功率回退技术研制了一个W-CDMA(Wide-Code Division Multiple Access)线性功率放大器,并给出了实验测试结果。 相似文献
本文提出一种相对简单的有线电视光发射机非线性预失真补偿电路网络,从理论分析得知,可以通过调节非线性元件的静态工作点和网络末端的放大器的增益,能使光发射机的二次失真和三次失真降低。实验测试结果表明该电路能改善CTB、CSO指标。 相似文献
讨论了信道非线性特性引起的各种失真特性,利用仿真软件比较了信道非线性对单载波和多载波数字通信的影响,总结并分析了目前常用的信道线性化技术,对于高频段多载波数字通信系统射频信道的线性化设计具有一定的指导意义. 相似文献
An experiment is described which demonstrates the validity of the concept of compensating, by holographic techniques, for atmospheric distortions of wavefronts. 相似文献
Nonlinear distortion of bandlimited signals results in spectral spreading. This paper develops a blind nonlinear compensation method for bandlimited signals by suppressing the spectral content of the distorted signal above the original signal bandwidth by means of adaptive nonlinear filtering. The nonlinear compensator is constructed using a power series filter with adaptive coefficients. The adaptive coefficients are identified blindly by applying a least-squares criterion to the out-of-band spectral content of the nonlinear compensator output. The extraction of the out-of-band signal is efficiently performed by the discrete cosine transform. The effectiveness of the blind nonlinear compensation method is demonstrated by way of simulation examples involving periodic, colored noise, and bandlimited speech signals. 相似文献
宋景唯 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》1995,12(1):66-72
A technique for measuring the linearity of a linearly frequency-modulated continuous wave (LFM-CW) signal is presented. It uses a delay-line and a mixer to sense the slope of the output of a sweep oscillator, so that the original form of frequency function deviated from idealized linear slope is retrieved by means of spectrum analysis. Consequently,the linearity of the LFM signal is determined. The formulation is performed based on the principle that an angle-modulated signal can be approximated by an amplitude-modulated signal if the modulation coefficient is sufficiently small. To examine the validity of the procedure and to study the effect of each parameter on the accuracy of measurement, a number of computer simulations has been made. The results of simulation show that the error of the measurement is less than 2%. 相似文献
This letter presents a simple polynomial predictor-based sequence detector for the Rayleigh nonselective fading channel. Unlike the polynomial predictor-based sequence detector proposed by Borah and Hart, the new receiver is not restricted to constant envelope modulation schemes. Analytical and simulated results are presented. In some instances, the proposed receiver performs within 6 dB of the equivalent maximum-likelihood sequence estimation receiver. 相似文献
This paper develops a maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) diversity receiver for the time- and frequency-selective channel corrupted by additive Gaussian noise when linear constellations (M-ASK, M-PSK, M-QAM) are employed. The paper extends Ungerboeck's derivation of the extended MLSE receiver for the purely frequency-selective channel to the more general channel. Although the new receiver structure and metric assume ideal channel-state information (CSI), the receiver can be used wherever high-quality CSI is available, such as a comb of pilot tones or time-isolated symbols. The major contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the derivation of a finite-complexity diversity receiver that is maximum likelihood (ML) for all linear channel models and sources of diversity, as long as ideal CSI is available; (2) a benchmark, in that the new receiver's performance is a lower bound on the performance of practical systems, which either lack ideal CSI or are not ML; (3) insight into matched filtering and ML diversity receiver processing for the time- and frequency-selective channels; and (4) bounds on the new receiver's bit-error rate (BER) for ideal CSI and pilot tone CSI, in a fast Rayleigh-fading channel with multiple independently faded paths. The new receiver can seamlessly tolerate square-root Nyquist pulses without a fading-induced ISI error floor 相似文献
Code and receiver design for the noncoherent fast-fading channel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Krishnamoorthy A. Anastasopoulos A. 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》2005,23(9):1769-1778
This paper deals with the design of coding/modulation and demodulation/decoding schemes for single- or multiple-antenna systems with focus on fast-fading channels, where channel state information (CSI) is not available at the transmitter and the receiver. We explore two possible solutions for this channel with increasing degree of sophistication. The first one utilizes pilots at the transmitter and a simple and explicit noniterative channel estimation algorithm at the receiver. We show that this pilot-assisted system is exactly equivalent, in terms of performance analysis and design, to an appropriately "degraded" system having perfect CSI at the receiver. The second scheme utilizes pilots and a family of well-justified and simple suboptimal iterative detection/estimation algorithms. It is shown that when turbo-like codes are considered in conjunction with this pilot-assisted transmission scheme and the proposed receiver algorithm, the unitary constellations investigated in the literature are inferior to simple pilot-assisted constellations in both complexity and performance. Specific instances of the proposed systems (that use optimized irregular low-density parity-check outer codes) are designed. The design examples provided show that the proposed systems can achieve a good tradeoff between complexity and performance and can be used to bridge the gap between the high complexity/high-performance optimal scheme and low-complexity/mediocre performance noniterative estimation/coherent detection scheme. 相似文献
This paper develops a maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) receiver for the frequency-flat, fast-fading channel corrupted by additive Gaussian noise when linear modulations (M-ASK, M-PSK, and M-QAM) are employed. This paper extends Ungerboeck's derivation of the extended MLSE receiver for the purely frequency-selective channel to the time-selective channel. Although the new receiver's structure and metric assume ideal channel state information (CSI) at the receiver, the receiver structure can be used wherever high-quality CSI is available. The receiver is maximum likelihood for a variety of channels, including Ricean, Rayleigh, lognormal, and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. Bounds on the receiver's bit error rate (BER) are deduced for ideal and pilot tone CSI for fast Rayleigh fading. A crude lower bound is developed on the BER of predictor-based receivers for the same channel. This paper offers insight into matched filtering and receiver processing for the fast-fading channel and shows how pilot symbols and tones should be exploited 相似文献